IC: The Holodisk

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IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Jan 11, 2020 10:08 pm

The meeting with General Fentz is a pleasant one. It is at Cantina 571, again. The group’s reputation is well-known (perhaps falsely so!) by the doorman misidentifying you (6 Failures and a *Despair* on a CCDSS check) as someone of great importance. Apparently, he has mentioned it to others, giving you easier access upon your return.

The settings are opulent, the wait-staff courteous and obedient, and the food & drink far above average. After refreshments, the details of the last deal are explained and new opportunites presented. The General is dismayed that you are turning down the opportunity for another “job”. Given your recent success, he had been hoping to advance HIS position by having you work for him again. “Maybe another time?” he says optimistically.

“Was it an opportunity for many more credits?” thinks Commander Monty. Perhaps. But it is good to be out from under someone he thinks is probably corrupt. “Who knows?” thinks Monty. “The bloated bureaucrat could have set us up from the beginning!!!”

Walking outside Cantina 571, someone notices a lump in their trench coat pocket that was not there before. It appears as if someone has slipped a holodisk into BA’s pocket!

“Why Master Sai! When did YOU purchase a holodisk? Was it before I came into existence?”
quips Caspo, the new protocol droid.
HoloDisc I.jpg
HoloDisc I.jpg (78.28 KiB) Viewed 5944 times

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Sun Feb 09, 2020 9:04 pm

"BA!!" asks Monty surprisingly! "You didn't just swipe that from inside, did you???!!!"

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by Flamiel » Sun Feb 09, 2020 9:17 pm

Anjali reaches for it so she can examine it, "here, let me see that."

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by SavageBob » Mon Feb 10, 2020 1:50 am

"Yeah, pretty cloak-and-dagger. Let's load it up!" AAA says with a grin. "But maybe on a data pad we don't care about keeping in case it's got a virus on it or something?"

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by Doctor Who » Wed Feb 12, 2020 4:53 am

"I have no idea where this came from," BA stutters a bit. He quickly hands it to Anjali.
Give me about 5 minutes after a post, I'll probably edit it a bit before it is finalized.

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Thu Feb 13, 2020 5:53 am

“I did not know you were technologically savvy!!!” exclaim Monty jokingly towards the big Nikto. "Let's see what we have!" Monty takes us over to a dark, side ally for some privacy.

The message is a brief holovid with sound. The recording is hazy and muffled, as if it was done in a closet with something dampening the sound. In almost an entirely dark background, a green (almost) night-vision-like, grainy image begins to speak. It is a young, black-haired, human woman on her knees in servant robes. Probably matching one of the many servants you saw inside, likely one of the servants who waited on you and the general’s group. (You honestly didn’t pay them much attention at the time.) The whispered message is brief and then cuts to darkness.
holodiskI-3.jpg (32.89 KiB) Viewed 5912 times
 ! Message from: DeepSpacer
“My name is Pria and I am a slave working against my will. I am forced to work as a spy under threat of death!”

“Help me A-Squad, you’re my only hope!”

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by SavageBob » Tue Feb 18, 2020 2:05 am

"Well, that's weird. Did we see her inside?"

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Tue Feb 18, 2020 3:46 am

SavageBob wrote:
Tue Feb 18, 2020 2:05 am
"Well, that's weird. Did we see her inside?"
" I think so....perhaps. Maybe she was one of the ones serving us? I can't remember. I wasn't there to notice the people operating in the background." replies Monty.

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by SavageBob » Tue Feb 18, 2020 9:39 pm

"I don't feel right leaving her in there if she's in trouble," AAA says. "Maybe I can run in, pretend I forgot something in the fresher, and at least scan the joint for any sign of our lady."

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by Flamiel » Wed Feb 19, 2020 5:08 am

SavageBob wrote:
Tue Feb 18, 2020 9:39 pm
"I don't feel right leaving her in there if she's in trouble," AAA says. "Maybe I can run in, pretend I forgot something in the fresher, and at least scan the joint for any sign of our lady."
"Yes, I agree. Your idea should work. We'll wait out here in case you call. If we're going to try anything more, though, I think we should come back tomorrow and pose as customers."

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by SavageBob » Tue Feb 25, 2020 1:40 am

AAA checks her blaster at the door and tells the hostess she left something in the fresher. However, things don't go as planned...
AAA; Alpha Squad; Deception:
0 Success, 5 Advantages


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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Wed Feb 26, 2020 4:14 pm

SavageBob wrote:
Tue Feb 25, 2020 1:40 am
AAA checks her blaster at the door and tells the hostess she left something in the fresher. However, things don't go as planned...
"Sorry, Miss, re-entry to the upper floor is NOT permitted (..remembering where you just were.). Now, you've been a regular recently, so if it's a lower-level refresher, then this level-one 'multi-pass' (5 Advs) will get you to anywhere on this floor....refreshes, rear exits, storage, kitchen, locker rooms, etc... Just return it when you are done."
This is building on the initial Despair by security that mis-identified you as a V.I.P.
{{EDIT}} Five Advantages.....you get a "multi-pass" for a short time.

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by SavageBob » Sat Feb 29, 2020 3:36 am

AAA bares her fangs in a grin. "Thanks." She takes the pass and does a quick walkthrough of the lower levels, trying to see if she notices the woman who sent the distress holo.
AAA; Alpha Squad; Perception + Farsight:
1 Success, 2 Advantages, 1 Dark Side


Will ignore the dark side pip. Use the two advantages to notice some generally helpful information, like how the staff are treated and who seems to be in charge?

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Feb 29, 2020 4:30 am

SavageBob wrote:
Sat Feb 29, 2020 3:36 am
AAA bares her fangs in a grin. "Thanks." She takes the pass and does a quick walk-through of the lower levels, trying to see if she notices the woman who sent the distress holo.

(Will ignore the dark side pip. Use the two advantages to notice some generally helpful information, like how the staff are treated and who seems to be in charge?)
AAA notices that there is a "flow" to the employees at about the time when shifts change (1 Succ, 2 Adv) (which happens to be now). A traffic flow of lower-status employees (i.e. waiters, waitresses, janitorial, etc...) all head to the back of the first floor and through secure double swinging doors to what may be the alley behind the building. They seem to go on their own and with only the oversight of building security guards similar to the ones at the front. The multi-pass gets you through.

Conspicuously following the flow, AAA sees some workers walk each direction down the somewhat dark alley on foot while some get into covered vehicles/speeders. None of the workers on the street look like a human woman with long, dark hair. There are many vehicles/speeders. Some vehicles have a person (chauffeur/driver? Spouse? Taxi?) waiting for them. Several females with long hair getting into vehicles at the moment. The moment will pass quickly.
 ! Message from: DeepSpacer
AAA can make a HARD Perception check to scan the departing workers for the girl and, perhaps, any other odd details.
[Normally, 2 SB dice for darkness and crowds (cover), but I see she removes them with Keen-Eyed(2) and does so at half the time (+1 Boost die). Feel free to use Farsight as you see fit. :D ]

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by SavageBob » Sun Mar 01, 2020 4:03 am

Alami tries to spot the woman in question in the hubbub.
AAA; Alpha Squad; Perception + Farsight:
1 Success, 0 Advantage, 1 Dark Side


Again, ignoring the dark side pip.

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Sun Mar 15, 2020 4:21 pm

Alamy spots what looks like the brunette human woman in the holovid, but wearing an overcoat, so it's difficult (The Keen-Eyed talent comes through again!!!). That, and the darkness and the crowds of the street during a shift change. Brunette women aren't exactly 'uncommon'.

A tall driver dressed all in black with black sun shades ushers the woman in question and (at least) another Twi'lek before her, into a speeder (van, planetary) transport. The man gives the brunette woman a shove in the back, as if to hurry up. She returns his shove with a two-handed shove of her own. Off-balance and a meter backwards, the man reaches into his trench coat pocket for a second. At that time the woman crumbles in pain as she reaches for the back of her neck. He shovels her into the speeder, slides the door shut, climbs in to drive and prepares to motor away.

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Fri May 08, 2020 12:38 am

Alamy starts to sprint towards the hover van in a vain attempt to stop it. For a second, her emotions trick her into thinking she could actually do something to stop it. Reaching into her pocket, she pulls out a (magnetic) surveillance tagger. With her best effort, she hurls it at the back of the hover van. Better than she had hoped, the tagger sticks on the roof of the van (4 successes) where it likely won't be seen. The remaining people around her look at her oddly after what she has done (1 Threat). It did not go unnoticed.
Alamy; A-Squad; Throwing Tagger:
4 Successes, 1 Threat

Alamy pulls out her commlink and calls BA, Monty, & Anjali. "GUYS!!! I think I just saw that girl, Pria, in the holovid forced into a hover van behind the 571 building!!! I tagged the van with a tracker. Can you get the hover car and come get me?"

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:48 am

Monty, Anjali, & BA hurry to the vehicle we had taken to get to the 571 Cantina, Caspo (our protocol droid) waits inside. Monty pulls around the building, but there is no Alamy in sight. The commlink only picks up static. Figuring that she can take care of herself (being a Coruscant native) and needing to follow this tracking beacon (which is not the high-end type that goes for kilometers), the group proceeds without her, trusting they will find her later.

Monty hones in on the tagger (+3 Boosts) as it speeds off. Traffic is thick (+1 Setback) and the vertical and horizontal pathways of the Coruscant streets are difficult to maneuver. As it turns out, the heavy traffic prohibits us from tailing the vehicle at a closer distance.
Monty; A-Squad; Drive check:
0 Success, 1 Advantage, 1 Triumph,


***Any ideas about the triumph?

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Fri Jul 24, 2020 1:21 am

Monty, Anjali, BA & crew loses the signal because of the delays in traffic. By taking a 'shortcut' (the Triumph), the group momentarily picks the signal back up as it heads to the surface of Coruscant. It is in an area that was devastated by Sith bombardments during the war. There is heavy reconstruction going on and heavy machinery interferes with the signal of this basic-model tracer. To our benefit, the signal has stopped moving.
 ! Message from: DeepSpacer
Anjali @Flamiel can make a Perception or Computers check using her General Purpose Scanner to pinpoint the signal. Degree of success or failure will indicate how narrowed down the area will be. Hard + Setback die, +1 Boost for Scanner, +2 Boosts for the Adv's from Monty, +1 Boost for it being stationary.
Monty; A-Squad; Piloting-Planetary Check:
0 Success, 4 Advantages


4 Adv = signal stops, boosts to next check.

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by Flamiel » Fri Aug 14, 2020 7:35 pm

Anjali quickly pulls our her scanner to trace the signal.

"Looks like I'm getting something!"

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Aug 15, 2020 4:04 am

The Building.jpg
The Building.jpg (56.86 KiB) Viewed 5519 times
At a closer look....
High-rise Building.jpg
High-rise Building.jpg (100.17 KiB) Viewed 5519 times
Looks like the stationary nature of the beacon and the use of a scanner enables the group to locate the signal again despite some difficulties. Although not TOO precise, it DOES show this reconstructed high-rise to be where the signal is coming from. There is a vehicle entrance at the base of the building (2 Advantages). It appears that the signal is currently behind this door.

It is a VERY tall building, like many others around it. Several other buildings in the vicinity are also being repaired or reconstructed after the damage done by the war with the Sith. This area was hit hard by the bombardment. The buildings do not look completely occupied. Very few signs of activity. Some may even be abandoned. At a distance, it does not look like the ground-level front entries are open for public access.

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by Flamiel » Sat Aug 15, 2020 3:37 pm

Anjali points ahead, "THERE we are. It's not going to be fun trying to comb that place. Let me send out a recon remote to look around first."

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Aug 15, 2020 6:46 pm

Flamiel wrote:
Sat Aug 15, 2020 3:37 pm
Anjali points ahead, "THERE we are. It's not going to be fun trying to comb that place. Let me send out a recon remote to look around first."
The building is rather generic from the base up to 20-25 floors, where the reconstruction begins. From then-on, it is a patchwork of construction with open floors to the outside. No signs of activity at the moment. Going 'up' and 'over' into a hole in the building will require a slightly different set of skills, more time, and an adjusted difficulty.
 ! Message from: DeepSpacer
Anjali can roll a general Perception check (EASY Image) to run around the building observing things to a moderate height. If she wishes to "Stealth" the Remote around edges, and such, to appear conspicuous, then roll positive Stealth skill dice and throw a Setback die on the Perception check. A Remote flying around isn't TOO unusual. It does not draw undue attention, but you never know who is watching. ;)

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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by Flamiel » Sat Aug 15, 2020 9:54 pm

Anjali does her best to keep the remote from appearing TOO intrusive, but she wants to get as much info as possible, too.
+1 Strain to add the boost.
Anjali; Alpha Squad; Stealth Skill with boost from Species:
0 Success, 3 Advantages


Anjali; Alpha Squad; perception with remote:
1 Success, 0 Advantage


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Re: IC: The Holodisk


Post by DeepSpacer » Sun Aug 16, 2020 6:49 am

Anjali does the best she can with the remote. 'Flying Casual', at times, and trying not to draw attention to oneself. She is not sure if anyone took notice, or not, from within. With a slew of incoming traffic between the group and the building, she can be fairly sure that no one noticed them in their vehicle half a block away (3 Advantages). If they had been conspicuous, then they continue to be so.

The building does not have any "active" security at the ground level or first few floors. It appears abandoned. No outdoor cameras, fencing, or security measures. There is the main entrance (glass double-doors like an office building), the vehicle entry door, and a rear door silhouette that has no outward lock, datapad, or knob. (1 Success)


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