Elomin Droid Tech

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Elomin Droid Tech


Post by ThreeBFour » Mon Sep 03, 2018 2:20 am

Targus Jhonez
Species: Elomin
Career: Technician
Specialization: Droid Tech
Obligation: 20: Debt (10) [to Ruffus's debtors, +2,500 credits/Instruments, Droid, Tools], Oath (5) [made upon Ruffus's death and taking the Jhonez surname], Favor (5)[What he feels he owes Zannel Redbeam for bringing him into the Band]
Characteristics: (90pts) Br:3, Ag:3, Int:3, Cun:2, Will:1, Pr:3
Derived Attributes: Soak Value: 4(3+1), Wounds: 11, Strain: 13(11+2), Defenses: /

Skills: (15pts)
-Charm(C/R)--1-------------------YGG (Secondary Performance)
-Computers(C)--2-----------------YYG (Secondary Performance)
-Coordination(C)--1---------------YGG (Primary Performance)
-Knowledge: Education(R)--1----YGG (Primary Performance)
-Knowledge: Outer Rim(C)--0----GGG
-Leadership(C)--1------------------YGG (Tertiary Performance)
-Pilot: Planetary(C)--1-------------YGG

Talents: (30pts)
-Speaks Binary--2

Experience Points: 135 Spent; 0 Unspent

Attributes: Characteristics: 90pts, Skills: 15pts, Talents: 30pts

Credits: 50 + 1
Nomad Greatcoat (1 Soak, 100cr), A/KT Tracker Utility Vest (+2 Encum, 100cr)
Mutigoo Gun (Rng: Light, Dmg: 2, Short, Encum: 2, HP: 1, 250cr, Disorient 1, Ensnare 4, Knockdown, Gain automatic on Mechanics Checks
Combat-knife (Melee, Dmg +1, Crit: 3, Engaged, Encum: 1, 25cr)
Utility Belt (+1 Encum, 25cr)
Surveyor’s Bag (+2 Encum, 50cr)
Tool Belt (Encum: 3, 500cr)
Earbud Comlink (Personal Long Range, 75cr)
Handheld commlink (25cr)
Datapad (Encum:1, 75cr)
Emergency Repair Patch (x2, 50cr)
Stimpack (25cr)
Hand Scanner (Designed for Electronics, 100cr)
High Quality Musical Instrument: Used Valachord (Ecum 5, 1000cr)
Common Quality Musical Instrument: Reed-flute (Ecum 1, 100cr)

DUM-Series Pit Droid (450cr) Name: Genius
B1, A1, I0, C0, W1, P1 – Soak 3, Wound 2
Group Skills: Computer, Mechanics, Perception
Talents: Fine Tuning 2
Abilities: Droid, Networking (pg45 EV), Silhouette 0
Equipment: Built-in Comms Suite

Desire: Inventive(wants to create the ultimate ‘Side-man’ musician droid series.)
Fear: Obscurity (not being able to live up to his adopted name.)
Strength: Adaptability (well-rounded)
Flaw: Timidity (Better around only select people or droids)

“Targus Jhonez is not my real name, well the Targus part is, the Jhonez isn’t, but then again do I look human? I’ll get to that in a moment. I don’t remember much of my real father other that a couple of memories and images from my mother’s holo-cube. I do know he gave his life getting us smuggled off of Elom, for the most part under the noses of the Imps.
We finally arrived on Nubia, me a whole four Galactic Standard years old. My mother worked for years as a maid in one of the many tourist hotels around the spaceport of Nuba City. It was during this time I met Ruffus “Biggums” Jhonez, yes, my new last name. Ruffus was one of the many musicians that played the hotels and bars. He and my mother, Shandre, struck up a weird friendship, I say it was love if you ask me. But Ruffus took me under his wing teaching me the art of music and how to play several different instruments including the Valachord, Seven-string Hallikset, Synth-harmonica, and a Reed-flute that he said was from some place called Endor. I would spend hours every day after school at his place learning to play. I was extremely surprised one day when Zannel Redbeam walked into Ruffus’s place, chatting with Ruffus like old friends. It was after he left, autographing a scarf for my mother on his way out, that Ruffus explained that he had taught Zannel how to play and even worked with him on occasion, bringing me along for several gigs and help me get a part-time job working at their studio as a board-tech.
My mother never discouraged my early interest in music, but she did demand that it not be the only thing that I study to the point that she arranged an internship with one of the local droid techs, Siem Layan, a grumpy old Drall who demanded strict adherence to his teachings of droid repair and others, one of them being learning Drallish, he also made me learn Huttese and High Galactic, suggesting that they would be needed in the circles I might travel if I insisted on being a musician. But as a reward for doing so gave me my first droid, a DUM-series Pit Droid, which I named Genius because he is definitely not. I do plan on combining my original love of music with my new love of my mechanical friends.
My mother died last year, some unidentified brain aneurism, and Ruffus took me in, but he seemed much different, like he didn’t care anymore, his music started to suffer, (Master Layan said it was a broken heart, which is when I discovered they were good friends). Zannel would show up a few times a month to check on him, and at Ruffus’s suggestion, brought me over to the studio full time to operate the boards and play back-up. He took me under his wing showing me new and different things about the Biz, it was almost like having a big brother. It hurt a lot when he left on his solo career, but I still owe him big for the chance he took on me.
The debt collectors came calling taking most of his instruments and his life’s belongings, minus the Valachord I have managed to hide away along with that weird Endorian reed flute that Ruffus gave to me. Ruffus died two weeks ago.
Master Layan has since offered me an ‘as requested job’ at his shop, which is his way of saying that I come when needed. But he is letting me stash stuff in his loft, which is where I had already hidden Ruffus’ Valachord to keep it away from the collectors, but they will come. I still have the band and the studio as well.
I will somehow become the musician that Ruffus was and I am taking his last name as a pledge to do so.
Last edited by ThreeBFour on Wed Sep 26, 2018 8:14 pm, edited 19 times in total.

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Re: Elomin Droid Tech


Post by SavageBob » Mon Sep 03, 2018 3:06 am

Hmm. I'm almost inclined to disallow trading Obligation for credits. The ethos of the game is definitely rags to riches, local boys make good, that kind of thing. What if you were to start with regular starting credits and leave these things as aspirational loot to be acquired through play? At least one of the droids could be added as one of the free NPCs you get for the base of operations resource, and you could build another droid during play. In short, it's really keeping with the theme of this sort of fiction for the PCs to be really hungry, and starting with extra credits kind of nullifies that.

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Re: Elomin Droid Tech


Post by SavageBob » Mon Sep 03, 2018 1:12 pm

Having slept on it, I think the extra credits and gear might work if you think it's really important to have that stuff out of the gate. But there needs to be some justification for how you have it that still allows for your character to slum it for at least an adventure's worth of material. Maybe someone (a sibling, a patron, a parent, a lover) gave you that stuff, but it's all hot and could get you into trouble if the police found out? Or maybe you inherited it?)

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Re: Elomin Droid Tech


Post by DeepSpacer » Mon Sep 03, 2018 3:28 pm

SavageBob wrote:
Mon Sep 03, 2018 1:12 pm
Having slept on it, I think the extra credits and gear might work if you think it's really important to have that stuff out of the gate. But there needs to be some justification for how you have it that still allows for your character to slum it for at least an adventure's worth of material. Maybe someone (a sibling, a patron, a parent, a lover) gave you that stuff, but it's all hot and could get you into trouble if the police found out? Or maybe you inherited it?)
Obligation could work. I like the stolen equipment idea, too. Especially in (or near) Hutt Space.

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Re: Elomin Droid Tech


Post by ThreeBFour » Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:05 am

Sorry 12 hour day again, I really am beginning to dislike Coho Salmon season....lol

My basic thought on a back story is the instrument was his mentor's (and father figure) who recently died, but he had to get it out of hoc along with the droids, which although they are basically incompetent (I'm thinking Ironman robot helper arms) they are his friends. So he borrowed the money, I'm think from Vergence's Kadjic, but not his Hutt directly.

The stolen equipment could be worked in as well.

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Re: Elomin Droid Tech


Post by SavageBob » Tue Sep 04, 2018 2:05 pm

If the group's OK with you all playing "slum dogs" who make it big, I'd prefer that the equipment be hot (whether you stole it or not) to preserve the rags-to-riches angle of the game. If folks aren't interested in that angle and instead want to tell a story of youth versus the establishment or some such, it's not as important. Eutger way, if you want the organ to be inherited, that doesn't necessarily contradict the idea that the rest of it is hot. I'll check the math on the build later today; baby is melting down!

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Re: Elomin Droid Tech


Post by SavageBob » Tue Sep 04, 2018 11:50 pm

Spitballing another idea, all of the equipment could have been inherited from your former mentor. Maybe he was killed in shady circumstances and you want to avenge him (even if musically). Or maybe he got arrested for some trumped up or nonsensical charge and you're out to clear his name. Just thinking of ways to tie the gear into plot hooks (and potentially Obligation) for you!

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Re: Elomin Droid Tech


Post by ThreeBFour » Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:33 am

SavageBob wrote:
Tue Sep 04, 2018 11:50 pm
Spitballing another idea, all of the equipment could have been inherited from your former mentor. Maybe he was killed in shady circumstances and you want to avenge him (even if musically). Or maybe he got arrested for some trumped up or nonsensical charge and you're out to clear his name. Just thinking of ways to tie the gear into plot hooks (and potentially Obligation) for you!
Maybe all the above? It's along similar lines that I was already thinking. Just slammed at work, but hoping to be able to get something down on "paper" this week.

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Re: Elomin Droid Tech


Post by SavageBob » Wed Sep 05, 2018 1:01 am

Can't wait to see it!

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Re: Elomin Droid Tech


Post by ThreeBFour » Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:15 am

@ SavageBob I think I've got him pretty much set. Let me know what changes are needed, and I used my suggested World in the story, but easily enough changed.

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Re: Elomin Droid Tech


Post by SavageBob » Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:39 am

Good deal. Headed to bed now, but I'll check him over tomorrow.

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Re: Elomin Droid Tech


Post by SavageBob » Wed Sep 12, 2018 2:07 am

Before I reverse-engineer the XP math, did you put the +30 bonus XP exclusively into Talents?

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Re: Elomin Droid Tech


Post by ThreeBFour » Thu Sep 13, 2018 3:12 am

Yes and no. If we want to, I can say technically I removed 30 points from my Talents used that to up my Brawn to a 3 and then used the 30 points you awarded to repurchase those Talents. Truthfully I just did it the easy way...lol

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Re: Elomin Droid Tech


Post by SavageBob » Thu Sep 13, 2018 3:33 am

Works for me! But it's saying Brawn 2?

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Re: Elomin Droid Tech


Post by ThreeBFour » Thu Sep 13, 2018 4:03 am

SavageBob wrote:
Thu Sep 13, 2018 3:33 am
Works for me! But it's saying Brawn 2?
Fixed, I somehow missed it on here, but have it done on my Word document...duh.

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Re: Elomin Droid Tech


Post by SavageBob » Sat Sep 15, 2018 2:40 am

OK, review time! Looks like attributes should have cost you 90 XP, not 60? Brawn, Agility, and Presence 3 should cost 30 each. Wounds should be 12 with Brawn 3, and Strain should be 11 with Willpower 1.

For skills, you should list all your career skills, even if you don't have points in everything. That should make it easier down the road for choosing where to spend XP.

Looks like the skills break down like this:

Charm 1 (free from species)
Knowledge (Education) 1 (free from species)
Computers 1 (Career)
Coordination 1 (Career)
Mechanics 1 (Career)
Piloting (Planetary) 1 (Career)
Computers 2 (Spec)
Mechanics 2 (Spec)
Cool 1 (5 XP)
Perception 1 (5 XP)

I wonder if you might want to take Leadership? It's the skill you'll use to direct your droids. Speaks Binary may be enough to cover not having the skill trained, but it may have slipped under your radar.

Talents check out.

The math adds up for the character, despite the 60/90 discrepancy on attributes.

Gear adds up to 3,000 credits. Is your 50 credits what you rolled for pocket money?

Onto the fluff stuff:

I like the motivations, but I wonder if the Desire is too specific. Is there a way to get at this same general impulse, but not to tie it directly to the specific droid he wants to design? Maybe "Inventive: Wants to invent new things, such as the ultimate side-man droid"?

Love the first-person backstory. I'd like to see "Jones" replaced by something more Star Warsy. We don't hear such Earth names used as last names. Maybe something that sounds a bit similar would work, like Zhones or Jihones? The Obligation is that you've essentially stolen Ruffus's stuff out from the nose of his debt collectors?

As it stands now, the character doesn't have a link to Zannel Redbeam and the ____ (whatever band name y'all come up with). How did your character become involved with the band, and what was his relationship to Zan and the others? Now that we've moved toward that shared background, we need to tie you into it directly.

We should be good once these things are ironed out!

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Re: Elomin Droid Tech


Post by SavageBob » Sat Sep 15, 2018 2:49 am


And could Targus be the one on the left? It's slim pickings trying to find pictures of Elomin!

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Re: Elomin Droid Tech


Post by ThreeBFour » Sun Sep 16, 2018 2:47 am

@SavageBob Luke and Leia are not Star Wars names? or Rose if we go new episodes?....lol

I forgot to adjust the numbers for the Ability scores, yes it should read 90, I'll adjust.[/quote]

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Re: Elomin Droid Tech


Post by SavageBob » Sun Sep 16, 2018 3:02 am

ThreeBFour wrote:
Sun Sep 16, 2018 2:47 am
@SavageBob Luke and Leia are not Star Wars names? or Rose if we go new episodes?....lol
There's more leeway with first names. Jones is decidedly non-Star Warsy last name: Solo, Skywalker, Calrissian, Dameron... :D

Crap. I accidentally edited your post. Sorry; GM powers are not easy to get used to. Everything else sounds good. I'll let you figure out background, and remember you get the earbud comlink as part of the starting business (so more credits to spend for you).

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Re: Elomin Droid Tech


Post by ThreeBFour » Sun Sep 16, 2018 3:03 am

I might drop Hidden Storage or a Grit talent and take the Leadership skill

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Re: Elomin Droid Tech


Post by ThreeBFour » Sun Sep 16, 2018 3:05 am

So trillions upon trillions of sapient beings in the galaxy and none have a last name of Jones?
I have not problem changing it, just giving hard time....lol

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Re: Elomin Droid Tech


Post by SavageBob » Sun Sep 16, 2018 3:12 am

ThreeBFour wrote:
Sun Sep 16, 2018 3:05 am
So trillions upon trillions of sapient beings in the galaxy and none have a last name of Jones?
I have not problem changing it, just giving hard time....lol
:lol: It just throws me out of the vibe of Star Wars. Even if it were spelled Joahnz or something it would be better. Sorry!

And I would like to see you specifically tied into the overarching storyline of the lead singer leaving. Maybe your mentor was the same music teacher who trained Zannel Redbeam? That would make you two musical "brothers" of a sort.

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Re: Elomin Droid Tech


Post by ThreeBFour » Sun Sep 16, 2018 3:20 am

SavageBob wrote:
Sun Sep 16, 2018 3:12 am
ThreeBFour wrote:
Sun Sep 16, 2018 3:05 am
So trillions upon trillions of sapient beings in the galaxy and none have a last name of Jones?
I have not problem changing it, just giving hard time....lol
:lol: It just throws me out of the vibe of Star Wars. Even if it were spelled Joahnz or something it would be better. Sorry!

And I would like to see you specifically tied into the overarching storyline of the lead singer leaving. Maybe your mentor was the same music teacher who trained Zannel Redbeam? That would make you two musical "brothers" of a sort.
When my Oggdude's was running a couple weeks ago I did have Targus as 16 years old.
I like the idea of Ruffus being Redbeams former teacher and maybe seeing similar potential in Targus, with Targus maybe idolizing Redbeam as an artist, which could easily have turned to hate because Redbeam snubbed Ruffus at the end and not even caring the he was ill. I'll have to sleep on it.

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Re: Elomin Droid Tech


Post by SavageBob » Sun Sep 16, 2018 3:11 pm

Can you indicate how high your Obligation is on the sheet? I think it's at 20: 10 starting, +10 more, both for the Debt?

Any further ideas on how you joined the band before the breakup and what your relationship was to the lead singer? I like the idea that you shared a mentor, and maybe Ruffus convinced Redbeam to take you on as a backup performer to gain some experience, and then he up and splits?

With Computers 2, you're likely to be the group's go-to music mixer (taking the raw audio and mixing it using software in your studio). That's might be another way you got involved with the band, or a talent you discovered through your work with Ruffus and Redbeam.

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Re: Elomin Droid Tech


Post by ThreeBFour » Sun Sep 16, 2018 5:57 pm

SavageBob wrote:
Sun Sep 16, 2018 3:11 pm
Can you indicate how high your Obligation is on the sheet? I think it's at 20: 10 starting, +10 more, both for the Debt?

Any further ideas on how you joined the band before the breakup and what your relationship was to the lead singer? I like the idea that you shared a mentor, and maybe Ruffus convinced Redbeam to take you on as a backup performer to gain some experience, and then he up and splits?

With Computers 2, you're likely to be the group's go-to music mixer (taking the raw audio and mixing it using software in your studio). That's might be another way you got involved with the band, or a talent you discovered through your work with Ruffus and Redbeam.
Are we at 10 starting Obligation or 5? Other post is a wee bit confusing in that.

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