IC Session 03: An elegant weapon

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IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by SanguineAngel » Thu Jan 17, 2019 5:29 pm

Air scrubbers embedded in the Academy's ceilings softly whir to keep the air clean and odourless - a far cry from the stale damp in the mines from which most of you have so recently returned. Brightly lit corridors may take some getting used to again. Though never soft, the utilitarian cots in the students' rooms are a relative luxury. With a host of injuries amongst returning students from your own group and from others as they dribble in over the proceeding days, you are all spared a lengthy debrief in favour of time to rest or receive medical attention.

Raven, you spend the first 14 hours of your return suspecnded in a Bacta tank. Tai and Bardax, you are both at liberty for a day or two. Galvin Steiner and Rashk are, seperately, amongst the last to arrive back at the academy. Many students do not return at all.

How do you spend your time? Perhaps in quiet reflection, rigorous study, or intense training. Those students who return with a crystal are permitted to keep the artifacts with them and perhaps take time to meditate upon them.

Eventually, each of you receive a summons on your desk terminal.

"Greetings Agent,

Congratulations on the successful completion of your final test and first assignment. In recovering the Kyber crystal you now have in your possession, you have secured a valuable and potentially dangerous asset for the empire, helping to protect the its citizens and serving your Emperor in exemplerary fashion.

With this success, you cease to be a student of this Academy and become a fully fledged agent - one the Emperor's Hands. As such, you will hunt down many such artifacts and knowledge of the Force on behalf on the Emperor. You will rely on our training, on your skill, and your wits. But for your service the Emperor wishes to bestow a gift upon you. The Kyber crystal you have retrieved is yours. With it, you will construct a weapon that is uniquely your own.

We will convene in the workshop at 0800. Be prompt. Bring your Kyber crystal. The hard work begins now.

Vidarr Hoss"

The digital clock in the top corner of the screen ticks over to 0755


Outside of the Academy's walls, Chibiithii settles into position, peering into the compound from his current vantage point. The strange place must be where the flying craft he has followed down from the mountain came to rest.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by kanila » Thu Jan 17, 2019 6:57 pm

Rashk made his way to the workshop with the crystal in hand. Of course he received the notification with 5 minutes to get there.
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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by crazybirdman » Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:42 pm

Raven checks in to the med center again. It isn't his first visit, and it most likely won't be his last. As he prepares to enter the Bacta tank, again, he talks to the technicians, asking them about their family and if their Grav-ball team won yesterdays game. As the fluid envelops him, again, and he drifts into a meditative state, Hoss' voice bounces around in his head: "Kid you might be good, or you might just be lucky, but you won't be able to keep getting by avoiding danger. Eventually you are going to have to take the fight to your opponent, especially if you are going to be of any use to the Empire."
Raven; Dark Academy; Resilience to heal critical wound:
0 Success, 1 Threat

OOC: I hope the Hoss' quotes are okay. It feels like something he would have said to Raven during training
"Yeah, keep dancing around your enemy. pfft That's just what the Empire needs, more ballerinas." Raven wakes up suddenly, feeling almost back to full health. The pain of the last hit from beast still echoing in his chest. He gets back to his room just in time to see that he has a meeting, and hustles to the workshop. Doesn't take a seer to know that he doesn't want to be the last one to arrive.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by Spiritbw » Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:57 pm

Reading over the message Galvin shuts off his terminal and grabs his utility belt. Fastening it over the insignia-less pilots jumpsuit he wears on base he takes a few seconds to look at the small gemstone that sat on the desk next to the terminal. Such a simple thing.

Reminding himself of the time he scoops the crystal into a pouch and makes his way to the workshop with a steady stride. The time available isn’t much but he knows the way to the workshop. He had made sure to learn the layout of the hallways when he first arrived years ago and knows he will arrive on time.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by swrider » Thu Jan 17, 2019 9:11 pm

Chibiithii, is unfamiliar with his place. His people rarely travel so far from the mine and mansion. The giants entered the compound and the place began to draw him towards it. Much like the caves near his home had once called to him. That lure dissipated with the death of his brother and without its call Chibiithii felt the need to follow and learn from the giants. His first step is to observe the compound.
So I was unable to find a description of the compound in any of the other threads. Since Chibiithii has never been there before I thought it appropriate for him to do a check to get a layout/ description of the base.

I was not sure on a difficulty so I rolled two seperate purple dice. Ironically with the same result. I figured it would be easy or average check.

Chibiithii; Dark Academy; Perception:
1 Success, 3 Advantages


Chibiithii; Dark Academy; Perception -difficulty :
1 Failure, 1 Threat


Chibiithii; Dark Academy; Perception -difficulty :
1 Failure, 1 Threat


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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by SanguineAngel » Fri Jan 18, 2019 12:28 pm

This place is not entirely disimilar from your own people's home; a complex of buildings like those created by the giants of old and given to your people in legend. Though these look newer and less broken, there are many giants here to maintain it. You can see them walking around, in and out through the single visible set of double doors that slide apart as if by magic. It also has a more angular look compared to the graceful curves of the architecture you are familiar with. The entire place is surround by a high, solid wall, like the smooth rock corridors inside the caves. The only visible gate through is at the front, as tall as the wall itself and firmly closed. Two... somethings sit on the wall at the top of the gate, looking back and forward constantly.

There are multiple buildings in the compound itself, but unlike the ones back home, these buidlings are linked together with spindly walls in a pattern like an anthrox web. On the near side is a large open space, half of which is occupied by a circular pit a few feet deep. On the far side, you can see the flying craft you spotted earlier, sitting still like a bird at rest, with it's wings upfolded. The great maw of it's mouth hangs open and many giants move in and out.

Moving around for a better look, you can see several strange floating things floating around the flying craft. They are flat bed carts, like the rusty carts in the warehouse back home, transporting large crates to and frrom the buildings or the flying craft itself. At the buidling they gain access through a very tall, very narrow opening in the wall.

{The complex of buildings is composed of four buildings. A singular, rectangular structure forms the central hub - with three smaller buildings radiating off and connected by narrow enclosed corridors. The main building and one of the smaller buildings at the back are about 3 floors high. The other two are only 2 floors. A single set of doors provides access at the front of the main building. At the back, a large set of hangar doors opens into the taller of the 3 smaller buidlings but are only opened enough to allow foot traffic and transport vehicles in and out.

At the front on the compound the large circular arena is sunken into a bigger piece of open grassland. The floor of the arena shows now sign of the big hole that was present in Session 01. At the rear, the Imperial Lambda shuttle sits on a landing pad, wings folded up to its dorsal wing and with the foreward ramp extended to allow ground crew access.

The entire compound is surrounded by a high plasticrete wall with only one gate - a large set of retractable metal doors fully as high as the wall itself. There is no sign of a guard tower or observation post by the gate. But there are two cameras at the top either side, visible as they pan back and forth.}

The forest's tall trees surrounds the wall on all sides but there is enough distance that you could not simply jump from one into the compound. As you are moving around to the back of the wall, you hear a running water like a small stream or brook.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by swrider » Fri Jan 18, 2019 6:08 pm

Chibiithii admires the work of the giants. His home must have been quite stunning when it was first gifted to his people all those generations ago. The sound of the running water brings peace to Chibiithii. How many times had him and his brother snuck out to listen to the flow of the water and fish along its shores? His people used the water to survive, perhaps the giants required it also? Deciding that more information was required Chibiithi keeps his eyes out on the trees looking for one that are in danger of falling or could be made to look like they fell onto the wall. He attempts to keep cover between himself and the compound as he tracks the water looking for its entrance into the compound.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by Jesster » Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:38 pm

Tai enters the medical facility after Raven is suspended in the bacta tank to help the technicians keep the tanks calibrated. As she works, she places her new crystal on the desk before her to personally study it. "So much fuss over such a small object. What secrets do you hold? Must we waste you on some laser weapon? There must be more to you..."

Tai contemplates the crystal until she receives her summons. "And perhaps soon we will receive answers..."
OOC: Morality roll for the mines

Tai Saifa; Dark Academy; Morality Roll:
Numeric Roll: 1D10+-4=3

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by Azzranache » Fri Jan 18, 2019 11:52 pm

”Well, if I’m successful in getting what I think we’re about to get, that’s got to help surely?”

Bardax, stood in a dimly lit room, is talking into his communicator. A messy bed sits nearby in what appears to be a dorm type room.

The comm-link cackles with an inaudible messsge back. It is unclear who this is.

”Heh! I’ll have to see about that. Will certainly show you a thing or two.” he responds arrogantly.

The crackling noise comes back harsher than before as if the respondent is angry.

”Yeah, yeah.. Keep your helmet on..” Bardax says cooly.

A sudden beep goes off from a desk across the room. Bardax looks round alarmed.

”Listen, I gotta go!” he adds before the other party can respond again.

He hastily switches off the communicator and stuffs it into his pocket. Bardax darts for the door and bolts out and down the corridor.

He checks his wrist and sees that it’s 0809. In a frantic rush, he picks up the pace and gives 100% as he dashes down multiple corridors of the complex.

”S**t. S**t. S**t.” he keeps muttering to himself every step of the way.

Bardax eventually reaches his destination and stops at the closed door to try and catch his breath. Leaning on the wall, he takes a few deep breaths and runs his fingers back through his windswept hair.

Taking one more deep breath, he opens the door and strides in to find his colleagues have already arrived. They appear quite settled as if been there a while.

Bardax looks around quickly.

No sign of Hoss! Great, looks like I got away with it. he thinks to himself as he spots an empty work space up front.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by SanguineAngel » Mon Jan 21, 2019 11:46 am

Bardax, Galvin, Rashk, Raven, Tai
The workshop is not a large room but many of the workbenches sit empty. Of the students who have actually returned from their trial, only Badax, Raven, Tai, Rashk and Galvin are present. Bardax, you have no problem slipping into a vacant seat up front. As you breathe a sigh of relief, Vidar Hoss unfurls from behind the teacher's bench in front of him and places a large tray on the work surface with a solid clank. He immediately pins Bardax with a Look.

"Ah, Agent Gine how good of you to join us at last. I am sure your colleagues here will have appreciated the delay in getting started thanks to your tardiness. I had hoped that your recent experiences might have instilled in you some gravitas. I see now that it is a lost cause."

An awkward silence persists until one or the other breaks eye contact - a familiar and perhaps wearisome scene for everyone. Hoss clears his throat and addresses everyone.

"Firstly, I should like to offer you all my personal congratulations. Though we do not have an elaborate ceremony here, your achievement in passing your trial is significant. You are Agents now but there is one thing left for me to teach you. I will now guide you through the creation of your own Lightsabers. You have studied much of the theory in class but now you will put it into practice."

"Before we touch a hydrospanner, the first thing you must do is determine the type of weapon you will make. You've each trained in the various forms here for many years and must by now have formed an idea of the weapon that would best suit you."
He waves a hand over the several crates of parts laid out on the teacher's workbench, "Even though each device will be crafted entirely from scratch, I've seperated out some key items into kits for the different styles of hilt you will have practiced with. Come and select one."

TypeEncumHPDifficultyStylistic examplesBase TimeSpecial
Standard Lightsaber Hilt15Average (ImageImage)Lightsaber6 Hours
Precision Lightsaber Hilt13Average (ImageImage)Shoto, Dagger Lightsaber, Lightfoil 12 HoursAccurate 1, -1 Damage to installed crystals
Defensive Lightsaber Hilt13Hard (ImageImageImage)Guard Shoto12 HoursDefensive 1, -1 Damage to installed crystals
Double Bladed Lightsaber Hilt24Hard (ImageImageImage)Double bladed lightsaber, Temple Guard lightsaber pike12 HoursLinked 1, Unwieldy 3, Attachments and Crystals cost double, Two Handed
Pole Lightsaber Hilt24Hard (ImageImageImage)Lightsaber Pike, Long-handled Lightsaber12 HoursDefensive 1, Cumbersome 3, Two Handed

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by kanila » Mon Jan 21, 2019 2:04 pm

Rashk wordlessly steps forward and grabs the schematics for the Standard Hilt. He has never been one that was great with tools, but he had to do this himself.
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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by Azzranache » Mon Jan 21, 2019 2:23 pm

Bardax watched as Rashk approached the parts and plans and decides to join him. He heads towards the towering wookiee but then at the last split second, as if having a change of thought, swerves off and positions himself at the designated spot for a Precision Lightsaber Hilt.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by Spiritbw » Mon Jan 21, 2019 8:40 pm

Galvin considers the options Hoss has laid out for them and steps over to the bin with the Standard Hilt kits after Rashk.

”This one should suit my needs sir.”

Withat he takes the parts and schematic back to his workbench and starts neatly laying out the parts in order.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by crazybirdman » Mon Jan 21, 2019 9:58 pm

Raven walks to the parts crates, he already has a good idea of what he wants to do, so he gets what he needs for a precision hilt before heading to an empty workbench.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by swrider » Tue Jan 22, 2019 2:48 am

As Chibiithii follows the stream he begins collecting some of the many vines found within the forest. After a while he finds a secluded spot and attempts to form them into a rope. The effort it time consuming and quickly becomes irksome. Deciding that the benefits of having a rope are outweighed by his need to get into the complex, Chibiithii ceases his work and continues moving along the stream.
I tired to leave it vague as you seemed to indicate that a failure didn't prevent the rope form being made, just made the effort take a while.

Chibiithii; Dark Academy: Students of Tyranny; Make Rope:
0 Success, 1 Threat


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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by SanguineAngel » Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:41 am

The rope takes you a little longer than you'd like to make - you're familiar with the process which your people use extensively but without the tools (or practice) it is somewhat more difficult. The sky begins to darken when you decide the rope is 'good enough'. You don't have time to go over and check it as your grandmother would have made you do when you were small.

{The rope is servicable but checks will suffer a Image if the rope is under exceptionally heavy load - such as supporting something very heavy or swinging on it for example. Simply climbing would incur no penalty.}

As dusk begins to fall you continue to follow the stream. The water is more of a trickle and it doesn't take long to find it's source. A large stone block embedded in the ground, with a hole in one side covered with a grate. A steady stream of water dribbles out of the hole. Clearly, this is artifical and bears significant similarity in style to the giant's complex a short distance away through the forest.

{This is a relatively large sewer outlet with a thick metal grate covering. Please also give me an Easy (Image) Vigilance Check}

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by swrider » Tue Jan 22, 2019 3:00 pm

Chibiithii looks at the strange cavern. It is obviously constructed by the giants and must be connected to their facility in some way.
It is difficult to know how to use the triumph since I don't know what the vigilance check was for. I assume some sort of security camera or other security device on the sewer.
As for the threat, should Chibiithii take a strain or do you have another use for it?

Chibiithii; Dark Academy: Students of Tyranny; Vigilance:
1 Success, 1 Threat, 1 Triumph,


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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by SanguineAngel » Tue Jan 22, 2019 3:47 pm

A small detail abruptly leaps out at you as out of place. Although the water is only trickling out of the cavern, the stream bed is washed away in a wider swathe - in fact, you are standing within the stream bed yourself as you can tell by exposed pubbles and mud, where scrub and grass is still in tact a few feet further out. You would judge that there has been substantially more water flowing here recently.

On closer inspection of the cavern itself, you spy some small animal carcasses lying about five or six meters in - an ominous sign. As you watch, a small rodent scuttles past you over leaves and mud, waddling in through a gap in the grate and leaving tiny wet footprints on the curved cavern floor. It pauses every few steps to sniff or taste something. A strange tension crawls up your spine as it edges closer to the first carcass. Suddenly there is a blinding flash and a banshee's roar. The smell of charred meat drifts towards you and three carcasses litter the cavern floor.

{I will hold onto the Threat for the moment - something will come of it shortly. No need to take strain.}

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by SanguineAngel » Wed Jan 23, 2019 11:51 am

Bardax, Galvin, Rashk, Raven, Tai:
"On your benches you will find schematics for a lightsaber emitter. These are necessarily generic and provide theoretical application but each practical application will be different. You have all brought your kyber crystals with you - you will need to ensure that your emitter fits your specific crystal - each is unique. Try to feel the power within and build accordingly. It may require fine adjustment as you work."

A panel in the lower right corner of each workbench slides back and a bouquet of mechanical arms unfolds, providing a range of clamps, magifying devices and fine-working power tools. "Your hilt should be comfortable to hold. Controls should be easily accessible. Exact styling will be up to you. I will observe and offer help where appropriate but this is up to you - in the field you won't have me on hand to help you fix the thing so you must be familiar with the intricacies of your own weapon."

"Begin now."
{You may now roll your mechanics checks for your first construction attempts. No boosts are provided for use of the mechanical tools - this would be impossible without them.

@Spiritbw & @crazybirdman You did not use a DP so your checks are not upgraded. You chose Standard and Precision hilst respectively so both checks are Average (ImageImage) Mechanics Check
@kanila You upgraded your check with a DP but the difficulty has not been upgraded so you will roll an Average (ImageImage) Mechanics Check
@Azzranache You also opted to spend a DP to upgrade your check. I am afraid your difficulty is upgraded! Average (ImageImage) Mechanics Check
@Jesster If you choose to use a destiny point to upgrade you check, you will also face an upgraded difficulty from Dark Point spent. You can post your selection and attempt at construction in one post.

When narrating your construction please remember the base time for construction. A single Image will indicate successful construction in the base time (6 or 12 hours - you may take breaks in that time!). Additional Image reduces the time taken by 15 minutes. We will address advantages, threats, triumphs, and despairs afterwards as these will inform the unique qualties of your weapon.}

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by kanila » Wed Jan 23, 2019 12:50 pm

Rashk begins work as instructed. Not being mechanically inclined, Rashk turned to the Force to guide him.

Rashk struggles throughout the entire experience, hitting roadblock after roadblock. There were several times he almost smashed the workbench to pieces, but a stern look from Hoss stops him.
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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by Azzranache » Wed Jan 23, 2019 2:17 pm

The workshop bustles with scrapes and tinkers of everyone starting to get to work. Bardax remains unusually quiet.

Come on Zygo, you got this. If I just put this bit here and then.. No, no. Just here maybe..?

The complicated task starts to take a toll on Bardax as he hunches over his work, arguing internally again with himself.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by crazybirdman » Wed Jan 23, 2019 3:46 pm

Before getting started, Raven pauses and decides to reach out with the force. He looks into the future for guidance . . .
. . but no clear vision appears. Only jumbles of tinkering and tooling that he can't even be sure it isn't just what is currently happening in the workshop. He does his best to build the saber with what little technical know how he has.
Raven; Dark Academy; Mechanics - saber construction: 1 Failure, 1 Advantage, 1 Dark Side
Sorry, forgot to remove the force die. I figure better to ignore it than re-roll
He can only imagine Hoss' pending disappointment in him.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by Jesster » Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:04 am

Tai selects a standard lightsaber hilt with a longer and slimmer design that will fit her grip better. Although she is unfamiliar with the tools or mechanics involved in this construction, she treats it like a precise medical operation in her mind.
With a careful and intentional touch, Tai constructs her lightsaber to exact operational standards half an hour before the projected time. Before placing her crystal inside, she runs a long finger across its surface in admiration. "I'm afraid I won't get much use out of you, but we will see you housed properly anyway."

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by swrider » Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:57 am

Chibitlithium pounders the fire, but realizes he must first deal with the grating. Using his pike he cuts around the edges leaving a portion of the top gate intact. When the grate falls he allows it a few minutes to cool before using vines to tie the top of the cut away to the remaining intact portion of the grate. Lifting the gate up allows his to slip inside buy a quick glance from either direction will make it look like the grate is still intact. Placing several river rocks inside the cave chibiithii enters himself. Carefully he tosses a rock a meter or two in front of himself. Another he rolls along the floor. He then moves forward with his other rocks untill he reachs one. He continues this process successfully untill he nears the carcasses. Utilizing his rocks he attempts to trigger the fire, and deduce how it works.

I'm trying to determine if it is motion or weight triggered and set it up for a knowledge check to figure out hoe it works and aid in a perception check or check to disable the trap.

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Re: IC Session 03: An elegant weapon


Post by Spiritbw » Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:18 am

Galvin begins assembly with sure movements, but as time goes on his composure and moments show less confidence. Finally he just stops and steps back from the workbench taking deep breathes and running his hands through his hair.

*This is a mechanical device like any other. Why then am I finding this so difficult to do? *
Galvin; Dark Academy; Lightsabre assembly:
2 Failures, 3 Advantages
0 Success(es) added from talents or equipment
0 Advantage(s) added From talents or equipment


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