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Operation Medusa Infiltration Benito (ThreeBfour)

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 5:38 pm
by swrider
Early the next morning you arrive at the flight-line. A C-47 sits awaiting your arrival along with the other operatives. Numerous bombers lined the runways with flight crews busy loading ordinance and readying the airplanes. As you enter the aircraft one of the crew checks the bundle of your equipment and insures you parachute is attached properly. He points to a seat on the craft and indicates the jump lights and guide line to which you will attach your parachute cord. Over the next few minutes the last of the operatives arrives and the plane takes its position on the flight line. Eventually the plane begins to move positing itself. A sudden boost of acceleration nearly knocks you from your bench along the side of the aircraft. A few seconds later you feel the craft take flight. The noise of the engines screams loudly preventing any but the most basic conversation. Looking through portholes on the side of the plane you see numerous bombers and escort fighters flying in formation, most behind you.

Time passes slowly as you move forward. Eventually the sound of explosions draws your attention back to the windows. A bomber just behind your craft suddenly bursts into flames. Tracer rounds and explosions can be seen everywhere. The fighter escort is seen rising to the sky rushing to meet German fighters diving down towards your aircraft and the bombers. More and more craft burst into flames falling from the sky. As you watch you feel a sudden jolting sensation and hear the sound of rushing air. Looking back within your craft you see several bullet holes have appeared several feet further back on the plane. The explosions last for nearly fifteen minutes before starting to dissipate. The remaining aircraft in your flight bank to the side changing course slightly. The flight continues for a while longer before the light in front of you moves from red to yellow indicating the need to stand and connect your shoot to the guide line and begin making your way to the door.

Several minutes later a crew member makes their way to the rear and opens the side door. He waves the first operative to the door and holds his hand up looking at the light. When the light changes to green he waives the operative onward. They hesitate slightly before jumping out the door. The cord unravels quickly before catching taught opening their parachute. The crew member then waives each operative through reaching you.
I wanted to give a chance at this point for you to narrate your characters reactions and actions for yourself. Jumping is more a matter of luck than skill so I'll make a roll to see how well the jump goes. Don't worry there is no chance of death... That would ruin the story.

Re: Operation Medusa Infiltration Benito (ThreeBfour)

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 6:38 pm
by ThreeBFour
Benito felt very little nervousness as he steps to the door, he played with explosives for a living, this was just another chance to meet death head-on. 'Good thing Ma can't see me now.' He thinks as he looks out at the stars above the plane, looking back at the Jump Master he gives him a nod and jumps out. "Yahooooooo!"

Re: Operation Medusa Infiltration Benito (ThreeBfour)

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 9:23 pm
by swrider
Benito's calm and cool demeanor somehow translates into his jump. He glides smoothly to the ground landing on the end of the designated landing field.

Total: 84
Character: Benito
Campaign: Ungentlemanly Warefare
Description: paradrop

Re: Operation Medusa Infiltration Benito (ThreeBfour)

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 2:17 am
by ThreeBFour
Taking a quick moment to catch his breath from the exhilaration of the jump, Benito starts to look around for a place to hide his parachute.
Total: 53
Bonus: 34
Character: Benito
Campaign: Ungentlemanly Warfare
Description: Observation
3D10= 19
individual rolls: 5, 6, 8

Skill Increase Roll
Skill Increase: +1

Re: Operation Medusa Infiltration Benito (ThreeBfour)

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 4:42 pm
by swrider
Benito quickly finds a suitable location. Some dead branches have piled together forming a natural pile. He quickly burries the unit before taking the time to orient himself towards his next waypoint.
I figured we would jump just a little bit to get you closer to where the others are. Go ahead and roll navigation. +10 for having a compass and +10 for having a map. Also please let me know how you invission getting to Paris.

Re: Operation Medusa Infiltration Benito (ThreeBfour)

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 1:28 am
by ThreeBFour
Taking out the map and compass he finds his current location and looks for the nearest town.
Total: 66
Bonus: 50
Character: Benito
Campaign: Ungentlemanly Warfare
Description: Navigation
3D10= 16
individual rolls: 2, 9, 5

Skill Increase Roll
No skill increase

Re: Operation Medusa Infiltration Benito (ThreeBfour)

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 8:33 pm
by swrider
Benito quickly orients himself and hides his shoot he makes his way towards the nearest village. The journey takes him nearly an hour, but eventually he finds himself outside a decent sized town. train tracks indicate the presence of a train station, and various inns and hotels can be seen, though none are open at this early hour (Approximately two hours till sunrise).

Re: Operation Medusa Infiltration Benito (ThreeBfour)

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 1:57 am
by ThreeBFour
Figuring that he may have two hours at most, Benito starts a quick search of the town for a possible vehicle to hotwire. As he does so he also keeps an eye out towards any unwanted human interactions.

Re: Operation Medusa Infiltration Benito (ThreeBfour)

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 2:52 am
by swrider
I hate to do three but...
Urban stealth

Re: Operation Medusa Infiltration Benito (ThreeBfour)

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 2:24 am
by ThreeBFour
Total: 49
Bonus: 35
Character: Benito
Campaign: Ungentlemanly Warfare
Description: Observation
3D10= 14
individual rolls: 2, 9, 3

Skill Increase Roll
No skill increase.
Total: 47
Bonus: 30
Character: Benito
Campaign: Ungentlemanly Warfare
Description: Urban Stealth Movement
3D10= 17
individual rolls: 3, 6, 8

Skill Increase Roll
Skill Increase +1
Total: 34
Bonus: 20
Character: Benito
Campaign: Ungentlemanly Warfare
Description: Mechanics
2D10= 14
individual rolls: 7, 7

Skill Increase Roll
Skill Increase +1

Re: Operation Medusa Infiltration Benito (ThreeBfour)

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 3:44 pm
by swrider
Benito moves quietly through the street keeping an eye out to ensure no one is watching his movements. Once shore, he finds an unlocked vehicle and attempts to hot wire it. The cars engine starts up quickly.
Nice rolls.

you will need to roll a motor skill to drive the car. Shouldn't be a problem. Difficulty will be determined on how you drive at this point. Are you trying to make a quick get away or drive causally.

Re: Operation Medusa Infiltration Benito (ThreeBfour)

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 1:31 am
by ThreeBFour
Benito is surprised how easy it was to hotwire the old Citreon. Driving casually away from the village, he hopes he has not and does nor attract attention.
Total: 26
Bonus: 20
Character: Benito
Campaign: Ungentlemanly Warfare
Description: Motor
2D10= 6
individual rolls: 2, 4

Skill Increase Roll

Re: Operation Medusa Infiltration Benito (ThreeBfour)

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 3:08 pm
by swrider
Benito successfully navigates away from the sleep town and towards Paris. As the hours pass and the sun rises, traffic on the road begins to increase. The roads closer to Paris become tighter and more difficult to navigate than those in he U.S.

Lets do another motor check. Difficulty 25 for the traffic and all. Then you can arrive at your destination... if you pass.

Re: Operation Medusa Infiltration Benito (ThreeBfour)

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 7:02 pm
by ThreeBFour
The Citreon hands quite well. Benito begins thinking it would be nice to get one of these for after the war, nobody else in Brooklyn would have one. He checks the gauges and continues to drive towards Paris, a little surprised at the density of the local traffic.
Total: 33
Bonus: 20
Character: Benito
Campaign: Ungentlemanly Warfare
Description: Motor
2D10= 13
individual rolls: 4, 9

Skill Increase Roll
Increase of +2

Re: Operation Medusa Infiltration Benito (ThreeBfour)

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2019 2:50 am
by swrider
Benito makes his way to Paris without any trouble. He maneuvers around the streets easily until finding a parking space several blocks from where he is to meet his contact.
you have a place, a description, and a code phrase to meet your contact. I am not worried about the details of them so you can narrate whatever place you want and even the description of your contact if you want. Once you narrate arriving I'll have the contact meet you and set you up into your cover.

Re: Operation Medusa Infiltration Benito (ThreeBfour)

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 7:12 pm
by ThreeBFour
Leaving the Citreon parked next to the Seine, Benny grabbed his stuff and quietly made his way to the western edge of Mare Saint-James a small lake in the Boulogne Forest to the west of the Arc de Triomphe. Pulling out his camera he takes a shot of the lake and its surrounding trees, waiting for his contact to arrive.

Re: Operation Medusa Infiltration Benito (ThreeBfour)

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 9:52 pm
by swrider
A woman matching the description of his contact appears in the park and begins feeding the ducks.

Re: Operation Medusa Infiltration Benito (ThreeBfour)

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 10:37 pm
by ThreeBFour
Holding his camera up he asks in his broken French (with Italian accent). "Excuse me, can I take your picture with the ducks? I can call it a Swan amongst the Mallards."

Re: Operation Medusa Infiltration Benito (ThreeBfour)

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 3:54 pm
by swrider
The woman recognizes the coffee and respond appropriately. Allowing him to take several photos.