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Dice Mecahnics

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 9:22 pm
by swrider
Ungentlemanly warfare utilizes ten sided dice refereed to in the text as D10 dice or xD10 where x represents the number of ten sided dice rolled. Character skills will be allocated a specific number of ten sided dice to use when rolling those skill at player creation. The number of ten sided dice assigned to a skill will not increase during game play and is determined by the nature of a skill in relation to a character.
Background occupation skills are assigned a value of 4d10.
Paramilitary skills, Survival Skills, and two finishing skill set (selected during character creation) are assigned a value of 3d10.
All other general skills are assigned a value of 2d10.
Any remaining skills are assigned a value of 1d10.

Conditional skill rolls (xD10) are modified by the characters skill level for the chosen skill. Skill levels range from 1 to 100 and increase as skills are utilized.
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Camille is attempting to memorize a secret encoded message for transmission at 0600 hours from one of her hidden wireless radio transmitters. Increased levels of patrols and reprisals in response to recent subversive activity make carrying the message concealed on her person extremely dangerous. To limit the risk to herself Camille is memorizing the message and utilizing an emergency radio set already concealed in the field for this type of situation.

Camille was a postal worker in her civilian life and has developed a wonderful memory. She rolls a memorization check with 4d10 resulting in a total of 20.

Camille has a skill of 30 in memorization and adds this to her roll resulting in a total of 50. 4d10+20= 50. The message is encoded, but is also short and the game master has assigned a difficult to memorize the message of 45. Camille has successfully memorized the message.

Increasing skills.

While the conditional modifiers for skills (xD10) do not change during game play, a skill level has the chance of increasing every time a skill is utilized. When a character utilizes a skill in game play they roll 2d10 or a one hundred sided die. When 2d10 are rolled one should be specified before hand to act as the tens column. The roll will result in a number between 1 and 100. If the resulting number is higher than a character current skill level than the characters skill level increases. The amount of skill increase is determined by the roll divided by the current skill level rounded down.

Please note
  • A skill may increase regardless of the success of a skill roll. Learning can occur through both success and failure.
  • A skill level can not increase beyond 100.
  • The pretense of a trainer may increase the likelyhood of increasing a skill level. See training below.
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After Camille rolled her memorization check her player rolled a 1d100 resulting in a roll of 42. Since 42 is greater than Camille's current skill level of 20 her skill level increases. The amount her skill level increases is 42/20 = 2.1. Since 2.1 rounds down to two Camille's memorization score increases by 2 to a total of 22.

During initial training and at times in the filed it may be required to train personnel in additional skills necessary for upcoming missions. When a skill is under the tillage of a trainer the character may add up to the trainers conditional modifier to their skill level roll. The number of conditional dice to be rolled is dependent upon the trainer who may divide his dice among of a number of trainees equal to his conditional modifier.

Things to note
  • Training in a skill is not the same as aiding with a skill check. Aiding with a skill check will be discussed later and increases the likelihood that a skill check will succeeded. Training increases the likelihood that the characters skill level will increase after the skill check is made.
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Camille: Believes it is necessary to lie low after sending her most recent message. During her travels she suspected that the was observed and followed for several hours as she led the tail on a wild goose chase. Felling the need to lie low she moves to a remote safe-house. While there a local informant has joined the organization. The informant works as a telegraph operator for the local rail way and needs to be trained in the allied codes. The first phase of this process is increasing the new recruit memorization abilities, as codes have to be memorized. Camille begins teaching the new recruit the codes as he attempts to memorize the patterns.

The recruit performs a memorization check to see if they were able to correctly memorize the current portion of the code. After the check is made the recruit rolls a check to determine if their memorization skill has increased. Camille has a conditional modifier of 4d10 which she uses entirely on the new recruit by focusing her training on him. The recruit makes the roll at 1d100+4d10 increasing the likelihood that their skill level will increase.

Dice Mechanics Optional Rule 1, 0, &1, 100

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 10:11 pm
by swrider
The follwoign rules are considered optional and should be evaluated by the GM before their inclusion in the game.

Rule of 1 and 0. Each skill has a conditional roll attached to in in the from of a ten sided die. These dice in conjunction determine the overall success or failure of a skill check. However, in life success and failure often do not tell the entire story. A failed roll can have some unintended positive outcomes, while a sucessful roll may have negative consequences inspite of its success. The rule of 1 and 0s seeks to immitate these dynamic in game play. On a ten sided die a 1 is the lowest number which can be rolled a 0 represents the number ten and is the highest number which can be rolled. The rule of 1 and 0s is to add count the total net number of one and zeros on a conditional roll. A net number of 0s inciates a positive result occurign outside of the success of the skill check. A net number of 1s indicates a negative result occuring outside of the skill check. The higher the net number of 1 and zeros the greater this outside effect should be.
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Camille must encrypt a special message fro transmisison immediately to HQs. Normally the message would have come to her encrypted, but circumstances necessitated otherwise in this situation. Encryption is somethign Camille learned in finishing school (3D10) and which she has practiced occasionally. Camille rolls a skill check 3D10+30= 33 which is sufficient to encode the message using a simple cipher she remembers from finishing school. Camille's rolls was 1d10= 1, 1d10=1, 1d10=1 resulting in a net of three 1s on her conditional roll. The message is successfully encrypted, however, using the rule of 1 and 0s a powerful negative impact can also be had as a result of that roll. The GM decides that the particular cipher Camille used as been cracked by enemy Counter Espionage units, when Camille sends the encrypted message Enemy forces will be able decode and read the message. Please note that Camilles encryption was succesfull, the related negative impact is that the encryption used has already been cracked.
Rule of 1 and 100.
After a skill check is made a 1d100 is rolled to determine if a characters skill level increased based off of what they learned using the skill. Sometimes while using a skill, a breakthrough moment occurs allowing a rapid increase in understanding, likewise it is possible for an erroneous fact or tactic to be misunderstood as successful. The rule of 1 and 100 is that when a 1 or 100 is rolled on a skill increase check that the character experiences a significant learning moment. On a roll of 100 the character rolls a 1d10 and adds the result to their skill level (this is in additionally to the normal skill level increase if the skill level roll is higher than the characters current skill). On a roll of 1 the character rolls a 1d10 and subtracts the result from their current skill level.
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After Camille encodes the message she rolls a 1d100 to increase her skill level. Camille rolls 1d100= 1. The rule of 1 and 100 requires Camille to roll a 1d10 which results in a 5. Camille's encoding score decreases by 5. This can be described as Camille mixing up portions of two different codes, switching a code signal or any other detrimental fact which she carries forward with her until realizing the mistake (her skill increases past it level before the decrease).