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Re: IC: The Assault on Ione

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 7:09 pm
by SavageBob
As the blast rocks the speeder truck, Vesper dives through the hatch. She twists her body to take the fall—a skill every gravball player has to learn in case of gravboot malfunction.
She hits the ground and rolls to meet whatever it is attacking.

Re: IC: The Assault on Ione

Posted: Fri May 03, 2019 10:11 pm
by DeepSpacer
Vesper and Oona leap from the smoking speeder truck and Thino, Braxx, and Kwist fail to make it out. They land on their feet and are somewhat obscured by smoke and debris. Behind the wreckage of the speeder truck and several service vehicles they can see the outlines of black-suited figures (Imperial TIE Pilots) running out from behind the building with pistols in-hand. They are running in the direction of the airfields. "GO! GO! GO!" you can hear them shout.

At a long distance, through the smoke, is an approaching AT-ST. Obviously NOT the one piloted by Helios, since he last went around the other side of the building and has not been seen for a few rounds. Two smaller plumes of smoke are rising into the sky from the location he took his AT-ST.

It appears that the Imperials are coordinating an attack to get the pilots to the airfields with the swift-moving AT-ST providing cover. No other Imperial Ground forces are present. Without personally inspecting the barracks entrance, you can't be conclusively sure that it's 100% clear. The area did take a few grenades (the last one with 5 successes for 13D) and some light repeater blaster fire.

Both PC's and the TIE Pilots have +2 SB for cover and smoke. Distance is Short.
Difficulty is: ImageImageImage
TIE Pilots are: Soak 2, WT 5. You estimate approximately two dozen pilots, which would match the number of TIE's on the airfield. The THIRD Mass Combat Check will be directly affected by how many pilots make it to their ships to defend the base.

Helios: One Maneuver needed to come around building.
Option #1: Go back the way you came, and it is +2 SB for cover to your defense. Opponent only has smoke, so ImageImageImage.
Option #2: Go fully around the building and approach the opposing AT-ST from the Flank. No defensive bonuses for either, but you'd get a Boost die for flanking. ImageImageImage
Option #3: ???

Re: IC: The Assault on Ione

Posted: Thu May 09, 2019 1:01 am
by SavageBob
Vesper does her best to take cover behind the wreckage of the speeder truck. She takes out an Imperial grenade. "Last one…" She tosses it toward the nearest cluster of pilots.
Vesper Reshari; Uprising; Ranged (Light):
1 Success, 0 Advantage


Looks like 9 damage, -2 Soak, so enough to take out one pilot and injure another.

Re: IC: The Assault on Ione

Posted: Thu May 09, 2019 4:13 pm
by swrider
Helios hears the blaster fire from the other ATST and pivots around the building. Seeing the pilots rush towards their ties he realizes something must be done and pushes the ATST to its limits as he plows through the pilots situating his vehicle between them and their ships. Turning towards the other ATST Helios unleashes a string of blaster bolts. "Use the grenade launcher Dennies"
I will pass a boost die to Dennies

Helios; Uprising; Attack ATST:
4 Successes, 1 Advantage

Dennies swings around in his chair taking aim with the grenade launcher and firing at the pilots
Dennies will aim
That is 13 damage I believe with Breach 1 which should easily bypass any soak they may have.

Dennies; Uprising; Attack Pilots:
3 Successes, 0 Advantage


Re: IC: The Assault on Ione

Posted: Fri May 10, 2019 1:49 am
by DeepSpacer
The Hell-piloted AT-ST does serious damage to the opposing AT-ST while the grenade impacts among the charging pilots, sending several of them flying into the air.

@SanguineAngel Oona is up next, then Thino and the npc Rebel Soldiers will go.

Re: IC: The Assault on Ione

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 12:52 am
by DeepSpacer
Oona see the perfect opportunity to catch a bunch of pilots with a frag grenade. She take care to aim for the best spot, but it is difficult with the smoking debris between herself and the TIE Pilots.

Ouch!!!! FOUR blank dice!!!

PC (Oona); Uprising; Frag Grenade:
0 Success, 2 Advantages

Oona overshoots the target by quite a bit, but the detonation fans the flame of a burning vehicle further, catching the opposing AT-ST in a plume of smoke (Giving Setback Die to the AT-ST).

Re: IC: The Assault on Ione

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 12:54 am
by DeepSpacer
Private Kwist and Srgt. Braxx also lay down fire after exiting the flaming speeder truck, but are ineffective at slowing the flow of pilots to their ships.
NPC's (Soldiers); Uprising; Soldier's Actions:
0 Success, 2 0 Advantages


{EDIT} Correction. They needed the maneuver to exit the speeder truck, first.

Re: IC: The Assault on Ione

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 1:05 am
by DeepSpacer
The Rodian, Thino, exits the speeder truck with Kwist and Braxx. While close to exhaustion (ST 8/11), he dares to take aim with the Light Repeating Blaster.
That bad run of luck had to stop at some point!

PC (Thino); Uprising; LRB autofire w/DP:
6 Successes, 1 Threat, 1 Triumph,


Nets to 17 Damage (-2 Soak).
Triumph to activate Autofire (+17 Damage)
1 threat, +1 Strain (ST = 11/11)

If Boutrose could only see Thino in his moment of glory!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
At least a half-dozen TIE Pilots hit the deck, leaving a gaping hole in the pack of troops.

Re: IC: The Assault on Ione

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 1:17 am
by DeepSpacer
The enemy AT-ST take aim at Helios & Crew in their AT-ST. The shots hit home.
(Allied AT-ST @ WT 11/15)
NPC AT-ST Driver; Uprising; AT-ST Driver:
2 Successes, 1 Threat


1 threat = Lose Benefit of Prior Maneuver (Aim). It is now 3 Threats.

1) +3 Strain
2) The initiative slot used by active player drops to last in
initiative order.
3) Active character grants the enemy an advantage in the encounter, decreasing the difficulty of checks made against it by one until beginning of his next turn. (Only Image to hit it next round instead of ImageImage)
4) Another?

Re: IC: The Assault on Ione

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 1:23 am
by DeepSpacer
The gunner in the AT-ST takes aim at the immobile speeder truck, and hits. The speeder truck explodes into smithereens, showering the allies with sparks and debris. It was a good thing Thino, Braxx and Kwist made it out in time!
NPC; Uprising; AT-ST Driver:
2 Successes, 2 Threats


1) Opponent (Helios) can perform one free maneuver (Aim).
2) Gain a Boost Die
3) give it a SB die next turn.

Re: IC: The Assault on Ione

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 1:33 am
by DeepSpacer
The pilots in their black flight suits take pot-shots as they continue to run towards the field and past/engaged-with Helios' AT-ST. They move to Medium range and return fire.
(Shots at them next round are ImageImageImage. Only ONE SB for smoke. They are clear of the debris field.)

Oona is 'nipped' for 2 wounds.
They do NOT have Ranged-Light proficiency.

NPC; Uprising; TIE Pilots:
2 Failures, 0 Advantage


NPC; Uprising; TIE Pilots:
1 Success, 3 Advantages


NPC; Uprising; TIE Pilots:
0 Success, 2 Threats


NPC; Uprising; TIE Pilots:
1 Failure, 1 Threat


+3 Adv vs +3 threats. All negated.

Re: IC: The Assault on Ione

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 4:12 pm
by swrider
Helios aims carefully at the ATST and unleashes a bolt directly into the enemy vehicle.
Helios; Uprising; Attack ATST with aim:
pass a boost to dennies.

2 Successes, 1 Advantage

Dennis follows suit but his aim goes wide.

Re: IC: The Assault on Ione

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 9:59 pm
by DeepSpacer
The enemy AT-ST is staggered, but operational. It continues to be vulnerable.

@SavageBob @SanguineAngel
TIE Pilots are medium Range, but use a DS DP on any targeted attack on them --- GM's action. One SB still for smoke. (ImageImageImage). Over a dozen pilots remain.

Re: IC: The Assault on Ione

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 12:08 am
by SavageBob
Vesper readies her rifle and fires at the fleeing pilots to no avail.
Maneuver to ready the rifle. Then shoot!
Vesper Reshari; Uprising; Ranged (Heavy):
0 Success, 1 Threat


Re: IC: The Assault on Ione

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 12:30 am
by DeepSpacer
The pressure of the situation begins to weigh on the party and 'Luck' smiles on the Imperials this turn.

{{+1 Strain for Vesper}}

Re: IC: The Assault on Ione

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 1:59 am
by DeepSpacer
Oona bears down with grim determination at the fleeing pilots. Two more pilots fall from their ranks.
(+1 Boost to next PC (Thino)}
PC: Oona; Uprising; Oona Attack w/ B-Rifle w/ DP:
1 Success, 1 Advantage


10 Damage -2 Soak = 8 Damage.

Re: IC: The Assault on Ione

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 2:06 am
by DeepSpacer
Thino stumbles and gains his bearings on the pilots. His attacks go wide. Braxx and Kwist follow him (+2 Boosts from the 3 Adv. + Upgrade)
PC: Thino Krist; Uprising; Thino attack LRBR:
0 Success, 3 Advantages, 1 Triumph,


Re: IC: The Assault on Ione

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 2:12 am
by DeepSpacer
Sargent Braxx and Kwist follow Thino in targeting the fleeing pilots.
NPC: Rebel Soldiers; Uprising; Ranged-Heavy Attack:
1 Success, 2 Advantages, 1 Triumph, , 1 Despair,


10D - 2 Soak = 8 Damage
Triumph = -1 Minion Pilot
Despair: upgrade enemy attack
2 Adv: add SB to enemy

Re: IC: The Assault on Ione

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 2:22 am
by DeepSpacer
The Enemy AT-ST shoots its concussion grenade launcher and it explodes at Thino's feet. The explosion engulfs soldiers Braxx and Kwist. In the smoke and dust, it is difficult to know what happened. Their fellow allies fear the worst!
NPC; Uprising; AT-ST Gunner:
2 Successes, 2 Threats


HIT! 12 Damage + Blast 10

Thino @ 12/15 WT, 11/11 ST
NPC Soldiers over WT and presumed dead. :(

2 Thr: SB given to AT-ST attack.

Re: IC: The Assault on Ione

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 2:27 am
by DeepSpacer
The Enemy AT-ST fires at Helios' walker and hits! Staggered and smoking, Helios keeps the walker upright....for now. (15/15 WT)

The fleeing pilots neglect to return fire and instead move to Long Range (ImageImageImage). The Enemy AT-ST is Easy to hit (Image).
NPC; Uprising; AT-ST Driver:
2 Successes, 0 Advantage


Re: IC: The Assault on Ione

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 2:33 pm
by swrider
Helios sees the enemy vehicle clearly quickly aiming carefully and taking fire. He sees multiple blaster bolts collide with the enemy vehicle which begins to go up in flames. Yelling for dennies to target the pilots he sees the gunner plop a grenade out of the shoot into the middle of pilot pack.
Helios; Uprising; Gunnery at ATST W DP FLIP:
1 Success, 5 Advantages
Activate Linked (I will be honest and say I rolled Dennies with three boosts orginialy, when checking the damage I noticed it had linked and that that is a way better option.)

I rolled this for Dennies before Realizing that the above weapon had linked. If you wish to enforce this than feel free. I have traded this out because With the ATST destroyed Dennies will target the pilots which have a different difficulty.

Dennies; Uprising; Gunnery at ATST W DP FLIP:
1 Success, 4 Advantages


Dennies attacking Pilots with Grenade launcher. (I think average difficulty is correct please let me know if wrong)
Dennies; Uprising; Pilots:

Total: 2 Successes, 2 Advantage (one advantage from boost dice rolled below from Hell's attack. Activating blast.
2 Successes, 1 Advantage


two boost from the remaining three advantages on Hells attack after activating linked

Dennies; Uprising; Boosts from hell:
0 Success, 1 Advantage


Re: IC: The Assault on Ione

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 1:13 am
by SavageBob
Not again... Vesper rushes over to where Thino and the two Human soldiers just took their hit. The woman is nearly overcome with the thought of losing allies that she feels dizzy. She drops her rifle and crouches beside their bodies to see if they're OK.
1 maneuver to engage with the two fallen soldiers, an incidental to drop the rifle. Trading an action for a maneuver to crouch. Not enough strain to do anything else!

Re: IC: The Assault on Ione

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 2:20 am
by DeepSpacer
Toppled AT-ST.JPG
Toppled AT-ST.JPG (27.63 KiB) Viewed 4252 times
The enemy AT-ST takes a shot to the side and a fireball engulfs it! It subsequently topples to the ground. The small group of TIE Pilots is decimated by Dennies' grenade launcher. There is little-to-no movement after the smoke clears.

Re: IC: The Assault on Ione

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 2:42 am
by DeepSpacer
Wounded.JPG (23.59 KiB) Viewed 4251 times
Thino is still standing. Sgt. Braxx and Private Kwist are gravely injured. The hostile blaster fire has dissipated. Memories of her residency at First General Hospital on Ralltiir flash before her eyes. Not everyone can be saved.....she knows that, but it's been some time since she faced that reality on Hoth. There are injuries stimpacks or the galaxy's best doctor cannot overcome. Still....there may be a chance with these two, albeit a slim one.

Both wounded soldiers are critical and likely will not make it. The best she can hope for is to stabilize them and perhaps long-term care will allow them to live. The first you treat (with Thino's immediate help +1 Boost) will be Daunting ImageImageImageImage and the second will be Formidable ImageImageImageImageImage. You can only treat one at a time. Any passed ADV's to the second can be considered getting Thino to start earlier on the 2nd while you finish the first.
Gamewise, it might be easier to lose some npc's to thin the crowd. But in the spirit of the game, it is always good to let it come down to some rolls in true cinematic form (without rules-lawyering minions, wound threshold, and such). They should be dead. By your skill and the boosts, it's about 50-60% on each to succeed.

Re: IC: The Assault on Ione

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 4:57 pm
by SavageBob
Vesper is barely able to tell which soldier she's helping—it doesn't take a medical scanner to tell both are on death's doorstep. She quickly yanks her medkit out from her sack, the medical datapad illuminating from within it, and begins work on the nearest soldier. The uniform tells her it's Kwist. Tears stream down her face, but she senses Thino helping calm the injured Rebel. "After all we went through to save you on Hoth, you better not die on me now!"
Vesper Reshari; Uprising; Medicine check (with DP):
5 Successes, 2 Threats, 1 Triumph,


So, used a DP to upgrade the check. Medical Datapad reduces difficulty to heal crits by 1. Looks like a success! I would like to use the Triumph to upgrade the next medical check. BUT, if those 2 Threat equate to any strain at all on Vesper, she passes out and cannot make the next check.