Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 3

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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 3


Post by ThreeBFour » Sun May 05, 2019 6:22 pm

Targus Jhonez
Raising his hand in a wave to Hazz, Targus steps forward into the ring. "Hey Hazz, please allow Jessa and I to assist you there, I know just how heavy some of those droids can be, and a few extra hands can make quick work."

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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 3


Post by SavageBob » Wed May 08, 2019 12:31 am

Image "Ah, Targus! Thanks, buddy. Yeah, these droids are like steel-plated rontos when they go dead.”

[The two of you move purposefully into the center of the ring while Garl stays behind to guard the workshop area.]
Give me an Average (ImageImage) Cool or Deception check with a Image and a Image, you two. (Image because Hazz has talked to you, Image since your'e not Nosaurians.) Can you act like you belong on the droid team?

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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 3


Post by SavageBob » Thu May 09, 2019 1:24 am

Targus and Jessa grab the downed droid and begin dragging it across the dirt toward the workshop. Hazz, meanwhile, heads for the winning droid and activates a restraining bolt. The droid starts following him like a nexu kit after its mother.

The Great Cessov
Image [The Zygerrian ringmaster cocks his head at Hazz and cracks a cocky smile.]

"The first bout ends, and here we sit waiting for the cleanup crew. These bouts run so much more professionally on Zygerria. We don't hire amateurs."
Image [Hazz ignores the Zygerrian and begins walking toward the workshop.]
The Great Cessov
Image [The Zygerrian gives a flamboyant bow toward Hazz.]

"Ladies and gentlebeings! O how you are entertained, watching a puny Duros, Twi'lek, and Elom clear the pits! Wouldn't you rather see someone competent work here so that we could have another bout?"
”That's enough, Cessov…”
Before long, the Zygerrian and the Duros are in a full shouting match. The crowd boos and hisses. They want more fighting. Meanwhile, Jessa and Targus make it back to the workshop door with the defeated droid, while the winner continues moving under Hazz's orders and enters the room.
ImageImage = your presence has catalyzed some obvious animosity between Cessov and Hazz. You're now faced with the delimma of slipping into the workshop or waiting to see if the fight ends. It's almost time for you to get back to the dressing room and ready for your performance, so you don't have much time to spare...

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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 3


Post by DeepSpacer » Fri May 10, 2019 2:27 am

Jessa Biela
Image "Make yourself useful Garl and help us out with these droids, why don't you, while those two bicker! This bickering is holding up the show. I'm going to check out the next droid, here. The show must go on!" Jessa will motion for Garl to go over to the others and she smiles at him as he passes by.

Conveniently enough, the line of vision is blocked (Triumph) for her to do some discretionary work on that protocol droid. She picks up a tool or two (1 Adv) and uses the Electromag-Pulse Disruptor she stole to "pop" off the head of the protocol droid and gain access to its memory chip (1 Adv for boost to self). "Oopsy!" she says to herself as the head pops off.

She'll deadpan the droid as "defective" and not worthy of going into the arena.

Last edited by DeepSpacer on Fri May 10, 2019 3:36 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 3


Post by kanila » Tue May 14, 2019 12:36 am

Ryg'gos Rat'kras
Image "Well time to record the performance. Hopefully the earlier footage will make up for missing the intro.” Panning the cam droid across the stage he tried to focus on the highlights while getting a complete image of the band. The more clean shots he had the better.
Ryg’gos ; Deception :
4 Successes, 1 Advantage

Achex Rococa, Torax Ubac, Rade Trah, CT-9564 "Doc", Varc Jesk - Jedi, Meddaar Vampor - Monk

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