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Targus Jhonez - Elomin Droid Tech

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 1:08 am
by ThreeBFour
Targus Jhonez
Species: Elomin
Career: Technician
Specialization: Droid Tech
Obligation: 20: Debt (10) [to Ruffus's debtors, +2,500 credits/Instruments, Droid, Tools], Oath (5) [made upon Ruffus's death and taking the Jhonez surname], Favor (5)[What he feels he owes Zannel Redbeam for bringing him into the Band]
Characteristics: (90pts) Br:3, Ag:3, Int:3, Cun:2, Will:1, Pr:3
Derived Attributes: Soak Value: 4(3+1), Wounds: 11, Strain: 13(11+2), Defenses: /

Skills: (25pts)
-Charm(C/R)--2-------------------YYG (Secondary Performance)
-Computers(C)--2-----------------YYG (Secondary Performance)
-Coordination(C)--1---------------YGG (Primary Performance)
-Knowledge: Education(R)--1----YGG (Primary Performance)
-Knowledge: Outer Rim(C)--0----GGG
-Leadership(C)--1------------------YGG (Tertiary Performance)
-Pilot: Planetary(C)--1-------------YGG

Talents: (55pts)
-Hidden Storage
-Machine Mender
-Speaks Binary--2
-Speaks Binary, Improved

Experience Points: 170 Spent; 0 Unspent

Attributes: Characteristics: 90pts, Skills: 25pts, Talents: 55pts

Credits: 50 + 1
Nomad Greatcoat (1 Soak, 100cr), A/KT Tracker Utility Vest (+2 Encum, 100cr)
Mutigoo Gun (Rng: Light, Dmg: 2, Short, Encum: 2, HP: 1, 250cr, Disorient 1, Ensnare 4, Knockdown, Gain automatic on Mechanics Checks
Combat-knife (Melee, Dmg +1, Crit: 3, Engaged, Encum: 1, 25cr)
Utility Belt (+1 Encum, 25cr)
Surveyor’s Bag (+2 Encum, 50cr)
Tool Belt (Encum: 3, 500cr)
Earbud Comlink (Personal Long Range, 75cr)
Handheld commlink (25cr)
Datapad (Encum:1, 75cr)
Emergency Repair Patch (x2, 50cr)
Stimpack (25cr)
Hand Scanner (Designed for Electronics, 100cr)
High Quality Musical Instrument: Valachord (Ecum 5, 1000cr)
Common Quality Musical Instrument: Reed-flute (Ecum 1, 100cr)

DUM-Series Pit Droid (450cr) Name: Genius
B1, A1, I0, C0, W1, P1 – Soak 3, Wound 2
Group Skills: Computer, Mechanics, Perception
Talents: Fine Tuning 2
Abilities: Droid, Networking (pg45 EV), Silhouette 0
Equipment: Built-in Comms Suite

Desire: Inventive(wants to create the ultimate ‘Side-man’ musician droid series.)
Fear: Obscurity (not being able to live up to his adopted name.)
Strength: Adaptability (well-rounded)
Flaw: Timidity (Better around only select people or droids)

“Targus Jhonez is not my real name, well the Targus part is, the Jhonez isn’t, but then again do I look human? I’ll get to that in a moment. I don’t remember much of my real father other that a couple of memories and images from my mother’s holo-cube. I do know he gave his life getting us smuggled off of Elom, for the most part under the noses of the Imps.
We finally arrived on Nubia, me a whole four Galactic Standard years old. My mother worked for years as a maid in one of the many tourist hotels around the spaceport of Nuba City. It was during this time I met Ruffus “Biggums” Jhonez, yes, my new last name. Ruffus was one of the many musicians that played the hotels and bars. He and my mother, Shandre, struck up a weird friendship, I say it was love if you ask me. But Ruffus took me under his wing teaching me the art of music and how to play several different instruments including the Valachord, Seven-string Hallikset, Synth-harmonica, and a Reed-flute that he said was from some place called Endor. I would spend hours every day after school at his place learning to play. I was extremely surprised one day when Zannel Redbeam walked into Ruffus’s place, chatting with Ruffus like old friends. It was after he left, autographing a scarf for my mother on his way out, that Ruffus explained that he had taught Zannel how to play and even worked with him on occasion, bringing me along for several gigs and help me get a part-time job working at their studio as a board-tech.
My mother never discouraged my early interest in music, but she did demand that it not be the only thing that I study to the point that she arranged an internship with one of the local droid techs, Siem Layan, a grumpy old Drall who demanded strict adherence to his teachings of droid repair and others, one of them being learning Drallish, he also made me learn Huttese and High Galactic, suggesting that they would be needed in the circles I might travel if I insisted on being a musician. But as a reward for doing so gave me my first droid, a DUM-series Pit Droid, which I named Genius because he is definitely not. I do plan on combining my original love of music with my new love of my mechanical friends.
My mother died last year, some unidentified brain aneurism, and Ruffus took me in, but he seemed much different, like he didn’t care anymore, his music started to suffer, (Master Layan said it was a broken heart, which is when I discovered they were good friends). Zannel would show up a few times a month to check on him, and at Ruffus’s suggestion, brought me over to the studio full time to operate the boards and play back-up. He took me under his wing showing me new and different things about the Biz, it was almost like having a big brother. It hurt a lot when he left on his solo career, but I still owe him big for the chance he took on me.
The debt collectors came calling taking most of his instruments and his life’s belongings, minus the Valachord I have managed to hide away along with that weird Endorian reed flute that Ruffus gave to me. Ruffus died two weeks ago.
Master Layan has since offered me an ‘as requested job’ at his shop, which is his way of saying that I come when needed. But he is letting me stash stuff in his loft, which is where I had already hidden Ruffus’ Valachord to keep it away from the collectors, but they will come. I still have the band and the studio as well.
I will somehow become the musician that Ruffus was and I am taking his last name as a pledge to do so.

Re: Targus Jhonez - Elomin Droid Tech

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 1:13 am
by ThreeBFour
x Status:

Wound Threshold: 0/11
Strain Threshold: 0/13
Critical Injuries: None

Re: Targus Jhonez - Elomin Droid Tech

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:04 am
by ThreeBFour
20xp Awarded on 12/14/2018

Targus spent his on:

Speaks Binary, Improved (15)
Machine Mender (5)

Re: Targus Jhonez - Elomin Droid Tech

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 3:32 am
by ThreeBFour
15xp Awarded on 01/25/2019

Targus spent his on:

Charm (10)

Hidden Storage (5)