Suggestions for setbacks

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Suggestions for setbacks


Post by ShadoWarrior » Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:20 pm

Someone on the FFG EotE board posted the following some time ago, but I neglected to write down his name. I thought I'd share it here, in an easier-to-find location, for any of you who missed it.
You can get a setback die for...

...being unfamiliar with the situation at hand.
...being unfamiliar with the planet you're on.
...being unfamiliar with the local cultural customs.
...being unfamiliar with the tech in front of you (weapons, ships, droids, other gear).
...being unfamiliar with the geographical layout of your immediate area.
...being unfamiliar with the person with whom you're conversing.
...being unfamiliar with the species with which you're interacting.
...being unfamiliar with the region of space in which you find yourself.
...being unfamiliar with the bureaucratic procedures of the organization with which you're dealing.

You can also get a setback die for...

...having a poor reputation with the locals.
...making a bad first impression.
...having done something in the past that make people not trust you (or like you).
...belonging to a certain disfavored species.
...belonging to a certain disfavored organization.
...belonging to a certain disfavored gender.
...being too young, and alienating your older target group.
...being too old, and alienating your younger target group.
...being too heavily-armed.
...not being heavily-armed enough.
...not knowing enough about the current situation.
...knowing too MUCH about the current situation, which makes you gloss over important minute details.
...being of a certain social class or standing.
...the company you keep.
...being in a hurry.
...being stressed or under pressure.
...being hungry or thirsty.
...starving or being dehydrated (two setbacks).
...being uncomfortable.
...being ill.
...being tired.
...being intoxicated.
...going too fast.
...going too slow.
...lacking proper resources to deal with a situation.

Adding the word "very" to the majority of these things will give you two setback dice instead of one!

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Re: Suggestions for setbacks


Post by ThreeBFour » Sat Jun 09, 2018 2:24 pm

Makes a lot of sense, especially if you compare the list to Real Life and the fact we commonly find ourselves in situations where we don't have the information or equipment we need.

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Re: Suggestions for setbacks


Post by Doctor Who » Sat Jun 09, 2018 2:41 pm

THank you for collecting that, I like suggestive aids like this.
Give me about 5 minutes after a post, I'll probably edit it a bit before it is finalized.

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