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Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 8:56 am
by Mindless
I am currently involved in an IRL EotE game that meets monthly; I wanted to play more frequently, so I turned to the internet.

After attempting to enter “star wars eote play online,” Google’s first searchbar suggestion was “star wars edge of the empire play by post,” before I could type “online.”

Curious about what “play by post” was, I clicked it. The first link led to a relatively short FFG thread that ended with a link to this site.

Upon browsing the site, I found exactly what I was searching for. I look forward to becoming involved here.

Two games piqued my interest immediately: “Beyond the Rim” and “Far Orbit Project.” I am interested in the former because I would like to join a brand new game, and I am interested in the latter because I am in the Navy IRL, though I have yet to ship out.

Currently both games have positions open, so if possible, I would like to join both.

Thank you for providing this site; again, I look forward to becoming involved here.

Re: Hello

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 3:06 pm
by ShadoWarrior
Welcome to the board!

As the GM responsible for both of the games that you're interested in, I'd be happy to have you in them. Beyond the Rim may take some time to get started as you are, currently, the only person that's active on this board interested in it. The 3 players who had already created characters for the game have apparently gotten busy with other things and haven't been seen in about 2 weeks. Having given you that warning, go ahead and post in each game's discussion thread and we can go from there.

I'd like to mention that DeepSpacer's Uprising game has recently gotten started. And of the 5 players he had, he's lost 2, so we could use at least one more. I think his game still qualifies as 'new', as we've not had much play yet. Other than listening to some pre-mission briefings and some social interaction by a couple of characters when getting their gear we haven't even had an encounter. Not until this morning.

Re: Hello

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 3:15 pm
by SavageBob
Welcome, Mindless! You've got some good options here. I hope you find some games you like.

To Shado: Do you think we'll be able to bring in any replacement players for Dirty Rotten Scoundrels? I don't know what lies in store, but it might be nice to retire Drake and Bleendo for characters with players behind them.

Re: Hello

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 3:18 pm
by ShadoWarrior
That's not up to me, Bob. I can't force people to join the game. :P


Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 3:24 pm
by DeepSpacer
Welcome! The site has its own dice roller and allows email notifications when posts are made to a campaign you are in. Once I developed a habit of checking in almost every day, I disabled my email notifications.

Yes, "Uprising", as you may have seen, is a Hoth / post-Hoth campaign. In short, we left Echo base and just made it to a planet to get supplies. That's about it. I was looking at Beyond the Rim yesterday and noticed it needed players. I may throw in with that, as well, if it helps getting something started. I have a IRL group that meets twice a month over Skype, but we also do some Pathfinder in between Star Wars so PBP helps me out a lot to stay involved.

Always great to welcome a new player!

Re: Hello

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 3:24 pm
by SavageBob
Haha! It was more of a, "As GM, would you be willing to accept another player." Sounds like Mindless might be welcome to join if he/she chooses. :)

Re: Hello

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 3:33 pm
by ShadoWarrior
SavageBob wrote:
Sat Dec 02, 2017 3:24 pm
Haha! It was more of a, "As GM, would you be willing to accept another player." Sounds like Mindless might be welcome to join if he/she chooses. :)
There's no "might be". He'd be welcome, for sure, in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. Or in my two defunct games (After the Fall and Strike Force Isk).

Re: Hello

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2017 2:58 am
by swrider
Welcome to the board. I look forward to gaming with you. (even though I am not in either of those games). Shado and Teknon were the original minds behind this board. I now host it and developed many of the features of the Rider's guild site including the roller. The roller has a separate login so you will need to register there as well. If you would like a feature let me know and I will add it to the lists of things I am working on.