IC: The Holodisk

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by Flamiel » Mon Aug 17, 2020 10:58 pm

Encouraged by what she's found so far, Anjali continues to take the remote higher in altitude.

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Tue Aug 18, 2020 2:23 am

The remote goes higher, perhaps reaching the upper limits of its repulsor capability. Darkened windows are all that the remote sees on the way up. About 12-15 floors up, there starts being holes in the structure consistent with the bombardment that occurred months earlier. The upper levels of the building had been completely destroyed. Durasteel girders and a large crane and finish off the top of the building.

Through one of the open gaps in the building, the remote enters just slightly. There is still much large debris from the damage, but most of the dust and smaller debris has been swept away. It appears to be an office building within. Some offices still intact with doors. (You do not yet know the name of this building or its (previous?) purpose.)

Two large human men dressed in black (like non-descript bodyguards) walk down a hallway towards an elevator and other doors. There is no indication that they, or anyone else, has noticed the remote. Anjali's stealthiness has held up for now. The remote is on floor 19.
An Unknown Perception vs Anjali's Stealth.... A setback for the obstruction up there.

NPC's; A-Squad; Perception Roll:
1 Failure, 0 Advantage

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Thu Aug 27, 2020 3:18 pm

The remote remains undetected for the time being. The two large men in black go around a corner towards a larger, center portion of the building. This portion is more of an open-floorplan layout with glassteel partitions. This area looks like something out of place with respect to the rest of the building. It is something new, likely built AFTER the war ended. Other than natural light from the outside, a few, small lights illuminate the interior.

Through the glassteel partition are three seated humanoids in servant's garb (including the one who sent the message!). It is a waiting area with two more similar men standing guard. A dark-skinned man in medical technician garb steps out from behind a translucent partition. Behind the translucent partion is the outline of an elevated table and large, boxed equipment on the side.

The technician motions with an arm wave, one of the guards nods affirmatively, another first servant, a male, slowly stands up and slowly goes with the technician behind the partition and lays down. The technician stand over him.

The exact activity being performed is obscured and shadowy. But to Anjali, the scene is eerily reminiscent!!!

Down below, BA & Monty observe that this zone is rather abandoned and without typical security measures. Many buildings heavily damaged from the Sith bombardment. Many either condemned or sold off at a loss. Still no activity in bottom level of this building.

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by Flamiel » Thu Aug 27, 2020 8:10 pm

Anjali goes cold at the sight. "I found them! There are at least two large human guards, and some kind of technician. There are clearly some kind of servants...or slaves...there. We need to get in there!"

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by Doctor Who » Mon Aug 31, 2020 2:51 am

BA nods, adjusting his vibroknuckles. "Point me in the right direction," he grins. He'd been itching for a good fight for a while now, and to top it off he'd get a chance to help people while doing so. Just the kind of night he liked.
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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by Flamiel » Mon Aug 31, 2020 1:04 pm

Anjali eyes BA's weapon of choice. "This one is going to take a more lethal response. Sleemos perpetrating this crap mean serious business."

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Mon Aug 31, 2020 5:35 pm

"SLAVERS??? HERE???" Monty exclaims! "Well, then, there's no time to waste. I didn't think anyone on Coruscant would dare to bring slaves here!"

Commander Monty pushes the speeder up into the air, the wind whisking through our hair. It is well within the altitude range (1km) of the civilian air speeder we are using. "Ready yourselves for combat!"

Seeing the gaps in the upper floors of the building, Monty exclaims, "Hold on!! This will be tricky!"

A few moments later..... "I still got it!!" he says! The speeder is landed inside the building on a large patch of open floor with access to the viewed hallway. Getting out would only be a normal maneuver. The two guard that were viewed before are surprised by the appearance of a speeder in their midst. (< 30m, short range)
- Spent a DS Point.
- Dodged all debris, beam, and the like. Landed flat inside the building! No jumping or climbing needed!

Monty; A-Squad; Piloting-Planetary Check:
3 Successes, 0 Advantage

 ! Message from: DeepSpacer
ROLL INITIATIVE!!!!!! A "Cool" check in the OOC, please. Bad guys will roll Vigilance. Consider your weapons already drawn and any force power already spent just before landing.

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Tue Sep 01, 2020 12:09 pm

"HEY!!! YOU CAN'T LAND THERE!!! THIS IS PRIVATE PROPERTY!!!" yells one of the two guards as they backtrack from around the corner. Weapons are not drawn, but they are prepping to. The second guard prepares to speak into a comlink, but is waiting to see if this is all some sort of misunderstanding or accidental, errant landing.
Whose Turn Is It {{{<<< LINKED}}

NPC's all had YG.

Situation Overview:

PC's in vehicle. (Maneuver to exit)
Short range to targets. (Maneuver to close range)
Targets have Defense 1/1 (armored trench coats) (+1 Defense)

Initiative Order
  • PC slot: ? We are here
  • NPC (1) slot: Two Guards in Front of Us ?
  • NPC (2) slot: Two in black behind glass ?
  • NPC (3) slot: ??? ?
  • NPC (4) slot: ??? ?
  • NPC (5) slot: The 'technician' ?
  • PC slot: ?
  • PC slot: ?

Characters who haven't gone yet: Monty, BA, Anjali)

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Thu Sep 03, 2020 12:50 am

"I got 'em. Set to stun." Monty fires from standing in the speeder and quickly neutralizes both guards before us.
(Using Lightside DP)
Maneuver: get out of driver's seat
Maneuver (+2 strain): draw weapon
Incidental: set to stun
Action: shoot

Monty; A-Squad; Blaster Rifle w/DP:
2 Successes, 4 Advantages


11 Damage - 4 Soak = 7D
3 Adv for Crit.
1 Adv = Pass Boost to next

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Thu Sep 03, 2020 12:59 am

The two guards in the interior of the room (behind protective glass doors) take up defensive positions between the technician and us. They draw blaster pistols.
[Behind protective glass. medium range.]

To our distant left, a similar guard steps out of a room with a sandwich wrap in-hand. "What was that? What's going on?" Another two guards come out from behind him. They cautiously reach for their blasters.
[They are at medium range, to the left of the speeder we are in.]

An unseen minion group {edit}(their existence and location unknown to the group) takes action and the technician straightens up calmly, looks in our direction, and begins to gather up discs and equipment in an orderly manner.
[Path to glass wall/doors is medium range. Will take one maneuver to exit vehicle.]

It is now BA & Anjali's turns.]

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by Doctor Who » Sun Sep 06, 2020 2:53 am

BA charges forward towards the guards to the left. He leaves his vibro-axe on his back, until he thinks he needs it. As he runs, he focuses, letting the Force flow through him as that old spacer taught him.

He skids to a stop right in the faces of the two guards, hopefully giving them something to think about rather than just shooting.
2 Maneuvers, taking 2 strain

Focusing on my Force power to increase Brawn by 1
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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by Flamiel » Wed Sep 09, 2020 11:47 pm

Anjali coldly draws her blaster pistol and fires at the dark skinned guards. She's not messing around.

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Thu Sep 10, 2020 2:05 am

Anjali pulls from her past experience to reach a passionate level of determination. Her blast punctures the glass, leaving a hole and multiple lack cracks...destabilizing that pane, as a whole. The blaster bolt pushes through and hits one of the two dark-skinned men in the leg. Their outfits are black with white/silver trim. They are obviously guarding the technician behind them and seem to be drawing hand-held pistols from their belts. The 'subjects' inside stand up from their couch at the sound of blaster fire and are startled!
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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Thu Sep 10, 2020 2:15 am

The rapid advancement of BA has surprised the man who has come out of the hallway with a half-eaten sandwich. He mumbles, "Whrooo uh you?" with some of the food dribbling out of his mouth. Things stay relatively quiet up here and he is surprised to see someone show up unannounced.

Two other guards are immediately behind him at the doorway and another in that room behind them is slow to get up from the table.
BA could likely do a Brawl check with them some tightly packed at the doorway and get a boost die to throw one into the others. Otherwise, standard activity if you draw a weapon and attack. Image Image Image

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by Doctor Who » Sun Sep 13, 2020 7:21 pm

BA goes to shove one of the guards in the doorway out of the way, but isn't quite able to get a hold of them.
Ba; Alpha Squad; athletics to throw:
0 Success, 6 Advantages


Passing 3 boosts to the next player, I guess?

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Mon Sep 14, 2020 2:39 pm

BA lunges to grab the first guard in front of him and throw him into the two behind first, but the guard backs suddenly into the room, knocking down the two allies close behind him, knocking them prone!! (8 Advantages!!!)

Seeing this, the remaining guard at the doorway fearlessly brings down both fists in a "double axe handle"-style blow to the back of the big, 1.85m Nikto (5 Damage!). However, seeing that it has little effect on the massive man, the guard backs away a step or two in fear (1 Threat), taking cover behind the door jam.
NPC's; A-Squad; Brawl Check:
2 Successes, 1 Threat


5 Damage does not get past soak of 6.

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Mon Sep 14, 2020 2:55 pm

The guards in the room with BA (BA being at the doorway) pause for a moment in fear (+1 SB for the encounter). The one still sitting at the table in the room has a communicator nearby and gets out a message, "There's a large Nikto here! Physical attacks ineffective! Set to stun!!!" (3 Adv: +1B to other's Fear Checks) ....as he draws a stun pistol. The prone men gasp in momentary fear and roll over to the side, taking cover, but still prone.
Note: BA is still facing ONE minion group of 4, but they are somewhat divided (prone/up) and taking actions that go along with the narrative. Anything he does will affect the whole minion group, narratively.

Outnumber foe (+1B)
Half knocked down!
Brawl Attack ineffective!

NPC's; A-Squad; Fear Check:
0 Success, 3 Advantages


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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Mon Sep 14, 2020 3:03 pm

Somewhere further down a hallway, another group of guards spring into action at the sound of blaster fire and a hasty communiqué on the comlink! They race (Maneuver-Maneuver) from the far end of a hallway and reach a location still out of sight from the PC's.

Behind the glass partitions, the two dark-skinned guards in black outfits (maneuver-Maneuver) take up defense around the technician and try to usher the "patients" in the office to the back of medical office as if there is a way to leave the room that way. The 'patients' momentarily resist, not quite sure what is going on (opportunity for a Leadership check, perhaps?).

Behind the two guards, the 'technician' calmly begins fidgeting with attaching a contraption to his right arm as he moves for cover.

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Mon Sep 14, 2020 3:12 pm

Commander Monty exits the vehicle (maneuver), rifle in-hand, and bellows out, "WE'RE HERE TO RESCUE YOU!!!"

One of the captives recognizes us (the woman in the hologram) and tugs on the arm of the other. They step towards the glass doors and begin to open them.
Improved Field Commander Action: all allies can take +1 Strain to take a Maneuver which does not count against their per-turn allotment. (Can effect Six, Including these captives)

Monty; A-Squad; Improved Field Commander Action:
2 Successes, 4 Advantages


4 Adv: pass two boosts to next.

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Fri Sep 18, 2020 9:26 pm

Angali moves forward and to the right in order to avoid catching the captives in the crossfire (and good things that she did!!). Shooting through the glass dampens the effect somewhat, but the shot still gravely wounds the man she had shot before. He doubles over grabbing his side in pain but is able to maintain his protective position in front of the technician.

Angali notices (1 Adv) that a piece of equipment she inadvertently shoots (Despair) is typically a data-collection briefcase. The blaster pistol bolt blows a hole through the center of it. The technician furrows his brow as if frustrated at the loss of some important work and motions for the men to discard the item while moving towards the back of the room.
11 damage, but a Despair. I'll use the Image to notice something important.

Anjali; Alpha Squad; Ranged attack:
5 Successes, 1 Advantage, 1 Despair,
1 Advantage(s) added From talents or equipment

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by Doctor Who » Wed Sep 23, 2020 3:10 pm

BA lines up, and chunks the final standing man on top of the other three, hopefully taking them out of the fight.

"Don't get up"
Aiming as a maneuver first to get an extra boost.

BA; Alpha Squad; athletics:
4 Successes, 2 Threats, 1 Triumph,

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Wed Sep 23, 2020 10:11 pm

BA grabs the last man with two arms and tosses him on top of the other men in the room, knocking the wind out of three of them (Damage plus Triumph). The fourth lays on the ground, slides a holstered stun pistol across the floor, and raises his hands as to plea for mercy, "HEY!! It's just a job for me!!! Go ahead and have a look around. I don't want more trouble!"

BA nods his head, affirming the wise choice by the security person. He notices a surveillance camera in the upper corner of that lunch/break room. I little red light confirms its activity (Two Threats).
Easy enough to jam or seal them in there by smashing the door control, if you'd like to, on the way out. Might take an 'Action' to do that. Or, could just leave them behind, out of the fight.

Two maneuvers back to the speeder, or BA could go down and around (a longer route) to possibly come up from the other side.

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Sun Sep 27, 2020 10:25 pm

The two men behind the glass wall return fire towards Anjali, through the glass. While it hinders their shots and the potency of their weapons, the attacks are significant to her. She is hit twice for 8D each time, but the glass (2) and Soak (3) reduce the combined effect to 6 total wounds.

At this point, the glass is nearly all shattered between the room and hallway, making it a clear path. Anjali is at short range.
Total Wounds Inflicted after Soak: 6 (3+3).
Maneuvers used for Cover.

NPC's; A-Squad; Two Guards in Black:
2 Successes, 0 Advantage


NPC's; A-Squad; Two Guards in Black:
2 Successes, 1 Advantage


1 Adv = pass to next.

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Sun Sep 27, 2020 10:32 pm

A second, previously unseen, group of guards comes down the hallway adjacent to the glass wall. They identify Monty as the most immediate threat (with his blaster rifle w/scope and half-vest armor) and level shots in his direction at about the same time Anjali is shot at!
NPC's; A-Squad; Minion Group of 4:
5 Successes, 2 Advantages


11 Damage before Soak!!!

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Sun Sep 27, 2020 11:24 pm

As the glass falls, so does the hazy veil between the two sides. The 'technician' pauses at the site of the young Arkanian "creation" and raises an eyebrow!!!
tech-dr.jpg (44.68 KiB) Viewed 3320 times
"SUCH FINE WORK!!! he exclaims!!! As creative artists sometimes do, he loses all sense of the combat going on around him and steps forward from behind the two guards as the blaster bolts fly. He steps forward (short to engaged) to Anjali. The man has piercing blue eyes similar to her own, only more icy and cold.

It is at this point that Anjali also notices his metallic right arm (forearm and wrist anyways). He appears to have rolled up his sleeve and steps forward in a very forceful manner. "Not one my MY creations, for sure. But a fine specimen nonetheless!!!" he says under his breath. Anjali hears this just before he closes in and reaches out!!

Like a pinch on the neck from Mr. Spock, the man grips an area between her head and shoulder. He knees buckle as strain is inflicted. The pain and agony of her years in captivity all come flooding back to her in an instant. She remembers the experiments, the needles, the drugs, the enslavement.....

She passes out and lays at the technician's feet, laying in a semi-unconscious state. She exists as if almost in a dream state, lost inside her thoughts while also hearing the world go on around her. Her will & determination demand that she get up.....but she cannot.

She hears Monty yell loudly ("ANJALI!!!!!!!!!!!!!"), mixed scream of the captives, and then the growling of an incensed Nikto.
2 Maneuvers Spent to come around guards and advance to Anjali.
Action: Brawl check to Anjali.

Monty; A-Squad; Technician / Doctor NPC:
2 Successes, 1 Threat


Brawn (4D) + 2 Success + Ranks in Medicine (3) + Anatomy Lesson (4) = 15 Strain!!!

Anatomy Lesson: DP to add INT to damage
Pressure Point: Brawl Check: can deal strain + Ranks in Medicine, ignoring Soak


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