Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by DeepSpacer » Sun Apr 14, 2019 1:09 pm

Trixie also explorers the ship a bit. It isn't normal for her to be aboard something other than a shuttle. In her walking around, the corridors are confusing as they are expansive for what she's used to.

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by Doctor Who » Sat Apr 20, 2019 2:03 am

Trixie sees normal ship stuff, nothing she really can recognize, and she doesn't quite figure out the intuitiveness of the layout of the ship on her own. Thankfully, there are maps and stuff. Waz'aru is able to figure out the layout of the ship fairly well: there are two lounges, three cafeterias, mostly empty cargo holds, and several rooms deep in the hold sealed off.

The first (of the complicated jumps, I'm ignoring rolling for the basic 'easy' jumps along well-defined hyperlanes) jump is fine, exiting hyperspace into a ruined, wasted solar system, lacking a sun.

The realspace flying is bumping, the remains of the supernova making the space in the region treacherous and rather difficult to navigate. However, the pilot and his astromech manage to accomplish the job. The hyperspace beacon is shot from the torpedo tube and sets about stabilizing its position and beaming back data for the new hyperroute. The system is filled with debris, slowly coalescing in on itself.
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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by Doctor Who » Sun Apr 21, 2019 12:21 am

The next jump, thanks to Arca and ST-3R's excellent aid and prepwork, deposits the ship in debris-clear space, allowing an easy launch of the hyperbeacon.

The next jump takes you all to Galidraan. All in total, the journey took about 5 hours, counting calculations and the programming of

The planet emerges before you. It is a mostly green and white ball, with think cloud cover. There appear to be few large bodies of water on the side nearest your arrival.


You all pile into a small landing craft. 5 of the soldiers accompany you, the rest staying on the ship. Orcam, Jarkyc, and Carran pile in, along with a human and Nikto you don't recognize. They busy themselves with preparing their environment seals on their armor, leaving you all to make any final preparations. All the gear you requested is on the landing craft.

"Jarkyc here has been to Galidraan before, says to be careful of the deep woods. Locals think it's haunted. Whatever is out their, haunted or not, it's not good for those traveling alone," Orcam says.
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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by ShadoWarrior » Sun Apr 21, 2019 3:00 am

As the only healer and doctor amongst the Padawans, Arca immediately takes charge. "I must examine the patients currently being tended to. We need to identify Patient Zero and the source of the outbreak. We must create an infection map with who, where, and when for each victim and patient to track and trace the spread of the illness. We also need to learn what treatments have been tried, which have or have not been effective and to what degree. It's pointless to repeat things that are known not to work, or to wander around without sufficient preparation. We should also attempt to establish quarantine zones for settlements that are still free of infection, if any such exist, and for those settlements that do have infected persons, confine those patients in one or a few select locations if that has not already been done ... to try to slow the spread until we can identify the vector and devise a counter."

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by DeepSpacer » Sun Apr 21, 2019 3:34 pm

"I can talk to the people...." says and eager Trixie Ulan'jani, her compassion (her character motivation) swelling within her."I am willing to speak to the sick and the well, the young and the old, the rich and the poor, to find the source of this catastrophe."

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by kanila » Sun Apr 21, 2019 6:12 pm

”I will defer to your guidance. You are far better skilled to lead in this situation.”
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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by Vergence » Sun Apr 21, 2019 7:08 pm

"Agreed. I may be of use.. being immune to all infections, should you require a nearby assistant" ST-3R offers, worrying about the other padawans safety.

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by ThreeBFour » Sun Apr 21, 2019 7:52 pm

"Trixie I'm sure you might have missed a couple of groups there, like the middle-aged and the middle-class" Waz'aru says with a chuckle at her eagerness. Looking to Arca he continues. "Having worked closely with you before and having first hand knowledge of your medical abilities, I have no problem following your lead at the moment. I'll help in whatever way is needed."

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by ShadoWarrior » Mon Apr 22, 2019 1:05 am

"Jarkyc, please lead us to the nearest settlement, and whomever is in charge of it. Once there we'll break into teams and begin our work."

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by Doctor Who » Mon Apr 22, 2019 10:19 pm

Zyla buckles in with the rest of the group.

"I'm not any good with medicine, but I can definitely help Trixie with introducing us. Do we have something to help with any translation issues?"
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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by ThreeBFour » Tue Apr 23, 2019 1:37 am

Waz'aru clears his throat as an attention getter. ""I've been doing a little studying in that regard and should be able to help with basic greetings and a couple simple questions. Plus I've been entrusted with some translation equipment by one of the Librarians." He says to the group, continuing the lie of omission, by leaving Arca his own chance to open up about his own part in acquiring the two devices in case he didn't want the others to know, as Waz'aru could tell he valued his privacy and might not want to deal with extra scrutiny.

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by Doctor Who » Thu Apr 25, 2019 5:13 pm

"You have a phrase guide or something I can look through briefly? Trixie and I probably should be on the lookout for any key phrases."
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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by Doctor Who » Sun Apr 28, 2019 3:08 am

While the group is talking, the shuttle gets moving. It launches out of the massive capital ship and hurtles towards the planet.

As the planet hits the atmosphere you all can see the massive forests stretching as far as the eye can see. Small bodies of water dot the landscape here and there, but nothing as large as the oceans many worlds have. There is a clearly visible settlement as the destination, nestled into a clearing in a valley between several clearly old, though not massive, mountains.
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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by ThreeBFour » Mon Apr 29, 2019 1:24 am

Waz'aru pulls the translator from an inside pocket of his clothes, handing it cautiously to Zyla. "Be careful, I don't want the Master that gave it to me mad that I returned it damaged." He says with a wink, knowing that more than likely he may probably never return it. "I've learned a few of the basic greetings and questions already. I will say the syntax can be a little strange." He adds a spends the trip down to the surface trying to teach them what he has learned.

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by Doctor Who » Tue Apr 30, 2019 3:43 am

The group is able to grasp a couple of key words, and a few phrases, nothing major.

Trixie and Varc both have a strange flash of images, what they can only see as a vision from the Force. In it, they see a cave with strange markings on it. The cave seems to pull them in, inexorably moving them through twists and turns and an immense catacomb, until they arrive over a large pit. The darkness in the pit stirs, and a massive eye opens, looking right at them.

They both shake their heads, although it seems no time has passed for anyone else.

The shuttle touches down on the ground. Before the craft opens to the air, the soldiers onboard finalize their environmental procedures, while the rest of you complete yours.

The craft opens, and Jarkyc motions for Trixie and Zyla to get out first with him. "They're going to want to know whooze in chahrge," Jarkyc says under his breath, "Ahnd I'm not exactly the friendliest face."

At the bottom of the ramp, an obvious Sith halfbreed stands. She is fairly old, standing with a cane. Her clothes look like fairly normal clothing for such a climate, but a Republic symbol is affixed to the left side of her chest. Behind her, you all can see the town.


"I am governor Parhemion. I recognize Jarkyc," she says with a grimace, "But you must be the Jedi we were told were coming. A pleasure to meet you." Her tone softens immensely upon her introduction.

"I am Zyla, we are glad we can come to help with this crisis." She starts to go in for a shake, but quickly corrects the movement into an awkward wave.
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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by DeepSpacer » Wed May 01, 2019 2:43 am

"We ARE the Jedi you are looking for! We are at your service, Governor Parhemion." says Trixie with a slight bow.
Trixie; TotOR; charm:
4 Successes, 3 Advantages, 3 Dark Side


Tough roll!!! 4 failures and 8 successes. No need to use the Pips for anything.

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by Doctor Who » Wed May 01, 2019 10:10 pm

Trixie feels the allure of the Dark Side but is able to keep composure and not draw on it.

Parhemion seems very pleased at the Jedi that have arrived.

"I can direct you to the sick, but first let some of the city watch help unload your supplies." She motions for three men to come running up. They help the Republic soldiers that start filing out. Which one of you Jedi is the medical expert?" she asks as the rest of the Padawans begin to exit the ship.

[can everyone roll me a perception roll, average difficulty with 1 setback]
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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by Doctor Who » Sun May 05, 2019 1:46 pm

Trixie and Varc can tell, as the military gets off, that Parhemion does not seem to be pleased to see them. Trixie and Varc also notice that many of the people they can see milling about the town are non-Sith, Parhemion seeming to be out of the ordinary for this area. Varc also gets a fairly good impression of the town and manages to pick out and notice what must clearly be a sort of medical building, a little way into town. Trixie notices that aren't any paths leading into the woods to the south of the town, which lends credence to Jarkyc's assertion that the locals don't like those woods.
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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by DeepSpacer » Sun May 05, 2019 9:03 pm

"We have medical personnel here, yes." She motions towards the white-haired, blue-eyed Arkanian. The smallish Twi'lek then moves in closer towards the old, half-breed woman with the cane (Parhemion). She then speaks in a whispered tone only intended for Parhemion to hear, "We're NOT part of the military. They just gave us a ride." She motions to the non-military members of the group.

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by ShadoWarrior » Sun May 05, 2019 11:12 pm

DeepSpacer wrote:
Sun May 05, 2019 9:03 pm
"We have medical personnel here, yes." She motions towards the white-haired, blue-eyed Arkanian.
Taking his cue, Arca steps forward. "I am healer-in-training Arca Gavalun, licensed by the Republic as a physician. I would like to see those that are ill and speak to those that are caring for them."

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by Doctor Who » Tue May 07, 2019 12:36 am

Parhemion leads you to the make-shift hospital. Inside, several rows of beds line the walls and middle of the room. The thick smell of antiseptic hangs in the room. Several nurses dart from bed to bed, some holding charts, other just checking on IV bags. Each bed has a person lying on it, seemingly asleep.
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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by ShadoWarrior » Tue May 07, 2019 1:42 am

"Thank you, governor." Arca heads to the nearest nurse and inquires in a commanding, yet quiet tone, "Excuse me, nurse. I am Arca Gavalun, of the Jedi Order. I am here to help. Please direct me to the person currently in charge of the care of these patients."

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by Doctor Who » Tue May 07, 2019 5:50 pm

The nurse points you towards a slender human near the back of the room.

He's fairly tall and lanky, with a mess of jet black hair tied back in a bun. He has some kind of medical visor/glasses thing on his face that he's using to look at a patient when you walk up.

"Oh, hmmm, I'm busy, if you cou- Ah, I see, you're the Jedi that are here to help. Excellent, umm, hold on one moment." His voice is deceptively deep, deeper than it would see just by glancing at him. He fiddles with something in his pocket, pulling out a small datapad. He quickly turns the glasses off, puts them into his pocket, and beckons all of you to follow him through the door at the back of the hospital room.

Once through the door, you arrive in a small office. He sits down at the desk near the side of the room, plugs a cord into the small datapad, and a projector turns on, display the datapad's contents.

"I, uh, guess you all are here, ummm, to help with the problem? What, uh, can I tell you first?"
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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by ShadoWarrior » Tue May 07, 2019 6:10 pm

Arca begins without inquiring as to the doctor's name, "Have you identified Patient Zero? Have you located the source of this outbreak? Has a map of the spread of this illness been made that contains who, where, and when for each victim and patient? What treatments have been tried, and have any been effective and if so to what degree? This should do for a start."

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by kanila » Tue May 07, 2019 8:07 pm

Varc looks around the hospital, from looking at the people around when they landed he had a thought that he needed to investigate further. Most of those outside appeared to be non-Sith, so he was curious if any non-Sith had been infected.
Achex Rococa, Torax Ubac, Rade Trah, CT-9564 "Doc", Varc Jesk - Jedi, Meddaar Vampor - Monk


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