Vesper Reshari

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Vesper Reshari


Post by SavageBob » Tue Oct 31, 2017 10:11 pm

Vesper Reshari
Species: Human
Homeworld: Raltiir
Age: 29
Career: Soldier
Specializations: Medic
Experience: 150
  • Character Creation: 120 (Human + Duty 0)
    Earned: 30
    Unspent: 0


    Wound Threshold: 0/13 Strain Threshold: 0/13 Soak: 4 Defense: 0/0
    Encumbrance: 2/8

    Brawn: 3 Agility: 3 Intellect: 3 Cunning: 2 Willpower: 3 Presence: 2

    Skills: (All career) Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Discipline 1, Knowledge (Education) 1, Knowledge (Warfare) 0, Knowledge (Xenology) 1, Medicine 2, Melee 0, Ranged (Light) 1, Ranged (Heavy), Resilience 1, Survival 0, Vigilance 0.


    Surgeon 1 (When making a Medicine check to help a character heal Wounds, the target heals 1 additional Wound per rank of Surgeon)
    Bacta Specialist 1 (Patients recover 1 additional Wound per rank of Bacta Specialist when they recover Wounds from bacta tanks or long-term care)
    Stimpack Specialization 1 (Stimpacks heal 1 additional Wound per rank of Stimpack Specialization)

    Clothing & Armor

    Heavy Clothing (50 credits; 0 Defense, 1 Soak, Enc 1, HP 0, Rarity 0)
    Physician's Stim Pouch (Can hold two items of encumbrance 0, which can be retrieved as incidentals) (10 credits; 0 Encumbrance, Rarity 0)
    • Stimpack (25 credits; Encumbrance 0, Rarity 1)

    Emergency Medpac (can use Medicine to heal others with no penalty) (100 credits; Enc 1, Rarity 1)


    Light Blaster Pistol (300 credits; Damage 5, Crit 4, Range [Medium], Encumbrance 1, HP 2, Rarity 4, Stun Setting)


    Vesper Reshari was a military brat. Her family followed Tylon Reshari, a non-commissioned officer in the Republic Navy, from post to post: Rhinnal, Esseles, Brentaal, Corulag—while her mother, Hyinth, worked as a nurse. When the Galactic Republic turned Empire, Tylon Reshari took the opportunity to retire, and the family settled down on their home planet, Raltiir.

    Moving so much as a child, Vesper found one thing that could keep her grounded: grav-ball, ironically, the sport of antigrav movement and scoring goals. Vesper became a skilled wing attacker, protecting the ball carrier by smashing into enemy attackers head-on. She won a scholarship to the University or Raltiir, the first in her family to go on to university. For the next three years, Vesper started for the Raltiiri Glowmites, taking premed classes between matches.

    But as good as she was, there was someone better on the team: the team captain, a Chagrian named Wesemai Fafo. Vesper could never match the Chagrian's prowess on the field—and she was jealous. So when the Imperial-aligned government of Raltiir declared non-Humans no longer welcome at the planetary university, Vesper did nothing. In fact, she watched as Wesemai, her other non-Human teammates, and several sympathetic Human students staged a protest at the final game of the season. Imperial stormtroopers stormed the stadium, arrested the protesters, and carted them off to parts unknown. When the dust had settled, Vesper got her desire: The coach named her team captain.

    The Glowmites managed to make it to the sector championships without their non-Human members. Then, in a brilliant play, Vesper made the key block that enabled the Glowmites' striker to score the winning goal. In the bargain, though, Vesper's grav-boots shorted out, and Vesper fell a dozen meters, shattering her leg. The team doctor said it would take years of physical therapy to recover fully. Her career in grav-ball was effectively over. Vesper didn't give up, though; she threw herself into medicine, specializing in sports healthcare as her leg healed.

    Then the attack happened. The Imperial Lord Tion, citing Rebel cells on Raltiir, brought a star destroyer into orbit and then launched a bombardment of the planet's surface. Vesper and her classmates were among the first responders, tending to the wounded in the planet's decimated cities. Vesper realized that the bombardment hadn't been completely random: the star destroyers had specifically targeted neighborhoods that were majority non-Human. Even worse, her superiors ordered her to abandon the most highly impacted neighborhoods to focus instead on Human victims. The memory came back in stark relief, her just standing by as Wesemai Fafo and the other non-Humans were carted away from the grav-ball court only a few years before.

    Vesper ignored the order. In fact, the order made her mad. Vesper realized she'd been enabling the Empire's atrocities with her silence. But she would enable them no more. One of the victims of the attack put her in touch with the Rebel Alliance. They could use a good medic.


    The grav-ball circuit has turned Vesper into 1.6 meters and 68 kilograms of solid muscle. Her dark hair, eyes, and complexion betray her origins in the equatorial regions of Raltiir, as does her accent. Despite her shift from sports to medicine, she maintains much of the crassness and jocularity common in locker rooms across the galaxy. But her gruff exterior hides a deeply contemplative side, one that is now coming increasingly to the fore as she embraces the ideals of the Alliance and tries to stop the Imperial atrocities that she feels at least partly responsible for.

    Motivation: Quest (Redemption): Vesper seeks to atone for a past mistake: After the government of Raltiir swore allegiance to the Empire, she stood by as the University of Raltiir instituted a new Humans-only policy and expelled non-Humans from the university. As other students protested the crackdown, Vesper kept quiet, even accepting the position of team captain when the former leader, a Chagrian, was forced to quit. Wesemai Fafo, Jukno Tujec, Zufal Kritt—the names of her non-Human teammates haunt her, and she wants to rescue them from Imperial slavery or else make things right through her actions.

    Duty (0): Resource Acquisition: There are never enough medpacs or bacta to fully support those fighting the juggernaut that is the Empire, and Vesper knows it very well. She is determined to seek out new sources of medicines, equipment, and gear for use in treating Alliance soldiers. One spare crate of medpacs can save quite a few lives, and a handful of stimpacks can mean the difference between success and failure on a mission. She will trade, beg, borrow, and steal anything for the cause.

    Credits: 24
    Starting Credits
    Vesper Reshari; Uprising; starting pocket money:
    Numeric Roll: 1D100+=9
Last edited by SavageBob on Sat Nov 04, 2017 2:32 am, edited 13 times in total.

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Re: Vesper Reshari


Post by SavageBob » Tue Oct 31, 2017 10:12 pm


SOLDIER (4 free ranks)

Athletics 1
Brawl 1
Knowledge (Warfare)
Medicine 1
Ranged (Light) 1
Ranged (Heavy)

MEDIC (2 free ranks)

Knowledge (Xenology)
Medicine 2
Resilience 1

HUMAN (110 XP + 10 for Duty 0)

30 Brawn 3
30 Agility 3
30 Intellect 3
0 Cunning 2
30 Willpower 3
0 Presence 2

0 Discipline 1 (free from Human)
0 Knowledge (Education) 1 (free from Human)

Her two free skills from being Human reflect her background, but they can change if, say, we need someone with Piloting (Planetary) or whatever.


5 Surgeon 1
10 Bacta Specialist 1
10 Stimpack Specialization 1
5 Knowledge (Xenology) 1
Last edited by SavageBob on Wed Nov 01, 2017 9:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by DeepSpacer » Tue Oct 31, 2017 10:46 pm

Looks perfect.
Her two free skills from being Human reflect her background, but they can change if, say, we need someone with Piloting (Planetary) or whatever.
I am not one to "fill out" needed group skills. Pick what FITS the character. I'd rather have a good character with justified skill & talent choices rather than a character made to balance the party.

This afternoon at work I made a grid of skills from each person's Career. I know what we're lacking and plentiful in. No problems there. *Discipline* was actually one of those skills. Bravo!

We'll be going off-planet and the mission can't have any sort of Rebel-issued gear, else they possibly give away who they are (it will be in the orders). Perhaps you can lose the military belt pouch can be made to be civilian-looking? Is there a substitute that does the same thing?

Now, add 30XP to the character. This represents your character's experience. I figure it lets someone spend it all to go 5-10-15 down a tree, or spread it out. Also add an XP listing to the character sheet. Something like XP Earned: Spent/Unspent (XP 150/0).

Solve the military gear issue and you can move it to (post in) approved character forum (Dramatis Personae). Create an additional 'comment' to the first post. Use that second post to repeatedly edit and add XP, credits, and purchases rather than create a new post each time.

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spending time


Post by DeepSpacer » Tue Oct 31, 2017 10:50 pm

Also, how does Vesper spend time on Hoth? I figured, treating cases of frostbite out the whazoo...
Games? Gambling? Competitions? Learning? Training?

Don't add to sheet, I'm just look for how to frame to first few IC posts. Daily life at Echo Base. Does she like it? Cabin fever and wants to get out? Itching for action? Bored? Frustrated?

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Re: Vesper Reshari


Post by SavageBob » Wed Nov 01, 2017 9:41 pm

OK, I've added 30 XP's worth of stuff and reskinned the military belt pouch. I'm waiting to find out if anyone wants to link our characters up before addressing Vesper's opinions on Hoth, but I will do that next.

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Re: Vesper Reshari


Post by DeepSpacer » Thu Nov 02, 2017 12:27 am

Looks fine to me. You can move it to Dramatis Personae. I don't think anyone is going to link backgrounds (and that's okay!).

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