IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by crazybirdman » Wed Nov 21, 2018 3:43 pm

Raven answers Sul, "Of course, I will require your assistance though, as equipment installation is not my strongest skill." They then set to work installing the generator . . .
Raven; Dark Academy; Mechanics - attaching the thingy to the other thingy:
1 Success, 2 Threats
OOC: It's a Thanksgiving miracle! Is it alright if the threat is lost time?
They managed to complete the job, but with their limited skill, it took longer than expected. Raven didn't look at the mound to the side, and has no idea how far back Bardax and the creature are.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Wed Nov 21, 2018 4:20 pm

The task is complex and will take some time to complete. Sul offers up a detailed explanation as he scrambles around the underside of the lift, rewiring components to route to the generator or to the console. You, meanwhile, connect the generator to the console directly by cutting the main power cable and splicing it into the genertor's own lead, then begin manually rewiring to bypass the safteys that have clamped the lift in place.

{Exactly the use of threat I had planned! Connecting the generator will take 2 turns - this one and the next. I will return to the Bardax and the Reek and pick up with you at end of the next turn but you can feel free to add in any narrative flair in the meantime. Perfecto! Nice work}

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:24 pm

The creature bucks into the ceiling and shakes its head furiously to try and dislodge Bardax, who deftly avoids being crushed or impaled as he clambers around the creature. It roars and it hollars and it stamps its feet but you will not fall - you cling to the tough hide, digging fingers into flesh at the expense of your nails.

{Maneuver: Aim Action: Attack
Creature to pass boost dice on to next allied PC check (his own)
End of round. Bardax to take next slot.}

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by Azzranache » Thu Nov 22, 2018 2:45 pm

As Bardax slides down one side from losing his grip more and more, he realises he has actually dropped into a prime position to strike the beast's eye. If he can hit it there, he could do some serious damage.

Manoeuvre 1 & 2 (2 strain) - Bardax holsters himself onto the side of the bucking reek and clambers across until he is dangling by the side of its neck. He winds back with his saber and readies to strike the eye which is now in range (Aim).

Action - With a wobbly swing, Bardax goes for the attack.
Bardax; Dark Academy; Lightsaber Check on Reek's eye:
1 Failure, 0 Advantage


OOC: Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.. HUFF! :x
It is a risky move. As Bardax's swing comes in, the creature can easily see its glow in the low light and tactfully tilts its head and knocks its side tusk in the way to protect itself. The saber bounces off the tusk and barely leaves a mark.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Thu Nov 22, 2018 3:27 pm

The creature does a credible job of parrying Bardax's moves but in the cramped confines of the mine's corridor it just can't move with the freedom to bring an attack to bear on Bardax when he remains so close to the creature's body.
In increasing frustration, the creature shakes from side to side, knocking the walls and causing even more damage to the corridor. Masonry slakes from the walls as support struts fall to the floor. Bardax loses his grip and falls to the floor amidst stamping feet but the creature tires of chasing bardax and instead lumbers moves forward down the corridor. Something more cautious about its movements this time.

Maneuver: Move to short range of Bardax
3 Advantage: Free maneuver - moves to medium distance from bardax.}

Back at the lift, Raven, you begin to patch the final wires, while Sul clambers back onto the lift. He approaches the generator and rotates the handle repeatedly until a cough and a splutter and a high pitched whining sound indicate that it is running. Smoke drifts out from the device in great stinky bellows. The console you're working on starts to light up, a dozen lights in green and yellow coming on one by one as the lift gains full power. Finally, there is a solid clunk as the safety clamps release and you have full control.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by crazybirdman » Thu Nov 22, 2018 3:47 pm

Raven yells down the corridor, "Brother Bardax, leave that beast and come join us in the safety of this precarious barely working lift!"

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by Azzranache » Thu Nov 22, 2018 4:04 pm

Bardax dusts himself off and watches as the reek makes its way down the corridor towards the others.

"Something is not quite right. Look at it! Maybe I tired it out?" he yelled back.

Wondering how he was going to get past the beast without aggrevating it again, Bardax started to hastily yet carefully follow in its tracks. The unstable structure around him still a danger.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Fri Nov 23, 2018 12:39 pm

The creature lumbers on.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by Azzranache » Fri Nov 23, 2018 12:48 pm

Bardax; Dark Academy; Athletics Check Run to Lift:
2 Successes, 1 Advantage


OOC: Recover 1 Strain.

Bardax tries to catch up but he is just too far behind. Knowing this, rather than exerting himself, he keeps a comfortable pace after the creature.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Fri Nov 23, 2018 12:55 pm

The creature reaches the edge of the mine shaft just ahead of you and comes to a skidding halt. The lift lies a few feet below, tantalising visible through the creature's legs.

{The creature and BArdax are now both Short distance from the lift, Raven and Sul.
Bardax and the Creature are engaged once more.
Turn order remains PC, PC, ENEMY}

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by Azzranache » Fri Nov 23, 2018 3:18 pm

Pushing his light run up a gear, Bardax starts to pick up speed after seeing the reek come to a stop at the lift. Taking advantage of its stance, he makes a break for the lift shaft.

Manoeuvre 1 & 2: Bardax ducks down low and scrambles through under the reek's legs. Upon existing under its chin, he makes a small leap into the shaft to join the others.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by crazybirdman » Sun Nov 25, 2018 10:04 am

With everyone onboard the lift, and the beast bearing down on then, Raven decides it is time to leave. The control for the lift is exceedingly simple; three buttons, stop, down and up. He presses 'down', not entirely sure it will work. He hopes it goes fast enough to avoid the beast, but not so fast that they are injured in thier descent.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Mon Nov 26, 2018 11:34 am

The creature pauses at the lip of the shaft. As the lift springs to life, it shudders and judders, the odd angle causing the lift to scrape. At the screeching of metal on metal, the creature rears up and retreats, howling.

The lift continues onwards, downwards, at an achingly slow but steady pace. The piercing noise a constant irritation.

“Chi…" cough "chibbidi… almost lost under the noise of the lift, a quiet voice emanates from the mound in the corner. As you have subverted the primary power generator, there are still no lights other than your torches or lightsabres.

{The encounter is now resolved. Please roll a Simple (-) Discipline or Cool Check. Each Image recovers 1 strain. You are now out of structured play.}

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by crazybirdman » Mon Nov 26, 2018 3:55 pm

Raven takes a moment to relax and gather his thoughts . .
He is so relieved to be rid of that beast that not even the grinding of the lift against the walls seems to bother him. He says to his brothers "See, there are often alternatives to fighting"

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by Azzranache » Tue Nov 27, 2018 9:15 am


Bardax puts his hand out and leans on a nearby railing as the lift starts its descent.

He smirks at Raven and says "Ha, alright for you Swoop Racer!"

Oblivious to the previous chirping coming from the mound, Bardax jumps slightly as he sees the mound start to come to life. He points his torch directly at the creature emerging and watches intently.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Tue Nov 27, 2018 10:24 am

Your light falls on damp fur. It moves jerkily, an arm half raising before falling back. On closer inspection there is something familiar about this creature. Now that you have time to stop and consider, you can make out a small furry animal with one foot missing - long healed. This is One-Foot. His fur is matted and stained dark with blood. He clutches at several deep gashes in his side. As the lift bumps and rattles, so is he knocked around, each time chirruping in pain.

Sul glances over but pays little head to the creature. Bardax, you in particular recall One-Foot's pent up anger, his apparent appeals for aid. You can see, in your minds eye, the last time you met - he stormed off in frustration towards the mines, leaning on the butt of his salvaged scrap spear. It is, perhaps, most remarkable that he has made it as deep into the mines as this!

He lifts his head a fraction and in the light, you can see his eyes open narrow. Raven, you feel ripples of pain, anger, and shame.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by Azzranache » Tue Nov 27, 2018 2:29 pm

Slightly relieved, Bardax lets out a small sigh.

He squats down next to One-Foot and gives the creature a comforting stroke on its back. As a gesture of peace and reassurance, Bardax smiles gently and offers One-Foot his torch.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Tue Nov 27, 2018 2:57 pm

One-foot stiffens as you apporach. Even you can sense the anger in him. He tries to pull away from you but is too tired. He barely utters a peep and eventually gives up, and lets you tend to him. In the background, the lift continues it's grating descent.

{Repeated attempts to invade the creature's mind, dismissal of his clear pleas for your assistance, and your final angry confrontation have led to this. It is clear that your actions have played a significant role in One-Foot's current predicament.

Bardax receives 4 Conflict}

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by crazybirdman » Tue Nov 27, 2018 4:09 pm

Raven, realizing that this creature is never going to go away, decides to try and assist him. He bends down and uses one if his stimpacks on him.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Fri Nov 30, 2018 9:30 am

Raven & Bardax

Just as the hiss of the hypo sounds, the walls around your lift suddenly disappear and you are surrounded by a seemingly endless black void. The sound of the screaching metal changes tone, becomes distinctly duller as the sound dissipates into the open space. And yet the lift continues its stuttering descent through the emptiness.

Applying a stimpack alleviates some of the One-Foot's pain and he visibly relaxes but you might be forgiven for not really noticing as the sheer size of the cavern becomes apparent. You cannot see anything by the glow of your lights but the air and the sound immediately give a sense of the enormous empty space.

Time passes.

Eventually, you begin to make out a shape emerging from the gloom. A rocky platform jutting out in the dark. The lift comes to a graceless halt at the platform, resting skewiff in the metal bracket that marks the bottom of the lift shaft. It is not flush with the metal lip on to which you would step off but it's close enough. Below, there is only more darkness. The screeching noise of your final descent fades to an echo and disspates completely. Leaving only the rasping sound of One-Foot's laboured breathing.

Time passes.

Movement in front, someone approches the lift platform. Quietly. Something about the way they move seems... familiar.


Tai Saifa

The quiet is almost hypnotic. Somewhere out there it moves and you wait for another glimpse, filling your datapad with detailed notes - careful to hide the glare of the screen. There is more to this environment - a place powerful in the force. The half flooded spherical cavern feels unnatural. It warrants study.

The quiet is... disrupted - a strange grating noise growing louder. Soon your peace is invaded by the ugly screaching that fills the cavern. Not good! For a seeming eternity, the noise shatters the illusion of solitude. Eventaully a lift, illuminated by a handful of lightsources, comes to a halt at the edge of the rocky platform on which you have been sitting. Familiar faces look uncertainly around.

The Subject hasn't been drawn to the racket yet - perhaps that indicates something.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by Azzranache » Fri Nov 30, 2018 9:56 am

It appears that One-Foot is not interested in the torch offered by Bardax. "Is he still dubious of the technology? Does he not trust Bardax? Is he in too much pain still to attempt to hold it?" A number thoughts run through Bardax's head. Then anger. "Why is he being ungrateful? This vermin should be down on its knees thanking us! Maybe I should just end its misery..?" With a sinister look in his eye, he starts to slowly raise his saber in preparation to strike the back of One-Foot's head but as they arrive at their destination, he is soon distracted by what lays in front of them.

It is hard to make out anything at first through the sheer darkness and Bardax struggles to adjust his eyes. He turns off both the torch and his saber to help make out where they are. He puts the torch away in his bag but keeps a firm hold of the training saber hilt. While in his bag, Bardax pulls out his Electrobinoculars to help scope out their new surroundings.

Before he gets a chance to use them, he hears a noise. Then a vague movement can be seen of somebody in front of them. Bardax readies his finger over the saber switch ready to engage but as the movement comes closer, he feels a slight sense of calm. Their unique silhouette outlined in the darkness, Bardax hopes it is who he thinks it is.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by Jesster » Fri Nov 30, 2018 11:11 am

Tai Saifa waits in the darkness and embraces the silence that envelops her. Although she cannot see through the inky shadows with her natural vision, she can ocassionally hear what lurks nearby in this Force-imbued cavern that they share. This dance in the darkness between them fascinates the Kaminoan's curiosities as she continues to hypothesize about this creature's qualities. If only she could get a closer look...

Her attempts to learn more from this rare situation are disrupted as the lift descends into the cavern, filling it more light and noise. Tai freezes entirely and waits for how this new variable will change the data. Although these were her fellow students, they were also test subjects much like she was. If it was time for the Force to put them through a trial, it was her duty to observe how it developed. How else could anyone learn from this interaction?

Her datapad shuts down, entirely eliminating even the faintest glow from her person.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by Azzranache » Fri Nov 30, 2018 11:50 am

Bardax notices a gentle scuffle and then the silhouette fades slightly. "What's going on here?" he thinks.

He decides to give his binoculars a try and get a decent visual. As he looks through he immediately sees an old acquaintance staring back at him.

"TAI! TAI, IS THAT YOU?!" he bellows with a cocky and light-hearted manner. His voice booms around the cavern and echoes multiple times around the vast emptiness leaving a ringing in his ears.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING DOWN HERE?" he continues confidently.

As he finishes, he watches for her reaction.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by Jesster » Fri Nov 30, 2018 12:04 pm

Yes, yes. Call out. Let it hear you, Tai thinks to herself as Bardax shouts her name. Although it is clear the other students can see her, Tai still does not move. She is far from the master of stealth, but the alarm coming from the other student may as well render her invisible to the other resident of the cavern.

Now it is time for hunter and prey to meet. But who will hunt who? Will the civilized man prevail as they are wont to do? Or will more primal savagery overpower its guests? She stares directly back at the other students, letting them know full well that she recognizes their proximity. She makes no indication that anything is wrong, though.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Sat Dec 01, 2018 8:01 pm

An uncomfortable moment passes as the echo of Bardax's 'greeting' fades. Sul grimaces and half mutters to the changeling, "Bardax..."

Whatever the Devaronian had been about to say is forgotten when bellowing roar fills the cavern. An abrupt chill washes over your all from behind (or in front in Tai's case). The light from the torch and sabers still lit noticeably dims. Something large stirs in the dark. Hints of movement half seen below, through the lift's metal grating floor.


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