Notable NPC's

Approved characters and notable NPCs in this game.
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Notable NPC's


Post by Trip » Mon Sep 25, 2017 2:28 pm

NPC Characters:
Tyrn Jiton- Devaronian. Confidential Informant wanted for kidnapping and theft. Member of the Black Suns. Last known whereabouts was Coruscant, Duros Sector. Deceased. Murdered just before he could reveal the general's name.

Captain Dor Reder - Human. A junior officer in charge of new recruits. He leads with fear and intimidation. Anyone who disagrees with him usually pays for it with extra work and not the good kind.
He once made a new recruit clean the refreshers in the local starport for a year without the use of a cleaning brush. He is very close to General Arndall Lott. They have been spotted having dinner together in some of the fanciest places around Coruscant. Many lower level officers wonder how they can afford to go there but the are afraid to come forward without risk of retaliation.

General Arndall Lott - Human. A general in the Republic Army. He has been passed over for many advancements and resents being "stuck" with training the new recruits and policing Coruscant. Some in the lower ranks think he is corrupt although they cannot prove it. His iron fist way of commanding others keeps everyone in line. His akk dog on a chain is Captain Dor Reder.

Syr'esh Sixxkiller - Niktos. A mercenary. Information unknown at this time.

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General Errlton Fentz


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Nov 03, 2018 7:57 pm

SIL ONE.JPG (14.84 KiB) Viewed 1576 times
Name: General Errlton Fentz

Brawn ?, Agility ?, Intellect ?, Cunning ?, Willpower ?, Presence ?

Soak Value: ?, Wound Threshold: ?, Strain Threshold: ?

Skills: ?

Talents: ?

Abilities: ?

Equipment: ?

Strength: ?

Flaw: ?

Fear: ?

Desire: ?

This NPC is the suspected (by the PC's) mastermind behind the theft of 10 million credits from the First Bank of Coruscant during the Sith Empire's last major attack on the planet (In the year 3682 BBY).
He is the one who pointed the finger at the group and had them imprisoned. His identity remains a mystery.

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"Wife" Sisira Qar


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Nov 03, 2018 8:04 pm

The Wife 3.JPG
The Wife 3.JPG (19.51 KiB) Viewed 1575 times
Name: Sisira Qar

Brawn ?, Agility ?, Intellect ?, Cunning ?, Willpower ?, Presence ?

Soak Value: ?, Wound Threshold: ?, Strain Threshold: ?

Skills: ?

Talents: ?

Abilities: ?

Equipment: ?

Strength: Confidence.

Flaw: ?

Fear: ?

Desire: Wealth.

The (young) "wife" of "a high-ranking official" seen with Captain Monticor Greckel. Her age appears to be in her early to mid thirties and she carries herself with an aura of elegant confidence and dignity. She arrives on Lannik in a heavily-armed, elegant luxury ship called "The Peacock" accompanied by a male bodyguard (?).

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Captain Monticor Greckel


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Nov 03, 2018 8:09 pm

Cpt Monticor Greckel.JPG
Cpt Monticor Greckel.JPG (19.34 KiB) Viewed 1575 times
Name: Monticor Greckel, local police chief on Lannik

Brawn ?, Agility ?, Intellect ?, Cunning ?, Willpower ?, Presence ?

Soak Value: ?, Wound Threshold: ?, Strain Threshold: ?

Skills: ?

Talents: ?

Abilities: ?

Equipment: Standard authority-issued comlink, blaster pistol, binder cuffs, and uniform.

Strength: ?

Flaw: ? Woman: Relationship with Sisira Qar

Fear: ?

Desire: ?

Captain Greckel is a local police chief on Lannik who has some mysterious side-dealings. He heads up a corrupt shakedown of the Nikto community there. He habitually meets a mysterious woman from the Core Worlds, a wife of "a high-ranking official".

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Re: Notable NPC's


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Nov 03, 2018 8:15 pm

Bodyguard.JPG (12.04 KiB) Viewed 1572 times
Name: ?

Brawn ?, Agility ?, Intellect ?, Cunning ?, Willpower ?, Presence ?

Soak Value: ?, Wound Threshold: ?, Strain Threshold: ?

Skills: ?

Talents: ?

Abilities: ?

Equipment: ?

Strength: ?

Flaw: ?

Fear: ?

Desire: ?

Unknown male accompanying "the wife" on her trips to Lannik.

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Notable (Lesser) NPC's on Lannik


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Nov 03, 2018 8:29 pm

Cha, female Nikto on Coruscant. Asked PC's to help fellow Nikto refugees on Lannik. Works at Hutt-owned cantina.
Nicky, Cha's Nikto brother on Lannik.
Antazi, militant Nikto refugee who wants to deal with the authorities violently.
La-lana, female Nikto refugee, knew Captain Greckel's whereabouts.
Cornelius Gant, human male, former fellow Republic soldier

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