Thino Krist, Rodian Freedom Fighter

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Boutrose Saba-Norr
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Thino Krist, Rodian Freedom Fighter


Post by Boutrose Saba-Norr » Wed Jan 03, 2018 6:23 pm

Dropbox Link To Come: XML
Character Name: Thino Krist - -Player: Boutros
Concept: Lawbringer - - - - - - Species: Rodian
Career: Bounty Hunter - - - - - Specialization: Skip Tracer
Soak Value: 4 Wounds: 15 Strain: 11 Defense R:1 Defense M:1

Brn: 3 Agi: 3 Int: 3 Cun: 3 Wil: 1 Pre: 2
Survival: 1 Yel Grn Grn - - - - - - - - - - - - Cool: 1 Yel Grn
Piloting Space: 1 Yel Grn Grn - - - - Ranged H: 1 Yel Grn Grn
Perception: 1 Yel Grn Grn - - Brawl: 1 Yel Grn Grn
Negotiaations: 1 Yel Grn
Toughened:(1) +2 wounds
Bypass Security:(1) Remove 1 setback die per rank of Bypass Security from checks to disable security device or open a locked door.
Hard Boiled:(1) When recovering strain after an encounter, may spend advantages up to ranks in Hard Boiled to recover 1 wound per advantage spent.
Good Cop:(1) May spend two advantages from a cham or negotiations check to upgrade ability of a single ally's subsequent social interaction check against the a number of times equal to ranks in Good Cop.
Street Smarts:(1) Remove a setback dice per rank of street smarts from streetwise or knowledge underworld checks.
Rapid Recovery:(1) when recovering strain after an encounter, recover 1 additional strain per rank of rapid recovery.
Expert Tracker: Decrease the time to track a target by half, and reduce the set back die for tracking by 1 per rank of expert tracker
Experience Points Starting: 120 (100 starting + 30 earned)
Experience Points Unspent: 0 (90 characteristics + 40 talents)
Credits Starting: 3,014 (500 + 2,500 from obligation + 14 roll)
Credits Remaining: 39
Encumbrance Capacity: 5/14 Cybernetics Capacity: 0/3
Geonosian Blaster Carbine: HP 4, Ranged Heavy, Medium Range, Damage 9, Crit 2, Stun Setting (1,300 credits)
Vamblade: HP 1, Brawl, Engaged, Damage +1, Crit 3, Defensive 1 (500)
Armored Clothing: HP 1 (1000 Credits)
Utility Belt: Increases encumbrance by 1 (25 Credits)
surveyors Bag: Increases Encumbrance by 2 (50 Credits)
Load Bearing Gear: Increases Encumbrance by 3(100 Credits)
Gender: Male | Age: 28 | Height: 1.8 Meters | Build: Medium and Muscular| Hair: None
Eyes: Black Star-Speckled| Complexion:Fern Green with Midnight Green Contours

Noticeable Features And Characteristics: Unlike most Rodians, Thino speaks fluent Basic and speaks with a Mandarin accent and walks with a hunters gait. He is fluent in Mando'a as well and understands a great deal of the languages spoken in the seedier parts of the Galaxy, all due to his less than conventional upbringing on Mandalore.
Duty: Camaraderie(0) Motivation: Pursuit of Justice
Thino has long had reason to distrust organizations that take on the form of governing bodies. He wants to believe that the rebellion will bring about change and not simply be more of the same, but he is cautious and has always found it better to put his trust in people rather than the distant and unfeeling organizations they represent, but perhaps he will find out that an organization can be as good as the people who form it.The code of the Bounty Hunter is the only Law that Thino has ever lived by, the only source of comfort that the poor and the weak can expect in the face of the corruption from their governments and and the criminal organizations that work with them. Thino is a bounty hunter not because he wants the fame or the credits, he is a bounty hunter because he will bring the law to those who are lawless on behalf of those who the law doesn't protect.

The empire began when Thino was just a child, back when no one really knew what totalitarianism was, or understood it outside the context of a historical reference in a Rodian play. Things were simpler for him back then on Rodia, and he was often left alone as his older sister Wysteria left on bounty hunting jobs. He called her sister but she might as well have been a mother to him, there parents having been killed after getting caught in the crossfire during a skirmish between the republic clones and the separatist droids, no one knew who had fired the shot just that Thino and his sister's parents had died. It would be a long time before the magnitude of that loss was really understood by the young Rodian, but when it was it left a hole in him larger than he knew how to fix, and in his mind he saw only one truth, that governments care less about the lives of the people they are meant to protect than they do about maintaining their own power.

Wyst tried to make things as easy as possible for the boy, and even tried to make them a semblance of a family again when she became engaged to a mandalorian bounty hunter named Jakrin Krist that she had worked with regularly and developed a fondness for, and for a time Thino started to feel that hole in his spirit start to fill up as their non-conventional family began to feel a lot like a home. This was a short lived remedy however as the life of a bounty hunter is a perilous one and things eventually caught up to Thino's sister, and Jakrin returned to Thino alone. On that day he carried out his late wife's final wishes that he always care for her younger brother and adopted Thino as his son into his own clan and taught him the ways of the Mando'ade as well as the ways of his own people of Rodia.

Loss was an old friend to Thino, but this loss still hit him harder than the loss of his parents, but his adoptive father did his best to help him through the pain that he was also feeling, and to give him a way to cope with that pain. When the time was right he told Thino of how his sister had died trying to gain justice for a group of people who had been exploited by a crime syndicate who had had the local police in their pockets, and encouraged him to think about it and to talk to him about how it made him feel. After some time Thino began to make the connections between how his parents and sister had died and the way that those people had been exploited. It would be easy to hate the crime syndicate and swear revenge, but the only reason why they were able to do what they had done was because the organization that claimed to support the people were instead working against them. It was only people like his sister Wyst, and his adopted father Jakrin who stood between the small peoples of the world and the predators like the criminals who preyed on them, and even worse the governments that claimed to be their protectors and preyed on them still.

Thino knew what he wanted to do, and what he wanted to be, and who he wanted to protect, and so he asked Jakrin to teach him the way of being a bounty hunter like his sister so that he could bring justice for all those who needed it. So, Thino began his apprenticeship as a Bounty hunter, using his skills to bring law and order to the parts of the Galaxy where the peoples were forgotten by their government, or in some cases harmed by them. He had been away from Mandalore and his clan for some time due to the Imperial activity for the planet and his disdain for how his adoptive people were doing nothing to prevent it. He had wanted to do something about the Empire for some time but he didn't think that there was anything he could do, and prefered to dedicating his time to helping those that he could manage. This changed when he encountered a young man named Ronin who convinced him he could accomplish more. Together they established a resistance cell, and then the death star was destroyed and everything was different.
Pocket credits: 1d100 14
Last edited by Boutrose Saba-Norr on Sun Feb 04, 2018 6:51 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Boutrose Saba-Norr
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Re: Thino Krist


Post by Boutrose Saba-Norr » Wed Jan 03, 2018 9:10 pm

Going to do the work up of the current character backstory in oggdudes when I get back home, then I’ll try and come up with the backstory and specs of a possible alternative that primaries tech if that is preferred, looking forward to getting it done ASAP.
Active: Thino Krist Vo Cari Thew'Ruk Turugh’aie’azanon
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Re: Thino Krist


Post by DeepSpacer » Thu Jan 04, 2018 12:49 am

Duty 0 is fine. Most have 0 to start. Also choose Duty and Moivation.

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Re: Thino Krist, Rodian Freedom Fighter


Post by Boutrose Saba-Norr » Sun Jan 07, 2018 1:29 am

everything is fixed up, as well as the backstory being finished, hope this meets all requirements.
Active: Thino Krist Vo Cari Thew'Ruk Turugh’aie’azanon
Inactive: Goran Hownar Edessa

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Re: Thino Krist, Rodian Freedom Fighter


Post by DeepSpacer » Sun Jan 07, 2018 6:45 am

Approved. Move to "Dramatis Personae".

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Re: Thino Krist, Rodian Freedom Fighter


Post by DeepSpacer » Sun Feb 04, 2018 4:55 pm

The changes check out okay. Good job!

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