
New members to this board should introduce themselves by making a post here... after they read the locked, sticky topics below.
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Post by Joho » Wed May 06, 2020 8:33 pm

Hello, I just recently started playing my first pen and paper D&D game (Edge of the Empire) with some real life friends.
I become pretty hooked and can't get enough of it. I been a fan of Star Wars since childhood and I'm looking to join in some games from character creation who welcome someone with not a lot of experience.

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Re: Hello


Post by kanila » Wed May 06, 2020 8:47 pm

Welcome! Take a look around we would be more than happy to help.
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Re: Hello


Post by ShadoWarrior » Wed May 06, 2020 9:30 pm

Welcome to our board!

BTW, Edge of the Empire (EotE) is not a D&D game. It is an RPG (roleplaying game). EotE is very different from D&D (which uses the d20 game system), both mechanically (how characters are created and the rules by which the game is played) and in style. D20-based games, such as D&D, are level-based, while EotE is skills-based. In D&D, characters gain experience so that they can get a new "level". Upon gaining a level the character acquires increases to stats and is able to "buy" new perks such as skills, talents, and whatnot. In skills-based systems characters acquire experience which is then spent directly on skills and talents. And a key difference is that in most skills-based games the stats (attributes) that you start with do not increase as the character gets more experienced, and in many systems the health the character starts with also does not change. IOW, your physical body doesn't get stronger or more robust, nor do you get smarter or wiser. (There are exceptions in some systems, such as in EotE, where you can acquire talents that will boost an attribute.)

In level-based games, character level can be used to measure roughly how powerful a character is. I say roughly because in D&D, for example, a 9th level mage or cleric is far more dangerous than a 9th level warrior or rogue, and it also depends very much on how the character was built. In skills-based systems characters of the same overall experience should be roughly equal in power. But, as with level-based characters, how a character is built makes a huge difference in how capable (dangerous) that character is.

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Re: Hello


Post by DeepSpacer » Wed May 06, 2020 9:35 pm

New players always welcome!!! My real-life group plays Pathfinder, mostly, so this is the place I can get my Star Wars gaming fix, too. ;)

Recent real-life events limiting some player's access has seen the campaigns Alpha Squad and Uprising come to a crawl. Either could go onward with a new player character involved. I GM both so let me know if you have interest in either one. A-Squad is an Old Republic Era game of players investigating things and doing good (like the old A-Team TV show). Uprising is a post-Hoth campaign set about upstaging the Imperial forces in the Anoat sector.

(Good explanation, Shadow, on role-playing game vs D&D).

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