IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond

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Re: IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond


Post by swrider » Thu Oct 25, 2018 8:37 pm

Hell patiently listens as the captive recounts the defenses and armaments he is aware of on the base. After the captive describes the two anti ship torrents and the fleet of ties Hell speaks up.
Captain, I can take this vehicle or our ship and do a strafing run on the base to see if I can't get some of those ties and personnel out of the way for you and the fleet. If you let me take this vehicle, I'll call out to them on the radio pretending to be drunk and crazy taunting them. I doubt they will want to call their superiors and tell them that some drunk local stole their vehicle. The star-ship could be better and pulling the ties away from the facility, but I doubt I will be able to fight them all off and we may loose the ship. My plan would be to fly low and get those suckers to crash in the terrain. Either way I'd need a gunner or two. If I use the ship a co-pilot would be nice to help watch out for obstacles and enemies. Perhaps some of our wounded colleagues, they may not be able to stand, but they might be able to shoot. I can't guarantee their safety, but together we may help guarantee the teams and the missions. With either option, the ruse would work better if I can target one of the fuel depots. That is what they are hear to protect, and it is what could cause them to chase me.

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Re: IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond


Post by DeepSpacer » Thu Oct 25, 2018 11:10 pm

Tilwyn Greer goes on...."I was being transferred, they said, to the "Serator" in orbit over the depot. They say it stays in orbit there, a cruiser or destroyer." He says as he rubs his wrists and begins walking around.
"I didn't know there was Rebel activity this far out into the Outer Rim. The Empire has been here for years harvesting our crystals, but there's never been an uprising. The people here lack the inspiration to believe that such a thing is possible. Most of (any) resistance has been in the Core Worlds to the best of my knowledge."

"The only things that trouble the Empire out here are the privateers. Pirates, really. They're more of a nuisance than anything."

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Re: IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond


Post by DeepSpacer » Thu Oct 25, 2018 11:25 pm

"Is that why you're here? To liberate Ione?!!!!" he says optimistically. "The Rebellion has been that successful?"

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Re: IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond


Post by SavageBob » Thu Oct 25, 2018 11:42 pm

Vesper laughs at the idea. "Well, 'liberating Ione is going to take some doing. We might need folks like you on our side if that's ever going to happen. For now, we're after that Imperial fuel. The Empire hit us hard recently. That's why I need to know if there are any more of your kind in there, Imperial prisoners. Folks who need a rescue inside that base."

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Re: IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond


Post by DeepSpacer » Wed Oct 31, 2018 11:19 pm

SavageBob wrote:
Thu Oct 25, 2018 11:42 pm
Vesper laughs at the idea. "Well, 'liberating Ione is going to take some doing. We might need folks like you on our side if that's ever going to happen. For now, we're after that Imperial fuel. The Empire hit us hard recently. That's why I need to know if there are any more of your kind in there, Imperial prisoners. Folks who need a rescue inside that base."
"I see! No other prisoners I know of, and I will be more than happy to aid your efforts here on Ione, and beyond, if you survive this ordeal. Leave me two men and we can look over these prisoners whilst you undertaker your mission."

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Re: IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond


Post by DeepSpacer » Thu Nov 01, 2018 12:07 am

With that, Cpt. Kettel assigns Joons and Cintilla to remain behind with Councilman Greer to guard the remaining Imperials (who they lock together in binder cuffs). Assured of the councilman's assistance, the group moves inside A-A5 vehicle and heads towards the base.

Moving forward....

There is little outside the base to suggest an armed Imperial presence. The sensors monitoring the outer perimeter appear the be the primary means of security (more so than walls, gates, or checkpoints). Stealthily-placed, the sensors are virtually impossible to detect while approaching from the outside without a monitoring device or prior knowledge.

Around a nearby ridge is the fuel depot. There are two laser turret towers, one near and one far, as well as a communications/command center tower near the center of five landing fields. Two of the landing fields are occupied with fueling freighters (a potential good catch for either the pirates or the Rebellion!). Two landing fields are empty, save for some smaller shuttles, and one field is full of about two dozen TIE Fighters lined up in a grid pattern, precisely equidistant. A few hundred meters away is what could be considered a set of barracks, a militaristic-looking one for pilots and Stormtroopers (several Imperial Pilots in gear mill about outside) and some others for regular navy personnel. While about the base are people dressed in Ionen uniforms, Imperial personnel are seen manning essential positions such as the two AT-ST's nearby the barracks.

Fuel provisioning is done through the complex, extensive apparatus along the ridge. Fuel and essentials are either piped over to the fields or carried by vehicle. Around the perimeter are other A-A5 vehicles, like the one you occupy, parked by monitoring stations. Each tower is accessible by entryways at their base. {{A Reminder: the dossier from Hoth has access codes that may be of use. Otherwise, code cylinders are found on the Ionen guards.}}

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Re: IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond


Post by SavageBob » Thu Nov 01, 2018 10:55 am

"Captain Kettel," Vesper says. "I've been thinking about how the Imps might react based on what we do. What they might do in various situations, you know?"
Uprising; Vesper Reshari; Knowledge (Warfare):
2 Successes, 2 Advantages, 1 Triumph,

"I think I have some ideas..."

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Re: IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond


Post by DeepSpacer » Wed Nov 07, 2018 5:28 am

The Imperial Base has a wide-open layout, allowing easy access to all portions of the base. Nothing is overly suspicious about a security vehicle riding around. Two fuel tankers are taking on fuel and cargo in the distant landing areas, plumes of white steam rising from their position. Base personnel mill about in their Ionen uniforms. Access to the base of the Comm Tower is a given, using the security’s code cylinders. Cpt. Kettel and the remaining soldiers remain in the vehicle to guard our means of escape.

Your stomach begins to tie in knots. You begin to ‘have a bad feeling about this’. Taking on a Base Commander in the center of his own base? “What was I thinking?”
But….It’s for the cause….for the Rebellion…. we have the element of surprise…
Each player can make a FEAR Check (CC+Boost vs either Discipline or Cool). Spent one DP and add a Boost since the element of surprise emboldens you some.

A Failed Fear Check = +1 Setback die to all checks for the encounter. Despair increases difficulty for all checks by one. Threats = Strain. Use Adv's as normal (to next check). Triumph = cancel all Fear effects for PC, OR not need to make any more Fear checks this session.

Oona @SanguineAngel may make a Leadership Check to counteract the effects of Fear. The book is non-specific on this, but I surveyed the Forums. So, versus the Fear Effect difficulty (CD + Boost….no DP applied here). Plus one Setback Die per additional PC after the first you are trying to rally. Oona’s own fear result affects this, either positive or negative. This would remove the Setback die from a failed roll, but not the strain.
There is both a top-tier and a second-tier to the tower. The top tier is obviously where air traffic control is conducted and has the most-broad view of the base. The second tier has smaller windows all the way around. The turbolift only goes to only one position….the top tier, which opens into a 5m radius open space with a sealed door. The security code cylinders works for general access, but these doors to the Command Center do not respond to the security cylinders you possess. No cameras or other security devices exist here.
Each player can then make an Initiative Check (Cool, only please) after the fear results (+ Oona) are resolved.

Thino @Boutrose Saba-Norr can make a combined Bypass Security Check (Computers). Setback for unfamiliarity removed by Thino, combined 4 Int given by Vesper’s assistance. No other assistance possible and no other codes work. (YGGG vs CD, plus anything I missed like special equipment or electronic devices. Spent another DP.) The effects of Fear apply, but only the worst of Thino or Vesper’s Fear effect if it applies at all.

Failing the Bypass Security check will necessitate a Skulduggery or Mechanics check. Threats and Advantages (and Fear) applies. I'll give a difficulty IF the Computers check is failed.

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Re: IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond


Post by Boutrose Saba-Norr » Wed Nov 07, 2018 7:15 am

The crew is in the elevator, where a strange and yet oddly pleasant music playing in the background to mark their passage from one floor to the next. The effect combined with the knowledge that there is a commander close by is unnerving, and the Thino thinks that if his species could sweat from their palms his would short out his hacking gear right now. If I get caught in this place I am one dead Rodian

He tries to play it off however and lighten the mood as the doors are closing, making a quick remark, "What's with this music," he lets out a small laugh.

He then breaks out his slicing kit, attaching the datapad to the side of the elevator and sliding on his shock gloves, getting ready to get to work.
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Re: IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond


Post by swrider » Wed Nov 07, 2018 10:59 pm

Hell follows the crew into the elevator, the cramps quaters barely large enough for the humans his poor nexu is forced to curl up into the corner. Well aware of the situation Hell attempts to keep her calm and from causing to much noise. Handling the beast while attempting to prepare for combat proved to be quite taxing on Hell who begain showing the most subtle signs of fatigue. The creature seems to calm as the elevator comes to a halt and Hell raises his weapon into a combat stance ready to engage as soon as the doors open.
That is 1 strain for Hell. Can't believe he succeeded on that.

Helios; Uprising; Cool:
1 Success, 1 Threat


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Re: IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond


Post by SavageBob » Thu Nov 08, 2018 3:20 am

Vesper keeps her calm despite her misgivings about the situation. As the lift ascends, she makes eye contact with Thino and shrugs. "Yeah, what is this music? That new Zannel Redbeam slug?" When the code cylinders fail to open the room, the medic sighs. "I'm no slicer, Thino, but I've been known to Jawa-rig a blast door from time to time. Happy to assist..."

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Re: IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond


Post by Boutrose Saba-Norr » Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:50 am

Thino is busy at work using the interface created by his kits holoprojectors, when he hears vesper's offer, It is just in time as well considering he kept coming up against a difficult algorithm in the system. It kept trying to identify him as using an outside system.

"Thank you, doctor, now do as I say and we should be fine, any time you see one of these data paths turn red on the pad it means that the path has become compromised and I need to find a new one, so as soon I want you to keep watch for the path and identify possible alternatives and switch us over whenever you see our current one begin to turn."

after a few moments and with Vesper's help, Thino had broken the access for the system and gained them the ability to enter the command center.
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Re: IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Nov 10, 2018 12:40 am

The doors open to the backside of a command center. Center personnel dressed in the standard black uniforms and black helmets man the stations, which are all on the perimeter, facing outwards towards the windows. In the center is a two-man monitoring terminal stationed by two more base personnel. All wear light blaster pistols. At first glance, about 6-8 base personnel clad in black are visible.

To the right and left are two Stormtroopers each. They are obviously the ones that escorted those commanding figures into the tower. They wear laminate armor with helms and blaster carbines on slings over their shoulders. To the immediate right and left of the elevator exit are descending stairways to the lower level.

An open channel between the tower and fueling freighter crackles with activity, and then goes silent.
“Confirmed, Tower. Tanker 6-2-1-1 ready to take on cargo, over.”
The air seems filtered and sterile, optimal for working conditions. A slight scent of electronic activity permeates the air. The personnel seem astutely attentive to their terminals.

The taller, older, commanding figure is on the other side of the terminal, along with his “assistant”. They are looking out over the base, dressed in their Imperial Uniforms. The shorter Imperial Officer turns at the sound of the elevator doors opening and look appalled by our presence.

“WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS??? This is a RESTRICTED AREA!!! Leave at once!”

He then looks at what the individuals dressed in Ionen Security Uniforms. One is a Rodian and some are carrying non-standard equipment and weapons. His eyes widen considerably.....

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Re: IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond


Post by SanguineAngel » Sun Nov 11, 2018 8:04 am

Oona Braitano; Uprising; Deception | Communications Tower:
0 Success, 2 Threats
0 Success(es) added from talents or equipment
0 Advantage(s) added From talents or equipment

Oona Braitano; Uprising; Deception | Communications Tower:
1 Success, 0 Advantage

Oona throws out her sharpest Imperial salute for the commander and focuses on the space to the right of his head, "Sir! This rodian," she curls her lip in disgust and flicks her gaze to his, hoping to convey a 'mutual disgust' typical in Imperial organisations, "is an 'agent' [spy] under the direct command of Admiral Cardot. He brings reports of a rebel ground assault being prepared to the south east. The Admiral conveys his regards and requests you deploy a force to pre-empt their attack immediately."

If I can just distract the room enough to allow the others to get into position... with luck this idiot could actually dispatch his troops.

{OOC: I hope this is okay. Ideally I'd have like to scope out the base and locate some names but you've said the personnel here have little idea who they're getting orders from so I'm hoping we'd either know the names of some of the higher ranking officers arrayed against us in the sector or I will be able to sneak a made up name past them.

I've also seperated out the bonus dice - I think I've given adequate explanation for Thino's presence to warrant it but just in case.}

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Re: IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond


Post by SavageBob » Sun Nov 11, 2018 1:16 pm

Vesper nods. "He barely got away in time to warn us, but the story checks out."
Trying to justify that +1 boost.

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Re: IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond


Post by DeepSpacer » Sun Nov 11, 2018 10:11 pm

“Admiral Cardot? Who???” questions the taller commander. His confusion is quickly replaced with concern and disbelief. “Rebel Ground Assault??? HERE??!?!?! I think not!!! The Ione System is free from Rebels!” he says in a scoffing tone.

“Sir!” interrupts a terminal operator. “There was that perimeter violation reported within the last hour. We assumed it was another hunter or salvager that wandered into the forbidden zone. We have not heard from the response team since.”

“This CAN’T be!!!” he says turning out to look over the horizon. “I don’t know WHO this ADMIRAL is, but if there is a Rebellion to be squashed, then I am the one to do it!” says the Commander (as the conversation takes a turn away from the group standing at the command center doors).

He turns back to face the sensor operator, “You have those coordinates?”

“Yes Sir!”

“You’ll finally receive the recognition you deserve, sir, prime opportunity to prove yourself!” pipes up the assistant commander.

Momentarily, the group is ignored for a few seconds of conversation.

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Re: IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond


Post by Boutrose Saba-Norr » Sat Nov 17, 2018 7:35 pm

"Actually sir, my colleague misspoke when they said that the attack is coming from the southeast, that is of course where the rebels want us to believe they are going to attack us from. This is what Admiral Cardot sent me to warn you of. We saw that you sent a transport of troops out to the explosion and we needed to inform you that that is only a distraction to try and pull you in towards the abandoned city of Corin. We believe the rebels are attempting to trick you into thinking that the city is their base of operations so that you will send your forces there and leave this location vulnerable allowing them to circle around and attack the refueling station while it was at its weakest. The actual attack is coming from an area far to the north and a huge detachment is waiting there for signs of significant troop movement towards the perimeter breach before they plan to make their own attack." Thino moves over to the display monitor to indicate where the imperial troops are expected to go, where the rebels are hiding and where they plan to attack from once the imps are out of the way. "Our intelligence shows that they are employing some kind of passive cloaking technology that is preventing our instruments from picking up their exact location. I was not able to get close enough during my recognizance to retrieve some of their tech but think of the prize it could be for the empire, the ability to hide a whole detachment from everything but the naked eye."
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Re: IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond


Post by SanguineAngel » Sun Nov 18, 2018 3:18 pm

"This alien spy makes sense, sir." Oona says, nodding thoughtfully as if just working this out, "Those filthy rebels are always trying to avoid an honourable fight. But you know better than fall for their dirty tricks, sir. By taking them out before they can mobilise, you can really make a name for yourself with High Command!"

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Re: IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond


Post by DeepSpacer » Mon Nov 19, 2018 4:01 am

The Commander pauses for a few seconds, staring out over the horizon, contemplating the information he's just been given. From his demeanor, you can tell that he is seriously contemplating his next move ( {EDIT: against the Rebels} ).

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Re: IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond


Post by SanguineAngel » Mon Nov 19, 2018 4:25 pm

As the commander stares into space Oona catches Vesper and Thino's eyes, subtley lifting her chin to indicate that they should move gently. She eases into the room herself, standing next to one of the computer consoles, hiding her pistol holster from direct view, should she need to reach it without attracting attention. She cranes her neck to take apparent interest in the readouts on the console, smiling at the young man operating it.

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Re: IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond


Post by SavageBob » Mon Nov 19, 2018 8:26 pm

Vesper powers up her shock glove but keeps it low and by her side. She scans the room for other possible exits besides the lift and remains alert.
Vesper Reshari; Uprising; Vigilance:
1 Failure, 2 Advantages

Last edited by SavageBob on Tue Nov 20, 2018 2:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond


Post by DeepSpacer » Tue Nov 20, 2018 2:29 am

SanguineAngel wrote:
Mon Nov 19, 2018 4:25 pm
As the commander stares into space Oona catches Vesper and Thino's eyes, subtley lifting her chin to indicate that they should move gently. She eases into the room herself, standing next to one of the computer consoles, hiding her pistol holster from direct view, should she need to reach it without attracting attention. She cranes her neck to take apparent interest in the readouts on the console, smiling at the young man operating it.
The Commander's eyes narrow and then he pivots on one heel and quickly turns to his assisting commander. "Not a ONE of them will escape our grasp, Lieutenant Commander!" he says while raising his arm at the elbow and forming his black-gloved hand into a fist. "Put the troops on high alert." he says to the terminal operator.

He marches swiftly towards the portal to the turbolift (elevator), motioning for his squad of Stormtroopers to come with. He passes Oona and the others, narrowing his eyes with seeming disapproval at their presence. "Split your troops into two groups and send them in BOTH directions! Apportion them appropriately." he says to his Lt. Comm as he walks past. "We will get a visual confirmation by air."
The Deception works splendidly, except for the fact that he is not willing to allow a single Rebel to escape his grasp in being a bit over-zealous (Despair). That works appropriately with the direction he was being pushed IC to find glory for himself.

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Re: IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond


Post by DeepSpacer » Wed Nov 21, 2018 3:41 am

The entourage passes the group and clusters into the elevator. Helios wishes for a grenade on the Stormtrooper's belt to accidently go off. Vesper considers monkeying with (or bashing) the controls to hinder their progress (not having time to hack them). The doors close and the elevator begins to descend. Thino considers the opportunity to get out a warning message and send the signal to the pirate fleet, whether it be covertly or by force. The person Oona is standing beside looks at her as if to say, "What are YOU still doing here?"
Vigilance (unexpected & detailed): GGG
Minute, tiny two steps beyond Silhouette '0': HARD Difficulty
Very Fine detail, not in plain sight: +2 Setbacks.
+1 Boost for adjacent ally who may notice.
Spending a DS Point (maybe someone sees the light go on)
NPC; Uprising; Notice Grenade Being Activated (Vigilance):
1 Success, 1 Advantage

The exceptionally-vigilant Stormtrooper notices the light go on and the timer mechanism unexpectedly pop up on the Frag Grenade on his front-left side. "WHAT THE???!!!", he thinks to himself in a panic. "The Commander would have MY HEAD if that went off!!!" He shifts awkwardly in his stance.

Unfortunately, a paltry two threats and NO failures on FIVE negative dice wasn't adequate to cancel the lone success rolled. :(

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Re: IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond


Post by swrider » Wed Nov 21, 2018 4:34 pm

Hell watches anxiously as the group passes by him. At frist he was nervious they might have issues with his pet Nexu being in the control room, not everyone is tolerant of these types of things. That left him quickly once he saw the grenades on the storm troopers belts. In his minds eye he could see the safety pins slipping out of their oh so fragile holsters. The grenades activating and engulfing the entire room. He never understood why people would carry something so dangrous. His fears subsided slightly as the doors to the elevators closed, the grenade hand't gone off. At least not while he or his friends were in range. They would probably be back once they say the commandeered vehicle, but that didn't matter. The control tower is left almost undefended and should be easy to take over.
13 damage before soak when grenade goes off. Not enough advantages to activate blast so a boost to the next person to go (1adv this is typically the next action, but it may make sense that it is the next action after the grenade goes off) and remove one strain.

Hellios; Uprising; Force Die:
, 2 Light Side


Hellios; Uprising; Ranged Light Grenade:
4 Successes, 1 Advantage


Hellios; Uprising; Elevator Boost:
1 Success, 1 Advantages *


* Please note I accidentally rolled a green and a purple with this and manually subtracted out those results. The url still goes to the original roll.

Total 5 success 2 advantages,

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Re: IC: City of Corin ...and Beyond


Post by SanguineAngel » Thu Nov 22, 2018 7:29 pm

As the commander disappears into the lift, Oona lets the smile she has been giving the young communications officer turn frosty and abruptly claps her hands together, snapping her gaze away and addressing the room at large. "Okay people! Admiral Cardot has seen fit to put us in charge of the operation here at the base, whilst you valiant commander tackles the rebels head on! Should the rebels manage to mount a counter-offensive against us here, we will be ready. This agent," she indicates Thino, "has personally gathered all the intel we have about the rebel operations here and knows them better than anyone. He has been given carte blanche and you are to take his orders as if they come from the Admiral himself!" She turns to Thino, awaiting his input.


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