Sul Dymos

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Scruffy-looking Nerf-herder
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Sul Dymos


Post by LaGouache » Mon Sep 10, 2018 9:30 pm

Name: Sul Dymos
Gender: Male
Race: Devaronian


Race XP : 95 XP
Race Ability : +1 Deception; Resilient Metabolism
Brawn: 2 Agility: 2 Intellect: 2 Cunning: 3 Willpower: 2 Presence: 1
State Background Type
Sul is a former agent of Imperial Military Intelligence. Trained in infiltration and intelligence methods, he was assigned to identification and espionage missions of dissidents to the empire. Although competent in his function, Sul presented problematic shortcomings in his report to the authority and in the respect of the chain of command.

During a mission he uncovered a rebel group preparing a series of attacks on secondary supply networks of the Empire. He was ordered to continue his surveillance and not to intervene to stop their attacks in order to obtain information about the network to which they belonged.
Disobeying orders, he could not bring himself to let these terrorists harm the empire and decided to attack this small group. Despite the reluctance of his squad, they led the assault on one of the rebel group's hideout, leaving no survivor to question.
This act of brutality deprived the Empire of valuable sources of information and alerted the Rebellion about the surveillance operations targeting them, largely complicating the work of the IMI.

His career was taking a bad turn. He was being judged by the COMPNOR martial court when they spotted 'special abilities' mentions in his service reports. His case was then taken over by Dr. Trask for expertise. It did not took long to identify the sensitivity to the Force of Sul, and to make him integrate the new Imperial Academy to specialize in infiltration and assassination.
Due to his martial justice issues, he went though his training arousing the distrust of his masters.

State Motivation Type(s)
Cause : Stop the Rebellion
Sul is a strong supporter of the Empire and believes that the Rebellion are dangerous extremists that should be stopped.

Moral Strength:
The character strives for just and deliberate actions in his life, and in his interactions with others. He attempts to make the objectively right choice every time, knowing that justice is more likely to guarantee positive outcomes than sympathy or other emotional displays.

Moral Weakness:
All too often, the cruel use justice to excuse their actions. If one stops himself from tempering justice with empathy and understanding, he can inflict great harm on others and feel justified doing it. Eventually, he can grow to revel in the suffering of others, even as he deludes himself into thinking he makes the "just" choice.

Morality: 50

Computers, De­ception, Knowledge (Core Worlds), Perception, Skulduggery, Stealth

+1 Stealth | +1 Computers | +1 Deception

Coordination, Lightsaber, Stealth, Vigilance

+1 Stealth | +1 Lightsaber

Shien Expert

Experience Spend
Base (95)
Morality (10)
Starting Bonus (65)
Bonus (5)

Char Gen
Agility 3 (-30)
Shien Expert (-20)
Street Smart (-5)
Shien Technique (-10)
Toughened (-5)
Uncanny Reactions (-10)
Sleight of Mind (-15)
Dodge (-20)
Fear the Shadows (-20)
Reflect (Improved) (-25)

Date Spent

Total XP: 170 | Spent: 160 | Current XP: 15
Current Stats:
Brawn: 2 | Agility: 3 | Intellect: 2 | Cunning: 3 | Willpower: 2 | Presence: 1

WT: 11 (Base) + 2 (Brawn) + 2 (Toughened) = 15| ST: 10 (Base) + 2 (Willpower) = 12
Deception (Cun)2
Stealth (Agi)2
Computers (Int)1
Lightsaber (Br)1


Resillient Metabolism
Devaronians add automatic [success] to all Resillience checks.

Street Smart: Rank 1
Remove [setback] per rank of Street Smarts from Street­wise and Knowledge (Un­derworld) checks.

Shien Technique: Rank 1
When making a check using the Lightsaber skill, the character may use Cunning instead of Brawn.

Toughened: Rank 1
Gain +2 wound threshold.

Uncanny Reactions: Rank 1
Add [boost] per rank of Uncanny Reactions to all Vigilance checks.

Sleight of Minds: Rank 1
Add [boost] to all Stealth checks unless the opposition is immune to Force powers.

Dodge: Rank 1
When targeted by combat check, may perform a Dodge incidental to suffer a number of strain no greater than ranks of Dodge, then upgrade the difficulty of the check by that number.

Fear the Shadows
Perform the Fear the Shadows action; make a Hard (PPP) Deception check to force a single minion group or rival to flee the encounter.

Improved Reflect: Rank 1
When reflecting a hit that generated [depsair] of [3xthreat], may hit one target in medium range with the same damage as the initial hit, after original attack resolves.

Force Powers:
Power Name: Basic
  • Upgrade (Rank #): Description

Credits: 161

Training Lightsaber | Lightsaber | Damage (6) | Cit (-) | Range (Engaged) | Encumbrance (1) | Hard Points (5) | Price (-) | Rarity (6) | Special (Stun Damage)

Heavy Clothing | Defence (0) | Soak (1) | Price (50) | Encumbrance (1) | Hard Points (0) | Rarity (0)

Backpack | Price (50) | Encumbrance (+4) | Rarity (1)
Comlink (Handheld) | Price (25) | Encumbrance (0) | Rarity (0)
2 Stimpack | Price (2x25) | Encumbrance (0) | Rarity (1) [Heals 5 wounds]
3 Synthetic Standard neuroparalytic | Price (3x75) | Encumbrance (0) | Rarity (6) | Hard (PPP) Resilience Check. Fail: Stuns for 3 rounds, plus 1 strain per [threat], extra rounds per [despair]

Encumbrance Threshold: (7+4)=11 | Current Encumbrance: 2


Character Rolls
Starting credits
Sul Dymos; Dark Academy; Credits:
Numeric Roll: 1D100+=61

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