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Re: Session 1: The Initiate

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 9:18 pm
by swrider
Grandfather steps yo and moves toward Gonan squaring off his shoulders. I ain't your grandfather and I ant that old. he lashes forward and punches gonan in the gut.
Sirius Gynn.:
2 Successes, 3 Advantages


Five damage - soak. Crit if you take any damage

Re: Session 1: The Initiate

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 9:40 pm
by DeepSpacer
"OOoommff!" exclaims the Aqualish as he absorbs the punch to the gut, bending forward. At first, Gonan is caught off-guard. But then, he remembers his upbringing among the Quara on the planet, Ando. Only the tough survive!! Beatings like this were a regularity when he was young and even into his adulthood. You had to take a punch. You had to take a beating. You had to remain standing.

He had not been used to such treatment since he left Ando. He appreciates the literal flashback experience. Gonan will straighten back up and exhale some malodorous fishy breath into the air. If a Aqualish could grin, he would.
Forgot the melee difficulty....
Nets 2 Successes, nothing else....
5D - 5 Soak = 0 damage.

Gonan; Red Death; two melee defense:
0 Success, 3 Threats


Re: Session 1: The Initiate

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 9:47 pm
by swrider
Sirius smiles and nods at a few of his fellows who look over the bounty. everything looks good, did you have any trouble?

Re: Session 1: The Initiate

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 10:01 pm
by DeepSpacer
"The mechanic had visitors." he says gruffly. "Three men. Beat and tortured the workers there."

"But I beat them away and got bike."

Re: Session 1: The Initiate

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 10:19 pm
by swrider
visitors in our territory! Do you know who they are?

Re: Session 1: The Initiate

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 10:31 pm
by DeepSpacer
swrider wrote:
Sun Feb 07, 2021 10:19 pm
visitors in our territory! Do you know who they are?
"They had nothing on the bodies, boss. I beat them good. They was shakin' the mechanic down for the bike."

Re: Session 1: The Initiate

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 10:53 pm
by DeepSpacer
Gonan pulls a patch of cloth (an emblem) he ripped off one of the bodies. "This."

"Gonan don't know what it means."

Re: Session 1: The Initiate

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 11:44 pm
by swrider
Sirius cones forward and grabs the patch, I do. Go and deliver the bounty to the hut and get your reward. The desk will collect our twenty percent. Meet us back here tonight and come prepared for a raid, this will not go unpunished.
Off Topic
plus 10 xp. +10 duty red death. If you have obligation tied to red death -2.

Re: Session 1: The Initiate

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 5:44 am
by DeepSpacer
Gonan will go request an audience with this Hutt. Based on this planet, the Hutt may or may not be on-planet. He may holovid it in. Wire credits to his account, and such. The Boss saidto come back ready to rumble, so he will go on a buying spree on the way back if the credits come through. I'll have to compose a list and make some rolls. Probably some armor, at least.

Re: Session 1: The Initiate

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 7:21 pm
by swrider
Gonan is escorted to a bar in one of the more luxurious but still dangerous parts of the city. Inside there are numerous bounty hunters, dancing girls, and various sources of entertainment. He is taken to a back area where he is introduced to the huttling. A juvenile hut barely four feet in height. A translation droid thanks Gonan for his service and state that the Hutt is very pleased at having his speeder bike back. A sack of credits totaling the amount of the reward is handed over.

Re: Session 1: The Initiate

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 12:36 am
by DeepSpacer
Gonan is taken aback by the appearance of a Huttling. It is NOT what he expected. He wanted to see something big and tough, so he is disappointed. 'Surely this Huttling cannot further my station!' he thinks to himself. 'But maybe he CAN!!??!! Taggon is a city full of surprises.'

Gonan gives a bow of respect, leaning forward about 30 degrees. "My name is Gonan Quarand. It is pleasure doing business for you."

With that, he will leave and pursue the items he wants to have for this revenge beating The Grandfather will leads us on.

Re: Session 1: The Initiate

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 8:08 pm
by swrider
The shadows were beginning to darken when Gonan returned back to the guild headquarters. nearly a dozen thugs had been gathered together each armed to the teeth. Grandfather addressed the group stating that a rival gang had infiltrated their territory and needed to be dealt with. A holographic projection appeared showing a warehouse several blocks away. He indicated that this is the other gangs' headquarters and that their leader was supposedly entertaining there tonight. The group was tasked with taking out the leader and as many of his lackeys as possible. Survivors were permitted as long as the tails they were left to tell helped spread fear of the red death. Gonan was briefed on a stairwell entrance to the north of the complex. It was not routinely used by the gang but he and another fellow were supposed to infiltrate quietly through that route. The others would be attacked loudly at the same time. The hope being that if the leader fled he would head straight to gonan, who would handle the situation properly. The attack was to begin in exactly one hour.

Re: Session 1: The Initiate

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 8:40 pm
by DeepSpacer
"Scare them in the front, have them run out the back. That's the plan?"

Re: Session 1: The Initiate

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 8:54 pm
by swrider
Vibro : simply put yeah, that is the idea. A bit more coordination and finesse than that but sure. We go in three back and stay quiet until it we get to the top or find the right guy to smash. Let's make it simple smash anyone who is not me or someone else in this room if they come your way.

Re: Session 1: The Initiate

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 1:36 am
by DeepSpacer
Gonan will rest a short bit (recovering his strain). He'll spend time observing the surroundings and any comings and goings (per the Streetwise skill to notice subtle security patterns and movements). +1 Boost for "Taking 10/20" to observe for 30-45 minutes.

Gonan; Red Death; Streetwise:
2 Successes, 1 Threat


Re: Session 1: The Initiate

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 6:35 pm
by swrider
While Gonan watches the building he sees several "homeless" personnel around the building that appear to have weapons and be surveying the building. Additionally, he notices that a wall near the back entrance appears to be a holographic projection when a speeder bike pulls up alongside the building and passes through the wall to the inside.

Re: Session 1: The Initiate

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 10:56 pm
by DeepSpacer
The homeless seem to be allies waiting to spring the trap. Gonan's instinct is to storm through the holographic wall and wreak havoc, but his job is to catch someone as they come out the back exit (to this point, the rear stairwell).

He turns to Vibro, "We can cover that stairway with ranged weapons from down here. That wall is a hologram. When the guys storm in the front, this gang will try to escape through here, not the stairwell. We need to block it."

Re: Session 1: The Initiate

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 12:03 am
by swrider
We can cover it from here, how good of a shot are you and what is the range of your weapons?

Re: Session 1: The Initiate

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 12:18 am
by DeepSpacer
swrider wrote:
Fri Feb 19, 2021 12:03 am
We can cover it from here, how good of a shot are you and what is the range of your weapons?
Gonan pulls out his blaster pistol. It's grip has been modified (Custom Grip) to fit his clumpy flipper-like hands (five fingers, but still 'clumpy'), and it has a silencer with a special trigger. It at least LOOKS like a weapon he knows how to use."Gonan is good shot." It shoots to medium range.

Gonan considers how he can block the entrance to that fake wall. Is there a trash dumpster around? I will assume one cannot see through the hologram from either side (I mean, it is NOT a one-way mirror). I'd like to flip a DP and say a big object is nearby. At the outbreak of hostilities, I'd like to push that object in front of the fake wall. While it may not block it completely, perhaps, at least, it will block the lower half and cause a collision if someone blindly rides a bike out of there expecting free passage.

Re: Session 1: The Initiate

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 2:01 am
by swrider
Off Topic
perception chek average to find your desired object. if you fail a dp flip can make something appear.

Re: Session 1: The Initiate

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 2:15 am
by DeepSpacer
swrider wrote:
Fri Feb 19, 2021 2:01 am
Off Topic
perception chek average to find your desired object. if you fail a dp flip can make something appear.
Flipping a DP. With 3 Threats, he maybe made some noise doing it. :?:

DP's = 2 LS / 3 DS

Re: Session 1: The Initiate

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 4:46 am
by DeepSpacer
Being a bit of a brute, Gonan pushes a large garbage bin from down the alley in front of the hologram fake wall. The wheels squeak something terrible (3 Threats). "THERE!" he says dusting off his hands, proud of himself for his clever ruse.

Re: Session 1: The Initiate

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 10:51 pm
by swrider
As gonan possitions the dumpster the door to the stair well opens and a particularly large human steps out with a metal pipe in hand and vibro knuckles on. [color]What do you think you are doing? Get that out of here and get lost![/color]
Off Topic
t- 5 minutes to attack

Re: Session 1: The Initiate

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 11:21 pm
by DeepSpacer
"Why dont you come down here and MAKE me?!?!?!"

Gonan doesnt take well to being bossed around. The 'easy' play may be to move it away, then move it back in 4 minutes. But, Gonan's not wired that way. He won't shoot. This posturing and the guy coming down here from the stairwell should burn a minute or two. Vibro and the others can scram and hide, I think.

Re: Session 1: The Initiate

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 11:26 pm
by swrider
The thug smiles at Gonans response a happy smile Hear that guys, He wants us to make him leave Two additional guards step out of the stairwell and move down to Gonans position
Guards; initiative:
2 Successes, 1 Advantage

Off Topic
guards are at close distance at the bottom of a small staircase leading to the doorway they exited through. the doorway to the back inside staircase.