OOC: Session 0

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OOC: Session 0


Post by SanguineAngel » Tue Apr 24, 2018 11:45 am

Hello one and all,

Here I'd like to let players discuss initial ideas for characters and tone of the campaign. I know it's customary on the boards here to create a couple of character concepts to pick from but I thought it might be a nice idea to take a little time to exchange some ideas on the party here.

Campain Premise
Graduation approaches. You have spent your lives training in this academy, some of you for as long as 15 years; the privileged wards of the Emperor himself and privy to the most intimate knowledge of his true and awesome nature. You have been prepared here for a great destiny, to be the first of the Emperor’s Hands. Soon you will take your first real steps on that grand journey.

Your primary mandate will be to seek out the hidden knowledge lost to the mists of time or hoarded by the Secretive Jedi Order. Through your service, the Emperor grants you access to great power yourselves. It is a rare opportunity.

Your training has been hard, though it has made you strong. There were more of you once, but you were weaker then. You are the elite. The very best amongst you will one day serve at the Emperor’s side.

Now, you are to embark upon your final test before you enter into service of your Emperor.

Players will take the role of newly minted Emperor's Hands - force users trained and indoctrinated in an experimental trial to serve the Emperor with the utmost loyalty in a clandestine capacity. They are special agents tasked with the acquisition of secret knowledge and granted special privilages in the field to carry out their mission. The Emperor's hands may also be called upon to use their expertise in other capacities - to lead troops or carry out sensitive covert operations, for example.

You will be the first of the Emperor's Hands to enter service - the first to survive and Graduate from Imperial Facilty 341, known to you as The Academy. We'll join your characters just as you reach the end of your training.

I would anticipate players starting the game, their first time in the field as it were, with a small XP boost to represent their level of training, though not yet reaching knight level.

This is a Force & Destiny game. I'm open to any race but limiting careers to F&D. The primary focus here will be on exploration though you may become embroiled in local conflicts.

Player Characters
So, what I'd like to share here briefly is the sort of characters you're considering playing and discuss how they might fit together as a team. If you have a few ideas, throw them out here.

Some things that might be worth considering:
What sort of personality type(s) are you thinking?
Have you got a particular play style in mind?
Are there particular careers or specialisations that appeal to you?

Thanks and I look forward to hearing some ideas!

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Re: OOC: Session 0


Post by Azzranache » Tue Apr 24, 2018 3:35 pm

Thought as it is my first time I would follow your guide;

What sort of personality type(s) are you thinking?
He will be an overconfident type. One who believes he doesn’t need a team or comrades as he has more than enough skill and creative intelligence to complete any task set by the Empire or even the Emperor himself. Of course, this kind of selfish thinking can be a considerable weakness and there will be times where he will have no choice but to rely on his peers and accept that teamwork is key (although he will never admit it). A danger to anyone who lets him in as once he is, your mind is his playground.

Have you got a particular play style in mind?
Think along the lines of a Rogue type. He will be a Clawdite so his main attribute will be his ‘changeling’ ability to disguise and deceive. To compliment this, he will have the ability of ‘influence’ and ‘misdirect’ which makes him extremely slippery during covert missions. He relies heavily on his force abilities whether to remain undetected and disappear before anyone even knew he was there or complete the task in plain sight, executed with mind tricks and deceit.

Are there particular careers or specialisations that appeal to you?
In keeping with this skill set, he will follow the career path of a Sentinel: Shadow. This career nicely assists his espionage-like traits with such perks as ‘Sleight of Mind’, ‘Shroud’ and ‘Indistinguishable’. The ‘Grit’ perks will be useful for soaking up additional strain on transformations from ‘Changeling’. ‘Now You See Me’ (when achieved) will provide an excellent ace up the sleeve for an emergency getaway.

The path of the Shadow seemed destined for this character. Backstory to follow.

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Re: OOC: Session 0


Post by crazybirdman » Tue Apr 24, 2018 11:59 pm

Will there be infighting in the group? :(
That kind of how the sith roll, but I don't think it makes for a good game. Maybe trying to best each other to impress the boss would be fun.

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Re: OOC: Session 0


Post by SanguineAngel » Wed Apr 25, 2018 5:48 am

Heh, sounds like a quite the lone wolf concept @Azzranache. Given that there are going to be a couple of other players, and your characters will have trained together, how do you see yourself interacting with them as a player and as a character?

@crazybirdman, you're right, it wouldn't be entirely out of character to compete for accolades and that could be quite fun - a nice way to lighten the tone a bit perhaps. Real infighting though? At the table I've found that to be quite disruptive in the past. I've never GMd a game with it but have played one. What do you think @Azzranache?

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Re: OOC: Session 0


Post by Azzranache » Wed Apr 25, 2018 10:28 am

Ha, OK maybe a bit too serious. Maybe an overconfidence in that he is always trying to prove himself to the group to make up for his lack of physical attributes and fighting skills in comparison to the others?

I wouldn't enjoy infighting so agreed that wouldn't be the best idea...

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Re: OOC: Session 0


Post by Davakosh » Wed Apr 25, 2018 9:53 pm


I was hoping to join and I just wanted to add that I am still reading through some of the source books before I put together anything solid on what I would like to play exactly. My main line of thinkinh at the moment is to do somehting along the lines of a Consular to focus on knowledge and Intelligence based skills as well as perhaps looking into getting some interesting force powers to compliment the team.

I was initially thinking of the Arbiter. I will sketch out a rough idea soon, taking negotiation skills will help the group but I worry that I would nto be covering enough different skill sets for us to have a well rounded team. What do you guys think?

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Re: OOC: Session 0


Post by crazybirdman » Wed Apr 25, 2018 11:22 pm

I'm in the same boat. Never really liked playing Jedi, but this has me intrigued. I'm reading the F&D book now (for the 1st time) and some of the force stuff is confusing.
I agree that Shadow seems a great choice, but am more drawn to a Seer. With the backstory that they saw something that made them think the Empire had to be protected at all cost.
Or possible just a brute enforcer type character, Soresu defender or aggressor.
Or a healer Healer that only learned how to heal so that they could hurt people more efficiently, but the talent tree doesn't really allow for that.

Would we be able to choose a non-F&D career for our second talent tree?

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Re: OOC: Session 0


Post by SanguineAngel » Thu Apr 26, 2018 9:56 am

Hey @crazybirdman I see what you mean about the Healer - it's really geared towards awarding additional wound recovery. I suppose that makes sense - what you describe is probably more of a very specific RP use of the medicine skill. There is Natural Doctor which would help in that regard. But it might be a bit niche.

The Seer could be cool - I particularly like the idea of someone being drawn to help the empire due to visions. Also, the Mystic & Warrior source books are due out next month (and I have them on order) so you'd still gain access to additional specialisations and signature abilities.

Looks like you have a couple of roles within the group taking shape. @Davakosh toying with the idea of a face or research style role and @Azzranache filling in the roguish style. @crazybirdman's considering a varied set. I wonder what you all think would fit together as a good team?

crazybirdman wrote:
Wed Apr 25, 2018 11:22 pm
Would we be able to choose a non-F&D career for our second talent tree?
To answer this - yes, I'd be happy to have you use non-F&D specialisations provided it is contextually relevant. In fact, if you have particular designs on a career spec, I'd be happy to work with you on putting you into a position to make it happen narratively.

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Re: OOC: Session 0


Post by Azzranache » Thu Apr 26, 2018 2:19 pm

SanguineAngel wrote:
Thu Apr 26, 2018 9:56 am
I wonder what you all think would fit together as a good team?
I think the most important part is finding what you will enjoy playing first (e.g. career, race, FPs) and the needs of the team can be slotted in after. It's admirable to put the team first but you want to have fun still with what you are playing with.

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Re: OOC: Session 0


Post by crazybirdman » Fri Apr 27, 2018 2:20 am

SanguineAngel wrote:
Thu Apr 26, 2018 9:56 am
To answer this - yes, I'd be happy to have you use non-F&D specialisations provided it is contextually relevant. In fact, if you have particular designs on a career spec, I'd be happy to work with you on putting you into a position to make it happen narratively.
I was thinking it might be fun if I pick an Age of Rebellion spec, with the back story being my character was in the academy (training to be a pilot, or soldier or whatever) when the Emporer discovered his force sensitivity.
Depends on a few things, what the group thinks, what the team needs, and how much XP we get to start :mrgreen:

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Re: OOC: Session 0


Post by SanguineAngel » Fri Apr 27, 2018 4:54 am

crazybirdman wrote:
Fri Apr 27, 2018 2:20 am
SanguineAngel wrote:
Thu Apr 26, 2018 9:56 am
To answer this - yes, I'd be happy to have you use non-F&D specialisations provided it is contextually relevant. In fact, if you have particular designs on a career spec, I'd be happy to work with you on putting you into a position to make it happen narratively.
I was thinking it might be fun if I pick an Age of Rebellion spec, with the back story being my character was in the academy (training to be a pilot, or soldier or whatever) when the Emporer discovered his force sensitivity.
Depends on a few things, what the group thinks, what the team needs, and how much XP we get to start :mrgreen:
Ah, I apologise. I should have been clearer. I am happy for you to pick up 2nd specs from other systems but your Starting Career should be F&D.

Sorry, I know that makes me sound a bit like a Debbie Downer. There's nothing to preclude such an interesting backstory though, it sound fun! There are F&D careers that would reflect a background and proficiency in piloting if that's what you're thinking. Sounds like you have a few different types of character you'd like to play, which is great.

You're probably already aware, since you said it depends on bonus XP, but if you buy into an F&D specialisation you don't benefit from the free Force Rating and would need to buy down to the Force Rating talent to get your first rating and be able to use Force Talents or Force Powers.

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Re: OOC: Session 0


Post by crazybirdman » Fri Apr 27, 2018 5:59 am

Haha, you aren't a downer at all. Also, it's your galaxy, so we'll play by your rules :)

I'll finish reading the books this weekend and come up with a final character concept, but it'll definitely bee a Seer.

I clearly don't understand the force in this game yet. working on that.

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Re: OOC: Session 0


Post by SanguineAngel » Fri Apr 27, 2018 6:39 am

Haha no worries! It's pretty straight forward really, once you get into the swing of things. drop me a pm if you want to discuss it at all.

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Re: OOC: Session 0


Post by crazybirdman » Fri Apr 27, 2018 8:44 pm

2 more questions

will we have lightsabers at start? or will we be trying to get one? Doesn't matter to me, just curious.

I'm assuming our characters will be humans?

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Re: OOC: Session 0


Post by SanguineAngel » Fri Apr 27, 2018 9:14 pm

Hi, I don't want to spoil too much but you will start with a training lightsaber (that you will not need to purchase with starting credits).

As you are all special cases; individuals chosen on the basis of your potential as force users, you may be any race you choose. Though there is a known prejudice in much of the Imperial structure against non-humans and you may have to compete with that when dealing with some of your cohorts.

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Re: OOC: Session 0


Post by crazybirdman » Fri Apr 27, 2018 9:29 pm

Ok! Then I guess I'll make a character* and post it here for your approval.

*After I am done with work for the day and see Infinity War

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Re: OOC: Session 0


Post by SanguineAngel » Sat Apr 28, 2018 5:39 am

Oh enjoy both things. Yeah, throw up a character sheet in the Character Concepts sub-forum if you wouldn't mind. If you are so inclined and undecided you can put more than one in there.

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Re: OOC: Session 0


Post by Matt Skywalker » Sun Apr 29, 2018 12:45 pm

I hope you don't mind me butting in, but is like to join.
Personality: a rule lawyer who will enforce the rules as written when it's for his advantage
Spec: probably ataru striker later branching off to pathfinder.
Play style will kill anybody who stands in his way if they could be of further use, just beating them to a pulp
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Re: OOC: Session 0


Post by Davakosh » Sun Apr 29, 2018 1:48 pm

Sorry for going quiet, had a lot to think about but I have an interesting concept almost ready.

I picked the Polis Massan as my starting race, the inability to talk and the telepathy makes for an interesting basis for a negoatiator, it doesn't matter if everyone is shouting if my strange enchanting voice is heard in thier minds. The base stats are okay for what I want but boosting Presence is my largest cost. This also leaves me with Brawn 1 and only 9 wounds so I will be avoiding combat or only engaging when the odds are favorable.

This lead me to the Colusar:Sage calss, I like the spread of knowledge skills and the focus on negoatiaions with a splash of astrogation to help us get around as a group.

That leaves a little XP left, we are in The Academy for becomng an Emproer's Hand, how would such a character skilled as he is make the grade with lightsaber skills.... The most interesting thing I found was the Marekeshi Duelist, using presence as a fighting style by using showmanship and misdirection (possibly telepathic taunts and feints) it also contains some defensive talents and some more athletic career skills.

Our glorious GM mentioned that we had additional XP in this game to me, this comes in at 10xp over budget before I even take any skills so I will wait to heat back about the exact number.

This also means I haven't purchased any other talents or skills yet but may have room to expand into whatever the group needs, if there are no more XP points to spend or we don't get any bonus XP I am happy to ammend but not having may skills developed past the base levels kind of fits with having just graduated from The Academy and perhaps not translating the leanred skills into practical aplications yet.

I also haven't picked any force powers... but nothing is jumping out at me yet.

I was also working on someone who was a but more of a technical whiz with more of a focus on skills like mechanics and computers but I can't tie it up an a way that is as interesting as the other character. I will ponder it some more.

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Re: OOC: Session 0


Post by SanguineAngel » Mon Apr 30, 2018 7:03 am

@Davakosh that sounds like a lot of thought, awesome. Wonder what sort of personality we'll end up with there?

I think it sounds like you guys are ready to get character sheets posted in the Character Concepts so please go ahead. If you're still undecided, please do post multiple sheets there, that's why the concepts sub forum exists.

character sheets
It occurs to me that all three of you are new to the board so I've thrown up a template I use for my character sheet in the Character Concepts sub forum. If you want to you can use that. If you hit the quote button on that post you should be able to extract it and use it for your own benefit!

In fact, while you're all making character sheets, has anyone got any thoughts on how your training has gone? How long you've been here? How you have found other students?

In my module, the students at the secret academy have been trained primarily by two tutors: Vidarr Hoss - teaching you the ways of the Force and Dr Trask, teaching you about the Empire. The Academy has been in operation for 15 years, so some of you might have been here for that long. I also think it'd be fair to say that several students may have met their ends here.

@Matt Skywalker thanks for the interest and welcome to the Dark Academy. I can appreciate a player who knows the rules and is willing to check with the GM though ultimately, with lore and with rulings, the GM's (in this case me) word is final and I shall do the enforcing ;) . I hope that you can respect that.

Sounds like you've got a brute in mind! How do you see such a character playing with the others?

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Re: OOC: Session 0


Post by Matt Skywalker » Mon Apr 30, 2018 11:34 am

Personally, the main difference between them and others is their of use. But powerful enough I don't harm them.
For your general questions.
I've been detained for killing students, not because killing is wrong but because it was during a time when I wasn't allowed to kill, or they were good students who would be useful. I've been there for 15 years, since I was 5. Other students were cruel to me then, so I learned quickly to get them first.
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Re: OOC: Session 0


Post by SanguineAngel » Wed May 02, 2018 10:24 am

Alright guys, I think since you're all working on your character sheets at present i think it'd be a good idea to throw around some ideas about the force powers you're planning to pick up. What are you all considering? How come? How will this complement your role in the party?

I know that @Azzranache is going to be something of a sneaky rogue-like character. Focussing on deception and subversion.

@Davakosh, I think you are planning to be something of a brainy face for the group.

@crazybirdman, we've discussed your character and I think it seems like you're aiming at something of a scout-style. The seer is good at sruvival, tracking and I believe you're considering some powers that may complement that.

@Matt Skywalker, I think it's obvious you're intending to provide some muscle.

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Re: OOC: Session 0


Post by Azzranache » Wed May 02, 2018 2:15 pm

Good call @SanguineAngel, will be good to get know where everyone's strengths and weaknesses lie.

My character's skill set will focus a lot around deception so I feel the force powers that would compliment him best would be influence and misdirect.

Character sheet will be up soon hopefully for everyone's reference but in short, I will cover such things as illusions, mind trickery and skulduggery. These will hopefully help with missions that include infiltration, recon, theft and maybe even assassinations.

I know @Davakosh mentioned that he may include negotiation skills so I feel I could offer good assistance in those scenarios.
SanguineAngel wrote:
Fri Apr 27, 2018 9:14 pm
Hi, I don't want to spoil too much but you will start with a training lightsaber (that you will not need to purchase with starting credits).
Do we also receive a free rank in Lightsaber skill to begin with?

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Re: OOC: Session 0


Post by crazybirdman » Wed May 02, 2018 10:37 pm

The concept I had in my head for my character is that he already has the power foresee. Then when he gets to the school he is taught seek, or sense. I am leaning more toward sense. I think that is most in line with what I want my character to be.

Mechanically I would use the my starting XP to buy foresee, and any bonus XP we get would be used get sense, and upgrade both.

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Re: OOC: Session 0


Post by SanguineAngel » Thu May 03, 2018 2:01 pm

Azzranache wrote:
Wed May 02, 2018 2:15 pm
Do we also receive a free rank in Lightsaber skill to begin with?
Cheeky! No, I'm adraid not. I'll confirm an XP bonus once you've created your initial characters. You'll be able to decide how to spend it in a manner that best reflects your training.

@crazybirdman out of interest, why is it you're leaning more towards sense?

@matt skywalker, @davakosh how about you guys? Davakosh I think you were toying with move?


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