Nix Lago - Rebel Commander

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Nix Lago - Rebel Commander


Post by SanguineAngel » Sun Mar 11, 2018 4:03 pm

Name: Nix Lago
Gender: Male
Race: Gran
  • 100 XP
  • +1 Charm
  • Enhanced Vision
  • Brawn: 2 Agility: 2 Intellect: 2 Cunning: 1 Willpower: 2 Presence: 3
Background: [Failed Command]
Nix Lago has lost his command: one of the Rebel Alliance fleet’s valuable Corellian CR90 Corvettes. The remains of that ship are even now circling in a deteriorating orbit around Hoth, occasional fiery streaks race across the sky as pieces of wreckage fall into the atmosphere.

Below, in a frozen cave on the edge of an ocean sized tundra, what remains of Nix’s crew huddle for warmth. A handful of survivors from a complement of 150. Outside, the echoing screech of Imperial patrols fly overhead as they hunt for rebels left behind. Inside, Commander Lago tries not to consider the decisions he made that led to the death of more than 100 of his crew. Instead he attempts to ensure that the wounded are cared for and that the able bodied are prepared for trouble while he considers their options for escape.

Nix has been with the Rebel Alliance since before it was an alliance. When the Empire razed his city on Kinyen, he lost more than his home; he lost his family and his community, the single most important element of Gran life. Like many dispossessed Gran, he quickly found a new place with a reactionary resistance movement. Though inexperienced in war or activism, they were able to pose a significant inconvenience to the Empire within their sector – though reprisals could be brutal. Regardless, the movement survived for several years and Nix rose prominently within it until joining formally with the Alliance, where Nix’s contributions were recognised and he was given position and command of a navy corvette.

[OOC: I've made an assumption based on my read of the "Return to Hoth" that a major battle took place here recently and this might explain my presence in an interesting way. Happy to alter this though]

Motivation: [Guilt]
Nix holds himself personally responsible recent loss of his command for the death of more than 100 souls killed because of his mistakes. Already, his datapad is loaded with the personnel files of his crew which he reviews with morbid compulsion – committing each name to memory.

Through experience he knows that decisive action is crucial but his confidence shaken – he cannot help but second guess his command decisions. Every life lost on his order – could he have made a better decision?

He is determined to atone for the lives he has cost somehow.

Duty: [Resource Acquisition]
Nix believes that the key to victory for the Alliance – who are outnumbered and operate with antiquated equipment – is to maintain a steady supply of resources and to seek any advantage they can bring to the battlefield before battle is joined.

Duty: 10

Career: Commander
Coercion, Cool, Discipline, Knowledge (Warfare), Leadership, Perception, Ranged (Light), Vigilance

+1 Knowledge (Warfare) | +1 Leadership | +1 Ranged (Light) | +1 Vigilance

Specialisation: Commodore
Astrogation, Computers, Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (Outer Rim)

+1 Knowledge (Education) | +1 Computers

Experience Spend
Intellect: 3 (30)
Presence: 4 (40)
1 Command (5)
1 Commanding Presence (10)
1 Rapid Reaction (5)
+1 Leadership (10)

Total XP: 100 | Spent: 100 | Current XP: 0

Current Stats:
Brawn: 2 | Agility: 2 | Intellect: 3 | Cunning: 1 | Willpower: 2 | Presence: 4
WT: 12 | ST: 11
Computers1Ranged (Light)1
Leadership2Knowledge (Warfare)1
Vigilance1Knowledge (Education)1

Enhanced Vision:
When making ranged combat or Perception checks, Gran remove up to [setback][setback] imposed due to environmental conditions or concealment (but not defence).

Command: Rank 1
The character gains [Boost] per rank of Command when making Leadership checks (or other checks to inspire, lead, or rally an audience). Inspired targets also add [boost] per rank to any subsequent Discipline checks they make over the next twenty-four hours (this does not increase with additional ranks of Command)

Commanding Presence: Rank 1
The character removes [setback] per rank of Commanding Presence from his Leadership and Cool checks.

Rapid Reaction: Rank 1
The character may suffer a number of strain to add an equal number [success] to any Vigilance of Cool check to determine Initiative order. The number may not exceed his ranks in Rapid Reaction.

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Re: Nix Lago - Rebel Commander


Post by DeepSpacer » Sun Mar 11, 2018 7:04 pm

Ah...I think I liked the other one a tad bit better. The Deception the human has will be invaluable in her dealings. ;)

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