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Post by swrider » Sat Aug 07, 2021 5:04 pm

Everyone, I owe you all an apology. I have been unable to maintain any sort of consistent presence on this forum for a while and ass such have been neglecting my games. Unfortunately, My life has evolved such that I do not see myself being able to return to the activity that I once had on these forums. Life has evolved a great deal since I began here as a player.

On the professional side, I have been at my new employer for almost two years. The work is going well and I have been told that my immediate supervisor is pushing to have me promoted. Unfortunately, this new employment occupies me continually during the workweek. At my previous job, I would use breaks to post on the forum, but I have found that I do not have the same opportunities with this new position. I do travel a lot with my current job, which is another opportunity I used to take to post on these forums, However, the travel is often quite hectic and busy which leaves me with little time or energy to get online.

The family is doing well. I now have three young children that consume most of my time at home and on the weekends. I find it difficult at best to find time for activities that do not include the children or that are purely for my enjoyment. The one possible exception has been gaming. That is to say real-life gaming. My oldest children have taken a small interest in dungeons and dragons (they are 6 and 3 now). They often wish to take part if just in a small way when my real-life group gets together. The new employment has moved me closer to where my group lives, and since that consists of my sister, brother-in-law, two nephews, and wife. we are able to game once a month. Additionally, My wife's close friend and new husband also game which has furhter lead to me spending about one day a month gaming with a second group. This is really only possible because I am doing it with the wife and to some extent with the kids also.

All of these are good things but combined they eat away all of my time. I am still trying to be an active part of this forum, but have found that the few times I do have a moment, I either don't have access to a computer or the desire to do get online. As such, the pattern seems to be that I am online to post only about once every two weeks. This latest gap I feel has been nearly a month.

For those games I am running for single players @kanila @DeepSpacer I would like to continue them, but understand if the pace is simply too slow for you to wish to continue. The same goes for the single-player game that Deepspacer is running for me.

As for the forum in general, most of you know that I host this forum and its content. I originally paid for five years of hosting and believe that that will be running out in the next 12 months or so. I am happy to continue supporting the site and keeping it open as long as it is bringing enjoyment to you all. If this even changes, I will be sure to provide a heads up to the community before anything happens.

I apologize to you all for my infrequent presence on the forum. I hope my explanation above provides some insights as to why this has happened and will likely continue to happen.

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Re: To all


Post by DeepSpacer » Sat Aug 07, 2021 7:58 pm

@swrider Thanks for the update and being so vulnerable about your personal life. While it is not the ideal situation, I enjoy the solo games and wish to continue. Gonan and Hell Loco have lots yet to accomplish!!! :D

Good to see the family has time to do things together! One fellow in my group said his sons have picked up 5E with their friends and it amazes him what they come up with. A "+3 Rubber Ducky" quest item, specifically. LOL!!!

On my end, the pandemic last year started us on a weekly virtual gaming schedule on Tuesday night. We had been bi-monthly, with work usually cancelling every 1-in-4 sessions, usually. Mostly Pathfinder and Star Wars FFG. One guy (the real genesis of us even picking up gaming) soured on it in 2021 and hasn't been with us, but we've picked up with other games. He's soured on life, politics, covid, and work, in general and I (we) worried for his mental health. He is upbeat in bi-weekly phone calls but has not returned to gaming. We've done Savage Worlds in recent weeks as one reluctant fellow has thrown his hat in the GM ring. I was running alternating weeks of SW FFG and Pathfinder for a while. Savage is quite the system, with a Wild Die (1d6) thrown in on all rolls. Use either that result or your other ability die.

If we find that all goes well with this reduced availability, then let's continue. Looks like most everyone is hanging in there at some measure of reduced availability and it's working out.

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Re: To all


Post by kanila » Sun Aug 08, 2021 3:03 am

@swrider No worries at all! I’m glad things are going well for you and your family. I will continue to play ass long as you post, no matter how much time passes between them! Again, congratulations!
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Re: To all


Post by ShadoWarrior » Sun Aug 08, 2021 12:15 pm

@swrider, thanks for the update on your personal life. No worries. Glad to see that things continue to go well for you, and for your loved ones. And we appreciate that you're still with us. All too many others that I enjoyed playing and chatting with have dropped out over the past 12+ years and you, my friend, along with Doc and Deep, are the rare exceptions that are still around after many years.

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Re: To all


Post by swrider » Mon Aug 09, 2021 5:34 am

Thanks for all the support guys. You are good friends, and who knows maybe one day we may even meet in person one day.

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Re: To all


Post by swrider » Thu Oct 21, 2021 1:35 am

Wow things got busier than expected. My baby (8 months) was in the hospital for eight days. He is supper small (12 lbs 11oz currently) and his occupational therapist said he has regressed muscularly and she thought he was aspirating on his formula. He is doing ok. Work has stepped up the travel as well keeping me going everywhere. Im looking at least two weeks of every month through January at least.

I just cant keep up with the forum, at least playing or running games.

I will still stop in to see how things are going and will be renewing the domain name here soon as it is expiring.

I hope you are all doing well.

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Re: To all


Post by crazybirdman » Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:56 pm

wow, crazy. hang in there man.

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Re: To all


Post by swrider » Fri Oct 22, 2021 3:34 pm

crazybirdman wrote:
Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:56 pm
wow, crazy. hang in there man.
Thanks I will. It is nice to be back online of online to say hi to everyone.

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Re: To all


Post by ShadoWarrior » Sat Oct 23, 2021 12:36 am

And we're happy to have you, however and whenever that may be. Be well my friend, and my best wishes to you and your family.

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