The Gerrenthum Run (IC)

The game's in-character (IC) narrative.
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The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Jan 11, 2020 4:33 pm

Several days have passed as well-needed supplies were passed out to the survivors and enhancements made to the Red Dawn. Samoc Farr has been safely transported back to the Rebel base in the jungles of Darlyn Boda.

Commander Farr has called everyone together for what she says is an important meeting. Present are about 50 persons standing, and about 20-30 more wounded who were moved to within hearing range. Some 10-20 others were too critical to be moved. Toryn Farr served as the Chief Communications Officer at Echo Base, and before that, at Yavin 4. She stands atop a pile of empty crates to address the troops.

“During my time in Boda City looking after the health of my sister, Samoc, I was able to make contact with some of our allies in the Anoat Sector. I wanted to find out what has been happening in the galaxy while we’ve been here.”

“Our sources tell us that most Alliance personnel that fled Echo Base made it to the rendezvous point safely outside the Anoat Sector. Although, some key personnel are still unaccounted for…….including Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker, the one who struck to fatal blow to the Emperor’s Death Star some time ago. The fate of those who were jettisoned in escape pods while over Hoth is still unknown. I will keep you updated if new information becomes available.”

“The Imperial Fleet, now under Admiral Piett, has left this sector in pursuit of the Rebel Fleet. Lord Vader has left Admiral Tindale in charge of the remaining Imperial forces here. Their orders are to locate and destroy any Alliance forces left behind. To that ends, the Admiral has initiated a blockade of the entire sector. The “Iron Blockade”, it is being called. All traffic and communication going in or out the sector is being intercepted and controlled by the Empire. I am afraid that we won’t be receiving help soon. We’re on our own.”

“BUT……. all has not gone well for the Empire since the blockade was initiated. There is sector-wide disgust among the populace with The Iron blockade. Trade is crippled, business stagnant, and mining operations have been suffering reduced activity. Citizens on Mexeluine have erupted into angry riots due to the loss of trade and commerce and the local government is at odds with what to do next. Around Gerrenthum, the capital of the sector, smugglers disabled the orbital security station to allow larger ships to escape the Empire’s clutches.”

“Those disturbances, combined with the loss of their fuel depot on Ione (thanks to Vesper, Helios, Cpt. Kettel, & crew), has pushed the Empire to its limit. We intend to push it further………push it over the edge!!! We need the rest of the systems to join in the rebellion.”

“To that ends, I will take the evidence gathered by Oona, Vesper, Helios, and Jameis and create a propaganda holovid to broadcast to Mexeluine, Gerrenthum, and all the remaining systems. In this presentation, I will present the evidence of Imperial atrocities on Ione and call on all systems to resist the Empire and join together in rebellion. “

“To do this, however, we’ll need access to a facility capable of broadcasting across the HoloNet. We’ll need access to the HoloNet Uplink Station on Gerrenthum. From there, it is possible to broadcast a transmission to the entire Anoat Sector, most of the Outer Rim, and, perhaps, the entire Galaxy!"

"This will NOT be an easy task! The HoloNet uplink codes will no doubt be in the hands of the Imperial Agents who supervise the station, most likely ISB Agents. One will need to acquire those codes, gain access to the broadcast transmitter, and send the message uninterrupted."

"Thankfully, the HoloNet Uplink Station is not a military-built secure, installation. It was civilian-built and run. As such, there may be ways to enter it (unseen) from the outside: a window, an unattended entryway, a sewer pipe, an air duct, etc… Civilians still run the station, but under tight Imperial supervision. It may also be possible to bribe an official to gain entry. Officials on Gerrenthum (both civilian AND Imperial) are notoriously corrupt."

"We’ll need a ship, a daring team of individuals, and a lot of luck."

"Any volunteers???"

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Re: Gerrenthum


Post by swrider » Sun Jan 12, 2020 4:14 am

I volunteer my ship.

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Re: Gerrenthum


Post by DeepSpacer » Wed Jan 29, 2020 1:10 am

swrider wrote:
Sun Jan 12, 2020 4:14 am
I volunteer my ship.
"EXCELLENT!!! Thank you Helios!!!" replies Toryn. "We have a ship!!! Anyone else? We'll need a crew and an infiltration team. None of us are infiltration specialists, but we have to try!!!"

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by SavageBob » Wed Jan 29, 2020 1:39 am

"Well, I'm in of course," Vesper offers. "How many others you think we need?"

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Wed Jan 29, 2020 3:06 am

SavageBob wrote:
Wed Jan 29, 2020 1:39 am
"Well, I'm in of course," Vesper offers. "How many others you think we need?"
"Thank you, Vesper! I don't readily know, to answer your question." she replies. "I'm afraid we are limited by the resources present. We don't have advanced technology, powerful weapons, or many skills. I'm not even sure what the plan IS, at the moment. The team will decide that once they are formed, I imagine, for security reasons."

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by swrider » Thu Feb 06, 2020 10:18 pm

"looks like we have two. Do we have anything we could bribe them with? I was under the impression supplies were tight."

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Thu Feb 06, 2020 10:25 pm

swrider wrote:
Thu Feb 06, 2020 10:18 pm
"looks like we have two. Do we have anything we could bribe them with? I was under the impression supplies were tight."
"CREDITS were not our major concern when evacuating Echo Base." Comm. Toryn says, conceding that they are credit-shy at the moment. "But we shouldn't talk of tactics so publicly. You know what they say...."Loose lips sink starships!" We'll look at the HOW privately once we've assembled a team."

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Thu Feb 06, 2020 10:58 pm

"Well....I've been with them THIS far. I might as well go one step further! I'll volunteer!! It's going to be SOME TIME before Balmorra is free of the Empire and I can return to Bin Prime." says Jameis Kettel as he steps forward.

"We need to plan for this, don’t we? I mean, you just don’t walk in and take over a place, do you? We're NOT going to shoot the place up and just take it over. We need subtlety.”

"As I said, Major, we should discuss this in private. Helios, Vesper, Jameis.... as I expected.... they've proven competent for such a thing from what I've heard about that depot raid on Ione! Let us get started!"

Toryn Farr leads the three to a shelter built near the main tent, a makeshift headquarters, or sorts. "Well, all, how do we go about this?"

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by swrider » Fri Feb 07, 2020 2:06 am

"Imperial inspection team. I think we have some uniforms from our captives. Order them to upload the video? That would put it description or they publiclly though."

"Hum... Patch directly into the transmitters replace the signal?"
Helios; Streetwise:
0 Success, 2 Advantages


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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Fri Feb 07, 2020 2:21 am

swrider wrote:
Fri Feb 07, 2020 2:06 am
"Imperial inspection team. I think we have some uniforms from our captives. Order them to upload the video? That would put it description or they publiclly though."

"Hum... Patch directly into the transmitters replace the signal?"
"Ah, but alas, we have Ionen Security Uniforms, right? Did we actually get any IMPERIAL uniforms? .....without holes or blaster scarring?" asks Kettel.

"Yeah, I guess we COULD slice into the feed.....if we had a slicer, that is. Still, it's not TOO tough, is it?"

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by SavageBob » Mon Feb 10, 2020 1:45 am

Vesper; Uprising; Knowledge (Warfare):
1 Success, 2 Advantages

Advantages for peripherally useful info?

"Captain, what about another angle?" Vesper asks Kettel. The two consult for a moment.

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Mon Feb 10, 2020 3:43 am

SavageBob wrote:
Mon Feb 10, 2020 1:45 am
"Captain, what about another angle?" Vesper asks Kettel. The two consult for a moment.
"Well, Vesper, we certainly don't make such plans without all the pertinent information. ...and we don't have that here. We may need to take time to reconnoiter the city, the area, and the building. But I don't suppose this is on a tight time frame, right Commander Farr?"

"You would be correct Major Kettel......Captain Reshari. No such time frame to make the broadcast. However, the longer we wait, the longer the Empire has to quench the small uprisings and pockets of resistance that do exist."

"Is there any rebellion sympathizers on the ground that we can contact (2 Adv)?"

"None I know of, but there IS significant unrest due to trade and commerce disruption. It may not be hard to find someone to assist with some subterfuge or even 'convert' to The Alliance. What do you think? Helios?

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by swrider » Mon Feb 10, 2020 4:46 am

Help on the ground would be useful. But this will ruffle feathers and the backlash for any locals caught helping could be disastrous. A cantina is a great place to get the feel of a city. We should find one nearby and listen to what people have to say. Do we know of any products typically shipped between this planet and there? Or of there anything we have that sells well there. Coming in with cargo would make contacting freighter captains, Marchants, and related full a lot more organic. Could also cover us dropping some credits and being around in the first place.

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Mon Feb 10, 2020 1:12 pm

"We just may have to go that way. Gerrenthum is a mega world, always needs tech and foodstuffs. Darlyn Boda has some choice food items. If not in quantity, in uniqueness."

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Sun Feb 16, 2020 11:08 pm

"So it looks like we go the way of traveling merchant, eh? That sounds VERY plausible.
It should get you on-planet with little difficulty. We wouldn't be carrying any illicit merchandise or contraband."
says Toryn. "Looks like you will figure something out once you reach Gerrenthum, whether it be impersonating Imperials, gaining inside access through contacts you develop, splicing the holonet signal, or finding discrete access to the broadcasting center in Gerrenthum City. I wish we had more resources to offer you, or even a 3-D map to gaze at...." she says despondently. "...but we've been in disarray since the Empire's attack and the subsequent blockade."

"Your mission has my blessing. It will mean a great deal to the people of the Anoat Sector and to free peoples across the galaxy if you are successful."

"Thank you, Commander Toryn." replies the Major. "We're about 5-to-6 hours away by hyperspace, but it may take some time to infiltrate that broadcast center. It's gonna be risky, but this is what we're fighting for!"

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:14 am

Hyperspace Trip.JPG
Hyperspace Trip.JPG (16.12 KiB) Viewed 5029 times
Hyperspace travel takes about 5.5hrs. Upon arrival, the ship's scanners cannot even process the number of ships present! Hundreds!! Perhaps, thousands!!! Gerrenthum is at the intersection of three hyperspace lanes and is the Sector Capital. An orbital platform hovers above the atmosphere. Thousands of space beacons lines the skies surrounding Gerrenthum, leading traffic both on and off the planet. All ships larger than a freighter are stopping at the orbital platform (you assume, as proper protocol).

Orbital Platform.png
Orbital Platform.png (69.34 KiB) Viewed 5029 times

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:31 am

Gerrenthum City.JPG
Gerrenthum City.JPG (39.15 KiB) Viewed 5029 times
Gerrenthum is an urban/agri world and the largest commerce center in the sector. Docking fees are cheap (150cr) compared to most places.

The group splits up and tries to gather some common information. AVG + Setback die (being new) to all the checks.
 ! Message from: DeepSpacer
Players can make one or more (Two Max) of the following checks: (AVG + SB)

Knowledge: Outer Rim (Landmarks, Buildings, Commerce Centers, etc...)
Knowledge: Underworld (Illegal Activities, Crime Bosses, Criminal Networks, etc...)
Streetwise (Current Happenings, Rumors, Directions, etc...)
Negotiation (Goods, Markets, Buyers, Sellers, etc...)
Knowledge: Education (Laws, Procedures, Entertainment (grav-ball + Boost), Gov't Buildings, etc...)

I'm open to other ideas, too. :D

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by swrider » Fri Feb 21, 2020 2:17 am

Helios spends some time around the spaceport looking for info. He is quickly destracted by some underworld types and discretly monitors their activities gaining information about the local underworld.

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Fri Feb 21, 2020 3:16 am

swrider wrote:
Fri Feb 21, 2020 2:17 am
Helios spends some time around the spaceport looking for info. He is quickly distracted by some underworld types and discretely monitors their activities gaining information about the local underworld.
Not much in the way of rumors in and around the spaceport (0/0). Helios does not get a good feel for the city and what's been going on recently. No one seems to care where good HoloNet viewing can be had or where such broadcasts come from.

The criminal types in the city have been taking advantage of the recent demonstrations and riots from the commerce and trade workers (2 Successes). Especially groups like the Gerrenthum Raiders (named after one of the city's grav-ball teams), the 'Thumpers', and the 'Argonauts'. Gangs and criminals have been using the distractions to commit larceny on a large scale. Some say that the thieves are taking the stolen credits and items to funnel them to the rebellion, but that is just a rumor. Some even say that the Rebellion is starting the riots as cover for such activities. Asking around may have caused some underworld types to keep an eye on you. (1 Threat, either bad rep or misinformation. :twisted: )
Your Kn:Underworld is only YY, not YYG. 2 Succ, 1 Threat

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by SavageBob » Tue Feb 25, 2020 1:51 am

Vesper pokes around some sort of business district, trying to get a handle on local laws, entertainment, and the like. She then tries to get some idea of what the culture is like around here. She also pays attention to non-Human species she notices, trying to gauge how they are treated and their social position on the planet.
Vesper; Uprising; Knowledge (Education):
2 Successes, 1 Advantage


Passing a boost to the Xenology check.

Vesper; Uprising; Knowledge (Xenology):
5 Successes, 1 Threat


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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Wed Feb 26, 2020 4:31 am

Major Kettel strolls around the center of Gerrenthum City, stopping by some cantinas along the way. He makes careful observation of any traces of Imperial troops. After a buying a few rounds of drinks, spreading around some credits, and spending some time with the local populace, Major Kettel comes back with some key information.

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Wed Feb 26, 2020 5:16 am

SavageBob wrote:
Tue Feb 25, 2020 1:51 am
Vesper pokes around some sort of business district, trying to get a handle on local laws, entertainment, and the like. She then tries to get some idea of what the culture is like around here. She also pays attention to non-Human species she notices, trying to gauge how they are treated and their social position on the planet. (Edu: 2S, 1Adv; Xeno: 5S, 1Thr)
All the species to Gerrenthum migrated there. The population is approximately (based on your rough, but keen, observations): 40% Human, 20% Nothoiins, 15% Lutrillians, 15% Mugaari, and 10% Other.
Nothoiins are golden-skinned humanoids from the planet Nothoiin, not far from gerrenthum. Nothoiins are involved in both business and criminal enterprises. Ur-diamonds are their major export. Many have an innate piloting ability and are known as Cogennan Nothoiin. They speak a sort of sign language known as Notho. Their homeworld was ravaged by drought and fires for decades and many sought homes off-world. You met Marax Vandemere on Mexeluine some time ago, the wealthy merchant we helped.

The nomadic Lutrillians enjoyed adventure, high stakes, and chance-taking, traits that made them natural entrepreneurs. Wrinkled facial features, high, pointed ears, and hair growing form their heads and cheeks.

The Mugaari were a species of humanoids native to Mugaar in the Bruanii sector. They were heavy-browed and lantern-jawed, with slate-colored skin. Before 1,000 BBY, they ruled much of the area and subjugated the nearby Ugnaughts. They resented Republic’s annexation of the sector and were forced out by them. They saw the Nothoiins and Lutrillians as collaborators. The Mugaari have a ‘lower role’ on Gerrenthum. Not many of them have become successful.


The Gerrenthum University Nothoiin Striker Vesper once competed against as a member of the Ralltiir Glowmites is now a star player for the Gerrenthum Raiders. You see his pictures prominently-displayed in advertisements for the upcoming home game. Nolan Kryker. (1 Adv, should you interact with him, +1 Boost to try to gain access). Lots of credits flow through Gerrenthum (legally, mind you). Businesses prosper here at the center of commerce in the sector. Things run rather smoothly, other than the recent riots, that is.
Nolan Kryker.jpg
Nolan Kryker.jpg (10.65 KiB) Viewed 5011 times

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Wed Feb 26, 2020 5:46 am

Helios, Vesper, and Major Kettel rendezvous after a few hours of reconnaissance, each having their own observations to report. (You can assume that we each share our observations).

Major Kettel shares his observations. "The Figg Broadcasting Center (known as the FBC) is the main media source throughout the sector. The Imperials have small outposts throughout the city, more heavily-fortified after the recent commerce riots. Seems like the military presence at the FBC is rather light. Certainly not a military fortification."

"Now, if we can just find a way inside and have the time to do what we need to do! Any ideas, team?"

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by SavageBob » Sat Feb 29, 2020 3:43 am

"Maybe," Vesper says. "I noticed an old friend's face plastered all over the place. Grav-ball star I used to play against, but we respected each other. He probably has some in with the station, being a local celebrity and all. No idea what his loyalties are these days, though."

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Re: The Gerrenthum Run (IC)


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Feb 29, 2020 4:36 am

SavageBob wrote:
Sat Feb 29, 2020 3:43 am
"Maybe," Vesper says. "I noticed an old friend's face plastered all over the place. Grav-ball star I used to play against, but we respected each other. He probably has some in with the station, being a local celebrity and all. No idea what his loyalties are these days, though."
"So Helios found out a lot about the commerce riots, but nothing on the street about how those start up or take place,eh (0 Succ Streetwise)? A shame! The cover of a demonstration or riot could help us sneak into a place!" replies Major Kettel.

"So maybe this acquaintance of yours (Vesper) has some media contacts? Maybe he can do us a favor or might be sympathetic to our cause? I think it may be worth a try! There's a game this evening. Maybe we should go? Try to make contact? See if he responds?"

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