Party Creation

Character proposals for this game.
Kal Drahr
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Re: Party Creation


Post by Kal Drahr » Sun Nov 05, 2017 5:05 pm

@Deep Spacer, can I post in the Dramatis Personae forum now?

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Re: Party Creation


Post by DeepSpacer » Sun Nov 05, 2017 9:00 pm

Kal Drahr wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2017 5:05 pm
@Deep Spacer, can I post in the Dramatis Personae forum now?
Just need to clarify Duty and Motivation. I have neither of those Clear Skies or Oath: Departed. I don't know what they are.

Here are the following Duties that you can choose from: (Outside what other additional books may have)
Combat Victory – The Player Character is driven to show that the Alliance can hold its own against Imperial forces in any troop vs. troop engagement. He wants to engage the Empire’s military – their best, whenever possible – and provide more victories for the Alliance to tout to the galaxy as proof it can ultimately win the war. This means daring raids, excellent tactics, and acquiring the best firepower possible.

Counter Intelligence – The PC knows that the survival of the Alliance depends upon its ability to hide from the Empire and avoid complete destruction at the hands of its overwhelming military superiority. To this end, he wants to hunt down and eliminate enemy agents and threats, feed false information to Imperial intelligence networks, and cover the movements of all Alliance assets from observation and reporting.

Intelligence – The PC knows that every victory hinges on knowing as much about the Empire’s military might and other assets as possible. He is driven to gather any and all potentially useful data, wishing to locate vital and vulnerable targets for Rebellion forces to strike at. He not only wants to know what the Imperial military factions are up to, but also the state of technological research, economic policies, and other aspects of Imperial strength.

Internal Security – The most dangerous threat to the Alliance comes from within its own ranks. Any Rebel soldier, operative, or ally could be an insidious threat waiting to take an action at a critical moment to bring entire operations crashing down, costing lives and assets. Knowing that vigilance against these threats is the truest form of devotion to the cause of the Alliance, the PC watches for any and all signs of betrayal.

Personnel – More than machines, credits or information, the people of the Alliance are the most important and vital assets there are, and the Player Character knows this. He is devoted to seeing to their safety, well-being, and capacity for success. No one should ever be left behind; the most successful mission might not achieve every goal, but they are successful nonetheless when no one dies.
Political Support – Every blaster, starfighter and thermal detonator in the galaxy is useless without the political will to truly challenge and overthrow Palpatine and his New Order. The Player Character undestands this all too well, and is determined to see to it that as many factions, systems and sectors as possible come to the side- and the aid – of the Alliance against the Empire.

Recruiting – Every engagement with the EMpire is a war of attrition, and that is a war the Rebellion simply cannot win. Nonetheless, more people must be found to serve, and they are needed in every capacity. Not only does the Alliance military need more soldiers and pilots, it needs more technicians, engineers, mechanics, scientists, doctors, slicers and just about every other kind of worker. This Player Character understands the risks of recruitment, as well as the needs, and is constantly on the lookout for allies who are both talented and trustworthy.

Resource Acquisition -There are never enough supplies to fully support those fighting against he juggernaut that is the Empire, and this PC knows it very well. He is determined to seek out new sources of raw materials, food, clothing, weapons, armor and equipment of all kinds. One spare crate of medpacs can save quite a few lives, and a handful of comlinks can mean the difference between success and failure on a mission. He will trade, beg, borrow, and steal anything for the cause.
Sabotage – The largest and most powerful military force in the history of the galaxy is also the most vulnerable to acts of destruction and asset denial. The PC is focused on sabotaging Imperial operations in whatever way possible, no matter what it is.

Space Superiority – To the PC, the war will ultimately be decided in the starts, and what the Alliance lacks in sheer numbers, it more than makes for in quality and tenacity of its pilots.
Tech Procurement – The way this PC sees it, stealing the best developments of the Empire is a crucial way to even the odds.

Support – Although he might not get the same amount of reward or recognition as the people he is helping, the PC has many more opportunities than his fellows to fulfill his Duty to the Rebellion.

Kal Drahr
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Re: Party Creation


Post by Kal Drahr » Sun Nov 05, 2017 11:37 pm

Ah. Clear Skies is from Forged in Battle its description is this:
"This PC recognizes thr danger that infantry units face from enemy air power. A pair of TIE fighters can turn certain victory on the ground into disaster. This PC always has a plan to take out any enemy air suport, whether through the judicious use of pirtable launchers, jammers, camouflage, concealing terrain, or even anti-air emplacments."

While Oath(Departed) is from Keeping the Peace, its description is:
"The character has lost someone, or perhaps too many someones, and carries on in that persons honor. Perhaps the dead were friends, family, or comrades-in-arms. Rrgardless of the specifics of their lives and deaths, they persist in the principle's that guide this character. Questions of what the departed would want weigh heavily on the character's mind and help to form the characters moral compass.

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Start Time.


Post by DeepSpacer » Mon Nov 06, 2017 2:30 am

@Kal, @Trip, @Shado, we can start once backgrounds are finalized and PC's are moved to Dram Pers. I am okay with 'slight' alterations to backgrounds after the start. It's not the most important thing in the world to me. I think enough time has passed and we should move forward.

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Re: Party Creation


Post by ShadoWarrior » Mon Nov 06, 2017 2:37 am

It kind of does matter, though, whether a character is new to the Rebellion or not. I know Lanna is, because I deliberately made it so. Voe isn't a newbie Rebel, due to her being tied to Vesper. Kzar isn't either. That leaves Sarenda. And whether she's connected to Lanna and Voe or not.

Kal Drahr
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Re: Party Creation


Post by Kal Drahr » Mon Nov 06, 2017 3:15 am

Kzar is an opportunist. He isn't new to the existence of the Rebels, but he isn't old friends with them either.

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Re: Party Creation


Post by SavageBob » Mon Nov 06, 2017 3:44 am

Vesper should probably be new to the Rebellion. I mean, Vesper has Duty 0, so she kind of needs to be new. It might make sense that she traveled around with Voe for awhile before introduced to the Rebels proper, perhaps because Voe had to convince the proper channels that she was trustworthy enough to go to Echo Base.

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Re: Party Creation


Post by ShadoWarrior » Mon Nov 06, 2017 3:49 am

The attack on Ralltiir happened in ABY 0. It's now 3 ABY. Per your own backstory you'd have been a Rebel for at least 2 years, and perhaps 3.

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Re: Party Creation


Post by SavageBob » Mon Nov 06, 2017 4:05 am

Correction: Vesper's been off Ralltiir for 2 years but doesn't necessarily have to have joined the Rebellion yet. I'm cool with her being in the Alliance, but I just can't figure out how to reconcile the Duty 0 (which I needed for the XP...)

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Re: Party Creation


Post by SavageBob » Mon Nov 06, 2017 4:44 am

Never mind, I think there's a way to make her a 2-year Rebel while keeping Duty at 0. I've added this bit to her backstory:

To her chagrin, the Alliance has kept Vesper at arm's length: Her parents are noted Imperial loyalists, and her brother, Vigil, has become a commissioned officer in the Imperial navy. Alliance Command worries that Vesper's loyalties may be compromised should she ever get back into contact with her family. The doctor has now reached her second anniversary as a Rebel, and no amount of pickup grav-ball in a makeshift ice court can get her excited to treat the hundredth case of frostbite this week. Vesper yearns for the thrill of the field. But Dr. Torx says he's put in a good report; maybe something will happen soon.

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Re: Party Creation


Post by ShadoWarrior » Mon Nov 06, 2017 2:09 pm

That's pretty good stuff.

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Re: Party Creation


Post by DeepSpacer » Mon Nov 06, 2017 4:22 pm

Very good, SavBob, I agree. Maybe now's the time where the trust has been earned.

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Re: Party Creation


Post by Stneu73 » Mon Nov 06, 2017 5:52 pm

SavageBob wrote:
Mon Nov 06, 2017 4:44 am
Never mind, I think there's a way to make her a 2-year Rebel while keeping Duty at 0. I've added this bit to her backstory:

To her chagrin, the Alliance has kept Vesper at arm's length: Her parents are noted Imperial loyalists, and her brother, Vigil, has become a commissioned officer in the Imperial navy. Alliance Command worries that Vesper's loyalties may be compromised should she ever get back into contact with her family. The doctor has now reached her second anniversary as a Rebel, and no amount of pickup grav-ball in a makeshift ice court can get her excited to treat the hundredth case of frostbite this week. Vesper yearns for the thrill of the field. But Dr. Torx says he's put in a good report; maybe something will happen soon.
I guess Svae could be in a similar boat. She often does things that is outside of the parameters of the Rebellion or something.

Also thanks for the advice on Career and stuff I just wanted to know what you guys thought about it :)
ShadoWarrior wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:41 pm
That makes little sense. Why would Voe give Lanna a lift after she kills Voe's supplier? (With Lanna's hatred of Trandoshans she wouldn't just "beat him up" and leave him still breathing.) Logically, Voe should be pissed at losing the connection and in no mood to do Lanna a favor.
You're right I didn't think that all the way through. I think you're original Idea with having an NPC point you towards Voe or Sarenda would work.
Trip wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2017 3:13 pm
Maybe Sarenda stole some imperial secrets that she feels are too important and too big to keep for herself. So she contacts the alliance to tell them.
And the Sarenda thing works with the imperial plans idea.


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