IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

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Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson


Post by SanguineAngel » Fri May 25, 2018 8:18 am

Dr. Kene sneers in your direction, eyeballing each of you before huffing and turning his back on you all. Looking back, over his shoulder, "There's no time for this! I have to go. Now. You do what you will!" A flicker momentary confusion crosses his face (as if he doesn't quite remember just what it is that is so urgent) before steely resolve returns and he storms out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Raven, you spin the wheel of the pressurised door until it clicks and pull on the heavy glass towards you. With a little momentum it swings open fully and with little effort. The second door opens with ease.

You step into the red lighting that still bathes the 'artifact', reach out and lift it from the tall podium on which it sits.

The object has the broad appearance of a projectile weapon, clad in a lightweight shell top and bottom. The handle sits within an opening at the rear, so that the operator might almost wear it like a glove. A rubber grip along the underside allows for the user to support the surprising weight with their other hand. Closer inspection reveals a two pronged fork where you might expect the barrel to be. Just visible beneath the shell cover wrapped around the base of each fork is a coil transistor of some description, and further complex electronics beyond. This is like no weapon you have experience with.

"Congratulations," your comlinks crackle about your persons, "you have managed to obtain the artifact, which I will discuss momentarily." The door behind you slides open again as the real Vidarr Hoss strides into the room, thumbing off his comlink, "And no one died, despite your best efforts."

He casts his gaze around the room disparagingly until he locks eyes with his doppelganger. "That was an inventive ruse. Though you've no doubt made my life with Dr. Kene infinitely more difficult. Now, I've seen more accomplished performances from all of you. Who can tell me where you went wrong today?"

OOC: My intention here is simply to have a brief debrief as a group and allow you an opportunity to find out a little about Hoss through conversation so all feel free to chime in.

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Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson


Post by Azzranache » Fri May 25, 2018 9:35 am

Bardax grins a tired grin back at Hoss and leans himself against a nearby counter letting out a sigh of relief.

I'm glad you liked it Sir. They do say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

He attempts to change back to his usual 'Bardax' appearance but is too tired in his current state to push it. Bardax then slumps down on the floor of the laboratory to try and save any last bits of energy that he has.

Looking around at his comrades, Bardax then answers his mentor's question.

I feel I may have exaggerated your talkative personality Sir. If anything though, I may have scored you a date with that cute female science officer. I'd call that a win! he states playfully.

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Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson


Post by crazybirdman » Fri May 25, 2018 1:35 pm

Raven thinks for a bit then says "Sir, we wasted too much time. Fighting droids, falling down the hole, it all adds up.

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Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson


Post by Davakosh » Sat May 26, 2018 2:47 pm

Merton stays perfectly silents and turns on the new double edge lighstaber and gives it a twirl

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Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson


Post by crazybirdman » Sun May 27, 2018 2:42 am

Raven allows himself a slight smile, and wonders if Merton will be getting the ever so rare 'Voss words of praise'. Although more than likely, Voss will still find something to be angry about, and admonish them all.

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Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson


Post by SanguineAngel » Sun May 27, 2018 12:41 pm

Hoss' sharp features narrow in displeasure, "Bardax you've got a smart mouth but that was a foolish risk. What do you think would have happened if your ruse had been discovered? You know exactly where that line of enquiry leads."

"Raven is right; you got sidetracked and it nearly cost you the mission. Merton has precious little to say - perhaps you think you are sitting pretty? Truly, I was impressed. But you were a one man show out there. You have been trained to work as a team. I know, it's the last lesson before graduation, so maybe you're not in the mood."

You receive the licking Raven expected though you all detect a little something extra here, a little more emotion that Hoss commonly exhibits.

"Mark my words, students. Out there, it is not a game. There will be no safety nets, no kindhearted master to protect you. There will be precious few people you can trust. You will have only each other. Your graduation trial begins this afternoon. From here on out, you'd better be ready, regardless of mood."

Hoss exhales deeply, closes his eyes and his features soften.... slightly.

"Now then, Raven, that device you are holding seems unfamiliar, yes? I am not surprised! Unless any of you were industrial miners 30 years ago, I doubt you'd have come across something like this. It is an old fusion cutter! This particular model is practically ancient. It's designed for heavy mining operations and was recovered from a mining complex in the Shadowpeak Mountains. It is more than a simple prop for this lesson, you will need this device for your Trial. Keep a hold of it."

The corners of Hoss' mouth actually lift into a near smile as he continues, "In the past, this was used to extract Kyber crystal from a lode in those mountains. You will do the same. Following your trial, you will be in a position to construct your own lightsabers. No training emitters - the real thing.

We will brief you fully and depart in 3 hours. I suggest you get your gear together, get some rest and hit the infirmary while you can. Are there any questions?"

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Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson


Post by Azzranache » Tue May 29, 2018 11:23 am

Bardax's mouth opened to retaliate with another sarcastic comment but he knew Hoss was right and stopped. The smirk slowly disappeared and he dropped his gaze from realising he had nearly blown his own cover.

He remained silent along with his team while Hoss went on to explain about the item they had recovered.

However, when hearing that now was their opportunity to acquire their very own Kyber crystal to create an actual lightsaber, Bardax soon forgot about his mishaps from the previous task. This was it. What he had been waiting for. All the training they had gone through with practice sabers and now was their chance to become fabled masters of the legendary lightsaber.

Bardax played it cool, trying his best to hide the hungry excitement in his eyes for this incredible task ahead.

The infirmary definitely sounded like a good idea as his body had certainly been through a lot just now.

Thinking about the task ahead, Bardax only had one question for now.

"Which way to the infirmary Sir?" he said as he changed his form back to his usual Bardax appearance.

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Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson


Post by crazybirdman » Tue May 29, 2018 9:32 pm

Raven says, I'm right behind you brother. I want to meditate, but could use some patching up first.

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Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson


Post by SanguineAngel » Wed May 30, 2018 8:09 am

Vidarr Hoss nods with some satisfaction. "Very well. Come with me." About to turn, he tops and casts an eye in Merton's direction, "Merton, you've precious little to convey as usual. That smugness does not sit well with me at all. But you did well against those droids; why don't you keep ahold of that double hilt you're so keen for me to confiscate? You've had little training using such a weapon and could benefit from the practice."

Hoss whips round and exits, leading you all out of the room. Screen wipes as you move out.

OOC: We will fade out of the scene and into the next. Does anyone wish to do anything in particular with their time before the briefing? Presuming you just use the time to recover, you will recover all strain (with help from the infirmary rather than a full night's sleep). Any signficant time spent actively doing anything will prevent that rest but this is and opportunity to act if you have something in mind. If not, then we will proceed to the briefing.

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Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson


Post by Davakosh » Wed May 30, 2018 10:39 pm

Merton Shrugs and follows to the infirmary, hoping to recover from the strain as well.

Using the Psychic whispers, "That went pretty well, so whos Carrying the mining thing? and do you think I can get anough crystals for this?"

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Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson


Post by crazybirdman » Thu May 31, 2018 4:11 am

Raven holds up the tool and says, "I can carry the mining tool in my pack unless one of you want to? If this tech is as old as Master says it is, I'm afraid there won't be any usable crystals left.

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Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson


Post by SanguineAngel » Thu May 31, 2018 4:03 pm

Over the course of the next 3 hours, you are each seen by the physician, given any pills you require (Bardax), plied with bacta pads (Raven), and dismissed to rest or meditate. You recover all of your strain.

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Re: IC Session 01: Shadow Peak


Post by SanguineAngel » Thu May 31, 2018 4:03 pm

“The fusion cutter you obtained this morning was originally recovered from an ancient Sith site located in the Shadow Peak Mountains. The Sith who once lived on Codia apparently stumbled upon a natural source of Kyber crystal here and established a small mining complex half way up Shadow Peak itself, where they mined that lode right into the heart of the mountain.”

The Imperial Lambda class shuttle’s repulsor-lift engines spin to life as the vessel begins a vertical descent back down through Codia’s atmosphere. It’s early afternoon and the large sun is at its zenith in a clear sky. The mountainous landscape below the shuttle is bathed in roseate sunlight.

“Your task today, is to reach the mining complex and venture into the mines there, where you will seek out what remains of the Kyber lode and each take a piece of that crystal to bring back to the Academy.”

Vidar Hoss stands at the cabin hatch, between the two rows of seats lining the belly of the shuttle. He holds himself steady with one arm against the roof of the shuttle while he addresses you. His voice is raised over the pitch of the engine.

“This is your Trial. Remember your training. The climb will be arduous and only the first of many challenges. You have no map, no dossier, and I little idea what to expect inside. When you reach the mining complex, you will need to gather any intelligence and head into the mine to locate your target.”

Through the door to the cabin, and the forward windscreen of the shuttle is the seemingly endless, wrinkled mountain range. As your descent continues, a single peak rises strikingly above the rest against the horizon. Gazing upon the mountain, you are each of you subject to a physical feeling of unease; a finger down the spine, someone watching you, the shiver of someone stepping on your grave.

Despite the bright sunlight, that mountain is shrouded in shadow.

“This is Shadow Peak!" He points through the cabin hatch, "Look closely and you might see a hint of the mining complex up there, halfway up, clinging to the mountainside. We cannot land any closer than this, so you will be on foot from here."

There is a thump as the shuttle makes contact with the ground. Hoss barely moves. The engines shut down with a sigh.

“Once you begin, you will not be able to reach me or anyone at the Academy. If you need anything or you cannot do this, now is the time to speak.”

The shuttle’s ramp winds down, exposing a windblown plateau of tufted grass upon which the shuttle has landed.

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Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson


Post by crazybirdman » Thu May 31, 2018 5:05 pm

Raven looks to the mining complex in the distance and ask, "Master, is this mine still active?"

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Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson


Post by SanguineAngel » Thu May 31, 2018 10:08 pm

Hoss rests a hand on Raven's shoulder as he gazes through the window at the mountain, "No, Raven, it has been many years since the mine was last in active use. But there are... other dangers. Be prepared."

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Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson


Post by crazybirdman » Fri Jun 01, 2018 3:57 am

Raven nods to acknowledge his masters words, then pauses to make sure he has his training lightsaber before disembarking the shuttle.

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Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson


Post by Azzranache » Fri Jun 01, 2018 7:32 am

Bardax listens intently to Raven's conversation with Hoss and thinks to himself that it's looking unlikely he'll be able to rely primarily on his changeling ability like last time.

Seeing Raven advance, Bardax follows suit and breathes in the cool air of the mountain. It felt cold yet something was pulling him closer. Like an urge.

He turns back to Merton and nods in readiness.
Last edited by Azzranache on Tue Jun 05, 2018 1:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson


Post by SanguineAngel » Mon Jun 04, 2018 9:30 pm

OOC: Bah I have lost my post describing the scene here. I will fill this in as best as i remember.

As you step down the rearward facing ramp of the shuttle and step out onto the grass, you are buffeted by a strong crosswind. From almost directly above, the warm of the sun beats down on you in this clearing, a pleasant feeling. The view from the rear of the shuttle is of the sun bathed foothills and surrounding mountains.

In the other direction, beyond the shuttle, you are forced to lean back in order to take in the entirety of Shadow Peak. The mountain towers above you all, bathed in shadow, though there is nothing to cast such shade. At the threshold of where that shadow begins, are two poles stuck in the grass, a short distance apart. Each one sports a bright red Imperial flag whipping vigorously in the wind. This marks the start of your path up the mountain.


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Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson


Post by Azzranache » Tue Jun 05, 2018 1:43 pm

Stepping away from the shuttle, Bardax turns to face Shadow Peak. He squints as his gaze reaches the top of the mountain high up above them.

"OK. Big mountain. Piece of cake." Bardax says aloud.

"Let's do this!"

He starts to make his way around the shuttle and starts his approach towards the red flags to start the journey, eager to see what lies ahead.

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Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson


Post by SanguineAngel » Wed Jun 06, 2018 6:13 pm

When you walk between the flag poles and over the threshold between sunlight and shadow, you notice a perceptible drop in temperature. Though you can still see the sun clearly, you cannot feel it’s warmth on your skin quite as strongly.

The wind continues to press against you on the hike up to the first ‘low’ ridge. Although the air is thinner at these altitudes, the initial climb is surprisingly serene. It is steep enough that you are forced to scramble at times but you encounter little difficulty at first and follow an occasional dirt track winding up the face of the slope; grass under foot is short and tough.

It takes around half an hour to crest the ridge, at which point you can see down into a deep dell between this ridge and the mountain proper. At the bottom of the dell, beneath a thin layer of mist clinging to the low land, is a small, secluded lake. The slope on this side of the dell is clad in a treacherous looking scree. On the other side of the lake, the mountain looks rocky but no scree is visible.

Across the dell, the mountain is much steeper, much rockier and it is difficult to discern a path from here. To your right is a dilapidated rope bridge, spanning the gap between this ridge and the far side of the dell.

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Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson


Post by Davakosh » Wed Jun 06, 2018 7:54 pm

Merton tentatively approaches the bridge and gives it a gentle nudge to see how much it sways. "should I be anchoring climbing gear just in case?"

OOC: can I check if this bridge is strong enough to take our weight, or

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Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson


Post by SanguineAngel » Thu Jun 07, 2018 8:04 am

A closer examination is sufficient to determine that the bridge is quite rickety. At each end, two large, weathered standing stones with substantial metallic hoops provide an anchorage for suspension cables strung out at about head height. Composed of little more than cables and wooden boards, the entire thing swings quite easily when you push and pull on one side. The entire structure creaks but above that you can hear the squeal of metal gradting on stone. As you watch, one of the boards in the middle of the bridge slips lose and falls down into the lake below. The bridge may hold your weight but it is certainly in a state of disrepair.

One thing you do note is that, although the wooden boards are old and unreliable, they are more recent than the rest of the bridge and of varying quality - some look (relatively) newer and solid whilst others look older and rotten. In places, there are boards missing. It would seem the bridge has been maintained within the last few decades, though certainly not recently.

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Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson


Post by crazybirdman » Thu Jun 07, 2018 2:58 pm

Raven says, "We are Emperor's Hands, trained to implement the will of the Force. I don't think this bridge will be the end of us." and confidently crosses the bridge . . .
Raven; Dark Academy; Coordination: cross rope bridge:
0 Success, 1 Advantage

OOC: Well, at least I'm rolling consistently (bad). Can the advantage be the bridge broke on my 1st step and I'm still on land? Or I splash down safely in the water below?

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Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson


Post by SanguineAngel » Fri Jun 08, 2018 8:14 am

Raven, you take two steps onto the bridge and immediately, the second wooden plank cumbles under foot - rotten through. Your leg plunges through and into open air below. Your sudden movement sends the bridge swingly wildly and you must cling to the cable handholds to save from losing your balance entirely. The situation is terrifying, and you feel your heart racing. With the bridge swaying, you are at least close enough to claw yourself back onto solid ground. [please could you take an Average (PP) Fear test using Discipline]

Merton, Bardax, you again hear the screach of metal on stone. [Could one of you roll an Easy (P) Vigilance check with assistance from the other? Assistance would be skilled so you would both roll the same: Merton's 3 Willpower and Bardax's 1 Vigilance (YGG).]
OOC: I loved the idea of you confidently striding forward only to immediately have the rug pulled from under you! So I have gone with your initial idea.

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Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson


Post by Azzranache » Fri Jun 08, 2018 10:24 am

Bardax watches as Raven boldly attempts to cross the old bridge.

As Raven's attempt is thwarted by the bridges fragile condition, Bardax thinks that this option is not something he feels confident about.

He looks around..
He notices a box not too far away. Potentially left by whoever had made some of these repairs in more recent years.


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