"UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)

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"UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by DeepSpacer » Mon Oct 30, 2017 11:24 pm

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It is a dark time for the Rebellion. Although the Death Star has been destroyed, Imperial troops have driven the Rebel forces from their hidden base and pursued them across the galaxy. The plight of the Alliance has left them tired and worn.

Evading the dreaded Imperial Starfleet, the freedom fighters have established a new secret base on the remote ice world of Hoth. Out of impending desperation, the Alliance sends out a handful operatives into the surrounding systems in hopes of securing supplies. While the Anoat Sector has a sparse Imperial presence, other dangers remain...

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Life on Echo Base


Post by DeepSpacer » Mon Nov 06, 2017 2:54 am

Life on Echo Base can be a lonely one. Leisure activities are limited to what is on the base, since travel from Hoth to other systems is restricted. Even if one could leave the planet, the entire Hoth System is thought to be devoid of settlements. Fear of discovery looms at all times as the Empire searches the galaxy for the secret Rebel Alliance base.

Those here who came from the previous base reminisce about the grand mountain ranges and vast rainforests on Thila. At least there, one could experience the fauna, the wildlife, and the works of creation. You could spend your R&R outdoors. Here? There’s not enough life on this ball of ice to fill up a space cruiser. Some here are survivors from the base on Thila, the others met up with the survivors at the designated rendezvous point following the destruction of Thila Command.

Life on the run from the Empire can be harsh. Fortunately, a number of Sabacc, Pazaak decks were among the personal possessions that made it to Echo base. However, far too few to go around. And besides, it’s quite difficult to play Sabacc in a heavy insulated coat while wearing thermal gloves!”

Some of the soldiers were more “creative” in finding ways to pass the time. Private Joons managed a small holovid collection which he loaned out to others for a few credits at a time. Corporal Dennies managed to carve intricate ice sculptures in his spare time. It was rumored that Private Cintilla managed a private stock of liquor somewhere on base, but that was never proven. …..and, there was that talk of Sergeants Stine & Brixx carving out a gravity-ball arena inside of a nearby glacier. Not sure if that was ever true or not.

An announcement comes over the loudspeaker, “Prepare to close the shield doors”. It is the same announcement that comes over the speakers every evening. Every evening before the temperatures outside drop several leagues below freezing. Nothing can survive in that weather (or…. so it is thought). Frostbite is rather common among the soldiers. Sometimes it is so bad they need the bacta tank. If they don’t get there in time, it is amputation for them! There’s more than one soldier walking around with a cybernetic leg.

Every day, it is the same routine….eat, sleep, and patrol….repeat…and then an occasional day off. The Generals are busy gathering Intel from across the galaxy and pouring over maps, and such. Occasionally, they share some of that galactic intelligence in the regular briefings. Alliance members eagerly wait for the next opportunity to strike at the Empire, but they dread the day that the new base is discovered.

Today, something different is happening. There is a meeting in the briefing room where Major Derlin has summoned a handful of Echo Base residents……

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Seeking warmth


Post by ShadoWarrior » Wed Nov 08, 2017 12:55 am

Not quite sure why she was summoned, Lanna heads to the meeting. Her fur is inadequate to deal with the cold within the base, let alone that outside in the near-constant wind. Her species evolved on a warm world, lacking the layers of insulating fat most cold-tolerant species possess. She's grateful to the Rebel armorer for managing to outfit her with some body armor. It does nothing to help with the cold, but she pretends that it does so that these humans don't see her as weak. Lacking skill with ranged weapons or technical matters, her usefulness has been limited to moving objects too heavy for the smaller races.

Perhaps there will be a transport able to take her away from this frozen hell. The patient hunter is rewarded. She will wait, quietly, and try not to shiver.

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by Stneu73 » Wed Nov 08, 2017 1:02 am

Voe really hates Hoth even though she's only here for a few days every so often. She practically freezes every time, however she does get to see Torx, Voe's dad, whenever she comes as he's one of the high ranking medical technicians. She hopes to dedicate her life to the rebellion like he has, but as of late she has not. Sometimes doing odd smuggling jobs for them but that's about it. Being invited to a meeting it weird though. They usually just upload the requests to her datapad and she chooses whether or not to accept. Oh well, better go see what they want Voe thinks.

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"The Briefing", Part I


Post by DeepSpacer » Wed Nov 08, 2017 1:07 am

A varied collection of beings arrive around the same time in the briefing room, along with a collection of Rebel officers. With that, a middle-aged human in Rebel Army gear formally greets everyone. He has a weathered-looking face and horseshoe-type, thick mustache. In a stern voice, he speaks: “Welcome everyone. At ease." He looks around the room as if counting personnel, receives an affirmative nod from a dark-haired man in a dark civilian coat, and continues...

“I am Colonel Firest. This here is Major Derlin. Beside him is Captain Kettel. At the end is Communications Officer Toryn Farr (human female). Curiously enough, Cpt. Kettel is dressed in civilian clothes with no indication of rank or status. We’ve brought you here under recommendation of our junior officers, each for the talents you may lend to this mission. As you know, we are in a distant sector of the Outer Rim and our isolated status is both a benefit and a hindrance. The hindrance being that gathering resources takes a bit more effort to both find the supplies and to remain a secret to surrounding systems. It is a challenge for us to achieve a continuous flow of resources for the base.

"Our plan is to send a team out on a supply run for Echo Base. Medicines, clothing, tools, parts...the standard items. We have goods and credits to barter with. However, you must conceal your identities and not reveal your true mission to anyone. Else, the entire base would be at risk.

"Captain Kettel, here, will be in command. You will be expected to dress in civilian clothes, as you see he has. That includes not departing in those heavy thermal outfits, as it could be a clue as to your planet of origin should you come under scrutiny."
He gives brief, awkward glance at the Wookiee in the room and continues... "Anything relating to the Alliance will be left behind or erased. That includes memory wipe for any droids, navigational data, navicomputer memories, datapads, and the like." With that, the Colonel motions to Captain Kettel.

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"The Briefing", Part II


Post by DeepSpacer » Wed Nov 08, 2017 1:30 am

"Greetings. I am Captain Kettel." as he pauses to look around the room, making eye contact with each person. "Our mission is to resupply Echo Base to ensure that shortages do not occur and put us at a disadvantage in our purpose. I realize some, or most, of you are not standard Alliance recruits. Some of you are merely "friends" of the Alliance. Or, maybe it's just that you and the Alliance have the same, common enemy.....The Empire! In which case, we can help each other to a common end. ONE of you may have a ship that we can use for this little supply run!" he slips in, as he shoots a glance at the Polis Massan on the side (Svae Voe).

"I often take it for granted that everyone here knows each other, even if we have been isolated on this base for quite a while. I believe this would be the opportune time for each person to introduce themselves to us all, ....informally. Please.....speak freely. "

While Cpt. Kettel has a stern and chiseled physique, his manner is welcoming and inviting. Certainly not what one might expect from a military officer.
Feel free to include your appearance to the others, any character history you'd want known to the others, how you feel about such a mission, etc...

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by ShadoWarrior » Wed Nov 08, 2017 1:44 am

Lanna chooses to remain silent, standing at the back of the room.

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by Stneu73 » Wed Nov 08, 2017 1:59 am

Svae Xor Voe is small for even by Polis Massan standards other than that she's a spittin image of her dad. White face and black eyes. No mouth. The works.

Voe uses telepathy to speak into everyone's head because her voice box was damaged on this last trip. Hey everyone! I'm Svae Xor Voe.
You can call me Voe. Sorry about speaking into your head I damaged my voicebox on this last trip and haven't fixed it yet. A lot of you have probably seen me occasionally I run goods sometimes and visit my dad who is one of the medical technicians here. As I said I've run goods before just never here to Hoth cause it's as cold as a Tauntaun's butt here. But yeah look forward to the mission.

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by Kal Drahr » Wed Nov 08, 2017 2:56 am

Kzar made his way to the meeting room, finally his first chance in weeks to meet with a officer. It seemed they were all either off duty or had to go do a task on the other side of the base. He could of given his word to anyone that here was a conspiracy to avoid him. Ever since they got Mandalore's Wrath blown up. Before it had been all budy-buddy, 'You want to join the alliance.' talk. He walked past a YT-1300, a beauty of a ship, with a wookie working on it. He took a breathe to appreciate it before moving on.

"I would like to point out that the reason I don't have a ship is because you blew it up." Kzar says, he leans over the table, "I know you can't pay me a full refund. But at least assign me to this ship full-time. I'm sick of staying on base." He then adresses the others, flinching for a moment when Voe speaks in his head, "Kzar Rook, captain of the Mandalore's Wrath until it was blown up on a supply run for the Alliance. I would say its a pleasure to meet you, but its not. I'm just here until I get a new ship. As for the temperature of a Tauntaun, I hear they're lukewarm."

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by ShadoWarrior » Wed Nov 08, 2017 3:01 am

That one is going to be trouble. Lanna thinks, not at all impressed by the human who just spoke out.

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by SavageBob » Wed Nov 08, 2017 4:13 am

Vesper purses her lips and looks at the other Human askance. "Well."

She looks at the others, making eye contact with each in turn. "I'm Vesper, Vesper Reshari. Technically, it's Dr. Vesper Reshari; M.D. from Ralltiir, but I never got my license to practice." She looks down, and her grin disappears. "I have the Empire to thank for that. When Lord Tion bombarded Ralltiir, I tried to help out. Thought the non-Humans needed help just as much as the Humans. My superiors thought... othrwise. Nearly got thrown in the concentration camps. Voe over there saved my tail and got me the hell away from Ralltiir. Been working with her dad ever since."

Vesper stops a moment, as if weighing whether to share the next bit. "My family… They're…" Her voice trails off. After a pause, she continues: "It's great to be on a team with all of you."

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by Trip » Wed Nov 08, 2017 7:48 pm

Suddenly the doors to the briefing room burst open. In walks a beautiful female human with brown hair. She blurts out, “Sorry I’m late, my chronometer is on the fritz because of this blasted cold weather.” “What did I miss?”
Last edited by Trip on Thu Nov 09, 2017 1:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by DeepSpacer » Thu Nov 09, 2017 2:15 am

Trip wrote:
Wed Nov 08, 2017 7:48 pm
Suddenly the doors to the briefing room burst open. In walks a beautiful female human with brown hair. She blurts out, “Sorry I’m late, my chronometer is on the fritz because of this blasted cold weather.” “What did I miss?”
A human male in Rebel soldier gear and a Colonel insignia on his coat looks to the others, receives a knowing nod from another human male in dark clothing, and responds gruffly to Sarenda...."And YOU are?"

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by Stneu73 » Thu Nov 09, 2017 4:46 am

Oh Sarenda! It's good to see you again! They've got a resupply mission. Looking around at the people in charge, Oh I'll let them explain.

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by Trip » Thu Nov 09, 2017 1:08 pm

DeepSpacer wrote:
Thu Nov 09, 2017 2:15 am
Trip wrote:
Wed Nov 08, 2017 7:48 pm
Suddenly the doors to the briefing room burst open. In walks a beautiful female human with brown hair. She blurts out, “Sorry I’m late, my chronometer is on the fritz because of this blasted cold weather.” “What did I miss?”
A human male in Rebel soldier gear and a Colonel insignia on his coat looks to the others, receives a knowing nod from another human male in dark clothing, and responds gruffly to Sarenda...."And YOU are?"
"Sarenda Iden. I am a new recruit here fresh from Nar Shaddaa."

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by SavageBob » Fri Nov 10, 2017 4:08 am

"Well, any friend of Voe's is all right in my book." She glances across the room and fixes her gaze upon Lanna. "I think that's everyone but you. What's your story?" she says in a friendly tone.

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Re: Nar Shaddaa???


Post by DeepSpacer » Fri Nov 10, 2017 4:27 am

"Sarenda Iden. I am a new recruit here fresh from Nar Shaddaa."
"Nar Shaddaa??? Does anything good come out of Nar Shaddaa?" interjects Major Derlin.

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by DeepSpacer » Fri Nov 10, 2017 4:28 am

"I see. Very well."says the Colonel, slightly annoyed. "I am Colonel Firest, this is Major Derlin, Captain Kettel, and Communications Officer Toryn Farr." He motions for the Captain to continue.

"Kzar Rook, you say?" intervenes Captain Kettel. "We've all lost things in this conflict. Some have lost more than others. But we're all on this base now and I think the way forward is clear: we must rise up to overthrow Imperial rule or else risk losing our very lives. We hope to have your support."
{{{He pauses a second...}}}
"As far as full-time service on the ship goes, talk to Voe. It's her ship!"

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by Kal Drahr » Fri Nov 10, 2017 4:17 pm

"Fine." Kzar turns to Voe, "Is there any chance you are looking to take on crew?" He aks, "I have recently become available for hire, and believe that yoou could benefit from my skills."

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Life on Hoth


Post by ShadoWarrior » Fri Nov 10, 2017 4:27 pm

SavageBob wrote:
Fri Nov 10, 2017 4:08 am
She glances across the room and fixes her gaze upon Lanna. "I think that's everyone but you. What's your story?" she says in a friendly tone.
Lanna softly (for a Wookiee) growls something unintelligible to most sentients. Translated into Basic it would be: "Cold. This is not a good place."

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by SavageBob » Sat Nov 11, 2017 3:24 am

Vesper frowns and says, "Sorry, I didn't get any of that. But you look like you're freezing. Colonel, do we not have thermals that might fit her?"

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Nov 11, 2017 4:22 pm

SavageBob wrote:
Sat Nov 11, 2017 3:24 am
Vesper frowns and says, "Sorry, I didn't get any of that. But you look like you're freezing. Colonel, do we not have thermals that might fit her?"
The Colonel looks at the furry Wookiee, somewhat perplexed, "Where you're going, thermals could indicate where you've come from, a system of extreme cold. We can't take that risk." The Colonel then looks to Voe, waiting on her reply to Kzar on his request to "come aboard" her ship.

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by ShadoWarrior » Sat Nov 11, 2017 4:53 pm

Lanna growls mournfully, "Human leader repeats himself. Stupid. Not last long as slave."

Unless we're leaving immediately the Colonel's response was thoughtless. Vesper was concerned about Lanna's discomfort during the meeting and for however long it takes before we depart Echo Base. At least the Colonel's reply, insensitive as it was, wasn't as insulting as the major's deliberately provocative comment about Sarenda's homeworld.

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by SavageBob » Sun Nov 12, 2017 3:03 am

"Well, if we're headed on a supply run, I hope we're picking up a wider variety of thermal gear. Or even the textiles to make our own, tailored to different anatomies. You wouldn't believe the frostbite cases I've been seeing. A Florn Lamproid frostbitten from fangs to stinger after a single patrol! Ridiculous."

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Re: "UPRISING" IC (Life on Hoth)


Post by DeepSpacer » Tue Nov 14, 2017 3:19 am

The Colonel looks at the furry Wookiee, somewhat perplexed, "Where you're going, thermals could indicate where you've come from, a system of extreme cold. We can't take that risk."
The Colonel Firest looks back to Vesper, realizing that he perhaps spoke in haste. "I didn't realize wookiees could get cold with all of that fur. I mean, that other Wookiee I saw here wasn't wearing thermal clothing. I am sure we can find something to use until your departure. We won't be here (this meeting) much longer."

Captain Kettel subtly slips into the next room.

"Yes, doctor Reshari, thermal clothing and other gear is at the top of our list. As you may know, the Thila Base was a somewhat tropical location and adapting our soldiers and equipment to the cold has been a challenge."

The Captain returns from the other room with a large-sized thermal jacket in his hands and tosses it lightly to the Wookiee (you suspect it may be his personal thermal jacket). "Here,


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