"UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by ShadoWarrior » Tue Nov 14, 2017 3:45 am

Lanna catches the jacket and wraps it around her shoulders. She considers grinning at Kettel, but decides not to do so as most people misinterpret such a gesture as frightening. Instead she nods and softly growls, "Thank you."

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by DeepSpacer » Tue Nov 14, 2017 4:05 am

In the center of the room is a table with a small holoprojector in the middle of it. Cpt. Kettel activates the holoprojector and a 3-dimensional image projects into the air. He remarks…. “This planet, Mexeluine, looks like our best bet. There isn’t much in the Anoat Sector and this planet is what qualifies as a commerce center in the area, which will have the needed supplies. Additionally, it is relatively far away from the Hoth System. Are any of you familiar with this planet? Or, the Anoat Sector, in general? I would appreciate any input that you have.” (…as he looks at the PC’s in an open and inviting way.)
Players may make TWO Knowledge checks to lend assistance. Post in the OOC. Knowledge: Outer Rim checks, for those who wish to roll. One for Mexeluine, itself. A second for general Anoat System, in general, – with regards to the present scenario.
Anoat System: 2 Diff + Setback Die (PP+Blk)
Mexeluine: 3 Diff + Setback Die + Boost (PPPP+Blk+Blue)
**Setback die for not having been there before. Boost die for Mexeluine b/c it is a commerce center.

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by Stneu73 » Wed Nov 15, 2017 7:23 am

I would love to take you on for a trial run Kzar. I'm always looking for crew but only the best stay so you gotta impress me.
Also there are 2 important things to know. I am the captain and I am the pilot. You may have been a captain of your own ship, but my word is law on my ship. I'll listen to suggestions but I have final say. Deal?

Voe stares hard at the map and points various things out as she communicates telepathically with everyone.

I know Anoat as well as someone who knows a hutt. A bit too well and you don't really want too. I've never heard of Mexeluine, but it wouldn't surprise me if there's some criminal activity there. It's probably not very safe. Then again haven't heard of it. There might be a syndicate in the Anoat Sector. But yeah had some work there. Mostly shipping some mining supplies and uhh various other items. Used to be called Javin or something like 1000 years ago and the republic at the time annexed it I think and pushed out the not so nice peoples. Species native to the area are the Ugnaughts, Goldskins, and Lutrillians.

I stayed at Gerrenthum for the majority of my time there. Biggest commerce planet in the system and has the most hyperspace lanes running through it. It's the capitol of the sector and tons of ships run through there all the time. Wouldn't be hard to blend in. I uhh did for a while while staying low. All the other planets are mining colonies for the most part. Crystals, ores, and such. Low tech and not super sophisticated places. The Empire collects some crystals and stuff but other than that they don't have any business there.

With that Voe takes a step back and listens to info the other have to share.

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by SavageBob » Wed Nov 15, 2017 3:06 pm

Vesper snaps a finger at the mention of the species of Anoat. "I knew the name rang a bell. My uni grav-ball team played Gerrenthum, I think, in a tournament once. They had a gold-skinned Nothoiin striker who was pretty good. And an Ugnaught goalkeeper you wouldn't believe. The coach was a gray-skinned humanoid if I remember her right."

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by Kal Drahr » Thu Nov 16, 2017 1:39 am

"Of coruse. It won't be a problem." Kzar said, he had had the same rules for the crew he had on his ship, when he had a crew that was.

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by Trip » Thu Nov 16, 2017 11:23 pm

Sarenda nods in agreement with Voe. "It's true, there seems to be a lot of mining going on in that sector."

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Nov 18, 2017 4:54 am

Cpt. Kettel looks to the other officers and nods in approval. "It seems like we have brought in the right people." he says.

"Gerrenthum is, indeed, the largest commerce planet in the sector. It has orbital security platforms and thousands of ships pass through it each hour. It collects fees from ships passing through from the nearby hyperspace lane jump point. Our sources say that there is a small Imperial presence there, which makes sense since it is the sector capital. The planet of Anoat had been the sector capital until it's atmosphere was rendered toxic by some cataclysmic event. Kettel hangs his head for a brief pause...."We suspect that the Empire "gassed" the entire planet several years ago." he says with a tone of sadness and near-disbelief. He then lifts his head back up as if he had his spirits renewed.

"Mexeluine, on the other hand, might be considered a smaller version of Gerrenthum, gathering a significant amount of commerce by charging lower prices and shipping fees. It has no Imperial presence that we know of and should be somewhere to do business without the threat of being discovered. Both planets are on the Corellian Trade Spine, which should make navigation relatively easy."

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Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Nov 18, 2017 5:18 am

"Now, you might be anxious to leave this icy planet for a warmer climate! Svae Xor Voe has volunteered his ship for the mission. (motioning to the gaunt Polis Massan) It is significantly different from the ships that the Alliance typically acquires. Your cover will be as a freighter from Burnin Konn, in the Burnin Konn System. It is a mining colony that produces chromium and ores. The information is on this datapad. Learn it and memorize it in case you are questioned by customs authorities or vendors."

"That being said, let’s talk about your gear. To be sure, the Empire is familiar with the brands the Alliance typically uses (weapon types, military pouches and backpacks, etc…) We can’t have anything stand out or raise suspicion. Certainly, a handful of travelers with identical sets of weaponry, clothes, and such may garnish the attention of others. So…we need to diversify. In the room across the hall is a wide variety of non-Alliance issue items. Trade out what you can, mask and alter that which you plan to keep, and take a few extra items along with you. After all, if you are coming from a mining system as your cover story indicates, then you had better be stocked up on some items a traveler in these parts would have. We'll place some mundane mining equipment and materials aboard the ship to further corroborate the disguise."

"And, yes, a, er…uh….riot shield is QUITE appropriately non-Alliance issue. (as he looks to Lanna) You’ll get noticed, but maybe as one NOT to mess with, and that may be a net-positive!”

You all should take the time to select 4-5 items a piece, for each of you, then meet back here in five minutes."

“Oh, and forgive me, but it wouldn’t be an effective ruse without appropriate resources for living expenses and accommodations. Consider *THIS* an advance in pay.”
The Captain hands down some credit sticks to be passed out (600 credits each).
A post will be put up in the OOC soon with a list of items in that room to select from. Discuss in OOC what you'd like and add such items to your character sheets after everyone agrees on who gets what.

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by SavageBob » Sat Nov 18, 2017 8:28 pm

Vesper thanks the men and takes a few items from the storage locker, trading in her light blaster pistol as she does so. Afterward, she excuses herself to return to her previous duty station in the injury ward, a cavern carved out of the ice and hastily stocked with beds and heated blankets. There she finds her former commanding officer, the Pollis Massan Torx Voe, puzzling over something on a datapad.

She waits for him to look up and then says, "I've just gotten orders, Sir. I'm shipping out. Supply run in the Anoat sector. With your daughter, in fact!" She pauses a moment, then adds, "I suspect you may have had something to do with convincing the Alliance to take a chance on me. Thank you."

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Nov 18, 2017 9:08 pm

SavageBob wrote:
Sat Nov 18, 2017 8:28 pm
She (Vesper)waits for him to look up and then says, "I've just gotten orders, Sir. I'm shipping out. Supply run in the Anoat sector. With your daughter, in fact!" She pauses a moment, then adds, "I suspect you may have had something to do with convincing the Alliance to take a chance on me. Thank you."
If Torx Voe could smile, you think that he might have. "We're always in danger of running out of supplies here. Svae is a strong and capable daughter!" is what you hear in your head from his telepathic communication.

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by SavageBob » Sat Nov 18, 2017 10:05 pm

Vesper grins. "Oh, I agree. Couldn't have picked a better team. Way I see it, my job's to keep her and the rest of the team alive." Vesper finds her emergency medpak and sets it on a nearby table. "These are the medical supplies I had when Voe saved me from the bombardment on Ralltiir. I was hoping I might trade 'em in for something better, copy our medical tutorials to my datapad, maybe even borrow a repulsor-gurney for the mission. We've got a Wookiee on the team—big one—and I won't leave her behind if we come under fire."
Essentially, Vesper is asking to trade in her emergency medpac for the equivalent of the medical backpack, albeit in some sort of doctor's bag instead of a backpack so as not to look like a Rebel soldier.

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Dr. Vesper & Voe


Post by DeepSpacer » Tue Nov 21, 2017 2:17 am

"You make a compelling case! Swap out medpacs, bags, medical tutorial copies, AND a repulsor gurney? Hmmm....." says Dr. Voe as he ponders your suggestions/requests. He folds his arms and strokes the lower portion of his face (where a chin would be).
Fortunately for you, Polis Massan's are sometimes easily influenced (Presence 1). However,
Dr. Voe is an experienced, calm doctor (2 Ranks in Cool). Please make a Charm check.
Difficulty: Red + Purple +3 Boosts (friend of daughter x2, very reasonable request)

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Re: Dr. Vesper & Voe


Post by DeepSpacer » Tue Nov 21, 2017 11:03 pm

"Well.....repulsor gurneys are in short supply here. If we have another evacuation like at Thila Base, we'll need all the gurneys and medpacs we can get! There's no telling when the Empire will show up unannounced!"

"A good medic always needs her data files for reference. Of course you can upload them to your datapad. I'm surprised you didn't have them already! Here......a few stimpacks for your journey. Let's hope you do not need them!"
Add +3 Stimpacks to character sheet.
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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by SavageBob » Wed Nov 22, 2017 2:21 am

Vesper's expression falls as she takes the stimpaks. "But, Doct––!" She catches herself, then continues. "I understand, Doctor. Thanks. Yes, let's hope I don't need any of this stuff." She begins to leave, but then regards the Polis Massan with a teasing grin. "But believe me, Doc, when I find us a stash of medical kits, gurneys, and all the rest, I don't want any flak from Support Services when I keep some for my team!"

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by Kal Drahr » Thu Nov 23, 2017 3:11 am

Griesan Pok was Kzar’s target, the man had a Security S5 blaster pistol and Kzar wanted it. Kzar knew this because he had played Sabaac with him a bunch. There wasn’t much to do on Hoth or much money, so bargaining away chores and rations was the way to go. Griesan And Kzar has become friends and as such Kzar knew that he wanted a heavy repeater, so Kzar grabbed one from the equipment lockers that he and the crew had been granted access to and hunted Griesan down in the mess hall.

“Griesan, you have a minute?” Kzar asked, the man nodded, “I’m going on a mission for the rebellion and wanted an upgrade for my blasterand was wondering if you would be willing to trade for the ACP Repeater that I have recently acquired?” Greisan’s eye’s lit up.

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Re: Kzar vs Griessen


Post by DeepSpacer » Thu Nov 23, 2017 5:02 am

Kal Drahr wrote:
Thu Nov 23, 2017 3:11 am
“Griesan, you have a minute?” Kzar asked, the man nodded, “I’m going on a mission for the rebellion and wanted an upgrade for my blaster and was wondering if you would be willing to trade for the ACP Repeater that I have recently acquired?” Griessen’s eye’s lit up.
"Ah! You know a my weakness is heavy weaponry! I guess you'll be wanting my Security S5 BP that you've had your eyes on, eh? You can't beat me at Sabacc for it and now you wanna trade, eh? he says with a rather smug look.

"Yet, still, this S5 is pretty hard to find this far out in the Outer Rim. To even it out,
let's say you give me 200 credits to make it a "fair" trade!"
Option A: give him the credits and make the trade.

Option B: make a Negotiation Check, your YGG+Boost vs his PP. Choosing the weapon he'd like "best" yields you the Boost Die.
  • Make the check, then it's an even swap.
  • Succeed with Advantages and/or a Triumph? You "counter-offer" and he pays you 50cr per Advantage OR Griessen throws in a Stun Grenade he happens to have.
  • Fail the check (no successes), you must take the trade, as is and pay the 200cr or go without.
  • Fail with Advantages, knock off 50cr per Advantage, ...you still pay something.
  • Fail with Threats? He changes his mind, up the price of the trade by 50cr per Threat or no deal.
Narrate your choice and the results in the IC. You have the Advantage, dice-wise.

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by Kal Drahr » Thu Nov 23, 2017 9:28 pm

“Tell you what, I’ll give you fifty and the gun.” Kzar says, “I got to have some money to live on.” Griesan considered it for a minute before nodding, “Fine, drop the gun and money off at my locker in an hour, I’ll meet you there with the gun.” Kzar nodded, “Thanks man.”

Kzar dropped the gun and credits off an hour later at the locker, where Griesan was And Griesan gave him the gun, “Thanks man, stay safe.”Kzar said. “You too.” Griesan replies.
Trying to get that sweet sweet blaster: 2eA+1eP+2eD 3 failures, 3 advantage
ImageImageImageImageImage[url=http://orokos.com/roll/571359]: 1eB 0 successes, 1 advantage

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Pre-Mission Briefing


Post by DeepSpacer » Fri Nov 24, 2017 8:09 pm

The last pre-mission briefing is in hangar 7. In attendance are Cpt Kettel, Major Derlin, Col. Firest and Comm Officer Toryn Farr. In the very near background is an older-model, somewhat run-downed Corellian YT ship, a YT-2000. Standing at the base of the landing platform is the Polis Massan, Svae Voe. To the side are stacks of shipping containers, power cores, and generators.

“Welcome back” says Cpt. Kettel. "We’ll have about 6-8 hours of down time to make preparations before leaving for Mexeluine. Your journey should take close to half a day, combining both hyperspace and sublight travel. There will be a jump point in which you’ll exit hyperspace at Gerrenthum and then reenter once you’ve passed through. Most of the journey is along the Corellian Trade Spine, so astrogation checks should be rather simple for the navicomputer."

With that, Communications Officer Toryn Farr speaks up. “Please be sure to delete any data (log books, etc…) that may point back to the Hoth System. We will give you a falsified system log that you (Voe) will install shortly after takeoff. Should your ship be captured…..or destroyed….there will be nothing left to salvage that can give away our location. Captain Kettel will be the only one who knows the planetary coordinates for your return journey. Maintain communication silence at all times, you never know who is listening out there."

The Colonel (Firest) intervenes, “And If by some chance you are certain to be captured by Imperials, I trust that you will “do the right thing”, he says with a nod and a cold, serious stare. “We cannot let the location of this base fall into the hands of the Empire. Not at ANY cost.”

“Major Derlin, see to the preparations.” With that, Col. First departs.

Cpt. Kettel resumes…
“As you can see, we have a surplus of Micro-Fusion Generators and power cells.” He points to all of the cargo and crates nearby. Of all the things to survive the escape from Thila Base, nearly ALL the power cells and generators survived.” He says, pausing for a moment in sadness. “......while many other items...... and people ......did not.”

"Voe? Crew? There area few upgrades the Alliance can spare at the moment."
He looks over to a very large engine turbine against the wall and and then down to an open crate full of wires, plugs, screens, and a headset."If you'd like to add these to your ship, you may. That turbine will give this ship a little boost where it needs it, but may take a couple of hours to fit to your engines. This is a targeting array system, to give that twin laser cannon of yours a little extra "punch". A competent technician can install this in under an hour."

"Our mission is going to be important to the long-term survival of this base. The Alliance greatly appreciates your efforts! We'll leave approximately 6-8 hours from now. Just as soon as the cargo is assembled and loaded. If there aren't any questions, then you can begin your preparation for the journey." He pauses and waits for any questions. Afterwards, hangar bay personnel begin to load the ship, with Voe's permission.

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Re: "Blast Off"


Post by DeepSpacer » Wed Nov 29, 2017 1:24 am

After preparations are made and the ship is loaded, Captain Kettel gives everything a ‘once-over’. Addressing Svae Voe, “Although I am the ranking Alliance officer onboard, I will defer to you when it comes to operating the Red Dawn. It is your ship, after all.” With that, Voe & Kettel walk up the ramp. With the rest of the crew aboard, the ship departs.

It is cold and quiet in space. From a distance, Hoth looks like a white marble with streaks of blue. There is no activity in the Hoth System for your short-range sensors to pick up on. Journeying along the Corellian Trade Spine is uneventful. Crew members pass the time by sleeping, tooling with their equipment, or otherwise finding something to occupy their time.
After liftoff, crew will have to doctor the log to show that the Red Dawn left Burnin Konn, and not Hoth. It will be an Average (2 Diff) Computers check. Svae Voe assisted by Sarenda (who seems to know her way about a ship, +1 Rank in Computers). Dice pool of YGGG + 2 Boosts (datapad instructions, familiar system) + 1 Setback (doing something not done before)

Other notable items are:
False Credentials (4Diff vs Perception) for shipment and origin.
BoSS papers (a datapad) for ship ownership are still the original.

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Mexeluine: the arrival


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Dec 02, 2017 12:20 am

Passing through Gerrenthum was quite the experience as thousands of ships followed navigational beacons to and from the planet. You notice that the traffic to and from the planet extends in several other directions, indicating that at least several hyperspace routes intersect here. The Red Dawn passes through customs easily as the falsified credentials do their job.
Mexeluine(2).JPG (119.84 KiB) Viewed 4908 times
The much shorter second leg of the trip leads you to Mexeluine, your destination. The commerce center is much smaller, but it is nearly as busy with ship activity. You are approved to land at a general docking port, “Bay 737”. The port is within a massive metropolitan center. The bay is a circular area surrounded by a continuous wall on all sides. There is a large, secure bay door and then a smaller door for the passage of humanoid beings.

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Re: Mexeluine


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Dec 02, 2017 12:29 am

Coming to greet you through smaller door moments after your landing is a contingent of spaceport personnel and what you assume to be a protocol droid. Cpt. Kettel deals with the necessities required by the spaceport personnel and the 3PX-model droid addresses the rest of the group.

“Welcome to Mexeluine!" says the droid is a soft, upbeat voice. A voice programmed in such a tone as to sound warm and welcoming. "Is this your first visit to Mexeluine? I am E-3PO, Unit 921. How may I be of assistance?"

E-3PO Unit 921.jpg
E-3PO Unit 921.jpg (21.09 KiB) Viewed 4908 times
Spaceport Security.jpg
Spaceport Security.jpg (43.48 KiB) Viewed 4908 times

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by ShadoWarrior » Sat Dec 02, 2017 3:35 am

Lanna stands to the side of her companions, silent and imposing.

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by Kal Drahr » Sat Dec 02, 2017 4:50 am

"It is in fact. Could you tell us more about this beutifal planet of yours, the Rebels haven't infected here yet have they?" Kzar asks as he walks down the ramp, time to milk the locals for information.

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by SavageBob » Sat Dec 02, 2017 3:23 pm

Vesper disembarks with the rest and scans the room for potential threats and notices the brawny security personnel milling about. She gives the droid a slight smile and waits for its reply to Kzar.

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Re: 921


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Dec 02, 2017 3:45 pm

Kal Drahr wrote:
Sat Dec 02, 2017 4:50 am
"It is in fact. Could you tell us more about this beautiful planet of yours, the Rebels haven't infected here yet have they?" Kzar asks as he walks down the ramp, time to milk the locals for information.
Unit 921 tilts his head slightly, taken aback by your question. "Rebels?" The droid pauses as it seems to be searching it's databanks for the correct reference.

"The citizens of Mexeluine are quite content and there are not 'rebels' here beyond the common pirate or thief." Bzzt....bzzt....bzzt....

"Or, perhaps your reference is to those who 'rebel' against the Empire of the Core Worlds? They are called 'The Rebels'?"
NPC; UPRISING; rebels...: 1 Success, 1 Threat


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