Svae Xor Voe

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Svae Xor Voe


Post by Stneu73 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 9:04 pm

Svae Xor Voe

Species: Polis Massan
Homeworld: Polis Massa
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Career: Ace
Specializations: Pilot

Unspent XP: 0
Earned XP: 30
Total XP: 130

Wound Threshold: 0/9 Strain Threshold: 0/14 Soak: 2 Defense: 0/0
Encumbrance: 1/6

Brawn: 1 Agility: 4 Intellect: 4 Cunning: 2 Willpower: 3 Presence: 1

Career Skills:
Astrogation 0
Cool 0
Mechanics 2
Perception 1
Piloting (Planetary) 2
Piloting (Space) 2
Gunnery 1
Ranged Light 1

Other Skills:
Medicine 1


Let's Ride : Once per round, may mount or dismount a vehicle or beast, or enter a cockpit or weapon station on a vehicle as an incidental.

Full Throttle: Take a Full Throttle action; make a hard piloting check to increase a vehicle's top speed by 1 for a number of rounds equal to cunning.

Clothing & Armor
Heavy Clothing (50)

Comm (25), Stimpack (25)

Blaster Pistol (400)

Svae Xor Voe is named after a great Polis Massan Jedi during the Old Republic. She kind of resents it but still wants to live up to the name, she however goes by Voe.

Voe is an only child of Torx Voe and Reda Voe born 7 years before the start of the clone wars. During the clone wars her parents worked on Polis Massa as medical technicians. They occasionally traveled to help the injured people of worlds caught in the conflict. It was on these trip that Voe found that she loves to fly and fix things. When the empire came to power her parents went back to Polis Massa.

During their time on Polis Massa, in the year 18 BBY a shipping vessel named Red Dawn stopped by dropping off supplies and Voe saw her opportunity. Voe however joined the crew of the Red Dawn. There weren't many on the crew but the captain needed an extra hand and Voe wanted to get off Polis Massa.

In her travels her view on the galaxy evolved. Watching the empire come to power and treat aliens with such disdain and even enslaving some races. She needed to do something about it, but she couldn't right now. She lived a few more years with this in her heart until she became captain of the Red Dawn when the old captain retired.

During this time the rebellion was founded and Voe's parents joined very early on as head medical technicians. During one of their missions Voe's mother was discovered by the imperials and imprisoned. Reda's fate is still unknown to Vor and her father to this day.

When she could Voe and her crew went and found the rebellion and started supplying them and running goods for them.

Voe is average height for a Polis Massan and scrawny too. Circular Face and gray eyes.

Unlike many pilots Voe is a humble pilot. She does what's needed and never thinks of herself. She tries to think rationally about everything but sometimes her judgement is clouded by her desire to help others.

Motivation: Species Rights

Duty (0): Resource Aquisition

Credits: 90

Spent XP:
Let's ride (5XP)
Full Throttle (5XP)
Gunnery Rank 1 (5XP)
Ranged Light Rank 1 (5XP)
Mechanics Rank 2 (10XP)
Character Creation:
-10 Duty for +10 xp
Agi 2 to 4 (70xp)
Int 3 to 4 (40xp)
1 Rank in Mechanics and Perception
2 Ranks in Piloting Planetary and Space
1 rank in medicine from species
Starting Creds: 1d100 90

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