Act 1 Never Tell Me the Odds

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Matt Skywalker
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Re: Act 1 Never Tell Me the Odds


Post by Matt Skywalker » Tue Oct 10, 2017 11:50 am

The boss noticed the bomb but it was too late for the others. He darted behind a crate and hid his stuff. He kept his blaster as that could be hid on his person.
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Re: Act 1 Never Tell Me the Odds


Post by Trip » Tue Oct 10, 2017 12:54 pm

The bomb consisted of several stun grenades rigged to explode by a proximity sensor. When it exploded, everyone was hit by the sonic energy and knocked unconscious. Thankfully Monty and the boss dove for cover and took less of a blast. Because of that, they woke up first and oddly at about the same time. As Monty and the boss opened their eyes, they found he and his team were in the same warehouse as before. But they were somehow moved from the entrance to the center. They were in a makeshift cell and secured to chairs with binders. Outside, he could see what was in the warehouse. All around them were crates of materials. It wasn't as dark as it was before. Light was coming through the narrow windows high above them. Monty and the boss needed to find a way out and help the others wake up.
Monty and the boss have 7/13 and 7/14 strain at this time. The rest of the team is at zero. The awake team members need to wake up the others by getting some of there strain removed. Also, this is where in the A-Team show that you escape and build something to get out of the warehouse. You can use anything in the warehouse with in reason. Let your imagination run wild. Flip one DP once you know what you want and that will be in the warehouse. Anything that the team had on them that was not out is with them. The rest of the inventory they had is locked in a crate outside the makeshift cell.

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Post by DeepSpacer » Wed Oct 11, 2017 12:30 am

Leave it to Monty to lead the way. He will spend his time trying to escape from his restraints.
After I am out, I will begin to wake the others.
Incidental: use Second Wind to recover a point of Strain
Action: use Coordination with a DP to escape the restraints.
(Per CRB, it is a Daunting(4 Diff) check.

I am also assuming that "speaking" does not wake the others up.

Peppard; A-Team; Escape Binders with DP:
1 Success, 1 Threat

One Threat = eat one strain.

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Re: Act 1 Never Tell Me the Odds


Post by Trip » Wed Oct 11, 2017 12:25 pm

Monty, with great coordination, some how slipped out of his restraints. But it took great effort to do so. Now he needs to help the boss get free and wake the others,

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Re: Act 1 Never Tell Me the Odds


Post by Matt Skywalker » Wed Oct 11, 2017 3:41 pm

The boss could help though. guys wake up we have to get out of here.
: 3eA+2eD 3 successes, 1 threat
1 threat trip?
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Re: Act 1 Never Tell Me the Odds


Post by Trip » Wed Oct 11, 2017 3:47 pm

With the boss' words ringing in their ears, the remaining team begins to wake up.
the boss gets 1 strain for the threat. The remaining members now have 1/x of strain. You can roll to recover remaining strain, then continue to roleplay the escape.

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Re: Act 1 Never Tell Me the Odds


Post by swrider » Wed Oct 11, 2017 4:21 pm

Helios wakes up only to realize they are trapped in a cage. He beings to bounce around. " We're trapped! We're Trapped! Its not even a good cage the lousy mongrels it could fall apart at any time!" He shouts emphatically gesturing with his hands all the time. As he says the cage could fall apart at any time he moves his hands like he is ripping the power cord out. To everyone's surprise the cord rips out of its housing with a flurry of sparks. Helios' jaw drops his eyes roll up into the back of his head and he passes back out.
Helios; Alpha Squad; Strain Recovery:
0 Success, 2 Advantages
0 Success(es) added from talents or equipment
0 Advantage(s) added From talents or equipment

Flip DP to use dark side point. 1 strain put be back unconscious. lol!
Helios; Alpha Squad; Force Power Move:
, 2 Dark Side


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Re: Act 1 Never Tell Me the Odds


Post by Trip » Wed Oct 11, 2017 4:27 pm

The humming of the force cage instantly stops and the blue barrier disappears. They are free of the makeshift cage but some are still bound to their chairs.

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Re: Act 1 Never Tell Me the Odds


Post by SavageBob » Wed Oct 11, 2017 4:42 pm

AAA stirs from her stupor and takes in the scene slowly as her eyes adjust.
"What the kriff happened?"

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Re: Act 1 Never Tell Me the Odds


Post by Trip » Wed Oct 11, 2017 5:03 pm

As AAA wakes up, her memory's before the blast rush back to her. She remembers right before the blast seeing a possible exit. Part of the far wall of the warehouse is missing some plasteel. But it was covered over by heavy crates. She looks over at the location and sees that someone has parked one of the binary load lifters in front of the crates blocking the possible exit even more.

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Re: Act 1 Never Tell Me the Odds


Post by Flamiel » Thu Oct 12, 2017 1:15 am

Anjali slowly regains consciousness, a dull buzzing ring in her fogged head. She is looking down at her...lap? Hair dangling next to her slumped face. Ah, she is seated...and bound. Bound!! Bastards! Who did this to her?!

She lifts her head slowly and sees the rest of her team, some of them more alert than others. Then sparks and a jolting "buzz" sound reports the actions of the impulsive Hell. That kid has no self-control, she thinks, and then stops thinking, because that hurts too much.

With delicate motions, she tests the strength of the binders, to see if they show any sign of weakness....

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Post by DeepSpacer » Thu Oct 12, 2017 1:55 am

"Nobody touch anything else! It might be boobytrapped, too."

"Let's get to together. Get everyone free and awakened." As Monty tries to rally the team to action.
Peppard; A-Team; Leadership Check:
3 Successes, 1 Advantage
Everyone gets a Boost die to Discipline checks for the next 24hrs.
"That crate right by the cage probably has our stuff in it. Someone try to get it open (skulduggery).

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Re: Act 1 Never Tell Me the Odds


Post by Flamiel » Thu Oct 12, 2017 2:31 am

"Hey, would one of you mind helping me get out of these?", Anjali asks while jiggling her binders.

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Re: Act 1 Never Tell Me the Odds


Post by SavageBob » Thu Oct 12, 2017 3:53 am

"Yeah, if someone can get me a wire of some sort, I might be able to jimmy these binders open…"

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Re: Act 1 Never Tell Me the Odds


Post by SavageBob » Thu Oct 12, 2017 4:56 pm

Alamy then notices something in the corner of her eye: For some reason, the power generator attached to the force cage seems to have shorted out violently, strewing random parts across the floor. "Wait a sec," the Devaronian ways. "If I could just get one of those pointy bits, I could probably pick your binders, Anjali… Can you bring it over here, Monty?"

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Re: Act 1 Never Tell Me the Odds


Post by DeepSpacer » Sun Oct 15, 2017 4:41 am

Monty hands over a piece of wire. He looks around while Alamy tries to pick the cuffs.Seems strange that someone left us all alone, but took care to move us in here. It feels like we were set up.

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Re: Act 1 Never Tell Me the Odds


Post by DeepSpacer » Sun Oct 15, 2017 4:21 pm

"Ambient background noise......binary purchases......Alamy, your information sounds awfully suspicious given the outcome. You care to clarify?"

With that, Monty will search the nearby crate for traps, open it if it's okay, and begin to go through its contents while he listens.

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Re: Act 1 Never Tell Me the Odds


Post by Flamiel » Sun Oct 15, 2017 4:24 pm

Anjali moves into position to do whatever she can to assist Alamy with the binders.

"I'm with you, Monty. Something isn't right here. The sooner we get out of here, the better I'll feel."

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checking the crate...


Post by DeepSpacer » Sun Oct 15, 2017 7:32 pm

Well, there COULDN'T be a proximity trigger on this crate since we're already so close to it. Still......I should check. thinks Monty as he carefully and awkwardly pokes around the nearby crate.

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Re: Act 1 Never Tell Me the Odds


Post by Trip » Sun Oct 15, 2017 7:40 pm

The crate looks normal to Monty so he opens it. Nothing blows up, so that's a good sign. What he didn't realize is that there was a sensor attached to the lid. As it was opened, it sent a transmission to Sixxkiller letting him know they are free and have their gear again. They no longer have the element of surprise. Or did they ever have it...?

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the goods...


Post by DeepSpacer » Sun Oct 15, 2017 7:56 pm

"Everyone grab your stuff. Someone must be watching us, they wouldn't just leave us here."

"How do we get out of here?"

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Re: Act 1 Never Tell Me the Odds


Post by SavageBob » Mon Oct 16, 2017 2:47 am

DeepSpacer wrote:
Sun Oct 15, 2017 4:21 pm
"Ambient background noise......binary purchases......Alamy, your information sounds awfully suspicious given the outcome. You care to clarify?"

With that, Monty will search the nearby crate for traps, open it if it's okay, and begin to go through its contents while he listens.
AAA takes the wire and tries to get it stuck into the security hole in the cuffs. "What do you mean 'suspicious?' I just put a hidden recorder in this sleemo's speeder. If this was a set up, I knew nothing about it."

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Re: Act 1 Never Tell Me the Odds


Post by Trip » Mon Oct 16, 2017 8:40 pm

Drip...Drip...Drip... Several meters above them, a water pipe begins to leak. Evidently from the explosion of the conduit a piece of metal cracked the pipe. The water tumbles down right on Hell's forehead. After a short time the water dripping on Hell begins to wake him up.
The GM is taking pity on Swrider. He can start with 1 strain below threshold and wake up.

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Re: Act 1 Never Tell Me the Odds


Post by swrider » Mon Oct 16, 2017 10:06 pm

" Whaa... I had a hoorrible dream I was locked in a shoddy cage that exploded on .... Oh wasn't a dream. Tripple A, I can see what you are doing wiggle it slightly to the right and you should be able to unlock those cuffs."

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Re: Act 1 Never Tell Me the Odds


Post by SavageBob » Tue Oct 17, 2017 2:54 pm

Alamy feels for a chink in the binders and inserts the wire. With Hell's and Anjali's help she tries to find the mechanism to force the binders to open. After a minute or two of struggling, she gives up.
AAA; Alpha Squad; picking some cuffs:
2 Failures, 4 Advantages


Fail! I'll recover 2 strain if I can (since the exercise gave Alamy a chance to catch her breath), and pass 2 boost dice to the next person to try to pick his or her cuffs, probably Hell. Perhaps they got an idea by watching Alamy fail.


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