Arca Gavalun - Arkanian Healer/Niman Disciple

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Arca Gavalun - Arkanian Healer/Niman Disciple


Post by ShadoWarrior » Tue Apr 10, 2018 2:50 pm

Arca Gavalun

Arca Gavalun
Species: Arkanian Gender: Male Age: 20 Homeworld: Arkania
Career: Consular Specializations: Healer / Niman Disciple
Earned XP: 90
Available XP: 0
Morality: 50 (Strength:Discipline, Weakness:Obstinance) [+10 XP]
Motivation: Pursuit (Efficiency)
Brawn: 3, Agility: 2, Intellect: 4, Cunning: 2, Willpower: 2, Presence: 1
Derived Attributes
Defense: 2M/1R, Soak: 4, Wound THR: 13, Strain THR: 13, Encumbrance: 5/19
General Skills
Cool 1
Discipline 2
Lightsaber 1
Lore 1
Medicine 2
Healer Talents
Physician 2
Rapid Recovery 1
Surgeon 1

Niman Disciple Talents
Defensive Training
Grit 1
Niman Technique
Nobody's Fool 1
Parry 1
Reflect 1

Force Powers - Force Rating 2
Heal Basic
Influence BasicControl Upgrade (Emotion/Belief)
Sense BasicControl Upgrade (Sense Thoughts)

Credits: 100
Gear: ECM-598 Medical Backpack, Jedi Utility Belt, Surveyor's Bag, Mk. III Modular Backpack, Holo-messenger, Scanner Goggles, Canteen, Breath Mask.
Armor: Armored Clothing
  • Basic Lightsaber (Damage: 6; Critical: 2; Breach 1, Sunder)

Arca was born on the Arkanian homeworld, a product of careful genetic engineering by his parents. His father is a renowned professor of applied genetics, a master in the art of gene-splicing. His mother is a distinguished pediatric cardiologist. Having obtained, at great cost and difficulty, DNA samples from many beings with very high midi-chlorian counts, his father experimented for decades until he, more through luck than skill were he to honestly admit, achieved a singular success in producing a viable embryo likely to possess Force sensitivity. That embryo, engineered to be strong and to have a genius intellect, was named Arca in honor of the famous Jedi from long ago. It didn't take long before the Jedi Order became aware of Arca's existence and removed him from his family, despite his parents attempts to use their wealth and political connections to prevent it. He was taken to the distant world of Dantooine to be trained, far away from his parents, who never ceased trying to get him back.

The temple masters early on sensed that Arca was especially sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of others, even if he didn't understand them and even less so share them. Arca also seemed to possess a gift for healing, both through the Force and through mundane means, and was encouraged to pursue training as a Healer. During martial training he demonstrated an affinity for Form VI, Niman, a discipline well suited to diplomats and healers. He is competent in the use of a lightsaber to defend himself, but no more so than any of his peers.

Having been bred for the harsh, cold climate of Arkania, Arca has never been comfortable on the temperate Dantooine. He has stoically, silently endured an environment that most of his fellow Jedi find pleasant but which he finds too warm and too damp. He has never had contact with his parents, the Jedi Order having gone to great lengths to make certain that Arca remain unaware of the circumstances of his origin.


Arca is cold and detached, as well as arrogant and superior. Even for an Arkanian, most of whom share these traits, his interpersonal skills are lacking. He finds it difficult to relate to other people, even other Arkanians. Arca prefers solitude, and went out of his way to avoid making friends during his Jedi training and while being a Padawan. His masters disapproved, of course, but declined to press him on the matter as he otherwise excelled at all other aspects of his training. He doesn't actively dislike other beings, else he would never have become a healer, least of all a good one. He just never feels an urge to connect with anyone else. Not even his own Master. Arca sees emotions as a distraction from more important things, an obstruction to clarity of thought.


Arca is 1.9m tall, with a slender and well-muscled physique. His snow-white hair is cropped short, and complements his icy blue eyes. His posture and bearing towards others makes him look more mature than his mere 20 years.
Last edited by ShadoWarrior on Mon Apr 16, 2018 11:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Arca Gavalun - Arkanian Healer/Niman Disciple


Post by Doctor Who » Wed Apr 11, 2018 12:05 am

Don't need to bother with starting gear as a factor in to character creation. Some personal stuff, sure, but things like the Med pack and Utility belt can be provided upon asking by the Jedi Order. Same with breathmasks, those a thing the Jedi would provide. Now, you can buy one of those if you want, if you want it to be yours and not a loaner, but just letting you know.

Otherwise, mechanically it looks fine. I like the usage of Arkanians, I always thought they were a cool race, lore wise.
Give me about 5 minutes after a post, I'll probably edit it a bit before it is finalized.

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Re: Arca Gavalun - Arkanian Healer/Niman Disciple


Post by ShadoWarrior » Thu Apr 12, 2018 2:04 pm

Arkanian was mainly a crunch decision, but the choice will also fit quite well with the backstory I'm still working on. An impersonal, detached, pragmatic healer, who's a Jedi, will be interesting from a RP POV. Think the autistic "kid" in the new TV series "The Good Doctor", but without the autism. Just the antisocial aspects of high-functioning autism. Another way to look at him would be someone less personable than 3PO, without the excuse of being a droid.

I'll adjust the build to reflect that I won't need so much money. Thanks. 5-10 extra XP is always helpful.

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Re: Arca Gavalun - Arkanian Healer/Niman Disciple


Post by Doctor Who » Mon Apr 16, 2018 11:00 pm

Are you sure you wanted Niman, given it goes to Willpower, which is lower than your brawn?
Give me about 5 minutes after a post, I'll probably edit it a bit before it is finalized.

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Re: Arca Gavalun - Arkanian Healer/Niman Disciple


Post by ShadoWarrior » Tue Apr 17, 2018 1:54 pm

Niman Technique can be selected for Willpower or the default of Brawn. Same is true for all other special techniques, being able to go with Brawn. I took Niman as a spec because it is career. A spec that is Brawn-focused would have been more expensive as it's non-career. Niman also fits a healer better.

The character is ready for review.

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Re: Arca Gavalun - Arkanian Healer/Niman Disciple


Post by Doctor Who » Tue Apr 17, 2018 6:28 pm

Its in your house rules that defense values stack, right? I went back through and looked but didnt see it. I know I've been using that IRL, and I was curious if I'd just atteivutednit to you when I got it somewhere else.

Looks good, fine to move it to the dramatis personae section
Give me about 5 minutes after a post, I'll probably edit it a bit before it is finalized.

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Re: Arca Gavalun - Arkanian Healer/Niman Disciple


Post by ShadoWarrior » Tue Apr 17, 2018 7:03 pm

Arca's defense values are taken directly from Oggdude's app. They depend on wielding a lightsaber (Defensive Training talent). If for some reason he can't use the glowstick then he loses 1/1.

But to answer your question, in my house rules cover and armor defense values stack.

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