IC Session 03: An elegant weapon

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by SanguineAngel » Thu Jan 24, 2019 3:54 pm

Tai, as you finish construction and admire your handiwork, Vidarr Hoss ambles over. "Huh, Tai I suppose you would be the first to finish." He picks up the hilt and raises it to the light, turning it this way and that, and appraising it with a keen eye. "Exactly to specification. I would have expected no less. Further congratulations are in order - most require several attempts at construction of such an esoteric piece of equipment. I am afraid you may find the next step more challenging.""

Galvin & Rashk:
He spins on his heel and clasps first Galvin, then Rashk gently on the shoulder. "Gentlemen, cease. I can feel your frustration from here. And, Rashk, that equipment is delicate." He examines the hilts critically, "These transistors are shot, Galvin, they've been overloaded. Rashk, you've bent the receptors out of shape. They'll need replacement. You're tired and making mistakes. It's understandable."

Bardax, Galvin, Rashk, Raven & Tai:
"Everyone - pause a moment. This process is hard and frustrating. Tai, has completed her hilt but she is, as usual, an exception to the rule. I myself required many attempts before creating this." He pats his own lightsaber hilt fondly, "Rashk, Galvin - do not let your frustration master you - remember your training. Anger and frustration are simply tools to be harnessed. I suggest you both take some time out now for meditation and reflection."

"For all of you, construction is only half the process. There is a dormant power within your kyber crystals - a power you have probably already sensed - that your lightsaber emitters can harness to create their blades. But you must attune to your crystal to awaken that power. Traditionally, we do this through meditation techniques you are all intimately familiar with now. It is a process that cannot be rushed."

"Whether you complete your hilt or you are struggling - take time to meditate on your crystal: in your room, in the meditation chamber, or where ever works for you. Come back and try again when you are refocused."

{Crystal attunement
Ordinarily, I would also require a challenged meditatation on the crystal until you succeed - but on this occassion success is guaranteed and I will just ask for a Simple (-) Discipline Check to determine how long it takes to attune to your crystal.

  • Image will see you fully attune to the crystal in approx. 1 full day (you may do other things in that time too. It is early afternoon when you start).
  • Each additional Image reduces the time by around a quarter of a day or 6 hours down to a minimum of 6 hours.

I leave it to you to narrate your meditative journey in as much or little detail as you like. (if you're stuck for ideas: do you find it easy or hard? How much of your time do you spend on it vs construction vs other interests? What is your connection with the crystal like? How do you feel afterwards?).}

You creep carefully through the cavern's circular tunnel, throwing and rolling stones periodically. A small rivulet of water flows gently towards the exit - damping your fur while you crawl on hands and knees.

Now that you are closer to the three animal carcasses, you toss another stone, watching carefully. It hits the ground and rolls forward, closer to the first carcass, past it and - another blinding flash and banshee howl, loud enough to hurt your ears. The rock is propelled at an odd angle and comes to rest some way down the tunnel - a black scorch mark visible on the surface. You just catch a climpse of a recessed panel closing over in the ceiling almost directly over your head aqs your vision clears.
{It would appear to be motion sensitive. I think you've shown enough care here to warrant spotting the location of the hidden blaster without a check. Really nice post!}

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by crazybirdman » Thu Jan 24, 2019 5:33 pm

Raven is happy for the break and doesn't hesitate to follow Hoss's direction. He grabs his walking stick and his crystal and heads outside into the training yard and starts going through his lightsaber form regimen. As his muscle memory kicks in and moves flow without thinking, he allows himself to slip into meditation, imagining that the training stick is his actual lightsaber and trying to bond with his crystal.
Raven; Dark Academy; Meditation:
1 Success, 2 Advantages

OOC: Can I use the advantage to attempt another foresee check? The meditation takes the full time, but maybe (depending on the roll) the force sends him a vision to guide him?
When Raven awakens, he is sitting with his legs crossed and the crystal in his upturned palm. He can't wait to see if the others were also successful.
Last edited by crazybirdman on Thu Jan 24, 2019 10:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by kanila » Thu Jan 24, 2019 7:47 pm

Rashk simply nods to their mentor before gathering the non-functional lightsaber hilt as well as his kyber crystal. Making his way back to his room he proceeded to kneel on the cold floor. It was easier for him to be separated from others due to his alien nature. He was mocked and ridiculed when he first arrived, but that was quelled early. But others would still interrupt his meditation just because they could.
Closing his eyes, he placed the unfinished hilt on the ground next to the kyber crystal. Reaching out with his mind he attempted to connect with the crystal as he had been trained. It was slow going at first as he needed to clear away his frustration from the first failed attempt at the hilt, but to his surprise his anger seemed to fuel the connection with the kyber crystal. Not exactly his anger, but his control of his anger. The connection seemed to pull a strength hidden within himself, which only caused him to increase his focus.
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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by Spiritbw » Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:17 pm

Galvin hears what Hoss has to say and sighs as he brings the offending part to a tester to confirm then discard them. He doesn't ask how Hoss knew, not sure if it was just long experience or something he sensed through the force.

Gathering up replacement parts he moves back to the workbench and lays out the parts once again, laying them out in the order and arrangement of their assembly. The last item he takes out is the one he had not placed on the table yet, the kyber crystal. He turns the crystal this way and that before carefully placing it in amidst the parts laid out. It makes a faint but audible click as he sets it on the table before stepping back and folding his hands behind his back.

Falling into parade rest he looks down at the parts assembled on the table before him, letting his eyes drift over the different pieces he clears his mind as he was taught, letting his thoughts drift over the parts arrayed before him. He banishes the thought of the specs and alternate uses of the electronics. Does not consider the metals used in the casing or the structure of the crystal. He just looks at how they sit next to each other and how they sit in relation to each other.

After a while Galvin's breathing slows and his eyes drift closed. The parts and crystal in his minds eye, floating before him as individual pieces in their own little solar system, reorienting their arrangement without conscious thought. He does not give conscious thought to how they should be arranged in his minds eye. Only how they seem to best fit together.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by Jesster » Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:43 pm

"Ah, the crystal. I have been looking forward to this. It is infinitely more interesting than the formation of another weapon." Tai nods to the instructor and retreats to her room. While the meditation chamber is open, she still prefers the feel of her room with the proximity of her personal equipment she is familiar with.
While sitting at her desk with her lightsaber placed in front of her, Tai closes her eyes and focuses. Immediately she feels its impact on the Force, so she reaches for it and tries to connect with it. She sits like that for a full day without realizing how long she's been focusing. By the end of the full day of meditation, she opens her eyes and nearly collapses. Her throat feels dry from dehydration and her limbs are weak from remaining in place for so long.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by Azzranache » Fri Jan 25, 2019 9:07 am

Bardax looks around and watches as the others leave to take Hoss' advice. He takes a step back as if to follow but then stops. A blank stare reveals Bardax fighting with himself internally over the decision. His eyes start to dart back and forth representing a back and forth conversation in his head.

He picks up his crystal and stares at it crestfallen.

It's mine. It chose me. Why isn't it helping me?

Another voice enters his head.

Because you're weak. You feed off others. You. Are. NOTHING.

Bardax winces at these words which seem to touch a nerve. His fist clenches around the crystal.

A third voice aggresively chimes in.

NO! You're wrong. YOU'RE WRONG! People bend at my will! I. AM. POWER!

At this moment, he feels a pulsating feeling from the crystal. Like it is reacting to his thoughts. Bardax realises his eyes have been closed this whole time and opens them to reveal himself now with his hand stretched out. The crystal suspended slightly in the air.

In his eyes, the crystal is now glowing. From one end to the other. Dimmer, then illuminating strongly. Back and forth. Like his mind. Was the crystal reacting now in the same way as him?

Bardax's mouth opens slightly as if wanting to speak to it but remains silent. Somehow, the crystal now looks different. Like he understands it.

As he starts to become aware that he is still standing at his workbench, he notices that hours have gone by.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by SanguineAngel » Fri Jan 25, 2019 2:37 pm

Bardax, Galvin, Rashk & Raven:
Rashk, Raven and Galvin; you each enter the workshop in your own time to find Bardax stood motionless at his own workbench with eyes closed and his hands cradled in front of him as if holding something precious - but the crystal floats gently a few centimeters above his palm.

Your own workbenches have been cleared of clutter and new sets of parts placed neatly to one side. Galvin, your bench remains as you left it - already immaculately laid out.

After a short while, Vidarr Hoss strolls through the door and takes up station at his own workbench - since the last session a complicated looking work-in-progress has appeared on the teacher's bench and he begins to work on that. After a moment, he looks up, "Don't stand on ceremony, Agents. Get back to work."

A short while after the last of you arrives and begins construction, Bardax visibly starts. Those who bother to look over see him looking with surprise and pleasure at the crystal before him, then glancing around as though he is unfamiliar with his surroundings. Vidarr Hoss huffs quietly and shakes his head, barely glancing up from his own project.
{You may each now re-roll your Mechanics Check. Those of you who achieved ImageImage during meditation may add a boost to your check. You may re-roll using the same upgrades to the roll as before.

Success at this point is guaranteed so:
  • On Image you contrsuct the hilt on this attempt in the base time (6 or 12 hours).
  • Each additional Image reduces the time by 15 minutes.
  • Failure sees you complete construction in double the base time (12 or 24 hours)

When you open your eyes it is to the sound of a gentle knock on the metal door beside your desk.

Your mind rings with the echo of the connection you felt with the crystal - a curious phenomenon unlike anything much you have felt in the past. Although innanimate, you can still feel the manner in which the crystal somehow reacts to the Force flowing around and through it. Through your mediation, you have somehow catalysed that reactions and in doing so changed the crystal's base properties. It feels different somehow. Perhaps more interesting, you can also visualise the manner in which the Force interacting with the crystal was also changed in the reaction - though you currently find yourself unable to articulate it.

The knock at the door sounds again, still quiet but insistant.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by Azzranache » Fri Jan 25, 2019 2:53 pm

Bardax gets to work while he feels he is "in the zone".

The voices all seem to disappear from his mind as if knowing the importance of the task now and showing an element of control never experienced before. Hoss' words echo in the background and sound far away.

His hands now moving, almost as if on their own, Bardax finds things going much more smoothly this time. As if thick clouds that were hazing his thoughts before had now had dispersed and his vision was clear and true.

Within the estimated time, Bardax slid into place a final component and pressed with a satisfying click. His finished hilt seemed minimalistic, almost skeleton like. It was lightweight and easy for him to manoeuvre. His usual cocky smirk returned to face as if he knew this was it before even turning it on. With that, he held it up in his right hand and ignited the switch. The lightsaber buzzed to life and illuminated his immediate area with a warm glow.

Bardax remained motionless if a moment as if striking a cheesy victory pose.

"Oh yeah!" he yells.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by swrider » Fri Jan 25, 2019 3:59 pm

Chibiithii Maneuvers to get a better look at the hatch behind which originated the fire. Running his hands nearby he determines it is made of the same materials as the cave itself. A small crevace runs around the perimiter of the hatch indicating its size and shape. Untill this moment had had failed to relaize how few natrual crevaces were in this cave. It was obviously constructed by the giants and must lead to more of their secrets. The image of the recent flood passed through chibiithii's mind, reminding him not to take to long exploring the cave. He begins to bring up his pike, but stops half way through. "the pike may damage the trap and alert the giants. perhaps it is worth a minute to see if I can prevent their magic another way.' Chibiithii looks over the hatch another time carefully exploring it with his hands as well. He attemtps to location a mechanisim for opening the hatch or alternativly the mechanisim for activating the trap.

@SanguineAngel I just rolled the difficulty I would have assigned. If it is wrong let me know and I will edit it. My hope it to be able to disable the trap without simply destroying it. The hope is that this would prevent any alarms from going off alerting the giants.

To explain my reasoning a bit. There had to be a way to open the trap because if not base personnel would not be able to service it or the sewer system. For that reason I chose to make it average. The setback is because Chibiithii is unfamiliar with the technology at this point. The upgrade is because it is a security mechanism. I feel that any security device would have some sort of security protecting it which should be represented by an upgrade.

Chibiithii; Dark Academy: Students of Tyranny; Mechanics:
1 Success, 1 Threat


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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by kanila » Fri Jan 25, 2019 4:06 pm

Rashk set to work on his hilt once more. After his successful meditation with his kyber crystal he was hopeful that this attempt would be successful.
After what felt like hours he was no closer to finishing the hilt than he was before. Slamming the unsuccessful hilt against the workbench, it shattered into pieces. He roared in rage, his anger taking over. ”wrrhw uughghhhgh raaaaaahhgh aguhwwgggghhh aarrragghuuhw uughguughhhghghghhhgh raaaaaahhgh uughghhhgh raaaaaahhgh huurh uughghhhgh huurh huurh wrrhwrwwhw aaahnruh!”
Stupid hilt! You will not get in my way of obtaining true power over my kyber crystal!
Grabbing new parts, Rashk cleared his mind once more. Perhaps a one handed hilt was too small for him? Extending the hilt to make it a two handed one allowed him to work with larger parts. Finally after hours of work he was finally able to finish the hilt. It took him twice along as it should have, but at least it was finally finished!
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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by Spiritbw » Fri Jan 25, 2019 6:33 pm

Galvin takes his time at the workbench working on his lightsaber. Being very through in his testing and checking of components as he does so. He pauses at one point and after a few moments makes a subtle change to the internal workings.

After a while he finishes with an incredibly simple design. A almost bare dark machine metal tube. The grip etched into the metal and the button machined of the same material and made almost level with the casing.
Last edited by Spiritbw on Fri Jan 25, 2019 8:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by crazybirdman » Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:05 pm

Raven sets his mind to his task and gets back to work. With the bond he formed with his crystal he is more sure of his task this time:
Raven; Dark Academy; Mechanics - saber building take two:
2 Successes, 2 Advantages

Ugh, forgot the difficulty die:
Raven; Dark Academy; Mechanics - saber building take two:
0 Success, 3 Threats
He completes his task on time, although he had to use more parts than Hoss would have liked (Image). In the end, he had exactly what he wanted, a functioning, smaller than average lightsaber.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by swrider » Fri Jan 25, 2019 8:20 pm

To Chibiithii's surprise the hatch proves easy to open. Inside is a large metal device which appears to be connects with various vines. The barrel of the metal device is hot and matches what he saw exit through the hatch previously. Deciding that the vines might be what is used to control the tube chibiithii disconnects a few of them. Deciding to test his work he tosses a rock forward. When the device does not activate he tosses a second. Convinced he had accomplished his purpose Chibiithii continues forward within the cave. He utilize the same method with the rocks as before. As he approaches what must be the end the amount of light filtering into the cave increases. Deciding not to risk alerting anything at the end of his presence Chibiithii stops and listens for a minute attempting to hear if anything is moving on the far side.
Again I went with the difficulty I would assign. Please let me know if I should change it. I didn't think anyone on the inside would be trying to be stealthy as such I made it easy.

Chibiithii; Dark Academy: Students of Tyranny; perception:
2 Successes, 1 Threat


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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by SanguineAngel » Sun Jan 27, 2019 10:37 am

Bardax, Galvin, Raven & Rashk (& Tai):
One by one you complete your hilts. The first of you to activate your saber for the first time innevitably catches the gaze of everyone in the room, including Hoss. The blade ingites with a snap-hiss and the room is awash with an warm yellow glow, most unlike the cold blue of your training sabers or even Hoss' own lightsaber.

"Well, isn't that something." Hoss seems pleased, smug even, but unsurprised.
{This is a bit of a holding post while everyone catches up. Anyone is very much welcome and encouraged to post with a bit of RP but I'll screen wipe you all to the next Ecounter of the session once all five are caught up with post-construction.

All of the crystals you have obtained produce the same yellow lighstaber blade. These are all varients of the Ilum crystal originating on this planet (they have the same stats but don't come from Ilum!). The only exception is Rashk, who's trial took him elsewhere and his crystal may produce a yellow, green or blue blade at @kanila's discretion.}
Chibiitii, in tinkering with the giants' machinery you exposed yourself to technology you are deeply unfamiliar with. Pulling loose the vines that seemed so important, you feel a sudden and painful shock. A tingling runs up your arm and into your chest briefly before subsiding. The experience is unsettling {Take 1 Strain}. Regardless, it seems that you are able to disable the device and continue you forward boldly.

The end of the passage is bathed in red light and stops at a right angle - the new direction leading up at a steep but climable angle. You can see, now, the source of the red light. At regular intervals along the passage from here onwards, are ensconced torches on the right hand side of the still circular passage. Each torch is covered so that the flame inside is not visible - only the glow of it's light. {Hopefully obvious - these are red electrical lights lining the passage from here-on-in.}

As you stop to listen for what might be ahead, you become aware of a sound from behind. A light rattling that grows louder. The sound of... squeaking? A glance behind you and back at the entrance a swarm of rodents are scuttling into the passage through the grating. Already the first of them are past the giants' trap and rushing towards you! {Medium distance}
{Hah, you leapt ahead on that one! Hopefully that's a show of excitement. All cool - we ended up where I wanted to pause next anyway ;). I was happy with both checks you suggested - I wouldn't have upgraded the first one but it made no nevermind.

At this point you may decide that you want run deeper into the tunnel. If that is the case than I'll need an Easy (Image) Athletics Check with Image for the steep slope - this would be a chase so the outcome would be based on a competative check. Naturally, you may take a different approach - in which case we'll handle as normal.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by swrider » Sun Jan 27, 2019 9:09 pm

Chibiithii sees the swarm of rodents incoming. These creatures must not know what is good for them he thinks to himself. Simultaniously he grabs two of the rocks and moves forward towards the rodents. Throwing the rock with all his might he manages to hit one of the incoming creatures.
~incidental scoop up two rocks
~maneuver move 1 maneuver closer (that should put me two two three maneuvers from the rodents if they were at medium range).
~action throw rock. Improvised ranged weapon. I just rolled agility.

improvised weapon rock.. My guess would be brawn +1 maybe. so that would be 5 damage -soak? Let me know how you want to spend the treats.
Chibiithii; Dark Academy: Students of Tyranny; Throw Rock:
1 Success, 2 Threats


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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by Azzranache » Mon Jan 28, 2019 10:33 am

Bardax, openly pleased with himself, struts out of the workshop and down the corridor. He whistles a joyful tune as he nods at each imperial staff he walks past.

A few moments later, he arrives at a large airlock door and ceases his whistling. He presses the button on a small panel to the right of the door. The panel has an obvious, circular camera built in to see who is requesting entry. Bardax ducks slightly to view himself in the camera lens reflection and brushes back his hair in a narcissistic way.

Getting impatient after a few seconds, he straightens up and knocks rythmically on the thick, steel door. A plated sign above the door displays "Training Room 4-A".

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by SanguineAngel » Mon Jan 28, 2019 4:20 pm

The door opens with a hiss and Instructor Vorsca stands inside, regarding you with a cocked eyebrow. Her loosely fitting, blood red gi stirs gently with the influx of air. She appraises Bardax with a quick look up and down.

“I can tell by that idiotic smirk that you have finally gotten your new toy. You’d better come in.”

Jan Vorsca is not an intimidating woman to look at. Half a head shorter than her most arrogant pupil (you), her short black hair is greying at the temples, and crows feet crinkle the corners of her eyes. Despite her advancing age and a slight physique, she has wiped the floor with you enough times over the years that you are not fooled. You can always see the cunning ruthlessness in her pale grey eyes.

Instructor Vorsca is amongst the few tutors in the Academy who capable of getting the better of even Master Hoss. She is not to be taken lightly. As a tutor, her time is in high demand and you are fortunate to be counted among her students, though at times her attitude makes you feel as though you are attending remdial classes.

Training room 4-A is sparsely furnished. Two steps lead up onto a floor covered in woven reed matting, an affectation unique to your instructor. No furniture currently occupies the floor but the walls are adorned with a variety of traditional weapons and armours from across the galaxy. Prominently displayed on the rear wall is a deep red breastplate and helmet.

Vorsca lifts her hand, drawing your attention back to her. In her hand she holds a small training droid – much like a grey metallic ball. Releasing her fingers, the spherical object floats into the air and begins spinning and darting around you. A dozen or so shutters studding its surface snicker open and closed at random with a hydraulic hiss. You know from painful experience that at any moment, from one of those shuttered holes, it will shoot you with a low powered blaster shot.

“Shall we see if a fancy new weapon improves on your natural cack-handedness?” Vorsca scoffs, prodding you under the ribs with a couple of unreasonably sharp fingers.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by Azzranache » Mon Jan 28, 2019 4:33 pm

"Now, now. Is that any way to treat your star pupil?" Bardax jests making a smooching pout-like face.

He pulls out his newly made hilt and flicks it around in a circular motion before switching it on and igniting it. Its ambient yellow glow lights up his face and he can't help but grin his usual playful grin.

Bardax takes a step back and readies himself in a defensive stance. His eyes now focussed on the training droid whizzing excitedly from one spot to the next.

"I'll try not to break your toy" Bardax sneers as he an electric excitement rushes through him.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by SanguineAngel » Mon Jan 28, 2019 9:02 pm

Chibiithii: The creatures aren't particularly threatening but there are a lot of them. Your stone scatters a few and leaves two motionless as far as you can see before the swarm over runs them. Such a large creature threatening them and throwing stones causes a momentary panic and they scrabble this way and that looking for an alternative route before the tide turns and they scuttle back out of the cavern in into the forest.

Assuming you continue up the small slope and further into the sewer, the tunnel continues for a some a good distance - possible enough to bring it inside the perimeter of the compound (it'd be impossible to truly tell) before you reach a dead end. However, set into the circular wall marking the end of this tunnel is another inset panel. It's similar to the small hatch of the giants' trap earlier. Could this be another door? To one side, a holy panel - like the divine artifacts of the mansion's basement. Only... this panel is illuminated in a manner you have never seen the artificats of your home exhibit.
{This is another door, set into the end of the sewer wall. It is a full metal door so you cannot see what is on the other side. Naturally, you have a lightsaber at your disposal. If you prefer, an Average (ImageImage) Mechanics Check - without the setback now you are familiar with how such a basic piece of equipment essentially operates - would see you able to work the door open by accessing the hydraulic mechanism inside. The the 'holy panel' is just a computer panel and may be accessed with an Average Computer (ImageImageImageImage) Check with setback for unfamiliarity with computers and setback for the language barrier.}

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by swrider » Mon Jan 28, 2019 9:36 pm

Chibiithii continues along the slope of the tunnel after seeing the creatures turn back. He progresses quite some distance feeling that he must have come close to the giant's compound when he reaches a sealed door. To the side of the door fully illuminated is a holy panel. Many of these panels existed in his home, but he had never seen one illuminated. The proximity to the giants must be powering the artifact. The sacred rules forbid tampering with the terminals, but over the years he has been unable to resist. Now seeing the panel lighted Chibiithii begins examining it. Perhaps this panel could provide him with some of the giants power! Kneeling briefly before the panel Chibiithii wipers a short prayer in the holy language. Rising he carefully reaches forward to the panel and begins manipulating the movable portions.
I asume this failure costs time and he would be able to make the mechanics check afterwards.

Chibiithii; Dark Academy: Students of Tyranny; Computers:
2 Failures, 3 Advantages

After some time Chibiithii's curiosity seems satiated and he returns his attention to the door. While performing adoration at the holy panel Chibiithi had noticed a removable panel near the door concealing what appears to be a movement mechanism. This is not similar to what his people used in their home to guard the sacred areas.
Please let me know if you want me to take strain for the treat or if you have another use for it.

two boost dice were from three advantages above.

Chibiithii; Dark Academy: Students of Tyranny; Mechanics:
1 Success, 1 Threat

Working with the mechanism Chibiithii can hear the pressure of the hydraulics and sees the door begin to open. He steps back and points his pike forward unsure what lays behind the portal.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by SanguineAngel » Wed Jan 30, 2019 3:17 pm

The door creaks slowly and begins to part. Almost immediately, water begins to pour through the widening gap. In moments, water is pouring through in a torrent

The holy panel flashes red and its display changes to show a rotating map. Instantly recognisable on the map is the tunnel you have crawled through to reach this point and the door beside you highlighted in a flashing red.

As water splashes your face, you watch the map zoom out and rotate to show a large circular chamber behind the door and a network of smaller tunnels leading out from a central well. Though simplistic, the map is clear and demonstrates how the Giants' compound is connected to this room. {Computers ImageImageImage}

Even above the sound of rushing water, there is a monsterous roar that echoes in the close confines as the door comes to a grinding halt, stuck half open. The rushing water floods in with startling strength, filling the the tunnel rapidly and threatening to wash you away unless you act quickly. {1 Strain from Mechanics Image}

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by swrider » Wed Jan 30, 2019 4:16 pm

Chibiithii curses to himself in his native language. He had hoped to scout out this cave as a possible entrance into the compound, but it seems unlikely the giants would not notice a sudden drop in their pond. It is strange though that there are no fish in the pond Chibiithii thinks to himself quickly before bring himself back to the situation. It is now or never and if he wants the giants knowledge he needs to take action. Taking in a long breath of air Chibiithii grabs a hold of the bottom of the door and attempts to pull himself through.
@SanguineAngel Please let me know if me assuming difficulties is annoying you. I noticed it done in some of your other threads and I am always will to re roll or change the difficulty dice at your wish.

From your post I thought it would be a hard difficulty. The setback is because the water is being filtered through a narrow channel making it more difficult and the boost is from using the door to help act as leverage.

Chibiithii's goal will be to swim to the top immediately to get more air and possibly identify if their is an access door up. If not see if any of the other tunnels are open and if water is flowing in or out of them.

Chibiithii; Dark Academy: Students of Tyranny; Atheletics:
3 Successes, 5 Advantages


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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by kanila » Thu Jan 31, 2019 10:50 pm

After completing the hilts construction and installing the crystal he ignited it for the first time. The blade glows blue in his grip. Of course it has to be different than the others. He thinks to himself. Just another thing to set him apart from the others.
Achex Rococa, Torax Ubac, Rade Trah, CT-9564 "Doc", Varc Jesk - Jedi, Meddaar Vampor - Monk

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by Spiritbw » Thu Jan 31, 2019 11:46 pm

Galvin switches on his own blade for a moment. He watches the blade for undue flickering. Listens to it’s hum for any variation in tone. He waits to see if he feels any excessive heat from the handle. Finding none he shuts down the blade again and lays it back on the bench in front of him.

He really can’t imagine having much use for the thing outside of a few special cases. However those cases could be critical. Still, it stands out too much.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by SanguineAngel » Fri Feb 01, 2019 11:12 pm

Bardax, Galvin, Rashk, Raven & Tai:

Screen Wipe

As you return to your rooms you each find a crisp black uniform folded neatly on your bed, still warm from the press. If you try them on, you all find them to be immaculately tailored. Unusually for Imperial uniforms, they bear no insignia or rank beyond a grey embossed Imperial crest on the breast with an open hand at its centre.

{You may well imagine slow paced, triumphant music playing in the background at this tiny but emotionally significant moment!}

Screen Wipe

The briefing room is familiar - an auditorium styled classroom towards the hangar end of the academy, with semi-circular banked seating arrayed around a large holographic projector display. Even with 7 people, the room feels empty. The five of you are sat at your leisure as Vidarr Hoss and Dr. Trask brief you on your first mission. The lights are low and a red tinted planetary system floats in the air above the projector.

"Isde Naha, of the Greater Javin sector. Imperial archivists have recently uncovered reference to an ancient force enclave on this planet, the Clan of the Toribota." Hoss stands to one side of the projector, half bathed in its red glow. He points to the only planet in the system, "Sources indicate that the Toribota hold detailed knowledge of a massive natural power source, which could be invaluable to the Emperor's interests." The hologram zooms into the system's lone planet. The map spins and narrows past the cities and towns to a wide, empty expanse handreds of miles across. "The enclave are believed to reside within the Silver Belt. This is a sacred region to the local people - a vast heritage site and home to a number of nomadic tribes."

Trask speaks from the lecturn on the other side of the projector, "Isde Naha also sits at the juncture of two vital trade routes and we are in the midst of very delicate trade negotiations with the local government. It is vital that you do not endanger those talks." Trask throws a pointed look at Rashk - quick to remind you of the limits of your authority, "Marching into protected land is sure to cause problems so you will need to find either a diplomatic solution or get in and out of the Silver Belt without getting caught. You will be nominally under the command of the imperial envoy in charge of negotiations in the capital, although he has been briefed to allow you full latitude and provide assistance. Matters of the Force have not been shared."

Hoss coughs gently, "Are there any questions so far?"


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