IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines

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IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Tue Aug 14, 2018 12:08 pm

You wake in the morning to soft sunlight streaming through narrow, letterbox windows lining the upper walls of the basement. Dry, folded clothes by your head. Fresh plates of food. The lamps that were burning last night are all extinguished now.

In the brighter daylight, the basement rooms are less mysterious than they appeared last night. The murals on the walls, you can see, are largely faded but formed a fairly ornate decoration at one time to what appears to be a couple of offices. In the second room, you can still see the shrine to the old computer terminal, though even this seems less mystical in the daylight and without the hundred open flames dotted around the room.

None of the creatures from last night have yet disturbed you but you can hear plenty of activity from upstairs.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by Azzranache » Tue Aug 14, 2018 1:23 pm

As the light starts to interrupt his surprisingly restful sleep, Bardax opens his eyes and looks about to help focus his sight. Immediate memories of where they ended up come flooding back and he sits up to stretch and take a better look around.

Something catches his sense of smell. Bardax gathers some of the food left out and starts to hungrily feast. He realises how hungry he was from their exhaustive expedition the previous day. After filling his stomach, Bardax stands and starts to walk around the room again, getting a better look of the decor of the room.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by crazybirdman » Wed Aug 15, 2018 6:16 pm

Raven calmly wakes up, but decides to not waste anymore time here than necessary. He grabs some food, and heads to the computer shrine to see if any useful information can be found there.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Fri Aug 17, 2018 10:36 am

The desk is covered in flowers, trinkets and other offerings. This is a shrine which is clearly of great importance to your current hosts, whilst the basement is a temple of sorts. The desk is a heavy, molded, dark metal design, with a tabletop covered in a ornate bronze coloured inlaid scrollwork. To the Left of where you might sit, if a seat were present, is the computer terminal.

It is an old, old design, built into the desk itself. There is a small box screen titled at 45 degrees and angled towards you protruding from the table surface. A small keyboard inset in the desk directly in front of the screen - descrete enough that you might not notice it if you are not stood right at the desk. There is also an aged holo-projector lense a half foot further into the desks' surface, easily within reaching distance.

There is no obvious power switch, instead there is an empty key slot at the bottom of the screen. If you wanted to try your hand at turning it on without a key, you would need to remove the casing and fiddle with the components.

[OOC: If you wish to attempt to turn the computer on without a key it will be an Average (RPs) Computers Check, upgraded with a Destiny Point (if you proceed) and with a setback to represent an unfimiliarty with such an old device.]

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by crazybirdman » Sun Aug 19, 2018 2:03 am

Raven says out loud, not even sure if anyone is listening"This needs an access key... " he quickly checks to see if there is one nearby. Not finding one he heads upstairs to see if their hosts will be any help."Hopefully our small friends are more clever than they seem."

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:11 pm

You climb the stairs into the house proper. Daylight fills the house now. At the top of the stairs, it is strangely quiet - you can still hear activity but no one passes through this room, although it appears to be the nexus for several corridors.

The atmosphere is less fervent today. As you pass by rooms, the hubbub invariably quietens down to a hushed whisper and the creates sneak looks at you with a mixture of reverence or curiosity.

Much of the jewelry you saw in the lamplight last night is clearer in the light of day and there is a familiar theme amongst many - bone carved figures from the murals below, some brandishing swords of fire. Raven, the carvings again remind you of the manner in which One-Foot perceived you last night - as a baroque parody of the murals in the basement, as giants of myth.

[OOC: How will you go about trying to locate the key?]

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by Azzranache » Mon Aug 20, 2018 8:28 am

Bardax watches Raven inspect the old terminal and explain about needing a key. There was no obvious place it could be from what Bardax could see so he decides to follow Raven back upstairs to investigate.

Although such primitive creatures would usually annoy Bardax, he couldn't help but feel a little compassion for them after receiving such hospitality.

As they made their way through the corridor upstairs, he couldn't help but notice the odd murals dotted about the place. Thoughts started crossing his mind: These fire swords, were they the creature's interpretaion of lightsabers?

"Raven, do you have any idea what this key might look like?" Bardax asks.

"Perhaps we can draw a picture of it for them, they might recognise it" he adds.

Bardax finds a small piece of coal like rock on the floor and holds it up to Raven.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by crazybirdman » Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:52 pm

Raven answers, "I was just going to find one of the higher ranking ones, take them downstairs, point to the computer, and hope they know what to do. Being tough with them didn't seem to work, and I do not think the would worship a non functioning computer terminal."

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Wed Aug 22, 2018 5:33 pm

With no particular plan in mind, it will be an Easy (Ps) Streetwise check with 1 setback for the language barrier as you mingle with your hosts, hoping to bump into the chieftain.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by crazybirdman » Wed Aug 22, 2018 9:05 pm

Raven meanders around the ground floor making eye contact and smiling at his host, all the while keeping an eye out for the 'chief' or someone else important enough to be trusted with the computer key.
Raven; Dark Academy; Streetwise: finding someone important: 2 Failures, 3 Advantages
OOC: Oh yeah, back to failing in a big way! Can we saw that one of the creatures misunderstands me, instead of finding the chief they give us something that'll be useful for our pending excavation/cave exploration?

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Thu Aug 23, 2018 7:50 am

The Mansion is much as you remember from last night; crowded with the resident creatures who are busy about their work. There are dozens of creatures living here, if not into the hundreds. You explore the rooms of the ground floor more thoroughly and find the "kitchen" is still a hive of activity awash with mouth watering smells. Some creatures clutch their jewellry and eye you both warily though one steps forward brazenly and hands you another parcel of warm food wrapped in leaves. Other rooms on the ground floor serve a number of functions from workshops to apparent residences for families, with small fireplaces in the centre. Similarly, the hallways you walk through are used for living space or house small work stations (usually just one of the creatures sat on the floor with the detrietus of their trade scattered around them).

The foyer you were led through last night is very well lit, daylight streaming through a domed window at the top, with much glass missing. Nestled under the ruined, curved staircase is an array of makeshift weaponry - spears, nets, bolas and the like. Other rooms with extreior walls sport windows covered with yet more vine woven matting to act as blinds, though many are now tied up to allow the daylight in.

Upstairs, the story is much the same though perhaps there is a little less hustle. Most rooms on this level are used exclusively as living spaces. You enter one area that is different, an open landing with no decorations, trophies, or netting on the walls. The landing is semi circular, with a balustrade lining the curved edge opposite you and a gap where the foyer stairs used to be. You can feel wind rushing in through the domed glass roof over the foyer. On one side of the door, a metal barrel holds a set of wooden staves. On the other side, a similar barrel contains a set spears - some with shards of metal, others with flint points.

In the centre of the landing, a familar figure sits cross legged. One-Foot, the first creature you met the night before, cradles his metal scrap spear in his lap, using a round stone to sharpen the blade. When you enter the room he looks up at you, his eyes narrowed, his attitude surly. He stands slowly, leaning on his spear for support and regards you coolly.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by crazybirdman » Mon Aug 27, 2018 9:52 pm

Raven can't quite decide what to do, so he reaches out with the force to try to get a sense of what this creature is feeling . .
Raven; Dark Academy; Sense: surly?:
, 1 Dark Side
OOC, ugh, stupid dark side-I would like to use the dark pip please

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:37 am

Raven, you touch One-foot 's mind. Beneath the surface is a roiling sea of emotion, pains and regrets heaped upon one another. Thrumming through it all, a steady beat of anger and resentment and drive. It is a rare glimpse into the deeper emotional state of a being you don't often get.

At the surface, in the here and now, there is doubt, frustration and defiance as he stares you down. You can no longer see yourself as the shining paragon from the murals, in his mind's eye. Though you cannot tell exactly what he is thinking, it is obvious that he is not convinced of your authenticity.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by Azzranache » Wed Aug 29, 2018 10:27 am

Bardax watched closely as Raven attempts to get a feel for One-Foot. He could sense by Raven's aura that it was not pleasant. Thinking this could very quickly go one of two ways, he had an idea.

Bardax took a glimpse up at a large, remarkable painting displayed high up on the wall behind One-Foot. The painting showed a human male, possibly in his late 50s-early 60s sitting and posing for the artist. The man had greying shoulder length hair tied back in a ponytail and had an equally grey pointed goatee which was very neat and trim. He wore a tightly fitted robe, almost tunic like which was a rich purple colour with a pattern of gold trim. The man had the appearance of someone important like a high council member or diplomat. On his lap, underneath his carefully placed hands were the ends of what looked like a lightsaber. Was this man a force user?

After a taking in a good look at the painting, Bardax remembered seeing this same figure in other paintings around the mansion including the basement room where they had slept. This man clearly had some significant placement here in the mansion at one time in the past.

Taking a step back so that all who were present could see him clearly, Bardax takes out his training saber and ignites it. He holds out his arms up by sides and begins to change (takes 3 strain).

Bardax; Dark Academy; Changeling Ability to Portrait Man:
0 Success, 3 Advantages


OOC: Use 1 Advantage to recover 1 strain.

Unfortunately, due to wearing over the years, the quality of the paintings are not quite good enough for Bardax to recreate. His body struggles to embrace the vision he has in his mind and after straining for a moment, Bardax gives up and pants a few deep breaths.

Disappointed with his attempt he looks around at the creatures watching. To his surprise they are looking up at him in awe. Despite not changing, the creatures are once again captured by the glow of the saber and find this equally impressive (OOC: 2 Advantage).

Feeling slightly elevated from this, Bardax gives a the saber a few fancy whirls then holds it high above his head with both hands.

He waits and watches One-Foot for a reaction.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:33 am

Quite a crowd has gathered at the door to your backs. As the training lightsaber ignites, there is a chorus of ooo's and trills.

One-foot has seen this trick before and is not so impressed a second time, though he does take an involuntary hobble step backwards. He visibly steels himself and steps forward again, once more planting the butt of his spear on the ground. "Chibbidi. Chub bubbub bidibbid. Cubbidi[...]" One-Foot begins a lengthy diatribe, during the course of which he points angrily towards yourselves, towards the rabble behind you, to outside, you your saber. It is a passionate speech. The crowd behind you reels in shocked silence. You understand none of it until he finishes, pointing to you, slapping himself on the chest and lowering himself into an aggressive stance with his spear. It seems that he challenges you.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by Azzranache » Wed Sep 05, 2018 9:04 am

Bardax; Dark Academy; Influence on One-Foot:
, 2 Light Side


OOC: Typical! Oh well, maybe this will go in our favour.
Bardax decides to attempt one last shot at gaining the creature's help. Feeling things starting to heat up, he flicks the switch on his saber turning it off. He slowly drops his arms back down by his sides and continues to descend down slowly. Bardax sits down on the spot where he stands, maintaining eye contact with One-Foot at all times. He crosses his legs then places his saber on the floor next to him. Opening up the palms of his hands, he shows them forward to One-Foot as a gesture of peace and submission.

Bardax continues to stare into the creature's cold, glassy eyes and starts to Influence it's mind.

Bardax; Dark Academy; Control on One-Foot (2 Boost added from GM):
0 Success, 4 Advantages


OOC: Are kidding me? Even with 2 Boost? Sigh!

Once again, One-Foot's mind is strong-willed and proves difficult to fully penetrate. However this time, Bardax is more focused and scrapes away a bit more at his mind causing some disorientation and confusion (OOC: Spend 2 Light Side Pips to cause 2 Strain on One-Foot).

Bardax waits, poised and ready for One-Foot's reaction. He wasn't sure how much this simple creature could take before his mind breaks.

A few second pass which feels like minutes, before the Chief appears behind Bardax in a supportive manner (4 Advantage).

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Thu Sep 06, 2018 8:27 am

One-Foot shakes his head in confusion as you assert pressure on his mind but he is too angry and too strong willed to be placated.

The crowd at the door begins to murmer and parts to allow the Chiefain passage onto the landing cum training room. She is displeased and chirruping loudly even before you see her. She makes for One-Foot, putting herself between you and him, hands outstretched to both of you, keeping you apart.

Raven, as the Chieftain admonishes One-Foot you see that she bears a curious artifact upon a chain around her neck. nestled in the fur of her chest is what would appear to be a keycard. Prong-shaped and with inlaid metalwork that would, presumably, be recognised by the computer downstairs. It appears to form some form of chain of office.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by crazybirdman » Mon Sep 10, 2018 9:39 pm

Raven uses this interruption to attempt to turn things in their favor. He flashes his best smile to the chief, points to her necklace, and implores her to let him see use it on the computer downstairs.
Raven; Dark Academy; Charming the chief:
4 Successes, 1 Threat

OOC I'll take a strain unless you've something else in mind/
Luckily his gesturing and pantomiming seems to work, but was a bit more exhausting than he intended.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Tue Sep 11, 2018 5:36 am

The chieftain listens to you intently and watches your gesticulations with care. When you first indicate the necklace, she grabs at it protectively. Clearly. It is very important to her. Through persistence, you convey the importance of your request and, slowly, she lifts the chain over her head.

As she kneels to offer it to you reverently, there is a hushed murmer through the crowd. Even one-foot calms down, dropping his weapon with a clatter and kneeling by the chieftain where he clasps her shoulder in support. The chain is yours for the taking. The act holds some significance.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by Azzranache » Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:06 pm

OOC: Grats @crazybirdman! What a great roll! You were due that to be fair :lol:
Bardax watches as the Chieftain offers up the neckless to Raven. His hand reaches back for his saber and he calmly returns it to his belt.

He kneels up and waits for Raven to take the neckless.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by crazybirdman » Tue Sep 11, 2018 3:28 pm

Raven takes the necklace with great care, not putting it on, but holding it aloft. He motions for the chieftain to follow him as he walks through her home, and back down to the basement. *When he gets to the console, he exaggeratedly motions everyone for silence, as he inserts the key/necklace into the slot.
*This is assuming that 1) they let me take it this far, and 2,) they come into the room with me.
@azzranache Thanks, maybe I will only use charm from now on! :mrgreen:

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by SanguineAngel » Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:17 pm

A host of the creatures follow you down to the basement. Your procession passes beneath the ominous gaze of eyeless animal skulls lining the walls above those elaborate murals.

When you insert the keycard into the computer there are a few tense moments of silence. Then a click. Then a whir. A series of atonal beeps and the embedded holo-projector springs to life, throwing out a blue light above the surface of the table. A blue tinted image appears in the air, though the picture is distorted and flickering it is visible. The image is a three dimensional map of Shadow Peak, with a convoluted warren of caves and minshafts descending deep into the mountain. You can make out the mining complex outside the cave entrance, though in this image, the buildings are pristine and complete.

As the image materialises, there as a communal gasp from the natives and many of those crowding round step back. Several make warding signs and others fall to their knees. The Chieftain is on her knees too, chanting in a language that is unlike the usual chirupping - it is uncomfotable sounding on her palette.

To the right of the map is a set of text in an unusual script. [Please both make a Hard (PPP) Education or Lore Check to recognise the language]

[An Easy (P) Computers check is required to see how much information about the mine you can glean from the map.]

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by crazybirdman » Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:48 pm

As soon as the image appears, Raven sets to work to see if he can find any information that will help them find Kyber crystals in the mine as fast as possible (if there is even any left):
Raven; Dark Academy; Computers: Looking for info about the mine.:
1 Success, 0 Advantage

OOC:phew, I'll take it! I'm not even going to attempt to decipher the language (someone else can though). My character is in a hurry to move on.
Only after he finds what he is looking for does he notice the awe that has come over the onlookers. He feels compelled to de-mystify the console. He gets the chieftains attention and points to the projection, hoping she will recognize the buildings of the language.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by Azzranache » Thu Sep 13, 2018 11:00 am

Bardax; Dark Academy; Check to recognise language:
1 Failure, 2 Threats


OOC: Really shouldn't have bothered...

Bardax takes a long hard look at the unusual markings at the side of the map. It was like nothing he'd ever seen. In his determination to see better, he moves for better position and knocks a low hanging artifact from the wall. It cracks on the floor causing a piece to break off. A number of the creatures tut and mutter annoyed with this action.

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Re: IC Session 02: Shadow Peak Mines


Post by crazybirdman » Thu Sep 13, 2018 2:54 pm

Raven watches Bardax hopefully, but then winces as the artifact hits the floor. He whispers Maybe we should leave before we can do any more damge in this place.


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