IC - "Return to Hoth"

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IC - "Return to Hoth"


Post by DeepSpacer » Fri Feb 02, 2018 12:47 pm

hqdefault.jpg (21.6 KiB) Viewed 5149 times
The night is peaceful and quiet as the group stays in the Blue Moon Cantina & Resort, courtesy of Mr. Marax. It was the least he could do considering the rough experience Vesper, Lanna, and Kzar had with the Trandoshan slavers. The next day, Marax meets the group about mid-morning with the contacts in place to both sell and acquire the necessary goods. It seems that Ronin’s influence with the wealthy nobleman (6 successes) has spilled over onto the group, as a whole. The transactions take place over the best part of the next day without incident and necessary supplies are acquired for the Echo Base. Lord Marax discretely offers future assistance to Ronin Wayne in his efforts to battle the Empire.

After the transaction, the group boards The Red Dawn and begins its journey to the Hoth System. Captain Kettel had promised to put Ronin and Thino in contact with someone Rebellion members if they would accompany them in delivering these supplies. About a half day in, as the vessel approaches its destination, Captain Kettel addresses the two new passengers.

“Ronin Wayne. Thino Krist. Now that we’re coming up on our destination, I have something to tell you. WE (the crew) are members of a Rebel Base in the Anoat Sector and will be arriving there shortly. You can imagine our surprise when we encountered you on Mexeluine, but we could not reveal ourselves to you without possibly jeopardizing our mission to bring supplies back to the Hoth System. It is INDEED some of the same Rebels who destroyed the Death Star and the same ones who fled Thila Base a short time ago. I do not know from which Rebel faction you come from, but we are glad to have you aboard.”

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Re: IC - "Return to Hoth"


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Feb 03, 2018 6:29 am

The Captain’s speech is interrupted by the warning sound from the ship’s computer that The Red Dawn was about to exit hyperspace. Helios gets to the bridge and pulls us out of hyperspace. …straight into a DEBRIS FIELD!!!! The crew hears the initial panicked shouts from the pilot followed by the impact-alert klaxon sounding.
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Captain Kettel begins to shout and holler, as well. He begins to bark out orders. “Get to stations! Get to stations!” His orders give a spark of energy to the crew.
Cpt Kettel; Uprising; Leadership Check: 4 Successes, 0 Advantage
4 Successes: 4 of 5 crew members get a Boost Die for 2 Rounds. The First four to do something gets them.
We will be in structured time for the purposes of navigating the debris field.

All PC’s other than Helios can get to an optional position, give or take orders, if they wish, or simply wait it out. There is ONE copilot/engineering chair in the cockpit next to the pilot. Behind them are two seats for the Navicomputer, Sensors, Communications Array, and Shields. Starship actions begin on page 232, CRB.

It takes a *Maneuver* to get to a position. Another *Maneuver* to take a seat.
Already moving Speed 3, it will take 2 Rounds to get through the debris.

Helios will need to make TWO successful Piloting: Space checks to successfully escape the debris field unharmed. Failure means that you make no progress and risk take a hit. A Despair results in a major collision. After each Piloting check the GM will adjudicate the results.Difficulty: RR+SS (Spent a DP to upgrade to 2 Red) :twisted:

All checks are as-indicated in the CRB or any cheat-sheet you may use, with the exception of Sensors, which will have +2 SB dice.

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Re: IC - "Return to Hoth"


Post by SavageBob » Sat Feb 03, 2018 3:29 pm

Vesper, datapad in hand, stands in the hold, counting supplies in an open crate: "Two-hundred-seventy-two, Two-hundred-seventy-three..." She feels the ship lurch out of hyperspace, almost losing her balance but totally losing her count. "Damn it!" she curses. But then the klaxons sound and Kettel's voice echoes through the ship. Vesper drops the datapad and rushes to the cockpit.

"A debris field? What in the…?" She takes a seat behind the pilot's chair, her battle training taking hold. "I'm no flyboy, but plotting course now..."
Two maneuvers to get to the chair (for 2 Strain).
Vesper Reshari; Uprising; Astrogation check (plotting course):
1 Failure, 3 Advantages

"Damn! The debris's too chaotic. I can't find a clear way through."

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An unknown crate


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Feb 03, 2018 4:54 pm

Vesper cannot seem to plot a course out of the debris field at the moment. However, she notices through the debris when she looks up a medical crate with Alliance markings. Something Helios, and anyone else on the bridge, seems to have missed in the immediate chaos.
Alliance_Medical_Crate.jpg (155.02 KiB) Viewed 5132 times
ASTROGATION (3) Advantages: "Identify convenient stopovers to resupply or conduct additional business."

This seems to fit the situation as well as meet the spirit of the text for Astrogation. It may suggest that the debris is from at least one Alliance ship. This also gives the crew options aside from merely exiting the debris. Go for crate now, leave it be, go out & come back in for crate after you're prepared, etc...

I sort of picture something like Lando rescuing Luke at Bespin when I think of how you'd get the crate. Of course, in space, in a debris field, it may be exceedingly difficult but maybe worth the risk. Vesper may have packed such crates before, suggesting the value within one. I don't imagine the crate to be bigger than a person and could probably be gotten through lowering a lift and a minor space-walk on a cable, perhaps. I'd be open for ideas if you go in that direction.

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Re: IC - "Return to Hoth"


Post by SavageBob » Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:00 pm

"That crate that just zoomed by... Those were Alliance markings! Whatever the hell happened here, I don't think it was good."

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Re: IC - "Return to Hoth"


Post by Boutrose Saba-Norr » Mon Feb 05, 2018 12:27 am

Thino nodded to the Captain when he indicated that they were the rebel cell they had been talking about earlier. He had had a feeling that they were being round about so as not to betray their identity and having him confirm it did not come as a surprise. Before he could respond however they came out in the debris field and hearing the captains orders, he didn't hesitate.

Following shortly behind Vesper he went around to the co-pilot's chair and swiveling it forward as he sat down, nodding to the Helios as he did so to indicate that he was at his assistance.
SavageBob wrote:
Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:00 pm
"That crate that just zoomed by... Those were Alliance markings! Whatever the hell happened here, I don't think it was good."
"Let's hope that there weren't too many people lost with whatever ship that came from Doctor, we'll have to log this position so we can come search for survivors once we are safe ourselves." Looking down at the controls Thino did his best to familiarize himself with the layout, It's been a while since a flew anything of this model, but it shouldn't be too difficult, thankfully i'm just the co-pilot.

Turning to Helios he smiled and said, "Let's try and get out of here with our skin intact shall we."

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Re: IC - "Return to Hoth"


Post by swrider » Mon Feb 05, 2018 1:56 am

Hell rushes to the pilot seat jumping over its back and landing squarly in the chair. He grabs the controls and starts following the course called out by Thino barley missing a large piece of debris.
"YAHOO! Ever play womp rat with a debris field Thino! Now you Have!"
By "Womp Rat" I mean Chicken. I will pass a boost die to the next player.
Helios; Uprising; Pilot Check:
1 Success, 1 Advantage


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Re: IC - "Return to Hoth"


Post by DeepSpacer » Mon Feb 05, 2018 2:41 am

The Red Dawn navigates through half the debris field, noticing an Alliance-marked ship hull (1 Adv). The end of the field is in sight, a bright, white planet in the distance beyond. One more such check and you'll be free.

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Re: IC - "Return to Hoth"


Post by SavageBob » Mon Feb 05, 2018 4:19 am

Vesper heaves a sign of relief. "OK, that's good. We're still alive." She hear's Lanna growl something from the entrance to the cockpit. "My Wookiee's not great, but I'll take that as a request that I try to find us a way out of this debris field." She focuses on the navicomputer and its readout of the local area. "On it."
The doctor snorts in frustration. "Nope. No good. Sorry, Helios, but this is all you."

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Re: IC - "Return to Hoth"


Post by Boutrose Saba-Norr » Tue Feb 06, 2018 3:45 am

"Well now, we're almost there, just one good push more and we'll get all the way there." Entering the flight path into the copilots console a second time, Thino smiled, playing Womp Rat indeed.
as posted in ooc 3 successes and one advantage
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Re: IC - "Return to Hoth"


Post by swrider » Tue Feb 06, 2018 4:02 am

Helios swerves and weaves through the debris field bringing the edge in sight before a large peice of debris floats into his path and he pulls the craft up hard into a 180 back further into the debris field to avoid it. "Who's the womp rat now!"
Helios; Uprising; add 1 difficulty:
0 Success, 1 Threat
0 Success(es) added from talents or equipment
0 Advantage(s) added From talents or equipment

Helios; Uprising; pilot check:
0 Success, 3 Advantages, 1 Triumph,
0 Success(es) added from talents or equipment
0 Advantage(s) added From talents or equipment

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Re: IC - "Return to Hoth"


Post by swrider » Tue Feb 06, 2018 5:30 am

Hell continues the 180 in to a full 360 rolling the craft 360 as well and sticks his tounge out at the large peice of debris as he flies past it and out of the field. "Shall we do it again!" he looks around excitrdly.

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Re: IC - "Return to Hoth"


Post by DeepSpacer » Tue Feb 06, 2018 5:19 pm

The Red Dawn rolls into a full 360 followed by another 360 and spins it's way clear of the debris field! Sitting before them is the white planet of Hoth. The scanners show no signs of starship activity in the nearby area.

"I have a bad feeling about this..." says Captain Kettel. "There's too much debris for this to be a single transport or shuttle! This reminds be of the base at Thila. So soon? They found us again so soon???" He crosses his arms, caressing his short, dark beard and mustache in one hand. Then, his head dips so as to place his forehead into his hand. He pauses and thinks for a moment.

"Still.....there could be survivors down there, or prisoners. It could, perhaps, even be trapped for anyone who returns. Perhaps there's even a clue as to where the survivors went...if there are any." he says in an ominous tone. "We have to try. Any ideas how to go about this?" ...as he turns to the crew. "And that medical crate, is it worth going back in to get?"

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Re: IC - "Return to Hoth"


Post by SavageBob » Tue Feb 06, 2018 6:34 pm

Brow furrowed, Vesper scans the wreckage from the cockpit. "Whatever it is, it looks bad. I'm all for salvaging any supplies we can from the debris field, but we've also gotta make sure there are no survivors…" She looks at the terminal nearby. "Scanning for life forms now."
Vesper Reshari; Uprising; Computers (scanning for life forms):
1 Success, 0 Advantage


Vesper should be able to detect any lifeforms out to Medium range (starship scale) in the direction of the debris field. (See AOR p. 239)

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Re: IC - "Return to Hoth"


Post by DeepSpacer » Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:31 pm

A scan into the wreckage does not indicate any life forms present.
SavageBob wrote:
Tue Feb 06, 2018 6:34 pm
Vesper should be able to detect any lifeforms out to Medium range (starship scale) in the direction of the debris field. (See AOR p. 239)
Good point to bring up. Ships have sensor scanning potential in one direction one range band further than the indicated sensor range. A point the FFG people keep somewhat buried.

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Re: IC - "Return to Hoth"


Post by swrider » Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:46 pm

"Life pods should protrct anyone up here, but the temperatures will kill anyone on the planet without cover."

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Re: IC - "Return to Hoth"


Post by SavageBob » Tue Feb 06, 2018 9:01 pm

swrider wrote:
Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:46 pm
"Life pods should protrct anyone up here, but the temperatures will kill anyone on the planet without cover."
"Well, I don't detect any life up here anyway." Vesper swivels the chair away from the computer to face the others. "If there's anyone down at Echo Base, they'd probably appreciate it if we gathered up any useable supplies before heading down, like that medical crate. But any way we can hail Echo Base on a secure channel? Make sure everything's all right down there?"

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Re: IC - "Return to Hoth"


Post by swrider » Tue Feb 06, 2018 9:45 pm

"There is no way of knowing why is on the other end if the imperials took over base communications. Was a protocol established for this situation?" [color]

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Re: IC - "Return to Hoth"


Post by DeepSpacer » Tue Feb 06, 2018 9:58 pm

"Yes, indeed. We can always try." With that Captain Kettel transmits a communication to the surface below on a select frequency. "Supply One to Echo Base, over. Supply One to Echo Base, over." The response on the other end is silence, no sign that anyone is there to receive such a signal. "No response on the designated frequency. I suspect there is no one there to listen."

"This may necessitate a more direct examination of things. But what say you all about these supplies left floating in the debris field?"
Re-entering the debris field at speed 1 would be a difficulty of RP. A Perception check at PP+SS would help identify any other useful materials that may be there. The specific crate Vesper spotted would be found eventually, given enough time.

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Re: IC - "Return to Hoth"


Post by swrider » Tue Feb 06, 2018 11:10 pm

"The supplies wont go anywhere by themselves. I suggest flying a circular search pattern originating at the base and looking for survivors. If make ever widening arcs and focus the sensors towards the outside of the arcs we can quickly search a large area without leaving the comfort of our seats."

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Re: IC - "Return to Hoth"


Post by DeepSpacer » Wed Feb 07, 2018 1:35 am

"And we stop at each instance we find life forms, Hell? Or, do we scan the whole are before coming in closer to investigate?" asks Kettel as he looks to the others (Lanna, Ronin, Thino, & Vesper)

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Re: IC - "Return to Hoth"


Post by Boutrose Saba-Norr » Wed Feb 07, 2018 2:33 am

Thino busied himself with studying the console and looking over a display of Vesper's scan, flipping a few switches to try and increase the focus, with no significant improvement to be seen, "you're all making a mighty large assumption for a group of trained military personnel. You're talking about recovering survivors of the battle, but we don't even know if the fight is over yet. We've failed to receive return communication but that does not confirm anything about the situation save for the fact that no one responded."

Pointing to the screen where the debris field was shown, "I've marked this location for salvage and potentially for rescue in case there are some sentients that wouldn't show up on scanners, or if we just missed them, for now we need to get closer to the planet and assess the situation. Once we have confirmed that we are not flying into an active war zone then we can look for survivors, and barring that salvage any supplies that were left behind in the escape."

looking over his shoulder from his position in the co-pilots chair, "Kettel, how many tons of debris would you say that field we ran through might be?"
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Re: IC - "Return to Hoth"


Post by DeepSpacer » Wed Feb 07, 2018 3:02 am

Boutrose Saba-Norr wrote:
Wed Feb 07, 2018 2:33 am
Thino busied himself with studying the console and looking over a display of Vesper's scan, flipping a few switches to try and increase the focus, with no significant improvement to be seen, "you're all making a mighty large assumption for a group of trained military personnel. You're talking about recovering survivors of the battle, but we don't even know if the fight is over yet. We've failed to receive return communication but that does not confirm anything about the situation save for the fact that no one responded."
"You're assuming that we're all trained military personnel. Many Alliance members are mere freedom fighters or non-military participants. Since there are no Star Destroyers in orbit, there's probably not a full-blown battle going on at the moment. But you're inclination is correct, there's likely some ground forces still there."
Boutrose Saba-Norr wrote:
Wed Feb 07, 2018 2:33 am
looking over his shoulder from his position in the co-pilots chair, "Kettel, how many tons of debris would you say that field we ran through might be?"
"Tons of debris? Well, at least a space cruiser's worth, or two, I estimate."

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Re: IC - "Return to Hoth"


Post by Boutrose Saba-Norr » Wed Feb 07, 2018 5:12 am

DeepSpacer wrote:
Wed Feb 07, 2018 3:02 am
"You're assuming that we're all trained military personnel. Many Alliance members are mere freedom fighters or non-military participants. Since there are no Star Destroyers in orbit, there's probably not a full-blown battle going on at the moment. But you're inclination is correct, there's likely some ground forces still there."
Thino restrained himself from frowning, This man takes things far too literally. If I followed his description then half the fighting force of Mandalore wouldn't be considered trained military, but obviously that would be idiotic.
DeepSpacer wrote:
Wed Feb 07, 2018 3:02 am
"Tons of debris? Well, at least a space cruiser's worth, or two, I estimate."
Thino nodded,"I'm glad that you have intuited my meaning captain. Now i don't know the size of your force, but for a group that took out the death star i would feel safe in assuming that a single space cruiser would not be enough to carry your entire force, meaning that either there are people on the planet who are dead or in need of rescue, or that everyone else has escaped."
Tapping on the screen one more time in an almost impulsive manner while staring down at the planet, "As i'm sure you've noticed by now, i tend to lean towards the safer side of things and assume prepare for the worst possible situation, which as far as i'm seeing is a potential prisoner rescue versus imperial ground troops, or the need to covertly retrieve the rondeview position of the escapees while preventing imperial reconnaissance from doing the same. Would you agree?
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Re: IC - "Return to Hoth"


Post by SavageBob » Wed Feb 07, 2018 1:48 pm

Boutrose Saba-Norr wrote:
Wed Feb 07, 2018 5:12 am
"As i'm sure you've noticed by now, i tend to lean towards the safer side of things and assume prepare for the worst possible situation, which as far as i'm seeing is a potential prisoner rescue versus imperial ground troops, or the need to covertly retrieve the rondeview position of the escapees while preventing imperial reconnaissance from doing the same. Would you agree?
Vesper gazes out at the white planet, so small and peaceful-looking from kilometers away. "I don't think caution's a luxury we can afford, Thino. If there are any survivors out there, they're on borrowed time. That planet's a tomb come local nightfall. If there's anyone to be rescued, we have to do it now.."


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