New Player Here

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New Player Here


Post by DiscoSoup » Tue Jul 16, 2019 9:56 pm

Hi, my name is Jake, and I learned about this place via referral from a reddit user named Gamemaster_T. I love Star Wars. The vry first game that I actually played in was d20 Star Wars right after it came out, though the very first RPG book that I bought was WEG's generic d6 book.

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Re: New Player Here


Post by Doctor Who » Tue Jul 16, 2019 10:08 pm

Give me about 5 minutes after a post, I'll probably edit it a bit before it is finalized.

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Re: New Player Here


Post by DeepSpacer » Wed Jul 17, 2019 12:52 am

Welcome! That would be me who posted the link. Glad you came to look around! There are several openings. Feel free to make a post in the OOC of a game if you are interested in joining. Ideally, games have daily posts, but usually it is a 4-5x's a week.

Yeah, some people here have family obligations, as well, and PBP fits in really well for them. I only played WEG d6 system once or twice, but then jumped into the d20 SAGA Edition. I am really liking the FFG version with the dice. BTW, play with the dice roller at the top. It lets you make the posts of your rolls. ;)

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Re: New Player Here


Post by ShadoWarrior » Wed Jul 17, 2019 1:07 am

Welcome to our board!

I think that you'll like FFG's Star Wars RPG even more than d20 Saga Edition or WEG's d6. I've played and game-mastered all three systems for many, many years and FFG's is, by far, the best. FFG's system is skills-based, rather than level-based such as d20. WEG was also skills based, but the system was unbalanced ... especially space combat and the Force. But, as DeepSpacer alluded to, FFG's best feature is its narrative dice. The whole system is designed from the ground up for narrative roleplay, in contrast to just rolling dice and applying damage or having flat pass/fail (as you get in d6 or d20). In FFG's system you can have a result that succeeds, but has unintended consequences (perhaps a very bad one or merely leaving you a bit vulnerable). Or you can have a result that doesn't quite succeed, but you do manage to eke out some information or small advantage. Or you can have critical success or critical failure (even more than once in the same result).

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Re: New Player Here


Post by SavageBob » Wed Jul 17, 2019 6:45 pm

Welcome, DiscoSoup! Always glad to see new folks around here. Feel free to ask questions from us old hands.

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Re: New Player Here


Post by SanguineAngel » Thu Jul 18, 2019 11:44 am

Welcome @DiscoSoup, glad to have you here.

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