IC Session 03: An elegant weapon

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by kanila » Fri Feb 01, 2019 11:19 pm

Rashk just grins when the barbed threat was thrown his way. He got the job done and that was all that matters. When asked about questions he just shook his head no. He would let the others figure out the delicate side of the mission.
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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by crazybirdman » Fri Feb 01, 2019 11:57 pm

Raven ask, "Master, am I too understand that we need to keep our force talents hidden? "

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by SanguineAngel » Sun Feb 03, 2019 12:28 pm

Bardax, Galvin, Rashk, Raven, Tai:
"Yes. As you know, Raven, use of the Force is outlawed across the galactic empire, after generations of criminal abuse of power by the Jedi Order. You are amongst a scant handful of people to know of the Emperor's own affiliation with the Force - not everyone is as privileged. As the Emperor's hands, you will act on his behalf where he cannot intercede personally but as you represent him, your Force use should be guarded as if it were his. The imperial envoy is a loyal servant but he does not need to bear the weight of this knowledge."

"Quite. The nature of this power source is not certain but seems likely to be Force related. The envoy need not be made aware of the details. You will take the Lambda class shuttle that is fueled and waiting on the landing pad. Now that you are all full agents, you also receive a small monthly stipend. An account has been set up for each of you with 500 credits."

"Presuming you do gain access to the Silver Belt you may encounter any of the dozens of nomadic tribes known to inhabit the region. Including the Toribota, they are all notorious for their traditional lifestyle, speaking idiosyncratic dialects or languages. Accordingly, your ship has been supplied with two translator devices to facilitate communication."

"And lastly. You're not students anymore, so... you can take the training wheels off. Those of you who have not managed to actually lose academy property, Bardax, will leave your training lightsabers here on your way out." Hoss nods towards an empty crate positioned by the door. "Dismissed."
{Please each add 500 credits to your character sheets. Also remove your training sabers if you have not done so already.

For clarity your missions is:
  • Travel to the planet Isde Naha
  • Gain access to the Silver Belt
  • (Do not disrupt the trade negotiations)
  • Find the Toribota Clan
  • Extract the nature and location of the "great natural power source" they are supposed to know of}
The suction from beneath tugs at you but you are strong enough a swimmer to counteract it. Surfacing in the chamber beyond the door, you find a sizeable octagonal room. Even as you tread water, you note the water level dropping rapidly. A metal walkway runs around the outside wall of the room. Though it isquite far out of reach, there is a set of ladder rungs attached to the wall. Along the walkway, near a door, you can see several storage containers like those in the mines lining the wall above. {Lockers (ImageImageImageImage)}

In the centre of the room is a wide stone pillar. You know from the map you have just seen that his is hollow and connects to several tunnels beneath. {Pipes}
Your check was fine by me. I certainly don't mind - you seem to have a good grasp of my likely check requirements. Though I wouldn't have granted the boost but in this circumstance it made little difference.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by swrider » Sun Feb 03, 2019 5:48 pm

Chibiithii some to the nearest ladder and climbs to the walkway. Moving along the path he makes his wet to the door and to the metal containers. Knowing that similar alcoves held holy relics from the giants in his home chibiithii kneels foot a moment dating a quick prayer before opening the lockers

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by Azzranache » Mon Feb 04, 2019 9:11 am

Bardax sits unenthused with his head resting in his left hand propped up by his elbow on the desk. His other hand is spinning what appears to be a small pen-like device between his fingers which is suppose to be for note taking. He gazes lazily at the spinning pen showing no sign of interest to the briefing, similar to that of a rebellious teen stuck in detention.

When Raven raises the question about using their force powers, he raises his eyebrows and his gaze lifts to what Hoss has to say. When Hoss states that their powers must be kept guarded, Bardax scoffs and goes back to watching his spinning pen. He could feel Hoss' cold stare glance over at him but he showed no sign of caring.

He continues to appear uninterested, fidgeting here and there. When Hoss addresses Bardax for losing his training saber, a grin appears at the side of his mouth as if pleased with himself.

At their leader's dismissal, Bardax jumps up out his seat, bangs his hands on the desk and leaps over ready to dart out the door.

"Finally!" he whines loudly as he makes his way out the briefing room.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by SanguineAngel » Mon Feb 04, 2019 10:09 am

You stand in front of one open locker, with water dripping from your sodden fur and pooling at your feet. The lockers are all full of strange looking artifacts. Each contains a set of giant's garments in a putrid blue/green colour with a waxy feel to the material and a set of metal tools designed for who knows what. Such tools would be a small treasure back home. Each locker is uniform in contents but for the one in front of you. When you searched this locker, something dropped from the garmets hanging inside. Low white lighting from flat panels in the ceiling catches a glint from something that rolls on the floor of the locker - a small cyclinder with a metal clip.

{The lockers contain rubber waders and protective clothing for traversing the sewer system and sets of basic tools for maintenance (The tools are not diverse enough to consist a full Toolbox for Gear.) One locker contains a code cylinder that has been left behind.}

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by swrider » Mon Feb 04, 2019 4:07 pm

Chibiithii marvels in aw for a few moments at the contents of each locker. He feels the texture of the garments and marvels at their workmanship. However the size of the vestments makes them impossible for him to wear. He shifts his focus to the tools selecting a few which he can easily carry and would come in handy placing them into his backpack. He is about to move on to the door when the cylinder falls to the ground. He has never seen anything like this, it is truly fascinating to him and he cant help but hold onto the device. Placing it in safe place within his backpack Chibiithii moves to the door. He first attempts to listen for what may be on the other side, but the sound of the water drown out any possibility of hearing. Chibiithi next attempts to open the door slightly looking through the cracks to get an idea of what is on the other side.
Narrativly it made sense that he wold not be able to hear anything so I didn't even attempt a check. I can if you want though.

Also I was unsure if the door would be locked or not. If it is within a larger complex it may not make sense for it to be locked. Though if it is a restricted area or an external door then it would make sense that it is locked. Without knowing what is on the other side I thought it best not to guess.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by Spiritbw » Mon Feb 04, 2019 9:19 pm

Galvin listen attentively to the briefing and can only nod curtly in agreement about the Force users under the Empire being a state secret. When the briefing is done he drops off the training sabre in the box.

While Bardax heads off, Galvin holds back a bit. Considering a few things he decides to head back to the Instructors.

”Sir, I assume we have access to a diplomatic briefing packet on Isde Naha. Would I be able to get access to it?”

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by SanguineAngel » Tue Feb 05, 2019 11:16 am

The corridor on the other side of the door is well lit and of a similar style to the room you are in - with utilitiarian grey walls and white lighting. Metal grating runs along the centre of the floor with several sizeable pipes beneath.

{Assuming again that you move forward} There is no sign of movement in the corridor, which continues in a gentle curve for a couple of hundred meters before reaching a T-junction. On the wall opposite is a set of metal rungs leading up to an alcove above at the top of which is a round metal door facing skywards. The corridor itself continues left and right in identical fashion, curving gently so that you are unable to see the full length. As you approach this junction you can just make out the sound of voices in conversation. It's not entirely clear which direction they are coming from.

"Steiner, I'm gratified to see that at least one of you has your head screwed on straight." Dr. Trask reaches under the podium and retrieves a solid looking datapad. Sturdier than a standard domestic model with two-tone matt grey metallic casing, the device is common amongst Imperial services for use in the field. You know just by looking at it that it is encrypted. She hands it to you, "Yes, this contains a full brief on the trade negotiations and an overview of local culture. You'll have time to study it in transit. Your thorough approach speaks well of you, agent."

{Reviewing the dossier will allow you to perform an Average (ImageImage) Education Check. The results will determine nature of the benefits you gain from the dossier and the length of time required for study during the trip. Please wait to roll this until you are all aboard the shuttle.}

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by Spiritbw » Tue Feb 05, 2019 3:41 pm

Accepts the datapad from Dr. Trask and weighs the device in his hands getting a feel of the device.

Thank you ma’am. Standard protocol to unlock it I assume?

Once it’s confirmed how to access the information he clicks his heals once in place of a salute. Heading out he tucks the datapad securely under his arm and heads to pack the few items he keeps for himself.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by kanila » Tue Feb 05, 2019 3:48 pm

Gathering his gear for the mission, Rashk heads immediately for the shuttle. No reason to stick around here.

Sitting in one of the shuttle seats he pulls out his blaster pistol and ensures that the power cell is full and his spare is easily accessible. They want as little exposure as possible that can tie them to their secret work so he ensures his padded armor is free of any Imperial markings. He could easily pass as not connected simply because of his species, but no reason he shouldn’t take extra precautions. Plus if he wanted to mod his blaster pistol he needed to find a Black Market dealer. Too bad he wasn’t going back where he established that gang. It would have made getting what he wanted easier. Perhaps he could have them do the leg work for his mod?
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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by swrider » Tue Feb 05, 2019 4:51 pm

Chibiithii hears the voices approaching and glances around quickly. The cave makes it impossible to identify which direction the voices are coming from. this cave is so sparse, there is no real place to hide. Deciding that his best bet is to climb into the alcove and wait, Chibiithii moves to the latter and begins to climb. As he reaches the top he tucks himself into the alcove and positions himself so he can easily pounce down on anyone who might look up into the alcove. Attempting to remain still and quite he waits too see if the voices continue to approach.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by Azzranache » Tue Feb 05, 2019 5:40 pm

There was no need for Bardax to return to his room, he had everything he needed.

He made his way to the shuttle but decided to play it cool and loiter around a bit outside before going in. Bardax watched Rashk approach and head straight in.

After a minute or two he got bored and decided to follow Rashk inside. Rashk had found himself a seat already and Bardax took it upon himself to sit himself in the seat next to him.

"Well who'd have thought it eh, Rashk?" he said in a jaunty tone.

"I knew you'd make it, you tough old rug".

Bardax made a playful punch at Rashk's big, thick arm to which he was pretty sure Rashk didn't even notice.

"You're looking sharp too in that get-up! And do I smell cologne?"

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by kanila » Tue Feb 05, 2019 5:57 pm

Rashk holsters the pistol before looking down at his arm where Bardax had hit him and then back to his face. ”huuguughghg raaaaaahhgh raaaaaahhgh raaaaaahhgh wrrhw aaaaahnr uughguughhhghghghhhgh aarrragghuuhw wrrhwrwwhw huuguughghg aaaaahnr aaaaahnr raaaaaahhgh awwgggghhh huuguughghg uggguh uughghhhgh huuguughghg aaahnruh uughghhhgh aarrragghuuhw uughguughhhghghghhhgh huurh huuguughghg hnnnhrrhhh aarrragghuuhw wuuh raaaaaahhgh uughghhhgh uugggh uuh.”
”They didn’t like the way I handled the last mission. Who would have thought killing a slaver was enough to get a scolding. The mission was easy when you make local thugs do the dying.”
He sniffed himself before addressing Bardax again. ”wrrhwrwwhw uughghhhgh wrrhw raaaaaahhgh?”
“Are you hitting on me?”
Achex Rococa, Torax Ubac, Rade Trah, CT-9564 "Doc", Varc Jesk - Jedi, Meddaar Vampor - Monk

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by SanguineAngel » Tue Feb 05, 2019 7:42 pm

Tucked into the small alcove with a clear view below (and an equally clear view for anyone below who happens to look up) you breathing seems impossibly loud. The voices get closer and louder while, from the corner of your eye, you spot a curious hold in the centre of the door - small and round. By coincidence or by design, it looks like an exact fit for the cyclinder you picked up only moments before.

The rattle of feet on metal grating announces to imminent arrival of the giants. Do you stay still and hope to avoid notice? Or try your luck with the round door?

{Hoping to avoid notice requires an Average (ImageImage) Stealth Check. Attempting to open the door with the Code cylinder requires an Easy (Image) Skulduggery Check}

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by swrider » Tue Feb 05, 2019 9:09 pm

Chibiithii is fascinated by the alcove momentarily forgetting the approaching giants. He fetches the cylinder from his pack and attempts to place it into the crevice. A sound from below brings his attention back to his current situation and stops Chibiithii before completing the operation.
Best reason I could think of for him failing with a code cylinder. Other than the code cylinder not being for this door

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by SanguineAngel » Tue Feb 05, 2019 9:33 pm

Placing the device in the slot triggers the mechanism. As the giants pass below, there is a quiet whiring from inside the door. Even without your touching it further - there is a click of a lock releasing and a hiss as the seal around the door pops and the door cracks open. A slim sliver of daylight streams directly into your eyes as one of the giants looks up, alerted by the sound. He meets your gaze with a look of astonishment.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by crazybirdman » Tue Feb 05, 2019 11:49 pm

Raven heads back to his room. He puts on his new uniform, finding it a bit restricting, and goes to pack his things. He has always traveled light, and doesn't see a reason to stop now. He puts his tunic, coat, saber, and comlink in his backpack. He says to himself, "Hmm, Probably going to need stimpacks." He picks up his walking stick and heads to the medcenter, although not for a dip in the tank this time.

He arrives, and announces himself with a slight cough to draw attention to himself. He tells the staff he has talked with many times that he is finally heading out. When one of them mentions his new uniform, he quips "Yes it is nice, but it will not protect me like trooper armor would. How about helping me out with a few stimpacks for the road?"
Raven; Dark Academy; Charm:
1 Success, 3 Advantages

OOC: can the advantage be they are worried about me and add in a litre of bacta (or a few additional stimpacks)?

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by swrider » Wed Feb 06, 2019 5:27 pm

Chibiithii snarls at the figures below him. A flash of aggression welling up within him and offering its sweet protect encourages the small creature to leap down upon those discovering him. Dropping from the alcove Chibiithii lands upon the first figure knocking it backwards into wall and unconscious (triumph). Leaping immediately towards the the second figure Chibiithii attempts to knocking it unconscious quickly.
~1 maneuver force protection: Commit one force die, take 1 strain, Chibiithii's soak increases to 7
~2 maneuver drop to engaged range.
~1 action attack
damage for brawl I believe is brawn so that would be 5 damage. Chibiithi is attempting to knock them unconscious rather than kill them. I had though about using his pike as a weapon without the lightsaber blade, but that that would be a melee check and might damage the pike.

Chibiithii; Dark Academy; Brawl:
1 Success, 3 Advantages, 1 Triumph,


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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by SanguineAngel » Thu Feb 07, 2019 9:30 am

The first figure goes down with surprising ease and without blinking you are on the second. Though larger than you, it is unprepared for the ferocity of your attack and stumbles backwards {ImageImage Disorient 1 for 1 Image} It tries to feebly tries to fend you off but your own attack is too overwhelming. Though small, you are nimble and quickly able to overpower it. It loses conciousness. {Image minion takes 1 strain}

The corridor is quiet but for the whistling wind from the hatch above.

The medical team greet with some glee - examining you with a critical eye for signs of further issue following your trauma "Keep an eye on that head wound, Raven. You took a nasty knock and the Bacta tank isn't magic." You exchange some friendly chatter before you ask for a few extra Stimpacks. The room is more crowded than when you were last here - several beds now occupied with students recently returned from their trials. One in the tank, strapped up to a respirator seems awak but stares blankly at nothing - simply morose, hopefully.

"Well, I suppose we can spare a couple of stims for our favourite outpatient. Take care out there, agent. That uniform really does look impressive." The doctor waves cheerily and turns back to one of the patients.
{You can add 2 stimpacks to your inventory - I think a 2nd is fair with that advantge. A nice interaction too!}

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by Azzranache » Thu Feb 07, 2019 12:14 pm

kanila wrote:
Tue Feb 05, 2019 5:57 pm
Rashk holsters the pistol before looking down at his arm where Bardax had hit him and then back to his face. ”huuguughghg raaaaaahhgh raaaaaahhgh raaaaaahhgh wrrhw aaaaahnr uughguughhhghghghhhgh aarrragghuuhw wrrhwrwwhw huuguughghg aaaaahnr aaaaahnr raaaaaahhgh awwgggghhh huuguughghg uggguh uughghhhgh huuguughghg aaahnruh uughghhhgh aarrragghuuhw uughguughhhghghghhhgh huurh huuguughghg hnnnhrrhhh aarrragghuuhw wuuh raaaaaahhgh uughghhhgh uugggh uuh.”
”They didn’t like the way I handled the last mission. Who would have thought killing a slaver was enough to get a scolding. The mission was easy when you make local thugs do the dying.”
He sniffed himself before addressing Bardax again. ”wrrhwrwwhw uughghhhgh wrrhw raaaaaahhgh?”
“Are you hitting on me?”

Bardax laughs heartily.

"You should be so lucky" he says giving Rashk a wink.

He then stretches out, crossing his feet in front of him and relaxing his hands back behind his head trying to give off a "cool" appearance. Once again, this lasts for no longer than 20 seconds before he starts looking around.

Where the nerf are the others? he thinks to himself as he starts to fidget.

OOC: Loving the Wookiee lingo!

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by swrider » Thu Feb 07, 2019 2:45 pm

Stupid creature! How dare you attack me! I otta.... Giant. Giant. He is a giant of the flame sword. Calm yourself. A smile comes across Chibiithii's face as he pulls the rope, he had previously made, out of his pack. This was not his intended use for the rope, but keeping these two out of the way would prove helpful. Chibiithii pulls the two slumbering giants close together and tightly binds them. Using part of the rope to act as a gag on both individuals so they can not ruin his escape route any faster than necessary. As he binds the two together he realizes that neither of the giants actually has a flame sword. His irritation from before wells back up at the individual who attacked him. Still thinking it is best to leave the creature alive, Chibiithii instead decides to relive his bladder on the creature giving the appearance that it had wet itself when the attack occurred. The urine sent should mark the creature for future reprisals. Taking one last glance at his work Chibiithii climbs the latter and peaks out the hatch.
Hey he is a savage after all.
I couldn't figure out what to roll to tie them up so I just left out the roll. I figured it would be narrative based anyways at this point.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by SanguineAngel » Thu Feb 07, 2019 3:18 pm

The light comes as quite a shock as you crawl out of the ground through the metal hatch. It closes softly behind you under its own weight and clicks shut. You're forced to squing or over your eyes with a hand but find yourself in the very midst of the giants' compound. Directly ahead of you are two buildings that look very familiar: the large central building and one of the ancillary structures - two grey cubes studded with recessed windows and connected to eachother via a single narrow walkway.

More excitingly, you can plainly see a part of the flying craft stationed a small way beyond the smaller of the two buildings. Creeping closer, you get a good look at the activity around it and see that ramp under it's beak is still lying open, allowing access to the interior. Unlike during your earlier observations, there are virtually no giants moving to and from the craft. Now, most of the giants have moved inside the ancillary building with its massive doors cracked open to allow passage and seem preoccupied with a host of other contraptions stored within. The activity inside that building seems as busy as before but no one seems to pay much attention to you outside.
Yeah, no roll would be required there from me - tying them up is a simple matter and they are unconcious anyway. You got a real life laugh out of me with this post too!

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by Spiritbw » Thu Feb 07, 2019 7:17 pm

Galvin arrives at the shuttle with a small overnight bag over one shoulder and the encrypted datapad under the other arm. Seeing the two others he gives them a polite nod before stowing the bag in the storage. That done he settles into a seat across from the boisterous duo.

”It appears we are working together on this one.” He says as he lays the pad in his lap. He sits upright but seems relaxed despite it.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by swrider » Thu Feb 07, 2019 7:39 pm

Chibiithii moves into the craft looking around. After a few minutes he heard someone approaching and he ducks inside an open crate. He listens intently waiting for the figure to leave but it only seems to be joined by others.


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