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General Discussion


Post by SavageBob » Tue Aug 28, 2018 1:11 pm

There may be up to 5 PCs. No one may be Force-sensitive; it's just not that kind of Star Wars game.

Character creation should follow the steps from the Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook, except for the use of Genesys's four-part Motivation (see separate post). All characters begin with +30 XP as a GM grant; this may only be spent on Talents and Skills (not on Abilities).

Party Roles

The first thing to consider is what role you play in the band. The standard RPG roles of Tank/Healer/Rogue/Face/Support don't necessarily apply to this game concept. Instead, think about the kinds of people who are involved with the real-world music scene and how you might emulate them. Some examples include:

Bandleader: In certain genres, a bandleader is important, even if they aren't necessarily the most spectacular performer.

Lead Performer: The most likely to take a traditional face specialization. The front person. Perhaps a singer or instrument player.

Backup Performer: A wide-open slot that lends itself to support specializations.

Dancer: Perhaps a face specialization, but could just as easily be someone who has invested in Athletics or Coordination.

Manager: Someone savvy in negotiations and logistics. May have some face abilities, but intellectual acumen and cunning are just as important.

Promoter: A good PR person, able to win fans and gigs. May overlap with the Manager.

Roadie: A member of the band, but one who is much tougher and muscular than the others. Traditional tank specs might fit the bill.

Driver: A specialist in getting the band from Point A to Point B. A piloting-focused spec can handle this, but any build with decent Agility will do.

Technician: Some sort of intellect-focused character who may repair the band's equipment, handle on-stage lighting and pyrotechnics, manage an army of roadie droids, or use computers to DJ music and cut slugs (Star Wars speak for records) for the group.

Bodyguard: Someone's got to keep the band safe, right? The best slot for anyone who just really wants to play a combat-focused character.

Stylist: This character handles hair, makeup, and costumes to ensure the band looks good. Could be a technician if these things are holographic, or a support specialization that represents this sort of work via talents and skills.


Although this is a game about a band, actual musical performances will only constitute a minor aspect of gameplay. Still, each PC must have some skill they can use to perform on stage or in a sound booth. Players should be creative in choosing this skill, and each player must have at least one rank in their performance skill of choice. The following are suggestions only; it is by no means an exhaustive list.

Athletics might be a good choice for a percussionist.

Charm is an obvious choice for a singer and might also represent playing a musical instrument.

Coercion might cover an aggressive singing or instrument-playing style.

Computers might cover a DJ who creates and uses electronic music, as well as covering studio skills such as sound mixing and editing.

Cool can cover an unflappable stage presence.

Coordination is a good choice to cover dancing.

Discipline could be used for a very methodical approach to music, perhaps by a percussionist or bassist.

Knowledge (Education) might represent musical training in classical Core Worlds musical styles.

Knowledge (Lore) could cover various folk instruments.

Knowledge (Xenology) can represent playing exotic instruments associated with non-human cultures.

Leadership might represent a singer who is able to work a crowd, or a bandleader or maestro who keeps the band in synch.

Resilience could cover instruments that are particularly strenuous to play, especially large woodwinds.

Skulduggery can cover pyrotechnics and other stage trickery.

Career and Specialization

Careers and initial specializations should come from Edge of the Empire or Age of Rebellion. That said, additional specializations may come from any source (Universal Specializations, Force and Destiny, etc.). Just keep in mind that Force talents will be unusable, since Force-using characters are not allowed.


Official species are fair game, and non-official species may be permitted at the GM's discretion. Play what you like, and don't worry too much about min-maxing. The most famous band in Star Wars lore is made up entirely of Bith; what would an all-Devaronian band look like? An all-Whiphid band? That said, the band can also be made up of a mixture of species. The point is to play what interests you, not necessarily the species that gives you some random bonus.


Characters begin with 10 Obligation. You may choose to take on up to 10 additional Obligation in exchange for access to more starting XP or credits, as described in the Edge of the Empire core rulebook. No matter how much Obligation you have, at least 5 of it must pertain to the band's recent breakup with their former lead singer, Zannel Redbeam.

The group as a whole may wish to take on Group Obligation to improve their business, a recording studio. This may happen at character creation or during the course of play.

If a Talent interacts with Duty in some way, we will reinterpret it to affect Obligation instead. E.g., Positive Spin can be used to lower Obligation rather than to increase Duty.


Rare or Restricted gear may be permitted at the GM's discretion. Everything else is fair game, provided it fits into the theme of the campaign.

Party Resource

The premise of this game is that the PCs are all members of a band. Therefore, their starting resource is not a starship but rather a business as described in the sourcebook Far Horizons. This means that the PCs have a base of operations (such as a flat, house, or warehouse) that includes a space to practice music, basic living quarters, and modest storage space. The business includes basic equipment, such as amplifiers, basic recording gear, microphone stands, music stands, basic instruments, and so on. Finally, the PCs will have one employee or droid per band member. As a starting resource, the band business grants all PCs Charm as a Career Skill. The players are encouraged to come up with the details of their band and the associated business as a group.

Useful Links for Character Background and Inspiration

Star Wars Musical Genres
Star Wars Musical Instruments

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Re: Character Generation Guidelines


Post by Boutrose Saba-Norr » Tue Aug 28, 2018 1:47 pm

So some ideas for different possible music-related skills other than the ones already suggested: cool, discipline, perception, education
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Re: Character Generation Guidelines


Post by SavageBob » Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:49 pm

Boutrose Saba-Norr wrote:
Tue Aug 28, 2018 1:47 pm
So some ideas for different possible music-related skills other than the ones already suggested: cool, discipline, perception, education
I can see Knowledge (Education) as representing classical musical training. Are you thinking Cool might represent a form of stage presence, like a cool jazz musician? And what were you thinking for Perception and Discipline?

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Re: Character Generation Guidelines


Post by Boutrose Saba-Norr » Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:28 pm

I was thinking of them all as different approaches to music,
Education: playing music through rote memorization
Cool: being able to put things aside and remember the details of the song
Discipline: being able to focus on the performance and play things just right, probably important for a percussionist and base player
perception: being able to keep track of what you are doing while doing ostentatious movements like headbanging

but I also like the idea of them being tied to the source of someone's music like you were suggesting, I would definitely put jazz, blues, funk, and R&B under cool, classical music would fall under education, but could also be used for people who are classically trained but venture into other styles of music, perception would definitely be for things like metal, rock, all these really out there genres, discipline could be a drummer or base player in all genres.
leadership could also be good for either a drummer or a lead singer
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Re: Character Generation Guidelines


Post by ThreeBFour » Wed Aug 29, 2018 12:37 am

I would also think Lore might be good for a music background.

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Re: Character Generation Guidelines


Post by SavageBob » Wed Aug 29, 2018 2:04 am

ThreeBFour wrote:
Wed Aug 29, 2018 12:37 am
I would also think Lore might be good for a music background.
It would certainly cover knowledge of old folk tunes, but by extension, could also cover playing a traditional instrument of some sort. Xenology might work, too, if it's some exotic instrument.

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Re: Character Generation Guidelines


Post by DeepSpacer » Wed Aug 29, 2018 4:05 am

I think it might be good to coalesce early around a concept once we get a few ideas of what people might like to play. Also, Colonist, Performer might rather be a required role.

For example, grunge-rock-dark might have a Pau'an promoter with his edgy teeth and lanky physique. The band would be scary like KISS, maybe. Bite the heads off live chickens, smash guitars, light stuff on fire, etc... That is, they all fit the same genre.

A group of classicals who play to the rich would be high on education and social skills. Sticks to core worlds. A bluegrass/alternative may focus on strange and new types of music and plays to strange worlds, always willing to try new things. A Techno band may likely have a droid. A group living life fast and hard might have lots of underworld contacts and drug problems.

I know I tossed out an idea for a Wookiee drummer, but I have also considered a droid DJ and a (human?) Archaeologist. An archaeologist for that Folk aspect would go nicely with a Performer into exotic and strange dances. With Well-Rounded he could also use Int for Mechanics and Computers (and Medicine, for recreational use to enhance musical performance). I think hippie archaeologist is my #1 choice. Researcher and Respected Scholar can apply (instead) to learning new music.

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Re: Character Generation Guidelines


Post by SavageBob » Wed Aug 29, 2018 10:26 am

All of those ideas could work except maybe the classical one. Your characters will start out on a single world and won't travel off it much at first, and they should be somehow adjacent to the underworld (hence the Edge choice for setting). Adventure rewards will include upgrades to the band's practice space and living quarters, perhaps including better recording equipment, better instruments, and a "tour bus" -- maybe a landspeeder to start, but eventually a starship?

That doesn't mean the characters are hardened criminals, but they should certainly know folks who make their livings under the table. Actually, I suppose the classical idea might work if the characters are hungry enough to work as street musicians from time to time, playing street gigs for spare creds and so on. In sum, a big theme of the campaign will be trying to make it despite being forced to work within the seedier side of the music scene—at least at first!

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Re: Character Generation Guidelines


Post by SavageBob » Wed Aug 29, 2018 1:05 pm

I think another way to look at it is to consider how musical innovators often come from underprivileged and disadvantaged parts of society in the real world, and those are parts of society that are much more likely to include a criminal element. Think jazz in the 1910s, rock in the 1940s, hip hop in the 1970s, etc. If this were a game about jazz musicians in Chicago in 1928, the band members wouldn't necessarily be criminals, but by necessity, they'd be hobnobbing with gangsters, bootleggers, rumrunners, etc. By contrast, a garage band today might not be as explicitly tied to a criminal element (since rock is a well established genre by this point), but a band just starting might still find themselves playing dive bars and getting mixed up with hooligans and winos.

In short, part of the arc of the campaign will be the group trying to "make it" -- to get out of these sorts of dives and into the mainstream. (Mechanically, they'll want to lower their Obligations and to become rich and/or famous!) But even then, the criminal underworld may still beckon...

I've added some links that will hopefully be helpful for ideas about musical styles and instruments characters might play. Use it as inspiration, not as a finite list of possibilities.

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Re: Character Generation Guidelines


Post by Boutrose Saba-Norr » Wed Aug 29, 2018 1:15 pm

sounds good, so alright what type of music is everyone wanting to play, what genre are we going to be geared towards. Most music you hear in the canon is lounge music which has connections to jazz and the like, but we don't have to stick with that, and once we decide on a genre we can maybe decide how we want to present those genres with certain skills.
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Re: Character Generation Guidelines


Post by DeepSpacer » Wed Aug 29, 2018 8:45 pm

I rather like the idea my archaeologist having a keen appreciation for bizarre music of all types, but the only way to pursue this is to work with the seedier side of society to fund his ambitions. This probably includes free performances and whatever else he can do. His productions might be more reminiscent of the kind of art you look at and scratch your head. But, this might be more art dealer than musician. We'll see.

I probably favored doing weird, unpredictable stuff. Sometimes one might wonder if that is even music at all! And it wouldn't be Beyond him to put some strange dancer light show to it. he could even be somewhat dishonest and claimed that he's playing some "exotic melody" (noise) from Kintan even though he's never been there.

I'd more likely than not take obligation addiction since I've never done that one before. I am sure that he would have underworld spice dealers that he knows.

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Re: Character Generation Guidelines


Post by ThreeBFour » Wed Aug 29, 2018 11:26 pm

I was thinking of an idea for either a dj, synth-player, or percussionist that involves a droid tech. Haven't figured out a race yet, but he could play and build specific droids as they get more money.....This is what I am presently working on as an idea. If someone wants one of these possible roles I can rework slightly. :mrgreen:

Thought a Sathari might make a good front man, very colorful, possible cross between Steven Tyler and Boy
Or maybe a Thakwaash, the multiple personalities could work for different styles/genre of music.

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Re: Character Generation Guidelines


Post by Vergence » Thu Aug 30, 2018 3:09 am

This does seem like a fun concept; I take the game hasn't filled up with the 5 players already? Rolling with @DeepSpacer ideas of narrowing down a theme, it might be best to begin with who is the target audience? Examples: High society - playing for Coreworld aristocrats, Traditional venues - such as the average Cantina, the Underworld - playing for Syndicates HQs, business fronts, or underground warehouses. I'm open to genre ideas.. although, like the idea of collectively creating a new sound or theme, which seems like a lot of fun.

A few spec ideas I'm playing with are advocate, agitator, propagandist, charmer, and sleeper agent :D

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Re: Character Generation Guidelines


Post by SavageBob » Thu Aug 30, 2018 10:14 am

Welcome! I think that puts us at maximum capacity on PCs: @DeepSpacer, @Boutrose Saba-Norr, @ThreeBFour, @Vergence, and @SanguineAngel.

I think you're right that the type of music you go with will determine where you play. The only thing I insist on is that the players all understand that you're going to be hungry musicians (at least at first) who are going to have to deal with some seedy things you maybe don't want to deal with. That's where the adventures will come from. :) I'd imagine that regardless of what style of music you settle on, you'll be playing in many of those venues anyway, although it will be harder to justify the cantina and some of the underworld stuff if you go classical or opera.

All of those specs would work really well in this game. The truth is that social skills in this game will be what combat skills are in most other games. That is, it won't hurt to know how to throw a punch or shoot a blaster, but it might prove essential to have at least some ability in influencing others.

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Re: Character Generation Guidelines


Post by Boutrose Saba-Norr » Thu Aug 30, 2018 3:18 pm

So I’m working on a concept and I love the idea of a classically trainer piano player who can play in any genre due to his training but is a jazz musician at heart and slips into it when he’s not paying enough attention, ending up in either epic or ruinous impromptu solos.

And I want to use knowledge education and cool respectively for those two checks.
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Re: Character Generation Guidelines


Post by Vergence » Thu Aug 30, 2018 7:16 pm

Quick summary of PC interest so far:
PC- Education/Cool classical musician w/ a Jazz focus.
PC- Archaeologist musician INT foucs, genre versatile
PC- Droid Tech DJ/Synth or percussionist musician

In my mental imagery, we certainly met the minimum of 3 PC musicians interested to form a 'band'. Given all the party roles though, we may want to consider secondary roles in creation. I don't mind filling any missing slots, whether it being Singer who dances on stage or a Manager/Promoter role. What were you interested in @SanguineAngel ? I'm playing with the idea of a young Hutt who lost a bet ambitiously trying to prove his savvy business skills to his kajidic and now has to advance a musician group in the Core in order to authenticate his business expertise (a mocking uphill battle to teach the young-one a lesson). The Hutt struggle in the Core (combating Hutt species rep) and appealing to the Coreworld aristocrats eventually (Classical? Since we are seemingly music INT-based so far).

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Re: Character Generation Guidelines


Post by DeepSpacer » Thu Aug 30, 2018 7:19 pm

Boutrose Saba-Norr wrote:
Thu Aug 30, 2018 3:18 pm
So I’m working on a concept and I love the idea of a classically trainer piano player who can play in any genre due to his training but is a jazz musician at heart and slips into it when he’s not paying enough attention, ending up in either epic or ruinous impromptu solos.

And I want to use knowledge education and cool respectively for those two checks.
A classical jazz musician who likes to break out into solos. Why do you love that idea? Sounds like Lisa Simpson playing the saxophone in The Simpsons introduction. :). The other image it comes to mind is Billy Joel, Piano Man. Rush has a drummer who goes into extended solos, and is much anticipated by the crowd.

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Re: Character Generation Guidelines


Post by DeepSpacer » Thu Aug 30, 2018 7:30 pm

@Vergence it is probably wise for players to make multiple character ideas, then blend them together to form a band. It is difficult to have a band without Performing Artist or vocalist.

We may have to look into genre more as some things aren't going to play well to the common man in a cantina.

I, too, had thought of the idea of a hutt promoter. But if a PC takes the promoter role, then that leaves a 3 person band. I would also think that we need a "star". I may look again at that charmer/scoundrel or performer/colonists.

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Re: Character Generation Guidelines


Post by DeepSpacer » Thu Aug 30, 2018 7:51 pm

I guess an alternative is to have a few NPCs fill out roles in the band.

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Re: Character Generation Guidelines


Post by SanguineAngel » Thu Aug 30, 2018 7:56 pm

Blimey! Hey guys, sorry I didn't realise this went up already. Looks busy! I'll take a look through and post a bit later/in the morning if that's cool?

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Re: Character Generation Guidelines


Post by SavageBob » Thu Aug 30, 2018 9:04 pm

Remember that with a business as your starting resource, you also get one employee or droid per PC (so five employees or droids). And a singer or dancer isn't necessarily a requirement; Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes don't have one, as they're modeled more on a jazz/swing ensemble.

If y'all end up going classical, you'll probably be no more than fill-in players for any major orchestras as of right now, meaning that you'll need a bit of versatility to get gigs at other locales, like cantinas and crime lord palaces. :)

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Re: Character Generation Guidelines


Post by Vergence » Thu Aug 30, 2018 9:22 pm

I forgot about using the business starting resource. The resource NPCs would be great for the bouncer or stylist type roles. Further, going w/ PC's covering multiple roles, if the INT-based musicians decided to start with INT 4 and just other characteristic at 3, we could cover more party roles. Example: Creating the primary musician's characteristic at 4 and if the other characteristic agility 3, boom, we have a character able to be a Roadie (piloting) or Dancer (coordination), busting moves while playing music.

I'd like the players being able to roll with their character concepts, so the NPCs will certainly be useful.

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Re: Character Generation Guidelines


Post by ThreeBFour » Fri Aug 31, 2018 1:55 am

I like @Vergence's idea for the Hutt.
Not sure classical would be the best style for a down and out band. Jazz is possible, loud and aggressive probably more so.

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Re: Character Generation Guidelines


Post by Vergence » Fri Aug 31, 2018 2:33 am

Knowledge (Education) might represent musical training in classical Core Worlds musical styles.
Maybe classical Core World music styles doesn't translate to our classical music genre? Are there a variety of styles and some may be more bouncy and interactive? Or we can be a fusion of sorts, such as Rock-Opera in its time.

For the Desire, Fear, Strength, and Weakness Motivations in character creation, can we use the provided Star Wars motivations (in all the source books) inserted into those four categories rather than Genesys Core's suggestions?

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Re: Character Generation Guidelines


Post by DeepSpacer » Fri Aug 31, 2018 3:03 am

ThreeBFour wrote:
Fri Aug 31, 2018 1:55 am
I like Vergence's idea for the Hutt.
Not sure classical would be the best style for a down and out band. Jazz is possible, loud and aggressive probably more so.
Loud/Aggressive is certainly an option. Something Motley Crew style, guitar-smashing Wookiee, pyrotechnics, mosh pit, etc... I am concerned, though. What is there to "watch" if it is just a few people playing instruments? Seems like background (elevator) music if there's no performer.

An idea to bandy about is the "trained" vs garageband? Amateurs playing a first gig or 'professional' musician(s)?
Vergence wrote:
Thu Aug 30, 2018 9:22 pm
Example: Creating the primary musician's characteristic at 4 and if the other characteristic agility 3, boom, we have a character able to be a Roadie (piloting) or Dancer (coordination), busting moves while playing music.
True. I thought about that. A truly amateur band would probably be their own agent/promoter/driver.


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