Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by Doctor Who » Sat Mar 02, 2019 6:59 pm

Curvian nods along with Arca's speculations.

"You will presumably be able to better ascertain the truth once you meet with Republic forces on Ossus."
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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by Jesster » Sat Mar 02, 2019 11:47 pm

Auspa waits for everyone else to get most of their questions in before speaking up to Curvian again.

"I am ready for your task then. Before we leave, I will submit myself to any service or training you wish for me. I've only just arrived, of course."

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by Doctor Who » Sun Mar 03, 2019 3:30 am

"After I inform Elder Habat and we get underway, I will do a serious examination of each of your lightsaber skills, to make up for the quick, and unfair, examination I gave you all earlier."

Curvian heads off the landing bay, and the shuttle Auspa arrived in takes off.

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You are all free to mill around. ST-3R is off preparing anything that Habat can provide that he thinks of. If Vergence wants to give me some kind of check, as long as you explain what you are doing with the check to prepare it'll be an average difficulty.

Waz'aru and Arca have that sith writing with annotations that Gil left them.

None of you know precisely how long until Curvian gets back.
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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by ThreeBFour » Sun Mar 03, 2019 4:01 pm

"Arca, I want to start looking at that stuff Gil left, but I was also wondering if there might be any of that stuff left in my system and did you want to test for it?"

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by ShadoWarrior » Sun Mar 03, 2019 4:33 pm

The apprentice healer replies, "I regret to say that my senses continue to be clouded by the anger I feel at the attack on you, and I doubt that a medisensor is capable of detecting residue of Sith alchemy. But it cannot hurt to check, even if it will likely be a waste of time." He pulls out a small scanner and passes it over his companion's body from head to feet.
Arca Gavalun; Tales of the Old Republic; Force power check:
, 2 Dark Side


Cannot use dark pips for healing, and I wouldn't want to anyway.

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by ThreeBFour » Thu Mar 07, 2019 12:13 am

Waz'aru felt inferior to Arca's knowledge of Jedi and Sith Lore. Maybe he needed to study up on it a bit more, although if he continued working with him he'd learn it that way. After a couple of hours of researching the Parchment they were at a slight impasse.
"So, it looks like the words on line 3 and line 7 may be the same. Could it be more than one word? Some thing like Dark Side or similar wording? As for the word in line 5, I've got nothing."

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by ShadoWarrior » Thu Mar 07, 2019 3:09 am

Arca replies, "I think that the term in lines 3 and 7 is more likely to be 'the Force', and the term in line 5 instead may refer to the 'dark side'. It seems to fit better." Given his Arcanian heritage and genetics, he's more than a bit arrogant and gives little consideration that his interpretation could also be completely wrong, much less admit it to a peer (not that he considers any of the Padawans as peers) that he might be.

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by Doctor Who » Fri Mar 08, 2019 5:43 am

After several hours, preparations have been made, and Curvian summons you all to storage facility on the lower deck.

"To more accurately assess your skill at the blade, I have a holographic simulation of a large of of duelists, with moves randomly selected. Your test will be to match the opponent with your skill, correctly responding to each move in turn."

She has 6 holoprojectors set up. Each of you are directed to one, and the simulation begins.
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3 consecutive lightersaber rolls, as if this was a normal combat.

The second roll should be upgraded once, as if facing an opponent with Adversary 1.

The third roll should be upgraded twice, as if facing an opponent with Adversary 2.
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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by Doctor Who » Fri Mar 08, 2019 5:56 am

Zyla nods, and gleefully steps up to her assigned projector.

She ignites her blade, and stands ready.

Her first series of swings at the lowest setting are fine, she doesn't stand out. She is frustrated, but manages to successfully show her knowledge of duelist technique, despite not perfectly being able to follow along with the program.
Zyla; TotOR; Lightsaber roll1 :
0 Success, 0 Advantage, 1 Triumph,

Like the first round, she doesn't keep up with the program as well as she would have liked. Her frustration begins to show, though she keeps her form tight.
Zyla; TotOR; Lightsaber roll2 :
0 Success, 2 Advantages

Pushing herself to excel compared to those around her, she focuses on quick, fast, responses with added flourishes, keeping form and keeping up with the program. She easily matches and even exceeds the program by a solid margin. However, her forced exertion causes her to overextend her arm, pulling a muscle. She grits her teeth, finishing the program.
Zyla; TotOR; Lightsaber roll3:
3 Successes, 3 Advantages, 1 Despair,

"That last one was exhilarating."

She glances around to see how the others are doing.
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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by ShadoWarrior » Fri Mar 08, 2019 8:02 am

Arca begins the simulation and handles the holographic opponent without difficulty, landing a solid strike after taking quick aim.
The computer ramps up the simulation's degree of challenge to that of a veteran opponent. Arca manages to again land a quickly-aimed strike on his holographic opponent, though trying to penetrate the simulation's rapidly-shifting saber blocks and movement have taken a toll as his heart rate climbs and he breaks into a sweat. The computer ramps up the simulation's degree of challenge yet another notch, to that of an adept opponent. This time Arca fails to get past the simulation's defense, although he manages to calm his breathing and lower his heart rate almost back to a resting state. He feels that he's done better than he expected to, given his very modest level of skill with a saber and that he is a consular and not a guardian or even a sentinel. Of course he has much room for improvement and so much more to learn. Still, he came within a whisker of defeating the simulation, and without making any notable mistakes in his form, so he's pleased with himself. His expression, however, remains stoic, not betraying what he's really feeling. He silently awaits Master Curvian's judgement while he watches the performance of the other Padawans.

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by kanila » Fri Mar 08, 2019 1:01 pm

Taking up a solid stance, Varc prepares for his test. Steadying his breathing he manages to parry the first attack while landing a solid hit. Though his reaction time was slower than he had liked causing him to miss an early opportunity to strike.
Learning from his earlier mistakes he soundly beats the simulation this round. He was confident that he was truly able to show his skills.
But as the difficulty ramped up to the highest difficulty he was unable to keep up with the onslaught of strikes. After missing the first strike he attempted to regain the advantage by increasing his reaction speed, but only ended up slipping and falling to the ground. He was left panting as the simulation faded. He was thoroughly disappointed in his lacking performance in the final round. He would need to train harder to make up for his failing.
Varc ; Tales of the old Republic ; Lightsaber :
1 Failure, 4 Advantages, 1 Despair,

Achex Rococa, Torax Ubac, Rade Trah, CT-9564 "Doc", Varc Jesk - Jedi, Meddaar Vampor - Monk

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Mar 09, 2019 3:21 am

Trixie is thankful to get some lightsaber training in. it has been a while and she has never felt confident in her combat skills. She takes aim of the simulation and strikes...
Trixie; TotOR; Lightsaber Test:
4 Successes, 3 Advantages
....and.....MARVELOUS!!!! She is greatly pleased by her demonstration of lightsaber skill!!!

Her confidence bleeds over into the next minute of dueling. Success comes easy.
Trixie; TotOR; Lightsaber Test:
3 Successes, 1 Advantage
Trixie demonstrates sufficient skill as she finishes the training. However, she feels that the training program stepped up the difficulty unfairly. I should have won, she thinks to herself. While the program deflected her best strikes, she managed to give the program something it could not handle (Triumph + 5 Adv) and the program shuts down rather than continue to engage her.
Trixie; TotOR; Lightsaber Test:
1 Failure, 5 Advantages, 1 Triumph,


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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by Jesster » Sat Mar 09, 2019 10:50 pm

Auspa ignites her lightsaber when the test is to begin, but she looks apprehensive about wielding the weapon in her hand. "I should warn you, Master Curvian. My training so far has mostly involved the manipulation of the Force. Lightsaber forms aren't exactly my forte."

Even with her hesitation, Auspa still faces the test.
In the first round, Auspa stumbles her way through the steps. Her form slips a few times, but she mostly stays in step with the hologram. When she is waiting for the second round, she wipes some beads of sweat from her brow.
She seems to find her rhythm a bit better in the second round, at least. She looks far more confident as she follows the holograms movements.
... However in the third round her confidence betrays her. She oversteps the hologram's movements completely and ends up burning her lightsaber into the ground. Anger flashes across her eyes, but it's not clear if she's more frustrated at the hologram or herself. She quickly deactivates the lightsaber. "I don't need this tool. I can work perfectly fine without it..."

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by ThreeBFour » Sun Mar 10, 2019 2:33 am

Waz'aru shook his head at Master Curvain's latest test. He knew it was coming, but was secretly dreading it. He already knew that his skill with a lightsaber was sub-par compared to the others and most other Padawans in general. But like he recently discovered in his sessions with Arca in their study of the Sith document, practice would be a benefit to him, and that's all this was. Igniting the saber he stepped up to his holographic opponent.
Waz'aru; TotOR; Lightsaber check:
1 Success, 1 Threat


Image becomes a strain from muscle pull.
He managed to make it through the 1st exchange better than he expected, although he felt he might have over extended himself, causing a slight muscle pull.
Waz'aru; TotOR; Lightsaber check:
2 Failures, 1 Advantage

The next exchange didn't go as well. But he thought there was a possible flaw in the holograph's program he might be able to exploit.
Waz'aru; TotOR; Lightsaber check:
0 Success, 3 Advantages

Using what he found out about the holographic opponent, his last exchange ended with neither one of them gaining an advantage in combat. "Better than I expected, although still less than I hoped Master." He says stepping back from thr holograph. "I feel like I may have touched on something within that may better my skill in the future."

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by Doctor Who » Mon Mar 11, 2019 2:18 am

"Zyla, good form, but you need to work on your reaction time. You seem to pride yourself as a duelist, but misplaced pride can be a danger in a fight."

She turns to Arca. "Your form is not all there, although despite your inability to keep up on the last round you showed excellent control under duress."

"And Varc," she says as she turns, "You did a fine job, excellent form after you found your rythm. But you need to work on your spatial awareness. A slip at the wrong time could be your end."

"Trixie, you did very well. Excellent form, and save for some slowness on the final round you seem to have the makings of an excellent duelist."

"Auspa, despite blade combat not being your forte, you definitely did a fine job with the first two rounds. Knowing even rudimentary lightsaber combat can be the difference between calming down a situation and a full blown diplomatic incident. You are doing fine, do not neglect your studies."

"Finally, Waz'aru. It seems that despite some fine form, your head is not entirely in the moment. Remember to let go of your distractions and feel the Force."

Once she finishes walking in front of you all, she gives a forced smile. "Your training seems to have been coming along well from your masters. ST-3R will be keeping tabs on you while we are apart, and will record any events that seem to be Trial worthy, and then submit them for determination."

She motions ST-3R to clean up the holoprojectors, and then heads out.

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If you all are ready, I'll move us to Ossus.
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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by Vergence » Mon Mar 11, 2019 4:48 am

Nodding to acknowledge Curvian's request, the droid proceeds to scoop up the remaining holoprojectors.

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by Doctor Who » Tue Mar 12, 2019 1:36 am

The Herdship's massive form emerges into the atmosphere of Ossus, after several days of travel. The clouds dissolve against the fast-moving ship's hull, leaving streams of condensed water on the clear dome.

The massive library reaches toward the sky in front of you, several klicks away. Its massive pillars are in the process of renovation, Odan-Urr wishing for a new design after several hundred years with the old one. For now, though, the golden spires stand against the low vegetation, mildly arid backdrop.


A shuttle arrives to pick you up, and carries you all to the ground. As you step off, the dry winds and noisy bustle of trade and transport greet your ears. Dozens of Jedi move about the landing area, moving crates, parcels, and other items to and from the Library and awaiting ships. A contingent of Republic Soldiers come up to meet you.

A muscular, burly human approaches you, flanked by a Cathar and a helmeted being whose species you can't quite make out.

"I'm staff sergeant Orcam Gents, pleased ta make your acquaintance. Commanding officer is second-lieutenant Burgess, that Duros over there. This fine feline to my left is Carran, and the helmeted guy to my right is Jarkyc. The rest of our squadron is milling around. I'm sure you'll get to know 'em. We'll be underway tomorrow, once the new hyperroute beacons are primed and ready to set up and track the new routes to Galidraan and the surroundin' areas."

Orcam laughs, and spits out onto the ground some substance he was chewing.

"We got a party now boys, some bon-ee-fied Jedi for little ole' us to take care of. Whatever we can do to help you, let us know. And if any of you are good at pilotin', you're welcome to help out commander Burgess with figurin' out the route."
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You don't need to bother directly posting just to introduce yourself if you're just going to say your name. From now on, we'll assume that's what is done unless I say otherwise. So if you want to not say anything, or ask a question, go ahead with a post, but it will save time for everyone if I don't make you introduce yourself constantly.
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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by ShadoWarrior » Tue Mar 12, 2019 2:42 am

Arca responds to the offer and decides to test whether the veteran is just making pleasantries or if he's sincere, "Sergeant, you look like someone who's familiar with the finer points of scrounging. Do you think that you could acquire a Model 77 Air Rifle for me, preferably with a loadout of SmartTranq ammo? I could also make use of some more drugs in my kit, a half-dozen each of anesthetic and neuroparalytic injectors."

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by Doctor Who » Tue Mar 12, 2019 8:40 pm

Orcam scratches his head for a moment. "Carran, you think you could dig through the stuff up in orbit. I'm sure we have something like that, just got back from peacekeeping in the Stygian Caldera. Another one o' those damn conspiracies about Sith running everything behind the scenes spooked a couple colony worlds. We had to go put down some unrest."

Carran beckons you to follow him. "We probably have what you're looking for," he says in a rather smooth and silky voice, "If you want to head up with me to check for yourself."

He heads toward a troop carrier sitting idly on the tarmac nearby, and hops in.
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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by ShadoWarrior » Tue Mar 12, 2019 9:48 pm

Arca replies, "If you don't mind having me tag along. Seems like there are plenty of Jedi already here, so my presence is unlikely to be needed for a while."

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by DeepSpacer » Tue Mar 12, 2019 10:02 pm

"Are the re-sithed on Galidraan prevented from leaving? Do they have means of interstellar travel on their own?" asks Trixie. She's not sure what prompted her to speak up on the subject. Perhaps it was her compassion for the weak? Still, it may give her some insight or answer her curiosity.

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by Vergence » Tue Mar 12, 2019 11:44 pm

ST-3R decides to follow Arca to the troop carrier with the intent of acquiring mission specific gear too. "Thank you, Carran" it shares, hopping in a passenger seat.

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by Doctor Who » Thu Mar 14, 2019 12:14 am

Carran waves Arca and ST-3R aboard.

The shuttle takes off and heads to the sky.

After you grab the supplies you're looking for, or the equivalents, you head back. It takes about 2 hours.

"No one is stuck there, it's just another colony world, one of hundreds in that part of the outer rim."
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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by Jesster » Thu Mar 14, 2019 1:32 am

Auspa waits for Arca and ST-3R to return with their requested equipment, then addresses the staff sergeant with as much respect as she can muster. "I don't know how the line of command works between us, but I will defer to your experience here. My training has favored scouting, negotiations, and interrogation in case we need to start thinking ahead. When and where are we starting?"

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Re: Arc II - Fill the Land With Smoke


Post by ThreeBFour » Sun Mar 17, 2019 1:53 am

"Sergeant, if you can just point me in the direction of a reasonably quiet area where I might be able to practice for a little while, till the others come back that would be great." Waz'aru asks indicating his Fizz, "Unless, of course, you need help with other things?"


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