Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2

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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2


Post by SavageBob » Thu Dec 27, 2018 8:39 pm

Welpu “Flash” Flashmouth
Image [Flash narrows his eyes at Ryg'gos.]

“You don't have the camdroid here, do you, Mr. Rat'kras?"

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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2


Post by kanila » Thu Dec 27, 2018 8:58 pm

Ryg'gos Rat'kras
Image "Of course not Mr. Flash. I was going to have someone fetch it for me. What’s the issue with droids?"
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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2


Post by Spiritbw » Mon Dec 31, 2018 9:05 pm

Meshel Kevon

Meshel manages to keep the alarm that’s rising in his chest off his face as the exchange goes on.
*Gotta do somethin’ before this goes from bad ta worst*

Thinking that he steps to the front of the stage,”Ya said we were runnin’ late and Mr. Gozer is waitin’. Ryg’gos get backstage and let’s get to da music.”

Not giving anyone a chance to respond he throws himself into the opening bar of “Last Stop (to Wild Space)” with a wild abandon. His aggressive need to draw attention bleeding into his music.

Meshel ; Hyperspace Echoes ; Audition, Coercion and intimidation :
2 Successes, 1 Advantage

Using Intimidation to reduce a hard(3) difficulty roll to a average(2) at the cost of an extra strain for a total of 4 strain.

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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2


Post by SavageBob » Tue Jan 01, 2019 8:44 pm

Lalkan Kithaba
Image [Kithaba's eyes widen as Meshel seizes the initiative. The rival Klatooinian grabs his instrument from the ground and readies it. He pounds the drum with his weathered palms. It's not "Last Stop"—sounds more like an aggressive take on "Mad about Me"—but it works. In fact, it works very well. The acoustics of the hall make the drumbeats ricochet like angry tooka birds.]
Image on Vigilance check = free maneuver = ready instrument. Action: Average (ImageImage) Coercion check.

Lalkan Kithaba; Hyperlight Echoes; Coercion (performance):
2 Successes, 3 Advantages


Maneuver: Assist next ally's check (granting Image). ImageImageImage = acoustics result in a particularly agreeable sound; upgrade Lalkan's next check against Flash after the performance.

[It's official: Meshel has initiated a jam session with the Raging Rontos. Both sides now need to impress the Nosaurian majordomo by performing better than their rivals—without making the joint performance as a whole fail.]

Echoes: 6 net Image
Rontos: 4 net Image

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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2


Post by DeepSpacer » Tue Jan 01, 2019 9:40 pm

DeepSpacer wrote:
Sun Sep 23, 2018 4:13 am
Jessa Biela
Image Jessa is determined to out-perform the opposing Zeltran dancer and attract the gazing eyes of the crow with her dazzling, and seductive, Twi'lek performance as she plays her small harp in her arm. She senses that the time is right (given the venue, Raysel's assistance, etc...) to give it her all and REALLY give the crowd something to pay attention to.

Incidental: Congenial (+1 Strain to Upgrade Charm Check)
Maneuver: pick up instrument
Action: Perform
Boosts: Equip, Venue, Passed B, Attire (2)
Remove SB for Kill With Kindness
Jessa Biela; Echoes; Performance:
3 Successes, 0 Advantage, 1 Triumph,


Will use Triumph to Upgrade Granari's next check. She "hates" her.

3 x 4 = 12

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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2


Post by SavageBob » Tue Jan 01, 2019 11:22 pm

Nijor Pitor
Image [As Meshel's song breaks out, Nijor Pitor takes a different tact. He analyzes the scene, slowly retrieving his hallikset from its case and waiting for the right moment to jump into the emerging mashup. He tries a particularly hard melody, his thin, white fingers strumming the strings with a studied grace.]
Spending a Destiny Point. Maneuver: ready instrument. Action: Perform with Knowledge (Education). Researcher removes Image from check. ImageImageImage from attire, instrument quality, and Lalkan's assist.

Nijor Pitor; Hyperlight Echoes; Knowledge (Education) (performance):
1 Failure, 4 Advantages, 1 Triumph,


Using Knowledge Specialization (Education) 2 to trade Image for ImageImage. Net result is 1 Success, 4 Advantage. Using the 4 Image for a Critical Jam (+5 Image).

Echoes: 18 Image
Rontos: 13 Image

[The Arkanian's melody nearly falters, but he somehow regains control over it, making it mesh with the growing wall of sound. His performance actually wows everyone around.]

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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2


Post by ThreeBFour » Wed Jan 02, 2019 5:42 pm

Targus Jhonez
Targus steps up to the Club's valachord hoping to continue Meshel's and Jessa's dominance of the stage. He let his fingers fly across the keys, "DREK!!!" Shouts the voice in his head. His playing could have been a masterful addition to the song, but he came in two beats late. Maybe no one else would notice.
see OCC for full roll, overall a single Image

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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2


Post by SavageBob » Wed Jan 02, 2019 6:00 pm

As the song moves on, Targus's chagrin is evident on his face.
Image = 1 extra strain on Targus.

Tally remains:

Echoes: 18 Image
Rontos: 13 Image

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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2


Post by kanila » Wed Jan 02, 2019 6:34 pm

Ryg'gos Rat'kras
Image ”This is going to be some amazing footage! It’s a battle of the bands!" Ryg’gos runs around the performance grabbing as much footage as he can with his datapad.
Achex Rococa, Torax Ubac, Rade Trah, CT-9564 "Doc", Varc Jesk - Jedi, Meddaar Vampor - Monk

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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2


Post by SavageBob » Wed Jan 02, 2019 7:36 pm

Ellimelli Porpa
Image [Porpa looks shocked at Meshel's brashness, but the sight of Ryg'gos capitalizing on the moment sets her to motion. The woman produces her own professional-quality holocam and begins gathering her own footage of the battle.]
Ellimelli Porpa; Hyperlight Echoes; Deception check (with DP):

Maneuver to take out holocam. Image from professional holocam and Image on Ryg'gos's roll. Removed Image for Plausible Deniability.

3 Successes, 3 Advantages


+9 Image to the Rontos' total. Spending ImageImage to activate Bad Cop and upgrade the next Ronto check.

[She's good. Porpa moves with a purpose, despite her bulky enviro-suit.]
Image The sight of the cams draws the Zeltron forward. She uses no instrument but instead sways to Lalkan's beat. She approaches the mic and winks at Jessa. She sings.]

“You tell me you're wild,
“Tell it right to my face.
“You go to the spaceport,
“Instead of my place.
“You leave the whole system,
“Don't leave me no trace.
“Guess it's all over.
“Last stop to Wild Space.”

[As Granari sings, you all feel an unexplained allure—some kind of biochemical attraction.]

Difficulty upgraded from Jessa's Triumph. ImageImage from Performer's attire and Pheromones; upgrade from Ellimelli's Bad Cop; Image from Expensive Jewelry]

Granari; Hyperlight Echoes; Charm (performance):
0 Success, 9 Advantages
1 Advantage(s) added From talents or equipment

Forgot the upgrade, so rerolling final Image. Same result.

Granari; Hyperlight Echoes; Charm (performance) correction:
1 Failure, 1 Advantage
1 Advantage(s) added From talents or equipment

[There's something about Granari's moves. But there's something missing from her vocal. Flash looks unmoved.]

Echoes: 21 Image
Rontos: 22 Image

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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2


Post by SavageBob » Wed Jan 09, 2019 2:01 am

Image [Ghaise slips easily behind the Flutterplume's drum set. He picks up Meshel's lead in no time. As Granari takes the mic, the blue-skinned drummer loses his focus for just a split second. But then he's back for a bout of rhythmic virtuosity.]
Ghaise; Hyperlight Echoes; Leadership (performance) w/ DP:
1 Success, 2 Advantages, 1 Triumph,


Amounts to 3 Image. Will trade the Image for a critical jam, which amounts to 5 more Image. (Total of 8 Image.) Using ImageImage to give the final Ronto a Image.

[It's good. It's damn good. The drum solo even seems to take the Rontos' Wookiee floonorp player a bit aback.]
Image [The hulking Wookiee closes his blue eyes for a moment. He seems to be taking in the tapestry of sound surrounding him. He places the floonorp between his black lips. A basso wail weaves into the rest of the sound.]
Kittobuck; Hyperlight Echoes; Resilience (performance) with DP spend:
1 Success, 1 Threat


Means +3 Image to the Rontos. Image = 1 more Strain.

Echoes: 29 Image
Rontos: 25 Image
It's good, too. But not as good as Ghaise.]
Image [As everyone's distracting playing or watching the performance, a slight figure slinks out of the shadows. Kri grabs for Ryg'gos's camdroid in its bag. Maybe she wants to hide it from the Nosaurian?]

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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2


Post by kanila » Wed Jan 09, 2019 2:28 am

Ryg'gos Rat'kras
Image Ryg’gos locks eyes with Kri before giving a nod when she reaches for the bag. Once it’s in her hands he waits for her to slip away before drawing attention to himself to further allow her to get away. ”What a show! Now that’s how it’s done! Both bands are gonna make a killing tonight."
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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2


Post by SavageBob » Wed Jan 09, 2019 2:27 pm

Image "Got it!"

[It's a whisper. Kri waits. Just as the music hits a fever pitch, she moves the bag with the camdroid to her side and stuffs it into her backpack.]

Kri; Hyerlight Echoes; Stealth:
1 Success, 3 Advantages, 1 Despair,

Image from Ryg'gos's assist. Image due to Flash being distracted. Image due to the lights being up.


[Flash doesn't seem to have noticed.]

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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2


Post by SavageBob » Thu Jan 10, 2019 1:45 am

Welpu “Flash” Flashmouth
Image [Flash slashes the air with a clawed digit.]

“Enough! Enough!"

[The music dies down. Flash glares at Meshel.]

“Mister Kevon, I should have you and your band escorted out quick-like.… But that was good. Both bands were quite good. 'Last Stop (to Wild Space)' in a mashup with 'Mad about Me'? Brilliant."

[The Nosaurian peers over his shades at both bands. He glances down at a datapad.]

“But the Blueshift Echoes were better. They've earned the right to headline. If they wish. I ask that you make your decision within the next standard hour. Our opening act needs a chance to set up. And Echoes, Rontos: Please convey our appreciation to Habeth Farjam and Prall the Hutt."
Image [Kri leans over, all conspiratorial. She whispers to Ryg'gos.]

"There's a spot up in the rafters. If we can get the camdroid up there, no one will ever notice it."

Ellimelli Porpa
Image [The Rontos stand there for a moment, unsure what to do. Then they start packing up their instruments. Ellimelli Porpa moves right in front of Ryg'gos.]

“Don't think I don't know what you're up to, Ryg'gos. Any footage you get with that droid you share with me. Or else I remind Flashy-pants over there about the contraband.”

[The vapors emanating from her suit make her look even madder.]

This is the result of the Image. Image because you don't know if she saw the droid.
Ellimelli Porpa; Hyperlight Echoes; Coercion:
1 Failure, 1 Advantage


[Ryg'gos isn't scared by the threat. The Echoes won the contest, after all. But he does suspect Porpa probably did see the droid (Image).]

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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2


Post by kanila » Thu Jan 10, 2019 2:10 am

Ryg'gos Rat'kras
Image "Well I think you guys can handle picking the order without me. I could use a drink, and it seems I need to have a talk with Ellimelli. Filming techniques and all that stuff." Putting an arm around Ellimelli’s shoulder he attempted to guide her towards the bar area. ”Fancy a little chat? I would love to here what you saw during the joint performance.”
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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2


Post by SavageBob » Thu Jan 10, 2019 3:50 am

Ellimelli Porpa
Image [Her eyes narrow at Ryg'gos.]

“Yes. Let's.”

[She shoots Kri a glance.]

“But that bag she's carrying comes with us.”

Lalkan Kithaba
Image [Meanwhile, up on the stage, Kithaba wipes the sweat from his brow and sets his drum down. His eyes remain fixed on Meshel the whole time. It's unsettling.]

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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2


Post by Boutrose Saba-Norr » Thu Jan 10, 2019 6:54 am

Ghaise stands up from his own drums and sees the gaze that the Klantoonian from the other band is giving to Meshal. He decided to head over and try to defuse the situation a little, "I like the way you play, a drummer sets the tone for the whole performance and you set your band up well to succeed. I know Flash said we were better but if so it wasn't by much, I'm really happy to be working with another band as talented as yourselves."

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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2


Post by kanila » Thu Jan 10, 2019 3:22 pm

Ryg'gos Rat'kras
Image Ryg’gos doesn’t really want the cam droid out on the floor but it could cause things to be more difficult while dealing with Ellimelli. Reluctantly he nods at Ellimelli."Why don’t you join us Kri. We have some catching up to do after all."
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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2


Post by Spiritbw » Thu Jan 10, 2019 5:07 pm

Meshel Kevon

Meshel takes a moment to put his synth-viol away before following Ghaise over to talk to the Rontos and Lalkan in particular.

“Ah, Ghaise, I kinda got the jump on ‘em.” Meshel demurrers,”Mind I didn’t exactly give ya a heads up either. Sorry ‘bout that eveyone.”

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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2


Post by Boutrose Saba-Norr » Thu Jan 10, 2019 7:05 pm

Boutrose Saba-Norr wrote:
Thu Jan 10, 2019 6:54 am
Ghaise smiles at the younge klantoonien, "We’ve all had it rough these past few months I know, I think it’s set us all a bit on edge but I would hope that we could all be friends, what do you say?” He extends a hand out towards the drummer for the rontos.

Active: Thino Krist Vo Cari Thew'Ruk Turugh’aie’azanon
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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2


Post by SavageBob » Thu Jan 10, 2019 11:06 pm

Ellimelli Porpa
Image [There's that dagger stare again.]

“Can't handle yourself all alone, Ryg'gos? But she can come along if you wish.”

[She rolls her eyes and starts toward the bar.]
Lalkan Kithaba
Image [Back on stage, Kithaba snaps out of his fixation on Meshel. He looks briefly at Ghaise and forces a grin. He drums his fingers across the top of his bongo.]

“My music honors the Ancient Ones.”

[The Klatoonian looks to Ghaise's proffered hand. He takes the blue-skinned thumb and wiggles it back and forth. This guy must be fresh off the starship. Ghaise can feel a slight tremor in his grip. The Klatooinian seems quite high-strung. The rival drummer looks back at Meshel.]

“I can tell you have important things to do here, Brother. What's your mission?”

[His accent is strange, but his tone is friendly, like one comrade speaking to another. He keeps his voice down to avoid being overheard.]

ImageImage to reveal Flaw: High-Strung
Image to reveal at least part of the group's true motives.

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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2


Post by SavageBob » Thu Jan 10, 2019 11:12 pm

Welpu “Flash” Flashmouth
Image “Nice work, people! See you in about an hour."

[Flash heads toward the kitchens, snout in a datapad.]
Image [The Zeltron singer looks to the Twi'lek dancer.]


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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2


Post by kanila » Thu Jan 10, 2019 11:22 pm

Ryg'gos Rat'kras
Image Ryg’gos just shrugs and follows her."You want insurance, so do I. Unless Kri intimidates you too much." He says with a chuckle. There was no way he wasn’t gonna have an escape plan for the cam droid if things went sideways. After all she wanted it close in case the same happened.
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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2


Post by DeepSpacer » Thu Jan 10, 2019 11:49 pm

[The Zeltron singer looks to the Twi'lek dancer.]

DeepSpacer wrote:
Sun Sep 23, 2018 4:13 am
Jessa Biela
Image Jessa will give this Zeltron the benefit of the doubt, which she rarely does. She will acknowledge the call with eye contact. Perhaps this competitor can be used to her advantage, she thinks.

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Re: Reverb in Blue (IC): Session 2


Post by Spiritbw » Fri Jan 11, 2019 12:26 am

Meshel Kevon

Meshel blinks not quite getting Kithaba's meaning at first,. In a honest state of mind he nearly blurts out,"Mission? Wha' d' ya mean..."

It clicks a second later that something in his actions must have given a clue. He shakes his head and manages the same tone,"Nothin' all that importan' ta be honest. Don' worry 'bout it."


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