The Gerrenthum Run (IC)

The game's in-character (IC) narrative.
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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by SavageBob » Sun Mar 01, 2020 4:07 am

"It's worth a shot," Vesper says with a shrug. "I'd guess the local media would be happy to have Nolan Kryker on the holos. Even better if we can convince him that the Empire is killing innocent people in the sector. Plus, I'd love to catch a grav-ball game. It's been a while."

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Thu Mar 05, 2020 5:18 am

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Tonight's game is the Gerrenthum City Raiders versus the Mexeluine Tracers. It is played inside Gerrenthum's "Figg Center", named after the heroic figure who found much of the Outer Javin System centuries ago. There's even a durasteel statue of him at the center.

The games aren't the biggest thing in town, but it draws a crowd. Players can make a living as a player and are quite accessible to the fans, giving signatures and taking holophotos after matches. For a 'field pass fee', fans can enter the field after the game. Entry is 25 credits to enter, 50 credits for a fields pass.
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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by SavageBob » Mon Mar 09, 2020 12:52 am

Vesper's eyes are wide. "Wow. This brings me back." She takes a moment to take it all in. "It's so strange. Like it was a lifetime ago." As the group nears the ticket booth, she pauses. "So we all ponying up the creds for the field pass? Or maybe just me? I could also try to sneak into the locker rooms. I can probably still pass myself off as a player. There's a whole way we tend to carry our bodies..."

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by swrider » Mon Mar 09, 2020 1:10 am

I'll pony up for a regular pass and extra for a wager. What's the name of the local team again, better to get into the good graces if we go for the locals.

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Mon Mar 09, 2020 3:05 am

swrider wrote:
Mon Mar 09, 2020 1:10 am
"I'll pony up for a regular pass and extra for a wager. What's the name of the local team again, better to get into the good graces if we go for the locals."
"Gerrenthum Raiders" the Major replies. "I don't think they take public bets here at the stadium."Integrity of the game", I suppose."

"It doesn't seem all that crowded tonight. I think we can all try to follow and see if this leads anywhere. Yeah, Vesper, you could still pass as a player, maybe, or an athletic trainer! If not? Well, we'll take that product to market and see where that leads us."

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by SavageBob » Fri Mar 13, 2020 8:28 pm

Vesper buys a pass for herself. "Let's see what happens after the game. If need be, we can move to Plan Besh and I can sneak into the locker room."

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by swrider » Fri Mar 13, 2020 11:27 pm

me too. I'm also going out some credits on the home team. I think I spot some action over there.
Hellios will make a reasonable sizes bet. He doesn't want to stand it as being slot or too little. He is reading to notice the gamblers and look for potential allies it leads. I can't believe I got any success... With that many threats however I half expect to get arrested.

Hellios; Uprising; Gambling:
1 Success, 4 Threats


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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Mar 14, 2020 6:23 pm

Helios slips off temporarily and finds someone he's pretty sure takes wagers. In a darker portion of the stadium, off to the side. "Hey, buddy!!! Not so loud!!!" warns an older, human male taking bets from you and another man. "Whatcha want? Raiders are 2-to-1 favorites. The over/under is 9.5 total goals."
If I have my wagering vernacular correct.....
2-to-1 means: Bet on the Raiders to win +50%. Bet 200 and win back 300, total. Bet on the Tracers and double your wager. Bet 200, win back 400.
Over/Under: even money earned back. Bet 100, win 100. Bet 9 goals or less, or bet 10 goals or more between both teams.

FYI, I long ago determined the score in a pre-written campaign notes.

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by swrider » Sat Mar 14, 2020 6:30 pm

Raiders of course. Under 9 pointsHelios hands over 200 credits. Its always better to watch these games in person. The broadcast contain too much advertisements for my tastes.

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Mar 14, 2020 7:01 pm

"Sure, sure, buddy." says the man as he goes from taking your credits, looks to the other guy who had bet, then looks off into the distance behind Helios. "GOOD LUCK!!!!" he says, and he backs off into the darkness and heads down the hall. The other man leaves, too, but the other way.

A moment later....

"SO WHAT HAVE WE HERE???!!!" Helios hears from behind him.

"You wouldn't be taking any ILLEGAL WAGERS, would you? makes little difference. A quick ticket outta here!"

"I'm going to need you to empty your pockets and bags. Let me see any datapad you may have. That's an order. And DON'T try warning your friends!!!"
he says as he eyes your commlink.

The guard is a tall, bulkier-than-normal human male. He carries a baton and what looks some kind of stun grenades, or the like. Seems like something routine for him to do. He doesn't seem militant about it. One could possibly work his way out of this. Or, Vesper and Kettel will be watching the game alone.
 ! Message from: DeepSpacer
Helios can make a AVG Deception check with a Setback (from those Threats) to talk his way out of it by giving a plausible excuse. Will spend a DS DP to Upgrade it once. ImageImageImage
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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by swrider » Sat Mar 14, 2020 7:09 pm

Wait you think I am a bookie. Scum of the sector they are. I should be insulted! I understand you just have a job to do though. Lets get this overwith so I can get back to the game. Sounds like it will be started soon and I have a field pass. Helios says as he begins to comply with the guards commands. I sure hope the poparatzi dont see this, I was trying to keep a low profile and I would hate for a holovid of me getting searched to wind up beign broadcast.
Helios; Uprising; Deception:
3 Successes, 3 Threats


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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Mar 14, 2020 7:43 pm

At first, the guard considers tearing up (or melting) your field pass right in front of you, but he reconsiders, given your story. You might be someone important, he thinks. "Gambling is illegal on the premises, sir."

He buys the (semi) celebrity hoax, at least enough to let you pass. He's not buying the "I'm not wagering" part. "Please refrain from gambling activities during your time at the game. It taints the game. Move along, move along."

Helios is delayed getting to his seat with Vesper and Kettel. "What took you so long???" The security guard gives a slow walk over the mezzanine and observes for a moment (3 threats). Then he walks away.

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by swrider » Sat Mar 14, 2020 7:45 pm

nosey fans and paparazzi, you know how it is. Did I anything?

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Tue Mar 17, 2020 12:42 am

swrider wrote:
Sat Mar 14, 2020 7:45 pm
nosey fans and paparazzi, you know how it is. Did I (miss) anything?
"Just started." replies Kettel. "Vesper's old contact is among the players who began the game. The Nothoiin….the one with golden skin."

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Tue Mar 17, 2020 12:56 am

The evening's Grav-ball game goes on as planned. The home team was favored over the Mexeluine Tracers professional team. Nolan Kryker plays well (2 goals, 1 Assist). Raiders 8, Tracers 3, although it was tied at 2-2 during the intermission. A second-half sub (a Rodian name Reeto O'tas) scored 3 goals in relief to spark the team ahead after it stagnated. The team manager (Kas Jerrell) of the Raiders is a stern-looking, human male with a shaved head.

A 3/4-full stadium empties as those with field passes stay later to mingle with staff and players. The vast majority of fans are human. (Gerrenthum is nearly half humans.) The field pass amounts to the simple ability to walk the field, gain autographs, take holovids, and the like. Some kind of PR activity the team does. Fans still go to the goal-scorers, as usual. After some time mingling, as the crowd thins, Nolan recognizes a familiar face.

“At the university??? Ralltiir Glowmites, right? Come here to scout the competition?” he says assuredly. "The name escapes me...." he says putting his hand to the top of his head. He begins to wave off further autograph seekers.

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Jan 30, 2021 12:55 am

“Final Score tonight at Gerrenthum's one and only Figg Center,

Gerrenthum Raiders 8, Mexeluine Tracers 3!!!!!”

The final score booms over the stadium's loud speakers and is followed by a lower-toned background instrumental music. The 75%-capacity ground begins to exit. Player mingle on the field and with the fans.

“Vesper! Vesper Reshari! And, no, I am not here to scout out player. Knee injury....can't play too well anymore.”

“Oh, that's a shame! Always appreciated your zeal for the game.”

“Great playing out there!”

“Thanks. I appreciate that! I had a good night, but Reeto's the real star on the team. Lean, tall, quick....more scores than me on the season, even in relief duties!”

“Here comes the REAL star. Reeto!”

A lanky rodian comes by wearing boots, a vest, a pilot cap with long side flaps, and a hooded cloak. It is the star of the game, Reeto O'tas. He pulls up the hood on his jacket, give a knowing nod and a handshake with his suction-cupped fingers.”

“Great to meet you! Why aren't you starting, Reeto.”

“Well, you know how things are. How things are with the Empire, that is.”

“Very observant of you, Vesper! Yes, Reeto IS the best player on the team, by far! But it is MY face all over the promos and I even make more credits!!! Kas Jerrell has something against the non-human players on the team. Refuses to start them. Nothoiins like me? I guess we're close-enough human, with our golden skin, and all. But Rodians? Lutrillians? Coach Freiss (a Lutrillian) was sacked for refusing to bench Reeto when the “new ownership” took over. Kas Jerrell begrudgingly plays the non-humans if it doesn't look like we can win the game without them. I guess he favors winning slightly more than sticking to his bigotries.”
Grav-ball had several positions—the center striker, two strikers, wing attackers, a kicker, two fullbacks, two defenders and a keeper. The game had several different sets of rules, such as Corellian rules.[2] It was played on a 64-meter grid which was divided into eight octets. The roll of a chance cube determined which team would start at the center line dividing the fourth and fifth octets.[3]
“We should go out and catch up over a meal some time! Not tonight, though. These commerce riots have gotten to be a nightly occurrence.”

{{Leave it there for comments or questions.}}

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by swrider » Mon Feb 01, 2021 4:13 am

commerce riots seem like a nasty business. What do you think is causing them?

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Mon Feb 01, 2021 10:45 am

swrider wrote:
Mon Feb 01, 2021 4:13 am
commerce riots seem like a nasty business. What do you think is causing them?
"The Empire's blockade, of course! You haven't been on Gerrenthum long, have you? This planet has been the largest commerce hub in five sectors for decades!!! Then, it slows to a trickle because of some arbitrary Imperial blockade. Looking for Rebels, they say. Well, i haven't seen any Rebels around to justify all of this! Have you??"

"This is unstable and unsustainable. I fear worse to come."

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by swrider » Mon Feb 01, 2021 6:38 pm

Hell looks around for a minute, what do they look like? I have been a bit secluded as of late, but was excited to get out again and see the game. I loved the action, the only way it could have been better was if I got to broadcast the action to the whole city so everyone got to enjoy it!

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Mon Feb 01, 2021 10:19 pm

swrider wrote:
Mon Feb 01, 2021 6:38 pm
Hell looks around for a minute, what do they look like? I have been a bit secluded as of late, but was excited to get out again and see the game. I loved the action, the only way it could have been better was if I got to broadcast the action to the whole city so everyone got to enjoy it!
"Rebels???? Well, I imagine they look rather nefarious. Dark and foreboding!" he says half-jokingly.

"Hrumpf...." exclaims the Reeto.

"Or maybe they are the Mugaari! They've never forgotten that this was their homeland ages ago before the Republic forced them out. Then again, that'd make them Rebels AGAINST THE REPUBLIC! Which, I guess is now the Empire."

"Truth is, I've had no interaction with "Rebels",
he says LOUDLY, as if someone that might be eavesdropping could hear him.

"....just hard-working people wanting to go about their lives. I expect THAT is what you'll find out in the streets."

The Rodian nods his head in agreement.

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Tue Feb 02, 2021 12:03 am

“Pleasure to meet you, Reeto. Good to see you again, too, Nolan! If things work out, we'll have that dinner!” says Vesper.

“Same here! See you around!”

"I know where the broadcasting center is," says Vesper to Cpt Kettel and Helios. "This sector isn't too hard to figure out. Most things around here are named for Ecclessis Figg, the eccentric Corellian who first explored this sector about four centuries ago. Used to be called, "The Outer Javin" sector. He plotted most all of these hyperspace lanes. Dangerous work!!!"

"Anyways, the center is called the Figg Broadcasting Center, the FBC. It is one of the tall buildings with intergalactic broadcasting dishes on the top. Near the center of downtown."

"The Imperials typically keep a loose guard around it. But with the commerce riots, things are a bit stepped up. Either way, we need to get inside."

"An assault or sneak in?" asks Kettel. "It won't be easy either way."

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Tue Feb 02, 2021 12:13 am

With that, the game-time crowd eases out into the streets of Gerrenthum City. A lot of working-class folks, a good number of Lutrillans, who look similar to Sullustans, but taller. Some tending to a dark, green ale...Bavvan Ale, to be precise. Many of the laborers at the stadium are Mugarri, a stout, slate-skinned, wedge-headed species. Occasionally there are the entourages of Nothoiins, a rather upper-class, golden-skinned nobility. If not nobility, at least wealthier class of merchants.

Fans of the victors shout and holler, particularly the ones coming from the upper decks (the cheap seats). They blow their vuvuzela horns, beating drums, and whoop it up into the streets, giving wreath necklaces of victory beads to any who would have them. It's like a Mardi Gras festival on the streets of New Orleans.

The streets are typically active during the evening in this megalopolis, but tonight has the combined effect of normal commerce, a few 10,000 protestors, AND the release of this evening's grav-ball attendees. It has made for an even more energized situation.

"HEY!!! I have an idea!!" yells Kettel. "Maybe we can use this commotion to our advantage?!?! Maybe we could try and direct things towards downtown?"
NPC's; Uprising; Kettel Warfare Check:
2 Successes, 1 Threat


1 Threat: his plan has an unforeseen flaw.

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by swrider » Tue Feb 02, 2021 7:50 pm

That sounds like a great plan Captain. We will need to draw the crowd's attention to downtown. Any ideas on how to do that? Another option would be to start a riot drawing everything this way. I wonder if there are any news crews here, think we could hijack their systems if they are live?

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Wed Feb 03, 2021 12:24 am

"I think the Empire keeps the publicity pretty locked down." says the Captain, looking around for any sign of media coverage (and finding none).

"I'm a little concerned for the safety of these people, but from what I've heard, things have been getting more and more violent. Mostly from the Empire's side."

"Now, I've always been good at leading people. I suppose crowds aren't much different."
(Leadership Skill YYG + BB) "We're not far from the broadcasting building. It'd just take a little nudge to go in that direction. Banners, horns, hoverboards....just got to get out in front and lead them. You're (Hell) pretty good at theatrics and stunts. Isn't there something you can do?"

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by swrider » Wed Feb 03, 2021 4:47 pm

Let me look around for a minute captain and see what I have at my disposal.
2 Successes, 1 Advantage


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