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IC Session 4.1: A Diplomatic Solution Day 2

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 10:42 am
by SanguineAngel
A new day has dawned, and with it your meeting with the imperial envoy, Ambassador Val Dene. You have been ushered into his suite of rooms and through to the palatial boudoir where he sits at a lavish writing desk. Golden sunlight streams through floor to ceiling windows along one wall.

"Ah, Agents. Thank you for joining me, won't you have some breakfast?" He waves you toward a table laden with fruit and pastries, "As you know, our request for dispensation to travel into the Silver Belt has been denied at this time. Of course, we expected this so it is no great hardship."

"I presume that you have, by now, settled on a plan for gaining entry. I'd like to be kept in the loop on this. Whether it's blackmail or a stealth operation, pretty much every angle could have political ramifications and I would at least like to be prepared for whatever blowback might come my way. So tell me; what are your intentions now?"

Re: IC Session 4.1: A Diplomatic Solution Day 2

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 12:50 pm
by Azzranache
Bardax thought it best to attend the meeting in his original form, as seen before by Val Dene (OOC: strain recovered from a good nights sleep?).

He listens intently to what Dene has to say all the while, creating a small flicking noise which can be heard as a result of Bardax picking away at one of his own fingers. Once Dene stops and proposes his question, Bardax stops his flicking and looks around at the others.

He then stares back at Val Dene with a raises his hand in front of him as if swirling an imaginery glass of drink.

"Well, we thought we would take a little tour on the Silver Belt Cruise" he replies.

Re: IC Session 4.1: A Diplomatic Solution Day 2

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 3:01 pm
by crazybirdman
Raven says, "Indeed, with our entry request denied, we would at least like to take a cursory glance. Then we are to return to helping you complete your objective."

Re: IC Session 4.1: A Diplomatic Solution Day 2

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 11:05 am
by SanguineAngel
Val Dene looks from Bardax, to Raven, and back, "An intriguing, if exorbitantly expensive, idea. Of course, since your request for a travel licence was denied by the Bureau of Cultural Hieritage, I suppose a legitimate passage was not your intention. Provided you can find a way aboard, then a cruise would certainly get you inside the Belt. But it seems risky - how will you avoid detection?"

Re: IC Session 4.1: A Diplomatic Solution Day 2

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 3:39 pm
by crazybirdman
Raven replies and tries to reach out with the force to sense Val's emotions. "Your focus should be on how those of us that are staying can best help you. Do not concern yourself with those of us that are leaving, we can handle ourselves, and will do nothing to negatively affect your goals."
Raven; Dark Academy; Sense Emotions:
, 1 Dark Side

OOC I'll pass on using the force point as knowing how he feels here isn't critical

Re: IC Session 4.1: A Diplomatic Solution Day 2

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 2:39 pm
by crazybirdman
Raven; Dark Academy; Leadership:
0 Success, 2 Advantages

Used a DP, but it didn't help enough

Re: IC Session 4.1: A Diplomatic Solution Day 2

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 4:09 pm
by SanguineAngel
"I will concern myself with those matters that may present a danger to our ongoing negotiations here, agent." Val Dene looks you unflinchingly in the eye and, though his tone is even he makes his affront clear.

"I'm not an idiot. You special agents are renowned for your methods. The repercussions of your actions have the potential for catastrophy here and whilst I have even superficial command, you will do me the courtesy of briefing me on what it is I may have to explain to our hosts. "

"Now, how do you plan to find a way onto one of these cruises? You've already been denied a travel permit, so where will you be getting your paperwork? Forged documents on the black market? And tickets are expensive so do you have the funds to cover it? Do you plan to rob a bank? Extort the planetary governor? You may see why this would be of relevance to me."

Re: IC Session 4.1: A Diplomatic Solution Day 2

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 3:52 pm
by Azzranache
Bardax, sensing the tension, makes his way to the front and swoops in.

"Ah-ha, see what my comrade here is trying to say, is that everything is in order with no risk of exposure" he says hurriedly to prevent any further aggrevation.

"My local intel has delivered information on a place where we can pick up some of these cruise tickets for the right price.. or should I say, the right skill. A group of pirates operating nearby have set up a not so legitimate Sabaac game later this evening. They are not so interested in the tickets themselves but they believe they are good leverage to earn themselves a few credits."

Bardax, accustomed to even believing his own lies most of the time, gives a very convincing performance.

OOC: Let me know if you require me to roll here and I will edit in.

"And as for paperwork... Let's just say the applicants will not be traceable back to the Empire or its affiliates in any way" he continues with a wink.

"I know a guy who knows a guy that is very, verrry good at creating temporary pseudo-IDs. These should pass any checks by the governing office which will issue us licences with (next to) no hassle."

Bardax finishes and raises his eyebrows at Val Dene with an air of confidence.

Re: IC Session 4.1: A Diplomatic Solution Day 2

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 5:01 pm
by crazybirdman
Raven says apologetically "My intent was not to command, but ease your concerns. As my old chef would say 'Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.' There is also much to be said for the benefits of plausible deniability.”

Re: IC Session 4.1: A Diplomatic Solution Day 2

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 4:05 pm
by SanguineAngel
"Very well." He dusts off his knees and stands, "This at least gives me a fighting chance to forestall disaster at the negotiation table. Though I do not appreciate your patronisation, agent. I am an envoy of the Galactic Imperial Government - not some child in need of a nurse. Your glib platitudes land on stony ground today."

His tone remains conversational as he adjusts his clothing, dons his cape with a flourish and smoothes his hair. "You may leave now. Try not to drag the Emperor's name through the mud, won't you?" The door swishes open and one of the ambassador's staff rushes in with a datapad and enters into hushed conversation, disregarding you entirely.

Unfortunately it seems that you have not made a glowing second impression on Val Dene.


Hayin Quar tours are the largest tour operator in the city. With a fleet of luxury vessels that would drive a Hutt mad with jealousy. They are also the only company with any cruises scheduled to depart in the near future.

The Hayin Quar Terminal is situated towards the edge of the city. The view from the cafe across the street give you a clear look at the builiding, with its white panelling, elegant curves and expansive windows. Beyond the terminal is a beautiful vista of rolling grasslands, clear blue skies and hazy mountains far off in the distance. A single massive repulsorlift barge sits at the rear of the terminal. The land ship looks as though it were fresh off the assembly line with gleaming paintwork and a sleek, modern hull splashed with colourful decoration representative of the local culture.

Re: IC Session 4.1: A Diplomatic Solution Day 2

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 5:49 pm
by swrider
Chibiithii looks in wonder at the cruise ship. Another wonder from a galaxy he is learning is much larger than previously thought. The grasslands beyond look exquisite and call to him. The bustle of the city is slightly overwhelming. "Does this large creature, I mean ship, have multiple orifices? Perhaps we could enter through a secluded orifice before the crowds gather. Chibiithii inquires. His words now partially translated through the device and partially his own as he adapts to the language. His studies in the library greatly helped his understanding as has listening to the giants. With any luck he would soon be able to prove his skills, but this sneaking and plotting is not typically his area of expertise.

Re: IC Session 4.1: A Diplomatic Solution Day 2

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 8:15 pm
by crazybirdman
Raven says, "Indeed, it would be good to know what our different entry options were. As an old bard once said, 'Find your path, but be aware of the other trails'. Perhaps we should find out where the crew and servants work?"

Re: IC Session 4.1: A Diplomatic Solution Day 2

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 8:20 am
by SanguineAngel
Unless otherwise stated, I will assume that you are all wearing civilian clothing during this portion of the game. That means if you wish to use your uniform then you will need to call out a change of clothes.

No check is required to recce the Hayin Quar Terminal for signs of a service entrance. You are in a public space and free wander about, whilst a service entrance for a civilian terminal is not likely to be hidden. If I wish to draw your attention to something I may ask for a Vigilance check. If you wish to look for something in particular that may be hard to find then I may require a Perception check.
The hustle and bustle of the centre of Lohu city is a distant memory in the lazy outskirts of town. Cobbled streets and wide promenades sport dozens of boutique restaurants and cafes with al fresco tables and seating for all manner of races. None of the old fashioned buildings here are particularly large, save for the terminal itself, and so the towering minarets and spires of the inner city can be easily seen from the open streets.

Across the way, the public entrance of the terminal faces onto the street, though a grand and complex waterfeature serves to set the terminal further back from the main throughfare. The building is wide and low, with sparkling glass panels reflecting the morning sun. Lettering at the top left of the glass frontage spells out the name "Hayin Quar". As you observe, an expensive looking limousine speeder comes to rest outside the main entrance and an extravegently dressed mirialan emerges from the pessenger compartment. Streams of feathers and silks ripple with the breeze as she walks. She is greeted by an osequious looking concierge at the door, which slides open as she approaches. Before the doors close again, you are able to catch a glimpse of the interior with its dangling chandeliers and tasteful decor. Snatches of classical music drift on the air towards you. Though secure, the terminal is clearly a place of civilian luxury quite unlike the landing pads and docks you are used to.

Extending from each side of the terminal building, a shimmering semi-transparent security field wraps around the rear of the building, enclosing the docked cruise barge within the terminal compound. On the far left flank of the compound, single additional point of entry with a security booth allows access through the field to maintenance traffic. A number of discrete cameras are situated atop regularly placed field emitter pylons. Periodically, you see a repulsorlift truck or tanker stop at the checkpoint before being let in. The tankers bearing the familair Yaw Design and Logistics logo on their rotund bodies.

Re: IC Session 4.1: A Diplomatic Solution Day 2

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 9:03 am
by Azzranache
Bardax has shifted back to his female form - take 3 strain.

As the group approach the terminal for the first time, Bardax is in slight awe at its marvellous structure.

Ok, this may be trickier than I thought he thinks to himself.

Bardax looks around. Across the way, he spots an odd looking sullustan fidgeting about, as if waiting for someone. The sullustan was more thickset and stubby looking than a normal sullustan and his clothes, although having a sense of grandeur, appeared well worn and possibly second hand. Within seconds, another figure appeared, although mostly hidden by a long coat and hat, and seemed to engage in some sort of exchange with the sullustan. After what appeared to be a prolonged handshake, the sullustan signaled to the terminal to which the figure nodded and quickly swept away.

Bardax continued to watch as the sullustan, looking quite pleased with himself now, started to rummage around in his pockets. He pulls out a cigarra and lights it before taking a big chuff, creating a thick cloud of smoke.

"You guys stay here.." Bardax whispers to the others.

"Wait for my signal."

He could feel his comrades perplexed faces staring at him wondering what his cryptic clue just meant, as he starts to cross the street in the direction of the strange sullustan. He walks up to the alien and sweeps his golden hair back behind his ears in a coy manner.

"Excuse me, Sir." Bardax says gently in his soft feminine voice.

"Could I perhaps trouble you for one of those?" he asks narrowing his eyes at the sullustan's cigarra.

Re: IC Session 4.1: A Diplomatic Solution Day 2

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 3:46 pm
by swrider
Chibiithii continues to observe the maintenance entrance. His focus is not so much on the entrance itself but on the outside origin of the maintenance vehicles. Chibiithii hopes to identify a location where the maintenance vehicles originate, are parked, or may be easily ambushed. Perhaps a clueless driver may leave a vehicle unattended for nourishment and allow them to hide themselves in the back.

Re: IC Session 4.1: A Diplomatic Solution Day 2

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 11:12 am
by SanguineAngel
"Mu-ah-hera larmo! Ah, al-gaha eehou dou?! " The Sullustan jumps visibly when Bardax addresses him. The translator hanging around his neck takes a fraction of a second to catch up in it's shrill undulating voice: "Wah! What the - what are you doing here?!"

Your suspcion regarding his clothing proves true: voluminous furs and richly coloured velvets are offset by an overly worn collar and slightly frayed hems. In contrast to the modern and expensive dress you 'wear', his clothes are fairly obvious in their age. He shakes his head, his double jowels flapping and seems to unconciously pat down his pockets. Two big, round eyes fix on you, "Madam, I will thank you not to creep up on a person like that. It is most undignified. If you'll excuse me."

He makes to leave towards the terminal entrance - though there is a slight hesitation in his step. You are familiar enough with deceipt to recognise a bad act when you see one. This sullustan would have you believe he is one the the city's mega-rich but that is patently not the case and he is not 100% confident in his ruse.

{OOC: No check is required to tell this person is hiding something - he is clearly not a professional. Please remember to flip a DP if you have not done so already.}

You watch the vehicles moving in and out of the terminal's service entrance. Through the hazy semi-transparent energy barrier you can make out the trucks as they move around inside the compound. Those that then leave the compound invariably head back towards the city center. Trucks with the Yaw Design and Logistics logo specifically head into the west of the city.

{OOC: If you would like to see if you can intuit a likely destination give me an Average (ImageImage) Knowledge (Eduction) or (Outer Rim) with Image if you read the diplomatic dossier.}

Re: IC Session 4.1: A Diplomatic Solution Day 2

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 11:56 am
by Azzranache
As the sullustan shrieks out in a small panic, Bardax also jumps in a startling way as he thought he had approached in a cautious manner. Perhaps too cautious.

Keeping in character, Bardax laughs nervously at both their reactions although this sullustan clearly did not find it amusing. As he turns to leave, Bardax senses his uncertainty and advances to keep his attention.

"I'm sorry I startled you" Bardax chuckles once more.

"So is that a No to the cigarra then?"

OOC: LS DP flipped (Just to clarify, the DP is not just for a cigarra ;) )

Re: IC Session 4.1: A Diplomatic Solution Day 2

Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 4:15 pm
by swrider
Chibiithii continues to study the vehicles moving back and forth. Something about them seems familiar...
Chibiithii; Dark Academy; KN Ed:
3 Successes, 3 Advantages


Re: IC Session 4.1: A Diplomatic Solution Day 2

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 6:10 pm
by crazybirdman
Chibiithii, (ImageImageImage) you notice the path the various delivery trucks take to get to and from the building, and would have no trouble following one to where it gets its supplies from. (ImageImageImage) You also notice that a select few of the trucks have a specific logo on them, and those trucks do not have too stop for security, they are waved through.

Re: IC Session 4.1: A Diplomatic Solution Day 2

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 1:55 pm
by SanguineAngel
Your approach on the sullustan is a gamble driven by gut instinct. His name is Silba Mobb and he’s in up to his neck, whatever it is he’s doing. And you don’t particularly care what that is.
When you called to him, he paused at the threshold of the terminal’s entrance, muttering to himself and sighing. He seemed uncertain and perhaps even a little glad for an excuse not to enter the terminal quite yet. “Of course…” With slightly shaking hands he takes a cigarra from the inside pocket of his jacket and offered it to you, lighting it with a small fusion burner. He took one for himself and inhaled – visibly relaxing as the smoke filled his lungs.

You managed to charm him away from the terminal entrance and to a nearby bench where you talk a while. You run some sob story about a lost sister abandoned in the belt, to get him talking. Despite his discomfort and his nerves, the damsel in distress routine works like a charm.

Turns out this schmuck is trying to smuggle himself into the belt too (no kidding, you could tell that from across the street). He reassures you “Don’t worry, please. There are other ways in…”. He tells you he just received an illicit travel licence procured through the black market. You beg his assistance; you turn on the water works. He reluctantly points you in the direction of his supplier, a quarren dealer in the city going by the name Boomer.

What a dope. If he doesn’t get himself caught the moment he gets near a security guard, running his mouth to pretty girls will sure get him in trouble with likes of this ‘Boomer’. Best to leave him to it. You have what you came for...

Bardax is gone for the best part of an hour and you while away the time observing the works entrance while the sun passes lazily overhead. Other trucks pass through some bearing crates and equipment, whilst others carry personnel in and out but they are non-descript vehicles.

Those tanker trucks belonging to Yaw Design and Logistics… the name is familiar. It is the company owned by Sion Kimmin, one of the Council members. Surely, you’ll be able to find the location of their depot in the dossier.

Re: IC Session 4.1: A Diplomatic Solution Day 2

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 7:09 pm
by swrider
Chibiithii recognizes the symbol and tries to remember what he read about the company in the dossier. Unable to remember specifics he points the trucks out to others in the group and inquires if anyone brought the dossier along.

Re: IC Session 4.1: A Diplomatic Solution Day 2

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 1:45 pm
by SanguineAngel
Whilst the others were hitting the streets looking for a lead on Boomer, you were pouring over the intelligence dossier. Yaw Design and Logistics hold properties all over the system but the closest facility is here in Lohu: a sizeable distribution centre for Yaw refined fuel is located a short distance from the freight starport (the same port that Boomer's tower is next to: see below). A refinery located in the system's asteroid belt process fuel which is delivered via the freight port to the distribution centre. From there it is delivered to stations all over the planet. Local delivery is via repulsor lift tanker - the same make as you witnessed entering the Hayin Quar Terminal.

Yaw Design and Logistics is owned and operated by Sion Kimmin, one of the governing council members. Kimmin is married with several children. He is well regarded philanthropist. His company is also a BOSS contractor, operating local customs & control, ship transponder codes, and logistic management for system-wide shipping). Their head office is also located in Lohu, though in the affluent third sector, where Kimmin himself also lives.

kanila wrote:
Sun Jun 23, 2019 6:26 pm
Rashk; Streetwise :
4 Successes, 2 Threats

You each have your own methods and spend the next few hours consulting with recently made contacts or putting your ear to the ground in local 'dives' or bars, looking for information about Boomer. Eventually, you turn up an address in the heart of Lohu's 5th circular district, a metephorical stone's throw from the city's largest and busiest freight spaceport. More industrial than other areas of the city, this district is densely populated, with fewer parks and green spaces. It is none-the-less still pristine, sporting wide thoroghfares and ambling side streets lined with artisticly designed buildings - even the warehouses are a sight to behold. The smell of food from local cafes and bars is rich on the air as you approach the address.

Boomer's base of operations rises above you - a splendid tower tapering to one of the city's many elegant minarets. Windows stud the tower all along it's length before reaching an circular balcony at the very top. In a district largely composed of low-rise buildings, this is a statement piece of architecture. Crowds of locals stream in and out of the building's single ground floor entrance where a heavily built guard can be seen talking to each before waving them inside or turning them away. Presumably, these are supplicants looking for a moment of Boomer's time. You observe a number of vehicles pull up near the tower to disgorge or pickup groups of obvious thugs - their clothing high end but 'hidden' firearms can be clearly seen beneath their tailored robes to experienced eyes such as yours. It looks as though Boomer deals in more than just forged documentation...

Just as you reach a position from which you might watch proceedings in your own time, you are approached from behind by a small posse of 4 thugs, clearly more members of Boomer's gang. Behind them, a shifty little figure hops from foot to foot, and avoids eye conact. "That's them. They've been snooping around, asking about Boomer all over town." The thugs are armed but no weapons are drawn.

One thug steps forward to address you, "I think you lot had better come with us, don't you? Boss'll wants a word with you snoops."

Re: IC Session 4.1: A Diplomatic Solution Day 2

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 2:02 pm
by kanila
Image A vicious looking grin crosses the Wookiee’s face.”anooooorc anahorwo rooohu rhooroc crahowowa huc aoacwo aorcoohurhanwo ooww wwahwhwaahwhrr ra ohraro aooo scwowoao rhooooscworc. rawhwa rooohu anahaoaoanwo rchuwhao ohahanan rcwooawoahhowo scro aoacrawhorc ohacwowh ohwo rarcwo waoowhwo acworcwo.”
"Looks like you boys saved us the trouble of finding a way to meet Boomer. And YOU little runt will receive my thanks when we are done here."

Re: IC Session 4.1: A Diplomatic Solution Day 2

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 3:21 pm
by Azzranache
As the gang shepherd everyone towards the grand building, Bardax, who is still in his pretty female guise, smirks subtly almost as if this was his plan all along.

He remians coy and reserved keeping his gaze hidden behind his long wavy blonde hair taking in every detail of the layout, internal decor and employees present.

Re: IC Session 4.1: A Diplomatic Solution Day 2

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 3:40 pm
by swrider
Chibiithii's translators informs him of both sides of the conversation. A small chuckle escapes as he feels a growing kinship towards the Wookiee. The day so far had been quite mundane and boring, Chibiithii was excited for an opportunity to let off some steam. Chibiithii keeps and eye out trying to keep count of the potential eye witness to their actions. The large crowd may make things difficult to cover up.