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Re: OOC Session 04: A diplomatic solution

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 3:35 pm
by swrider
Thanks! .That is what I had Hopped, but I realize that the minds eye is diffeent for everyone in these games. Especially with PBP.

Re: OOC Session 04: A diplomatic solution

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 9:36 am
by kanila
Just guessing, but I went with average difficulty. It’s funny, I’m guessing the thugs don’t speak Shyriiwookiee.

Rashk ; Perception :
3 Successes, 1 Advantage


Additional boost die

Rashk ; Additional boost:
0 Success, 2 Advantages


New total: 3 success 3 advantage

If it will provide more insight for the additional advantages that’s great. If not I’ll add a post to give a boost to another player. Just let me know and I’ll add a post.

Re: OOC Session 04: A diplomatic solution

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 3:08 pm
by swrider
@kanila you get to add two boost to that check from Chibiithii's talent. Engaged allies get two boost to perception or vigilance checks. I assume we are engaged since they are herding us to the office.

@SanguineAngel I am going to roll for Chibiithii as well but wanted you opinion on the rule. There is some ambiguity as to weather the individual with the talent gets the boosts dice as well. Some people argue that you are your own ally and therefore get it, while others argue if you were supposed to get it that it would be stated as such. Personally, I find talents that only affect others to be problematic in game play, but thought I best ask your op pinon before taking any boost dice.

Re: OOC Session 04: A diplomatic solution

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 3:35 pm
by SanguineAngel
swrider wrote:
Mon Jul 01, 2019 3:08 pm
@kanila you get to add two boost to that check from Chibiithii's talent. Engaged allies get two boost to perception or vigilance checks. I assume we are engaged since they are herding us to the office.
I'd err on the side of 1 boost here. You'd certainly be within short range of Chibiithii but neither of you have declared declared anything to indicate that you two are actively engaged with each other.
swrider wrote:
Mon Jul 01, 2019 3:08 pm
@SanguineAngel I am going to roll for Chibiithii as well but wanted you opinion on the rule. There is some ambiguity as to weather the individual with the talent gets the boosts dice as well. Some people argue that you are your own ally and therefore get it, while others argue if you were supposed to get it that it would be stated as such. Personally, I find talents that only affect others to be problematic in game play, but thought I best ask your op pinon before taking any boost dice.
For me it'd only apply to others. This is a passive ability that they receive even without your active assistance on a check representing, I infer, your being keyed into things going on around you even when not directly involved. It's a nice little skill and if that boost makes the difference on a check a really good opportunity to RP that natural inquisitiveness in. But I interpret that when performing your own perception check you're using your own skill/ability as normal.

Re: OOC Session 04: A diplomatic solution

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 5:23 pm
by swrider
OK thanks for the clarification. These things can go so many different ways that it is often better to ask than to assume.

Re: OOC Session 04: A diplomatic solution

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 5:25 pm
by swrider

Re: OOC Session 04: A diplomatic solution

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 3:56 pm
by SanguineAngel
Yeah, no worries and thanks for checking. Every table's different. I don't think Chibiithii would see anything above and beyond Rashk on this roll.

Does anyone wish to act before you are escorted up to see Boomer?

Re: OOC Session 04: A diplomatic solution

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 5:36 pm
by crazybirdman
I may as well try to see the future, I mean, that's my gimmick right?

Re: OOC Session 04: A diplomatic solution

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 7:36 pm
by swrider
I am just waiting at this point. No hurry, but I didn't want anyone waiting on me.

Re: OOC Session 04: A diplomatic solution

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 1:13 am
by crazybirdman
SanguineAngel wrote:
Tue Jul 02, 2019 3:56 pm
Does anyone wish to act before you are escorted up to see Boomer?
You pretty much never have to wait for me. :mrgreen: I don't want the game to slow down because of me, and I'm usually checking the boards frequently

Re: OOC Session 04: A diplomatic solution

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 11:15 am
by Azzranache
Ok, so lets discuss what we can say.

My thinking here is to tell Boomer we are a band of pirates - looking for small scores here and there. We have had a tip off about a small delivery of Kessel Spice taking place in the Silver Belt that we have a buyer for. The snag is we don't have the licences and we have heard he can arrange "temporary" licences for the right price.

Perhaps he will accept a cut of the booty in exchange for some licences?

Of course there is no spice and hopefully we'll be long gone before he finds out but we'll probably end up with a large bounty on our heads (unless we 1) come back and take care of Boomer or 2) take care of Boomer right after he provides the licences?).

I can roll a strong deception check for this.

Any other ideas?

Re: OOC Session 04: A diplomatic solution

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 11:43 am
by kanila
Well I don’t know if anyone read Rashk’s solo Mission but he did overthrow another organization before linking up with the rest of the group.

I could mention it and say we aren’t interested in that at all. But that we have a mutually beneficial offer. Which could lead us to finding out how many of the councilmen he has in his pocket. We could even ask what his take is on the Empire gaining a foothold here. Which, depending on his outlook, could either hinder his operations or enhance them.

The Empire showing up could have effects on the politician that stand in his way of future gains after all.

Re: OOC Session 04: A diplomatic solution

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 1:11 pm
by crazybirdman
I'd say keep is simple. Tell him we need the passes to rob people, (don't tell him any more details than that) and offer him a cut in exchange for passes

Re: OOC Session 04: A diplomatic solution

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 5:08 pm
by swrider
As a player either of those options work. As chiibiithii kill them all and take the loot!

Re: OOC Session 04: A diplomatic solution

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 6:30 pm
by crazybirdman
@SanguineAngel How many goons are in this room? And they haven't taken our sabers have they?

Although I think we should negotiate now, and take him out later (instead of paying him) when his guard is down

Re: OOC Session 04: A diplomatic solution

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 7:52 pm
by swrider
Similar question, I know chiibiithii had to leave his force pike behind at one point. I am assuming he is not not armed either. If that is the case then Chiibiithii would be looking around the room for anything that can be used as a weapon. Perhaps the guy collects old tribal weapons or there is a metal pole in the corner. That would also include weapons on their captors. Chibiithii could use a blaster pistol but would be drawn to something melee or brawl related or primitive as he is not really familiar with blasters.

I assume this would require a perception check, but I wasn't sure what the difficulty would be or even if it would be allowed.

Re: OOC Session 04: A diplomatic solution

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 12:12 pm
by SanguineAngel
These are valid questions. There are 4 goons in the room with you, as well as Boomer.

You are also correct to note that they have not frisked you for weapons. That may indicate incompetance or confidence. Your lightsabers are unlikely to arouse suspicion as they don't look like weapons, but Chibiithii's pike probably is the exception - so your instinct I think is right...

If you would like to flib a DP, I would be happy for you to introduce the narrative element that Boomer evidently collects cultural artifact - including a wicked looking hunting spear. Alternatively, you know that the four thugs are armed but it's not clear with what as they still haven't produced their weapons which are obviously concealed beneath their fancy looking robe/coats.

In terms of your approach here, there are a couple of very good ideas on the table. If you want to spin a yarn about being pirates or smugglers or what-have-you then I think you're initially looking at a Deception Check.

If you want to take a more honest approach (omitting details ain't the same) then I think it would be a Negotiation Check.

If you want to throw your weight around then a Coercion Check.

I won't provide difficulties until you decide which of these routes you wish to go down.

Re: OOC Session 04: A diplomatic solution

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:05 pm
by kanila
All I’m saying is if we can turn him to our side it might make shady dealings we need to do easier in the future. Especially if we can manage to get an Imperial presence on the planet we may be able to call in a ‘favor’ with Boomer. But I’ll go with whatever the consensus is.

Re: OOC Session 04: A diplomatic solution

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 3:23 pm
by crazybirdman
I'm good negotiating. My only concern is we may never come back to this planet. Also, we aren't actually stealing anything from the Silver Belt. So we would have to steal something of value to negotiate with, or deal with him later.

Re: OOC Session 04: A diplomatic solution

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 3:34 pm
by kanila
You’re thinking about negotiating with physical stuff. We could find a way to offer ‘political immunity’ under the Empire.

Re: OOC Session 04: A diplomatic solution

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 4:21 pm
by Azzranache
kanila wrote:
Thu Jul 04, 2019 3:34 pm
You’re thinking about negotiating with physical stuff. We could find a way to offer ‘political immunity’ under the Empire.

Re: OOC Session 04: A diplomatic solution

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 4:44 pm
by crazybirdman
We're not in our uniforms now right? So we have to convince him that we have sway with the Empire, AND that they will be taking over soon.

Re: OOC Session 04: A diplomatic solution

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 4:48 pm
by kanila
That wouldn’t be that difficult. Just contact our liaison and have something delivered.

That’s part of the negotiation. IF he helps us get rid of politicians that oppose the Empire with the politicians he already no doubt has in his pocket we can provide some means of looking the other way on some of his dealings. Maybe even help him to expand his influence off world.

Possibly linking him up with the other organization I put in power (if our GM allows it). Granted it would most likely be background fluff with little to no impact on the campaign.

Re: OOC Session 04: A diplomatic solution

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 6:05 pm
by swrider
Negotiate. We said can kill him later :)

Re: OOC Session 04: A diplomatic solution

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 7:07 pm
by crazybirdman
So which negotiation are we going with:
A) hey give us passes and we'll give you a percentage of what we steal
B) hey give us the passes and we'll owe you one when the Empire takes over