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Re: Discussion on base character creation

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 7:35 pm
by ThreeBFour
swrider wrote:
Tue Sep 03, 2019 7:21 pm
You can make all of the rolls at once. All the targets are enemies, it doesn't matter what their description is. This set is to introduce the aiding mechanic and to help you increase some of your weaker skills.
Got it.
I managed today off, because Dorian screwed up our delivery schedule and now have to work Saturday....ugh.

Re: Discussion on base character creation

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 7:56 pm
by ThreeBFour
@swrider Help with a crapload of 0's

Re: Discussion on base character creation

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 8:08 pm
by swrider
Ok, A new version of the roller has been uploaded. This one allows including training dice to affect the D100 roll. Just add the number of D10 to add.

Re: Discussion on base character creation

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 8:12 pm
by swrider
Just go ahead and add +1 to both your observation and rifle scores for all of those zeros. There is a lot happening there.

@ThreeBFour @ShadoWarrior @SavageBob @kanila
All If you do not see the roll button on the SOE roller it is because the roller does not recognize that you are logged in. I know what is causing it but don't have time to fix it. The solution on your end is to open up the FFG roller first and then go to the SOE roller. I apologize for the hassle, but doing that will solve the issue and allow you to use the SOE roller. You should only have to do it once unless you close out your browser.

Re: Discussion on base character creation

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 8:16 pm
by ThreeBFour
swrider wrote:
Tue Sep 03, 2019 8:12 pm
Just go ahead and add +1 to both your observation and rifle scores for all of those zeros. There is a lot happening there.
Do you have a standard for the 1's or 0's for the present set?

Re: Discussion on base character creation

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 8:26 pm
by swrider
So far I have authorized two options besides the one time use I gave you.
for a 1:
a) -10 on next related skill check
b) -5 on next skill increase check

for a 0
a) +10 on next related skill check
b) +5 on next skill increase check

Adjusting the skill increase (d100) with a 'bonus' is also not currently a feature of the roller. That is another thing I will need to add.
You will have to do it manually, if that is what you choose.

note 0s as part of a D100 skill increase roll do not use this rule, nether do 1s.
1s and 100s rolled on a D100 have a different rule that comes into play. It can be found in the dice mechanics thread in the rules forum for this game.

Re: Discussion on base character creation

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 9:05 pm
by Vergence
Just noticing your playtest game!
If you're examining other similar systems for comparability, you might want to check out Elite: Dangerous (EDRPG) if seeking more game mechanical based ideas. The system also uses xD10 for Skill Ranks (Rank 1-100, with the Tens place translating to the amount of D10's rolled) with specialty rules for 1's & 0's too. Furthermore, another (more popular) suggested system is John Wick which generally is considered more narrative while using dices pools of xD10 (Approach) + Skill Ranks (more D10's) but, develops multiple sets of 10 outcomes (EX: 4D10, Outcomes 7, 5, 5, 3 = Results in 'Two Sets' of 10. 7 + 3 = 10, 5 + 5 = 10) for action economy spending per round (like extra Successes or Advantages in Star Wars).

Anyway, enjoyed reading the collaborative innovation so far! I realize your selecting your favorite aspects of other games so I figured I'd offer a few games to inspect if searching for other methods of game balance.

Re: Discussion on base character creation

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 9:12 pm
by swrider
@Vergence thanks I am not familiar with those systems.

Re: Discussion on base character creation

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:30 am
by swrider
@SavageBob one you go to the ffg roller you can go to the soe roller and you will be logged in.

Sorry for all the rolling. It will die down here in a bit. And pick up in the role play.

I'll also try to get the automatic login for the roller up soon.

Re: Discussion on base character creation

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:51 am
by swrider
Automatic login with the roller should now be working if you use the link at the top of the forums. You will need to use that link on your first visit or have previously visited one of the other rollers. This is opposed to typing in the url manually directly to the page. The link runs you through a login and redirect to the roller, the same as the others do to faciliate login.

Re: Discussion on base character creation

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:55 am
by ThreeBFour
It worked for me. At least as far as having the Roll Button there which to me means I'm logged-in

Re: Discussion on base character creation

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:55 am
by swrider
That would be how you know.

Re: Discussion on base character creation

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 2:29 am
by SavageBob
Total: 67
Bonus: 43
Character: Pierre Atangana
Campaign: Ungentlemanly Warfare
Description: Test roll
3D10= 24
individual rolls: 7, 8, 9

Skill Increase Roll

Training Roll
Much easier than the D&D roller way! :)

Re: Discussion on base character creation

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 2:31 am
by ThreeBFour
Yes it is. Thank you @swrider programming is not a skill I possess.

Re: Discussion on base character creation

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 2:38 am
by swrider
Thanks. It is not done, but the rolling system was a nightmare with the current roller. I didn't want to give it up because I am liking the skill progression rate and focus. It seems more natural to get better at things you are actually doing. Table top it wouldn't be so clunky, but with all the cut and paste... Something needed to give.

Also, I am still looking for feedback and suggestions on the system. No pressure but if things pop up feel free to mention them.

Re: Discussion on base character creation

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 2:58 am
by ShadoWarrior
The only comment I could make at the moment is that if you ever decided to try to publish this game system you'd get people bitching about how much "math" there is. Too many kids today (folks under 25) are lazy and don't like having to whip out a calculator and punch some buttons. Over and over again. Rolling lots of dice? They're okay with that. Using a tool that does all the work for them? Don't want to be bothered. Same mindset that asks questions in forums or Discord that they can answer themselves with a minute's worth of work using Google or a forum's search function.


Re: Discussion on base character creation

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:11 pm
by SavageBob
I agree that any game mechanic that asks you to do division will likely be critiqued. I personally dislike it, as I play games to have fun and not to do math (and I'm over 25). ;P But it's less of an issue if it only comes up during play and not during character generation.

To be clearer, it seems like you're designing something like a "life path" system for character creation, and those can be great fun. Traveller is generally the king of such life path character generation. But I'm not sure I would want to roleplay character generation as extensively as the way we're doing it now. I think players these days are eager to get into the thick of the adventure. It might be more streamlined to do something like you had us do with the background skills for all skills until play actually begins (with a mission, presumably). Or if you want to preserve the randomness, you could have the players do a simple roll and add it to their skill rather than having them play out the shooting range, the hand-to-hand matches, the medical checks, etc. Maybe it could be tied to parts of their life path: For background skills, rather than 4d10 + 40, you get 4d10 + [random roll, maybe 8d10]. For basic training skills, you get 3d10 + [random roll, maybe 6d10]. For specialist training, you get another thing, maybe 2d10 + [4d10 rolled at chargen].

Just some thoughts. I think your skill progression mechanic will be fine once play begins. But I tend to prefer character generation be fast and streamlined in games I play regularly.

Re: Discussion on base character creation

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:21 pm
by kanila
The way I see this is that it’s play testing the mechanics. Yes there are a lot of rolls right now, but I believe it’s to get us familiar with how the system works. Sort of like a tutorial. So that these things won’t be completely foreign when they are experienced during play.

Re: Discussion on base character creation

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:54 pm
by swrider
Kanila is right. And Savagebob hot the nail right on the head.

I imagine I'll write this part up as a sort of 'starter adventure' to get people familiar with the mechanics.

My plan is to have will start mechanics so this can be skipped or only played through once.

I think I overdid the range but the rifle skill is really important and one that will be hard to increase outside of combat once the mission.

I've stream lined this next part but don't want to skip it. Too many rules are introduced as to how they work.

@SavageBob my intention is to have base skills level match the number of conditional dice. So characters work stay with a few 40s a lot of 30 some 20 and a few 10s.

Re: Discussion on base character creation

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 2:06 pm
by swrider
As for the math, that is an optional rule which I wanted to include to speed progression and test. The 'standard' rule is that is you roll higher your skill goes up 1. less math but shower progression.

Re: Discussion on base character creation

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 11:00 pm
by swrider
I just got back from the dentist and have had a long day. I'll post tomorrow.