IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution

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Re: IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution


Post by Jesster » Tue Feb 26, 2019 8:02 am

Tai Saifa waits behind the others for a while and listens carefully to the echange. Occasionally, her eyes widen, then narrow again as she thinks over the situation.

"It is a mathematical equation then. Supply and demand. They have all of the supply and we have the all of the demands. It must be balanced. The only way to do that is to change the perception of the supplies. As my associate has pointed out, a blockade would accomplish this goal, but you have also pointed out the variable of the Senate and their thoughts on the matter. We must find a substitute for a blockade instead. What will cause a catastrophy for their prosperity without placing ourselves visibly on the side of blame?"

Once Tai is finished with her proposal, stares wide-eyed until she hears a response.

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Re: IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution


Post by SanguineAngel » Wed Feb 27, 2019 2:41 pm

"Moff! Hah! An excellent jest. I'm no closer to a regional governor than you are, agent. And nor would I wish to be."
Val Dene opens and closes his mouth like a fish, reconsidering his words. He tries again, "An ambitious lot, aren't you? Well, with a stronger bargaining position I am sure we could gain access to the Belt."

"Madam, you are correct - ordinarily we might deploy a blockade to enforce offical policy but that simply isn't practical here."
He explains to Raven, "As to the methods that are available... well, your suggestions may all work. The government here is headed by planetary governor Lin Harend, though he heads a council of trade representatives. Notable amongst the dozen council members are Sion Kimmin, Rego Vertran, and Rina Lowe who all represent the interests of particularly influential private conerns."

"Bribery is crude but can be effective - you must be careful not to expose the empire to scandal. Personal leverage is often more effective - all the better if it is something not tied to us."
He turns to look Tai in her wide guiless eyes, "Naturally, engineering an economic crisis that forces them to come to us could be spectacular coup. It would put us in a supreme position. But such a task sounds gargantuan, even for experienced agents. Surely that would be easier said than done."

"My staff have, of course, performed basic background checks on the entire council, but I have no doubt that agents such as yourselves would be able to surpass such basic research. Ultimately, I can only defer to your expertise as to the path of least resistance as far as methodolgy goes. You give me a chink in their armour and I can capitalise on it."

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Re: IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution


Post by SanguineAngel » Thu Feb 28, 2019 11:31 am

There is a buzzing and Val reaches for his breast pocket, taking out a comlink. "Ah, please excuse me - I have business to attend to. I trust you will find these rooms comfortable. My staff are located in similar rooms on the floor above and I suggest paying them a visit for further details or if you need to get ahold of me. But I see you may have matters to discuss amongst yourselves. Of course, you are also at liberty to explore the city." He produces five small golden cylinders and places them on a table, "These will get you in and out of this room and the building at any time. For now, farewell." He bows minutely and closes the door behind him.

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Re: IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution


Post by Spiritbw » Sat Mar 02, 2019 11:52 pm

Galvin picks up one of the cylinders and pockets it and then heads over to the in suite comms system and activates it.

"I'm going to send a report back to the academy regarding our trip here and the situation we have found on our arrival." He says as begins composing the message to send out,"Based on what Val Dene has told us I would personally like to follow up on the Councillors and the planetary Governor. If we are going to consider alternative avenues it might be best to get the lay of the land and it's people's thoughts on recent events."

Pausing in his activity to give the others their his attention,"I suggest you each decide where and how you wish to make use of your skills to complete our objective."

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Re: IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution


Post by swrider » Mon Mar 04, 2019 3:55 pm

Chibiithii listens carefully to the conversation. "It may serve to learn about this history of the silver belt and why it exists. Perhaps they have literature on the topic. A search for infrastructure and hazard plans may also be productive. My village was once struck by a horrible water borne disease. Our doctors saved most of our population but the entire village was in terror for many months. Perhaps this planet has local diseases which could serve our purpose?"

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Re: IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution


Post by crazybirdman » Mon Mar 04, 2019 5:37 pm

Raven says, "I will explore with our newfound ally here to make sure he is granted access to the data he requires. We will need to think of a better cover for our search."

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Re: IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution


Post by SanguineAngel » Tue Mar 05, 2019 9:32 am

Composing a report and sending it back takes only a short while. Once complete, the message is encrypted automatically (a pleasant luxury afforded by this particular device) and queued for submission via the system's subspace relay. The report should be with your superiors within a day or so. Unfortunately, messages sent via subspace relay can be subject to delay, although your report will take priority as it is an official communiqué.

When you are finished, the majority of the afternoon remains at your disposal. From the suite's windows, you have a fine view over the city and down into the office complex below you. The roof of the dome comprised of a mix of opaque and transparent hex panels, affording you a view into some of the communal areas inside. From here, you can observe a constant stream of foot traffic in and out of the governor's offices.

Your discussion turns towards your immediate plans and the options you have available to you.

Galvin expresses an interest in investigating the councilors backgrounds. An obvious place to start is to consult the ambassador's staff on the floor above.

Chibiithii and Raven propose research into the history of the Silver Belt. A natural starting point may be the office of public records here in the governor's offices or the Lohu city library, depending what type of information you think either might provide.

{OOC: at this point you can perform some general checks to represent your activities over the next few hours which may help pick up information or leads. We can zoom in when something interesting happens. So, for instance, researching the history of the Silver Belt at the library will require a Knowledge [Lore] (ImageImage) Check.

Shopping will be handled in the same manner with a Streetwise Check based on the rarity of the item you're looking for. Again, if something interesting happens we can zoom in.}

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Re: IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution


Post by Azzranache » Tue Mar 05, 2019 10:02 am

Bardax swirls the last reminaing dregs of his drink around inside the bottle, half listening to what was being said.

When conversation sparks up about where people are going, he snaps back to full attention.

Bardax straightens up and shakes out his legs to waken himself up again.

"Well, that all sounds swell" he says airily.

"In that case, I'll take.. erm. Rina Lowe!" Bardax says with a false confidence. The truth behind his decision was that being the last name mentioned it was the only one he remembered.

"It's been a while since I've done a bit of recon anyways."

He swigs back the bottle and drinks the remaining bit of drink left before wiping his mouth and letting out a small belch.

Bardax struts past the table with the golden cylinders and takes one. He puts it in his bag and heads to the door.

"But first, I need to see a man about an Akk Dog" he says over his shoulder.
OOC: Hopefully this man can help me with a palm stunner please @SanguineAngel ;)

"I'll be on comlink if anyone needs me" Bardax finishes, waving the empty bottle over his head before throwing it nonchalantly at a bin. It misses horribly and smashes against the wall.

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Re: IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution


Post by crazybirdman » Tue Mar 05, 2019 5:48 pm

Raven ask, "Shall we begin our search? As my old teacher says 'When you kill time, it can't be resurrected.' Let us find this hall of records."

They arrive at the Lohu library and Raven immediately starts enamoring himself with the staff. Raven says with an impressed tone, "I was told that this facility had no equal, but the stories do not do it justice. Simply marvelous. Now then, what can you kind people teach us about this mysterious Silver Belt we have heard about? How old is it? How does it affect the local culture and infrastructure? Please do not skip any details, we want to learn all we can in our short time hear"
Raven; Dark Academy; Charming the locals:
2 Successes, 1 Advantage

OOC not as much advantage as I was hoping for. hoping for some Forbidden/restricted info

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Re: IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution


Post by kanila » Tue Mar 05, 2019 9:27 pm

Rashk walked after Bardax. ”oarawhao acrahowo rooohu ohrawhwaworcahwhrr oowwww raanoowhwo. rawhwa rhwocahwawoc ahww ohwo rarcwo anooooorahwhrr wwoorc cakwooaahraan ahaowoscc ohwo akrcoorhrarhanro cacoohuanwawhao rhwo warcwoccwowa rac ahscakworcahraan rarrwowhaoc.”
”Can’t have you wandering off alone. And besides if we are looking for ‘special’ items we probably shouldn’t be dressed as Imperial agents.”
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Re: IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution


Post by Jesster » Tue Mar 05, 2019 10:05 pm

"I concur with the beast," Tai replies. "Since our hosts are so generous to show off their well-being and independence, they can also provide some clothing that will apply the local fashion instead of our obvious Imperial ties. As much as I prefer the clean uniformity of our employers, our job comes first. I will see to this. I believe I have our correct sizes."

She also walks toward the door in her usual gliding stride.

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Re: IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution


Post by Spiritbw » Thu Mar 07, 2019 8:37 pm

Galvin heads out himself once he has completed his report. Taking time to familiarize himself with the layout of the the Imperial section he makes his way to the offices used by the the Ambassador’s staff.

Approaching a likely looking member he says, ”Good afternoon. I’m looking to access some of our records on some of the local council members. “

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Re: IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution


Post by SanguineAngel » Fri Mar 08, 2019 6:52 pm

Galvin Steiner:
The rooms you enter are almost identical to your own suite, though with a more "lived in" feel. A clutter of datapads and hard copy records are strewn about the room and furniture has clearly been moved to make room for a clutter of desks in one quadrant of the room. The man you approach is well dressed in a smart imperial diplomatic corps uniform but, like the room, a little ruffled.

"Ah, you must be one of the agents that we were told to expect. Of course, the Ambassador told us to prepare a file for you." The gentleman casts around for a moment before picking one of a dozen identical datapads from the sofa, "Ah, yes, there we are. Now, if you wouldn't mind authorising here... here.... here. And here." A flurry of approval screens on this and his own pad require approval (for which your uniform's code cylinder will suffice). Once approval has been given, the man turns away and begins a conversation with another of the staff members here. You are quickly out of mind.

Tai, Bardax, Rashk:
The governor's offices are a superlative statement of wealth. On every floor there are plush carpets, expensive artworks, intricately carved panelling, and hundreds of exotic off-world plants that must take a small army of horticulturists to maintain.

Your guest rooms are situated in one of the towers that stand out from the domed roof. Catching each other up at the elevator, you descend into the dome-proper where your surroundings become no less opulent, though the rich reds and soft yellow lighting are replaced by clean whites & chromes and bright white lights. The elevator from the guest quarters empties out into one of the spectacular courtyards you could see from your room. The roof of the dome here is transparent and lets in a deluge of daylight. On all sides, a half dozen floors of offices look out onto the area through glass walls. To the left of the lift, a small garden adds some colour to the space. Throngs of people move about on their business, chatting, working, or quietly relaxing in the garden.

You are alone barely a moment before before you are approached by a stranger, a local human woman dressed in a smart looking suit. She had been stationed at a desk near the lift - perhaps she is some form of receptionist. "Ah, greetings agents, may I be of assistance?" She makes a small gesture that you recognise as a formal greeting from the dossier Galvin supplied. Bringing her the tips of her fingers together above her heart and then a small brushing towards you with the back of her right hand. It is done with such casualness, and being relatviely similar to other human gestures, that many new comers might easily miss it.

Raven & Chibiithii:
Lohu library is a tall, circular building. A colonnade of wide stone columns rings the building, providing a shaded walk around the entire building. Inside, the archives extend the fell height of the building. A central column containing thousands of data tapes glow with muted colours on their spines. Around the outer edge, each level is a circular gallery with rows upon rows of shelving.

At a reception desk just inside the entrance, the clerk to whom Raven addresses himself greets Raven with the formal hand gesture. He looks Raven up and down, "Well, Sir, I am most gratified to see that there are those in the Empire who appreciate the arts! Yes, she is quite something isn't she? Of course, you know that the library is built upon the site of the first permanent structure in Lohu. In fact, we hold some of the original texts carried by the founders of Lohu in this very basement..." What follows is a lengthy and empassioned lecture on the significance of the library and the wonders it holds.

"Now then, what was it you needed? Oh yes... the Silver Belt. Well, it is a sacred place as I am sure you know - a glimpse into the past for our people. The tribes out there are strict adherents to the old ways and the land is preserved by law and even the airspace is tightly monitored and controlled. I am afraid I am no expert myself as I am a humble librarian. But for such a learned fellow as yourself... well we shall be honoured to assist in your search!" With a clap of his hands, he summons another member of staff, "Oh, Leru, good you're here. See that these gentlemen have everything they require for their research, won't you?"

{You will receive Image to research checks during this visit to the library}

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Re: IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution


Post by kanila » Sat Mar 09, 2019 1:09 am

Rashk watches the receptionist as she does the greeting hand movements. More than likely it was out of habit he concluded. After a long pause he reluctantly returned the gesture. If they hoped to get anything useful out of her he should at least pretend to be civil.

He still remained stoically silent and just observed their surroundings. The others could do the talking, more than likely they wouldn’t understand him anyways.
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Re: IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution


Post by crazybirdman » Sat Mar 09, 2019 3:27 am

Raven ask, "So Leru, just how ancient is this civilization? Old computer tech? Still using flimsi? Surely we are not talking stone tablets? "

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Re: IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution


Post by Jesster » Sun Mar 10, 2019 7:50 pm

Tai stares at her beautiful surroundings as she walks without much of an outward visible reaction to show her feelings about them. Her long stride gracefully glides her across the ground in a way that betrays her more conservative Imperial dress. When the receptionist confronts them, Tai uses her appearance to back up her request. "Yes you may," she responds while looking far below. "I appreciate the blend of aesthetic and function of the dress on your planet. My associates and I will require a change of wardrobe as we stay here. Will you be able to accommodate us?"

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Re: IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution


Post by SanguineAngel » Mon Mar 11, 2019 4:42 pm

Tai, Bardax, Rashk:
"Of course, agent. Provide me with your dimension and style requirements and I will more than happy to arrange for a selection of garments to be delivered to your rooms this evening. I shall have charges directed to the ambassador's staff as usual. Will you require an immediate change of attire? There's a particularly distinguished tailor located on site here, for use by government eployees. I can see that a line of credit is set up for if you are in a hurry."

Raven & Chibiithii:
Leru seems a little more nervous than his superior when talking to you. He doesn't make eye contact and all but stammers. "Our people have lived here for thousands of years, sir. We do hold some stone tablets but they weren't really used outside of religions - too heavy for a nomadic lifestyle. We hold a lot of papyrus documents but, of course, the majority of our collection resides on flimsiplast."

"Ah, here we go, sirs - this reading area should serve you well for prolonged research. You have your flimsi-reader here, and a wooden surface for reviewing hard copy materials. Where would you like to begin?"

{You can make a research check at this point. As outlined already, this will be an Average (ImageImage) Knowledge [Lore] Check with Image from Leru's help. This is an assisted check so, you get the benefit of Chibiithii's Int or Lore plus a Image from his racial talent.}

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Re: IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution


Post by crazybirdman » Mon Mar 11, 2019 9:30 pm

Raven replies to Leru, "This is perfect, thank you. We can research this mysterious Silver Belt here." . . .
Raven; Dark Academy; Knowledge Lore/research:
2 Successes, 4 Advantages

OOC: Sweet!

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Re: IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution


Post by Azzranache » Tue Mar 12, 2019 10:48 am

Bardax scoffed from behind the others as he had no need for a change of clothes. Obscured by Rashk's bigger physique, he kept his face hidden from the woman and pulled his hood up.

He rolled his eyes and decided he would follow anyway while the others were to be fitted for more casual attire. When they arrived at the tailors, Bardax swiftly slipped away to a nearby lavatory where he began to morph his appearance. Bardax took a small breath and calmly concentrated on his look. His uniform started to tranform into a regal and delicate looking white blouse paired with a finely detailed pair of darker, skin-tight leggings. His usual boots changed to a pair of knee-high, suede looking heeled boots with fancy gold detailing running round the ankles and up the back. Suddently Bardax's hair started to grow and rapidly lighten until he had beautiful, long blonde hair neatly tied in an exquisite plat. His facial features became softer as he adopted the look of a young, pretty female human poised with a serene and friendly demeanour. Bardax turned and admired himself in a nearby mirror before giving himself an alluring smile.


OOC: Take 3 strain.

Bardax emerged from his changing room to rejoin the others in the tailors. He caught sight of Rashk and Tai, and gently approached the side of them before whispering,

"What's taking you guys so long?" in his normal voice.

He gave them a wink before drifting over to some nearby shelves to admire the clothing on display and asking the shop assistant a generic question in his new female voice.

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Re: IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution


Post by Jesster » Thu Mar 14, 2019 1:16 am

Tai gives the tailors her measurements, as well as the measurements of the rest of the agents, and waits to be fitted for her awkward tall and thin shape. Although she does not normally prefer more loose-fitting clothes that drape over her figure, she allows it this one time just to move things along. She picks a long flowing white and blue dress cinched in at the waist that covers her modestly, but leaves her arms bare. She leaves the tailor with an emotionless, "It will do," before Bardax surprises them with the new look.

Tai's eyes adjust in and out a few times as she tries to figure out who it is, but the voice is enough to give him away. Tai cranes her long neck back toward the tailor who fitted her, then clears her throat. "Hers is better. I want this adjusted now," she demands with a sudden change of opinion.

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Re: IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution


Post by SanguineAngel » Fri Mar 15, 2019 11:19 am

Raven & Chibiithii:

The Silver Belt occupies a space of over 1,000,000 Km² and is maintained and preserved in trust by the Bureau of Cultural Heritage, as a site of significant cultural interest. The Silver Belt is a microcosm of the continent of the past with rocky mountains and expansive deserts, endless golden grasslands, and chilly tundra.
One hundred and thirteen clans wander the Silver Belt today, carrying out a traditional nomadic existence virtually unchanged in hundreds of years. The basis of the Isde Nahan religion stems from their nomadic lifestyle with an emphasis on celestial navigation, the sanctity of sacred places, and a respect for animal life.

There are virtually no permanent settlements within the Silver Belt, as the people typically follow the herds on their migratory patterns.
Most clans are herders by nature, depending heavily upon the herds of ponderous Rajjak or nimble Riichi for their primary sustenance and the maintenance of their lifestyle. Consequently, tribes are constantly on the move and there are virtually no permanent settlements in the Silver Belt. Although, some sites hold particularly significant religious significance and it is not uncommon to find long term temples or shrines in such locations, though they are rarely inhabited.

Traditional wear includes layered robes and a wide, domed hat designed to keep the sun out and keep the head cool. More traditional clans reside in Rajjak hide tents, supplement their diet with ancient gathering methods, and rely on Rajjak or Riichi as beasts of burden. Less orthodox clans allow for some 'modern' conveniences such as cheap and easily maintained repulsor sleds, portable vaporators & hydroponics, and collapsible habitations made from modern materials.


Between you both, research takes you well into the night. Chibiithii, with such concentrated practice, your Common comes on leaps and bounds! You find that many of the older texts to be easier for you to parse then the modern - the language there is closer to your own religious texts.

By the time you have finished, you have gleened the following information:
  • The Bureau of Cultural Hieritage is a sizeable governmental department located within the planetary governor’s offices in Lohu.
  • Air traffic is tightly controlled access on the ground is highly regulated.
  • Tourist cruises into the Silver Belt travel out from Lohu on a regular basis on luxury repulsor sail barges. Cruises are expensive and passengers require a licence for travel into the Silver Belt.
  • Commonly, tribes and clans trade will with each other when they meet but may trade with licenced outsiders in strictly controlled trading posts.
  • Residents may leave the Silver Belt but outsiders wishing to join a tribe must provide just cause – usually dispensation is granted in exceptional circumstances such as marriage or inheritance.
  • The Toribota are one of the oldest established orthodox clans in the Silver Belt.
  • There are several temples and shrines situated throughout the Silver Belt in places of religious significance.
  • Disease: The most recent global epidemic in Isde Nahan history predates the discovery of the Anoat Sector’s Hyperspace lanes. The Gravit Rot Plague affected the herds of Rajjak and Riichi the people depended upon. Though the disease did not directly infect the locals, starvation and other diseases brought the people to the brink of annihilation.

    Joining the intergalactic trading community was fortuitously timed. The local population quickly became far less reliant on the planet’s limited resources were able to systematically cull their herds to bring an end to the disease and see their population flourish.

Galvin Steiner:

Isde Naha Governing Council

The Governing Council is composed of 12 representatives - The planetary governor, who represents the people and 11 stakeholders from influential organisations within the system's economy.

The balance of power within the council is split across three broad power bases. (i)Three 'major' council members represent the most economically powerful organisations in the system and individually wield the most influence within the council. (i)Nine minor economic representatives are indivdiually less significant but can provide a deciding factor. If they are able to reach concesus, they can be just as powerful as any of the majors. (iii)Finally, the planetary governor has relatively little direct influence within the economy but can trade in political favours and holds the power of veto.


Lin Harend [Planetary Governor]
The only publicly elected official on the council. Lin Harend won the popular vote and is known for holding the interests of the people at heart.

Sion Kimmin [Yaw Design Shipping and Logistics]
Yaw Design Shipping and Logistics, despite their name, are primarily concerned with the enforcement of regulation and tariffs across system-wide traffic. They are a subcontractor for the Bureau Of Ships and Services (BOSS) operations, staffing Yaw/BOSS inspection officers across the system.

As CEO, Sion Kimmin has a reputation as a family man and is a philanthropic donor to the Silver Belt trust.

Rego Vertran [Oasis Conglomerated]
Oasis Conglomerated are a collection of larger companies in the Isde Naha sector who deal primarily in the procurement, distribution, and processing of the systems chief export, lassik. Variations of this sweet, thick drink is ludicrously popular across the galaxy. The “secret recipe” for Oasis’ signature taste is the closely guarded key to their unilateral success.

Rego Vertran is a respectable businessman with little in the way of a private life. He inherited control Oasis Conglomerated from his father. It has been a family run business for generations.

Rina Lowe [Vortex Technologies]
Vortex Technologies are a newly established manufacturer established by the visionary Rina Lowe herself. Vortex is a renowned for developing some of the most cutting edge technology, from speeders to spaceships. Their designs are sleek and stylish, whilst the technology is bleeding edge – often experimental in nature.

Rina Vortext is a self made woman a reputation as a gregarious socialite and risk taker.

9 Minor Council members
There is a brief overview of the remaining council members. All are from smaller organisations. Independantly, they do not wield a great amount of influence but together, they are the equal of any of the other big players in the council.

Tai, Bardax & Rashk:
"At once, madam." The tailors fall about Tai with a renewed gusto - tape measures are whipped out and a brief frenzy of activity with needles and thread see Tai's loose fitting clothing adjusted to fit her unusual frame. New clothing options are presented and the end result is elegant, stylish, and practical. Both Tai and Bardax emerge from the store looking altogether like well dressed locals. You slip into the foot traffic with ease and, though you still garner a few curious looks for such an unconventional group (A wookie tends to draw the eye most places).

{OOC: I presume that Rashk will prefer to simply be rid of his uniform and remain au naturale?

Now that you no longer look like Imperial Agents, you are free to carry out your illicit shopping trips without penalty. @Azzranache, @kanila if you would roll your Hard (ImageImageImage) Streetwise Checks to find your items over in the OOC. I realise it's a long shot for you, Kanila - but there is a slim possibility of finding this at an affordable price between the two rolls. Additionally, remember you have skilled assistance from Bardax and that Bardax has a boost from unskilled assistance from Kanila.}

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Re: IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution


Post by crazybirdman » Fri Mar 15, 2019 5:18 pm

When their research is almost complete, Raven poses a question about their findings, "Do you notice anything odd about the placement of these temples? As my old gardener would say, 'Everything in life makes a pattern.' Let us see if there is any significance to their layout."

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Re: IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution


Post by SanguineAngel » Mon Mar 18, 2019 11:00 am

Raven & Chibiithii:
It is not an entirely uncommon sight for my companions and I to happen upon the ruins of a poorly preserved temple, only to find it crowded with herds of Riichi drinking from a nearby oasis and their sheppherds resting in the lee of its crumbling walls. Somewhere nearby, you can be assured, the clan has stopped to rest during the day's harsh sun. By the next morning, they will be gone and the ruins once more empty. Save for a fresh layer of Riichi dung! (Memoirs of a Planetary Conservationist part III: The living history of Isde Naha by L M Javand)

You carry on working into the night, sparked by an idea and determined to uncover some hidden significance to the sacred sites in the Silver Belt. Unfortunately, there is no evident overarching pattern in the layout of sites. Instead, more obvious patterns emerge. Sites are determined by important physical locations such as water sources or significant passes through difficult landscape. Others seem tied to migratory patterns or to some correlation of astrological significance.

From texts about the temples in the area, the buildings also vary greatly in size; from simple grottos to relatively grandiose buildings designed to house large congregations of people. A few newer temples are decorated with text and symbology marking the place as belonging to one clan or another, though most are either so old that any such markings are long worn away, or simply devoid of them in the first place. The origins of most of the older temples is simply unknown.

The largest temple is the most recently constructed and modern - just over a hundred years old. The oldest known temple is little more than a foot of rubble in the sand.

Bardax, Rashk & Tai:
The afternoon is spent in exploration of the under city of Lohu in an attempt to locate a few less reputable items. Even the shadiest parts of the city ooze with affluence. The black market is a network of back alley merchants and legitimate traders dealing in off-book items. But the back alleys are sublime with cobbled streets, richly decorated courtyards, and freshly whitewashed buildings. Weapons dealers treat you like honoured guests, while drug dealers do business across decorative tables over a glass of lassik or herbal tea. Of course, the undertone of violence runs through it all but an air of civility the is beguiling.

You find some of the items you are after but the price is too steep for your blood. You return to your rooms empty handed but with a much better picture of the city.

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Re: IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution


Post by crazybirdman » Tue Mar 19, 2019 9:10 pm

As they are packing up their things and putting away books and files, Raven talks to Leru, attempting to learn more about him. "So my friend, you have actually been in to the Silver Belt? And you get to work in this wonderful building? You are living the dream! What more could you want?!"
Raven; Dark Academy; Charm: 1 Success, 4 Advantages

OOC would like to use the advantage for extra info and/or Leru becoming a ally.

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Re: IC Session 04: A Diplomatic Solution


Post by SanguineAngel » Wed Mar 20, 2019 9:26 am

"Oh yes, sir, I was fortunate enough to travel out with an archaeological expedition as a student. Though I prefer the quiet life, so the library is really the perfect place for me. I must say, it has certainly been a thrill to be a part of such a thorough research project today.It certainly beat cataloguing. If you need further assistance here, please do consider me."

Despite a lukewarm welcome, Leru warms up to you both over the course the day. He offers further assistance should you require it and even provides his personal contact details. When not at the library, he can usually be reached at home on the planetary comms network.

As he wonders away you can just about make out what he says to himself, "Who'd have thought that imperial agents to be so diverese? And interested in cultural preservation? My my..."

{Leru becomes a contact that you may call on in the future. He is positively disposed towards you.}


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