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General Things to Remember

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 6:50 pm
by Trip
New Players
Please review these rules and guidelines. All game rules will follow that of the FFG rule book, with any exceptions documented here.

AFK Players
If a player is AFK for a short time, to keep the game moving, the other players will discuss OOC what to do with that play. If at all possible, the group will try to keep things moving without making major decisions for the PC.

If a player is AFK for a long period, the GM may opt to run the character as a NPC. If the player returns, he can pick up where they left off.

If a player quits or is missing with no response, the GM will run the character as an NPC until the GM can phase out the character.

Rules Discussions
Any rules discussions should take place in the OOC thread. Keep the IC thread for narrative only.

Conflict Resolution
If two players have a conflict, the GM will be responsible for resolving any issues. The game is supposed to be fun. Please leave all drama out of the game. If you have an issue with the GM, please resolve via PMs. I am very understanding and will try to address any concerns in a respectful way. Please do not rage quit if something doesn’t go your way. A peaceful resolution can be attained that will keep everyone having fun. But also remember that when you agree to join the game, you agree to abide by the GM’s decisions.