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OOC: Session 0

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 6:23 pm
by SanguineAngel
“You won’t find what you’re looking for at the bottom of that glass, flyboy. I can offer you a chance to make a real difference. Or maybe just an endless supply of targets to shoot.”

Vesh Lin, Leader of Clawbird Squadron. She recruited you into the Ferroan Resistance shortly before Mon Mothma united your own and several other rebel factions to form the Rebel Alliance.

You have spent months proving a minor nuisance to Imperial Forces across I-Sector, with your motley squadron of dilapidated fighters. Now, working with Alliance Command, you have allies, resources, intelligence, and the chance to make a major dent in Imperial control.
But insurrection is never easy and you have pit yourself against the full might of the Imperial war machine.

This is a solo Age of Rebellion game, set some time before the destruction of the Death Star. You are a pilot in the early Rebel Alliance. We will use a mission based structure to form the backbone of the campaign, with missions containing the potential for extended adventures.

Feel free to discuss anything relating to how you would like to see this campaign develop here:


Re: OOC: Session 0

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 8:48 pm
by Azzranache
Concept character up

Re: OOC: Session 0

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:17 pm
by ThreeBFour
I checked in the game concepts, but didn't see this one listed. What is the premise of the game?

Re: OOC: Session 0

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:25 pm
by ShadoWarrior
I've asked Rider the same question, @ThreeBFour, since he created this game's forums and this game has failed to go through the normal process for forming a new game. This game is missing an introduction in the OOC, requirements for character creation, and a lot more. And, as the keeper of the Active Games list, I wasn't looped in.

Re: OOC: Session 0

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:25 am
by swrider
I have yet added it bacause I got busy at work. This is a private game with just 1 player and the gm. It is at max capacity.

Re: OOC: Session 0

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 1:00 am
by ThreeBFour
That is fine. I saw it show up, read what was there and then backtracked to a blank wall, so figured I'd ask.

Re: OOC: Session 0

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 4:40 am
by SanguineAngel
Hello chaps, as the forums have only just gone up and as I have been busy with work, childcare, married life, sleeping and such I have not yet filled in the blanks. The OP up there is by way of a holding post, if you will, as I thought I would give my player I space to post anything off the bat while a get things set up. However, I asked sw to keep this public, as I know that some people here do enjoy reading the games so I will be fleshing out with concept etc this evening.

Shadow, apologies for not quite following usual protocol. The concept was discussed offline and, as part of the concept was the idea of a solo game, I didn't see the need to go a-recruiting over in the senate. I simply pm'd sw about setting up a solo game. However, if you think it'd help join the dots, I'd be happy to drop a post in there about the game. Let me know.

@threebfour thanks for the interest! Briefly, the concept is a solo game following a rebel pilot shortly after the formation of the rebellion, as part of one of the original factions united by Mon mothma, the non-Canonical Ferroan Resistance.