IC: The Assault on Ione

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Re: IC: The Assault on Ione


Post by SavageBob » Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:49 pm

As Kwist's vital signs return, Vesper heaves a sigh of relief. Maybe hope isn't lost for the two Rebels! She feels a sense of relief and drags her kit over to Braxx's body, inadvertently getting some of her supplies muddy in the process (hence the Image). "Your turn, Braxx! Stay with us, buddy..." Nevertheless, she feels he just might be saved...
Upgraded the check for the previous Image:
Vesper Reshari; Uprising:
2 Successes, 1 Advantage


Will recover 1 Strain for the Image!

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Re: IC: The Assault on Ione


Post by DeepSpacer » Mon Jun 03, 2019 1:14 am

Exhausted, Vesper, Helios, and crew begin to relax, if only for a second. Braxx and Kwist will need long-term care to heal, but are stabilized.

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Re: IC: The Assault on Ione


Post by DeepSpacer » Mon Jun 03, 2019 1:17 am

VICTORY IS OURS!!! (3 Successes)

All combat has come to a standstill and several pirate vessels land at the airfields….followed by even MORE vessels. Imperial troops have either fled or been detained. The group tends to its members. (And, perhaps Helios sets about blasting the grounded TIEs.) The air-control tower is smoking as the Imperials have destroyed in equipment and information inside rather than allowing it to fall into the hands of Rebels. Proper Imperial procedure.

SHUTTLE.JPG (11.52 KiB) Viewed 1706 times

In the distance, at the furthest of the five airfields, a tall officer and a slightly-shorter Imperial officer look back over the lost fuel depot. Reluctantly, they board an Imperial-class shuttle. It takes off into the atmosphere, the pillaging pirates caring more about the spoils of war than the escaping Imperials. An errant shot glances off its shields as it escapes (Despair). The Imperial Fuel Tankers are left intact, abandoned, much to the satisfaction of the pillaging pirates (3 Adv + 3 Adv)! An enraged officer vows to hunt down the rebellious scum who perpetrated this heinous act.

“They were RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF US, Lieutenant-Commander Sears!!! RIGHT THERE!!!” says a fuming Commander.

“Yes, Commander Bullard. I share your frustration. How will we explain this to General Tindale?”

“It is a long flight, Lt-Comm Sears. I shall think of something, lest we be brought up on charges.”
The anti-Imperial forces received boost dice for a combination of: communications jamming, detailed troop information leaked, previously successful MC rolls, a lack of tanks/ATST’s, loss of turrets, loss of TIE’s, the Serrator leaving orbit, and air superiority.

The inability of the Imperial Airfield to launch their TIE Fighters was certainly detrimental to the Imperial cause, as was the loss of their defensive turrets. Still, Imperial Leadership (3 Ranks) is not to be underestimated even when outnumbered!!!

In the end, the Imperial forces were outnumbered and at a severe disadvantage, but still had the skill and leadership of their fearless, well-trained leaders. They manage to find a crack and slip away.

GM; Uprising; Final Mass Combat Check on Ione:
3 Successes, 6 Advantages, 1 Despair,

3 Successes = Ultimate Victory!
6 Adv = 3 Adv each to have two tankers not leave or be sabotaged
Despair = the Imperial Officers escape!!!

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Re: IC: The Assault on Ione


Post by DeepSpacer » Mon Jun 03, 2019 1:27 am

The Red Dawn.jpg
The Red Dawn.jpg (136.63 KiB) Viewed 1703 times
A satisfied Captain Kettel emerges along with Lanna and the rest of the crew. Hearty handshakes and hugs are shared. The injured Alliance parties are loaded aboard.

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Re: IC: The Assault on Ione


Post by DeepSpacer » Mon Jun 03, 2019 1:31 am

Another familiar freighter lands closer to us and a familiar figure exits that ship.
Jairius Tye (sm).JPG
Jairius Tye (sm).JPG (36.74 KiB) Viewed 1703 times
"Well, well, well!!!! What a fortuitous turn of events!!!” he says smugly. “I lost 500 credits wagering I’d never hear from you again! Your story seemed pretty far-fetched.”

“That troop information you sent us was INVALUABLE!!! They never knew what hit them! That Imperial Cruiser in orbit put up quite a fight! We lost some good men there.” He says in a strangely optimistic way while eyeing the spoils of war before him. You’d might expect a hint of sadness, but detect none.

“The Imperials will re-group and return soon. No telling how close reinforcements will be. We should make off with the spoils and be gone soon.”

Imperial equipment and vehicles that cannot be taken will be destroyed, including the field of TIEs.

They eagerly make their way towards the two Imperial fuel tankers and quickly commandeer them!!! (3 Adv for each, extra boons).

“Maybe this so-called Rebel Alliance isn’t so third-rate after all! But raiding a depot isn’t like defeating a Star Destroyer. Regarding that missing freighter you were asking about, a friend of mine MIGHT have heard about it.” He says with a nod and a wink. Darlyn Boda!

"Darlyn Boda? Who is that?" replies one of the PC's.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!" replies Jairius Tye with a robust laugh! "Darlyn Boda isn't a person! It's a place!!!

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Re: IC: The Assault on Ione


Post by DeepSpacer » Mon Jun 03, 2019 1:36 am

On Ione, the recovered Imperial TIE Bomber retrofitted for chemical weaponry and the barrels of neurotoxin found on the base give Tilwyn Greer the proof he needs to successfully persuade its governing body to resist the Empire in any way it can. Ill-equipped as they are, they’ll need help. It will be up to the Alliance to make the connections and rally more allies in the Anoat Sector to the cause!
As Kettel arrives, the prisoner begins to speak. "I......." (He pauses, and shifts around uncomfortably.) "...am Tilwyn Greer, descendant of the great Ulef Greer, long-time member of the Ionen Merchant Council and an unlawful political prisoner by the Imperial Forces that have a stranglehold on Ione. I demand that you explain who you are and release me at once!"


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