IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by crazybirdman » Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:34 pm

Raven is about to open the second door but pauses to reach out with the force to make sure it is safer then where they came from:
Raven; Dark Academy; Foresee:
, 1 Dark Side

sigh, so 2 strain and flip destiny point correct?

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Mon Nov 05, 2018 9:58 pm

You reach out to the force and feel your sense yanked forward. Your conciousness accelerates through the corridors of the mine, past an open door where the stunned visage of Sul Dymos - fellow student - stands gape mouthed. He does not see you. Faster. You dive over the lip, down into the darkness - a blackness darker than the absence of light. Faster still. You fall down towards that darkness. A vast emptiness. Your conciousness goes blank. You crash to a halt and feel yourself returning to conciousness. But before you do there is a stirring and two huge glowing yellow eyes look directly at you.

You tap into a power here greater than any you have known and it is breathtaking. You come to your senses with a feeling of power coursing through you. {You receive an automatic +1 Dark Pip on your force check and you do not take strain for using dark pips}

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by crazybirdman » Tue Nov 06, 2018 2:22 pm

Raven says, "It appears to be clear. Let us try leave this creature behind, as there is someone else, and something else down there we will need to deal with. "

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by Azzranache » Tue Nov 06, 2018 3:59 pm

Bardax nods like that was all he needed to hear.

With that, he lunges forward, hands pushed out in front of him to try and open the second set of doors. To his surprise, the doors open with reletive ease. As the doors swing open, a slight suctioning sound can be heard from behind them, as if the doors suddently vacuumed into place.

Thinking that he was not sure whether the doors behind were enough to hold off whatever was chasing them, Bardax turns to Raven.

"We should get a move on before whatever that is finds a way through. From what you saw, it sounds like we may have bigger colo clawfish to fry!"

And so, Bardax starts to lead the way down the next corridor.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Wed Nov 07, 2018 1:06 pm

As you pull the door back, there's a loud crack behind as the creature slams into the closed door.
For the moment, it looks to hold - but it won't last long as masonry around the door frame already starts to crumble.

{Turn 1:Maneuver Engages with the door. Action The creature tries to batter down the door. Failure means that the creature will suffer a setback on it's next check to chase. Plus 1 setback for the generated threat. It's not visible but the creature rammed the door with it's head expecting it to give way so it's also a little disoriented.

Turn 2: Everyone please take a Simple (-) Athletics Check to determine your new positions in the chase! }

Eventually the door bursts in and the creature bounds through to pursue its prey.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by crazybirdman » Wed Nov 07, 2018 2:58 pm

Upon hearing the creature battering the door, Raven decides this isn't the best place to linger . .

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by Azzranache » Wed Nov 07, 2018 5:08 pm

Having thought the door would put up more of a defence, Bardax is slightly surprised to hear the creature smash through and he launches into another run straight down the corridor.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Wed Nov 07, 2018 9:18 pm

You both tear down the corridors as fast as you can but the creature is fast on your heels. The doors delay it but no for long. As you twist and turn through the mine tunnels, you can hear the rapid thumping of pursuit getting closer and closer. Should you risk a glace over your shoulder you can see a monsterous creature - a tri-horned head between huge, muscled shoulders. It near enough fills the corridor but moves with an easy grace of familiarity. You've seen something similiar - the many skulls adorining the mansion back at the mining camp.

The creature is big, powerful, gaining rapidly. The corridors are maze-like but, Raven, you know the exact route toward Sul and the main shaft. Scattered through the corridors are the remains of mostly unrecognisable machinery (rusted, eroded, covered in mineral deposits etc.). In places, the ceiling panels have given way and there is visible wiring running through the ceiling. In places, the ceiling looks in such a state of disrepair that you are sure only the regular cross beams are supporting the full weight.

{The creature closes to Short distance from you both.
You can now take your turns (bear in mind you are still running) as normal. A maneuver, an action, perhaps a 2nd maneuver if you need it.
As you didn't declare a use, I have used your advantages to provide what I think might be a pretty useful opportunity here in the dodgy ceiling, should you want to use it!}

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by Azzranache » Thu Nov 08, 2018 12:08 pm

Despite the monstrous appearance of the creature becoming visible, Bardax felt slightly more relieved knowing what he was dealing with. This did not reduce the level of adrenaline however knowing he could end up on one of those horns. Running side by side with Raven, they seem to be a safe enough distance, for now.

The decaying structure around them gies Bardax an idea.

Maneuver: Bardax sees a disjointed joist just ahead of them. A large crack can be seen right down the middle and has caused the joist to start to bend in at an obtuse angle. The way it is balanced surprises Bardax that it hasn't collapsed before now. It may be holding enough weight, if timed right, to fall and cause some damage to the creature. On approach Bardax leaps into the air.

Action: Grasping his lightsaber in both hands, he pulls the saber back behind his head and at the pinnacle of his jump swings his saber forward with a swift strike. He knows only being a training saber it won't cut through but perhaps the force of the strike will be enough to give the joist the knock it needs to collapse and cave in.

Bardax; Dark Academy; Lightsaber Check on Joist Strike:
0 Success, 0 Advantage


OOC: Typical...

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Fri Nov 09, 2018 12:18 pm


The tunnel collapses, the ceiling panels cracking and give way as the rock above tumbles into the corridor. The noise is deafening. Your sense of satisfaction is short lived, though, as when the dust settles, your torch beam catches movement through the rocks and you realise that the corridor is far from blocked off. The creature behind the rubble may be slowed down {It will take a setback on it's next check} but can still follow you.

@LaGouache Sul, you hear the commotion approaching and with increasing concern. You've managed to retrieve what you believe to be a mobile generator in one of the larger storage cupboards but time is running out.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by crazybirdman » Tue Nov 13, 2018 4:05 pm

Upon hearing the collapse, Raven turns back just long enough to take a looks at the beast . . not seeing anything other than the creature pushing through the debris, he decides to keep running.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Wed Nov 14, 2018 9:21 am


Patches of the creaure are bathed in the light of your torches. Heavy built and solid muscle, there's no obvious weakness and in moments it has cleared much of the rubble. As Raven studies it, the thing pauses in it's frenzied digging and suffling at the rocks to peer at you through a sizeable gap in the rocks. In a flash it mashes it's head repeatedly into the gap, pushing a way through. The rocks shift and tumble but worse, more rock above begins to fall. A crack quickly spreads above your heads, running the length of the corridor's ceiling. The entire tunnel begins to collapse! The creature roars behind you as it pushes through the rubble.
{The next check will require more dexterity than strength as you try outrun the creature whilst avoiding falling masonry! Raven and Bardax will please give me an Average (PP) Coordination Check. The creature will suffer 2 setback for the impediment of the rockfall and for lighting conditions. You offset the lighting setback with your torches}

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by Azzranache » Wed Nov 14, 2018 9:40 am

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by crazybirdman » Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:12 pm

Raven; Dark Academy; Coordination - Collapsing Corridor::
1 Success, 2 Threats

OOC: a success?! I had to double check to make sure that was correct :mrgreen:

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:03 pm

Raven, you tear down the corridor. Up ahead on your left is the doorway where your vision revealed Sul would be stood.
You barely notice Bardax falling behind. Rocks smash the ground all around you.
There's Sul! Standing frozen in the doorway, his mouth agape. His red skin is nearly black in the darkness. In his hands he hold a heavy looking machine in a metal frame and covered in cables.
The creature explodes through the rockfall, battering the debris away. Rocks fall all around it but it seems to disregard them.

The creature explodes through the rockfall. A seemingly unstoppable mass of muscle and animal rage. Bardax, the world is collapsing around you and death itself seems to be stalking you. A shower of stone rains down on you constantly, like a crowd of people slapping you on the back, over the head. You stumble, you trip, too slow! Up ahead, the Raven's silhouette is barely visible.
{The Creature is at Medium Distance from Raven but remains at Short distance from Bardax. Not yet engaged, thankfully!

You two can now take your turns. Remember you can use up to 2 maneuvers and an action. (2 maneuvers or 1 maneuver + 1 action OR 2 maneuvers + 1 action +2 Strain)

@Azzranache you will take 1 Strain. (Putting you at 2)
@crazybirdman you will take 1 setback to your next check or may take 2 strain (Putting you at 6!).
The Creature will suffer 1 Setback on it's next check also

As @LaGouache appears to be MIA, I'll use Sul as an NPC for now. He is another student from the academy - older than most and a bit of a loner - but you would certainly recognise him and know who him by name.}

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by Azzranache » Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:46 pm

Bardax could feel his heart pounding in his ears as he sensed the creature looming close behind him. The falling debris and rocks were not helping at all but he needed to think of a way to help put more distance between the rampaging creature and himself. He wondered if Raven realised how far in front he was?

Maneuver: Bardax continues to run. It would be a bad idea to try and turn to face this thing in the state that it is in. Trying to remian calm, Bardax just runs.

Action: With visibility of Raven's torchlight ahead and other low lighting helping him slightly, Bardax tries to use this to his advantage. He aims his torch back over his shoulder in the hope of obscuring the creatures vision by the bright light. Bardax did not know how good or poor the creatures eyesight was but maybe this would be a slight deterrent.


Edit: Sorry, didn't mean for the picture to be so big!

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Thu Nov 15, 2018 9:23 am

The creature rears up on it's hind legs, contorted into an odd angle by the low ceiling. Its roar is somehow different (Raven, you feel a wash of anger ripple over you from behind). Have you hurt it? Or have you just made it mad?

{The creature will suffer a setback to any check whilst the torches shine directly in it's face.Crazybirdman, you're up}

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by crazybirdman » Fri Nov 16, 2018 5:52 pm

Raven, continuing to flee, says "Good thinking Bardax!"As Raven notices Sul with a shocked look on his face, he quips"Brother Sul, will you join us in fleeing?"

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Mon Nov 19, 2018 10:05 am

"Raven!? How - nevermind. Help me with this!" Sul nods his horned head toward the heavy looking device he is hauling. He throws a worried glance over his shoulder towards the pursuing creature bellowing down the passageway as it erupts from the rubble. "Quickly".

Sul, normally a sinister and brooding presence, faces you with eyes full of fear. You realise now that he is covered in blood. And that he is alone.

{OOC: @crazybirdman you've not yet used a maneuver or action so you can expend a maneuver here to assist Sul, should you wish. Doing so would allow you both to run for the main shaft (the next stop) without risk of dropping the generator.}

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by crazybirdman » Mon Nov 19, 2018 2:24 pm

Raven looks back nervously and says, "Sure, if this thing is important, let us move quickly." and he starts to help move the device down the hall.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Mon Nov 19, 2018 4:03 pm

You grab a rusty metal crossbar and begin hauling the heavy generator away with Sul, the weight pulling your arms as it swings between you. Forging through the corridor, the shadows seem to grow thicker and thicker, a sense of dread creeping up your spine, a Force strong enough that you could almost forget the ceiling collapsing sround you. The glowing eyes of your vision seem to hover in your mind's eye. A gust of damp wind blows in your face. The light of your torch is erratic as it swings this way and that but ahead you glimpes the edge of the corridor as it spills out into a dark void - the mine shaft at last!

The creature can do little put power after you all, debris showering on it's back.

{OOC: Can you both give me another Average (PP) Coordination Check for this leg of the chase.}

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by Azzranache » Mon Nov 19, 2018 4:24 pm

Bardax; Dark Academy; Coordination - Collapsing Corridor (2):
3 Failures, 1 Advantage


OOC: Oh, fiddlesticks..

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by crazybirdman » Mon Nov 19, 2018 9:04 pm

Raven, still carrying an, unknown to him, device, continues to flee.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Tue Nov 20, 2018 10:36 am

Raven, you reach the edge of the mine shaft and come to a stop. You can't even see the creature behind you but you can hear it clearly, grunting and howling. Casting torchlight over the edge of the shaft, you can see metal grating a few feet below - a lift! It's canted slightly to one side and looks in poor repair. On the lower edge of the lift, there is an indistinct mound huddled against the railing - a casualty of some kind?

At your side, Sul points towards the control column, "I think we could get this thing started. Let's get this generator down there."

The creature powers throught the tunnels but Bardax, you are falling further behind the others. You know you'll never reach them before the creature is on you. You take decisive action, diving into a forward roll and coming to your feet facing the rear - the creature bearing down on you, grunting and snarling. Again you blind the creature with your torch, and it rears abruptly slamming into the ceiling, causing more rock to fall around you. It lowers itself to the floor and looks ready to pounce.

{3 Threat from Creature's previous roll, playing out as agreed with Azzranache. Effects are +1 Setback to its next check and it takes 1 Strain as a wound}

{OOC: The creature and Bardax are now engaged. Both are at Long range from Raven, Sul and the mine shaft. The chase is currently suspended but could be resumed next turn if Bardax runs.

It would take 3 maneuvers for Bardax to reach the shaft, or a single turn of a chase. IE, you could reach it next round at the soonest.

@crazybirdman you can climb or jump down to the lift, it's about 5 or 6 feet so there's no check required.

If it's something you want to do, attaching the generator to the lift mechanisms and bypassing the main power generator will take some time and skill. It will be an Average (PPs) Mechanics Check with Setback for a lack of tools at the console and a Hard (PPP) Athletics Check (Average (PP) if you use climbing gear) to climb under the lift and attach the cables where required. Whichever you choose to do, Sul will fulfill the other role.}

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by Azzranache » Tue Nov 20, 2018 1:24 pm

"This is it!" Bardax thinks to himself.

Before the beast lowers itself into position, Bardax felt his body move preemptively as it if something was guiding his responses. Time slows as he leaps forward and glides through the air towards the creature.

Manoeuvre 1: Bardax leaps onto the beast's face and wraps his left arm around its central horn. There is not much space for his feet to purchase on as it starts to finish lowering itself however he is now point blank range for his strike (Aim).

Manoeuvre 2: (Take 2 strain) - Bardax turns his training saber around in his right hand so the illuminated blade is now pointing down. Bardax looks down as the beast's large head is right beneath him and he steadies his footing (Aim).

Action: With an almighty thrust, he stabs down into the Reek's head.

The beast now even more enraged with Bardax on its head, shakes uncontrollably. Bardax's strike misses and barely even grazes the side of its skin. Without a firm grip due to still holding the torch, Bardax falls back and lands on the beast's neck, as if riding it. For a moment it appears to lose sight of Bardax but it knows he is still there and starts to grunt and fidget. Bardax figures if he keeps the beast's attention, he can continue to bide some time for the others.
OOC: Use Advantage to pass on a boost for @crazybirdman.


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