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IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 5:44 am
by SanguineAngel

It has been nearly 20 years since
Emperor Palatine liberated the galaxy
from the corruption of the Republic
and the warmongering Jedi Order.

The Galactic Empire has provided
peace, stability, and order to the denizens
of the galaxy but are beset by violent
terrorists who call themselves the “Rebel Alliance”.

While the Imperial Military bravely fight to
maintain order throughout the empire, a highly
classified initiative that could provide the
Empire with the edge it needs to end the threat
of continued violence nears fruition.

On the planet CODIA, in a secret imperial
academy, the first of the EMPEROR’S HANDS
are preparing to enter service; special agents
and Force users who have been raised to
harness their extraordinary abilities for the good
of the Empire and who will carry out the most
clandestine of operations on behalf of the
Emperor himself.

Today, the first candidates prepare for their FINAL
TEST before graduation…

Session 01: One Last Lesson

A flock of birds bursts from the tree line just visible beyond the Academy’s compound walls as a series of electric hums fill the cool morning air. Dozens of fluttering black silhouettes in the dawn light disappear into Codia's distinctively pink sky.

In the Academy’s large outdoor training arena, four TRD-2 Training Droids have ignited the double bladed training lightsabers with which they are commonly equipped. The droids are arrayed around your objective: a newly constructed round opening at the very center of the arena. You know little of your target, other than that it is an item located down that hole.


You stand at medium distance, about 40 meters away, by the dull grey, plasticrete wall that rings the sunken training circle. At your side is your own training lightsaber, issued by the Academy years before. Though you may carry your own equipment, you are not allowed to bring any personal weapons to these lessons.

From your vantage point, you can see 2 other students around the wall, positioned at your 4 and 8 o’clock. Hanging in the air you spot a surveillance drone, feeding an image of your progress back to your tutors.

Over your comlink you hear the gravelly voice of your mentor, Vidarr Hoss, "Alright hotshots," His voice drips with irony, "You might be graduating today but that doesn't mean I'm about to take it any easier on you this morning. Your objective is an "artifact" that lies somewhere at the bottom of that hole. How you obtain it is up to you."
OOC: We begin in structured play. There is no need to roll initiative in this instance as you know the droids will act when you do, so the order is set with the NPCs going last. As per RAW you three may act in any order you choose.

The TRD-2 Training Droids and the Hole are at Medium distance from all of you.
You are at Long distance from each other. The Arena is a circle about 80 meters in diameter. And you all stand equidistant around its circumference.
The surveillance droid is a flying around you all, but would be considered medium distance.

Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 12:02 pm
by Azzranache
Bardax glances across the arena to his comrades who are poised and ready. He takes in the surroundings and focuses back to the four droids sat motionless around the target hole.

"Alright guys, let's take our time and see what these things are made of."

OOC: Perception check to analyse the closest droid and scan for any useful information we can use (obvious signs of weakness like blind spots or unprotected body parts, how mobile it looks, what it looks to be made of, what else it is equipped with).

Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 1:08 pm
by SanguineAngel
Azzranache wrote:
Thu May 10, 2018 12:02 pm
Bardax glances across the arena to his comrades who are poised and ready. He takes in the surroundings and focuses back to the four droids sat motionless around the target hole.

"Alright guys, let's take our time and see what these things are made of."

OOC: Perception check to analyse the closest droid and scan for any useful information we can use (obvious signs of weakness like blind spots or unprotected body parts, how mobile it looks, what it looks to be made of, what else it is equipped with).

You know the TRD-2 from many years of training. From experience you know that the double bladed lightsaber, though unwieldy can be dangerous, with the droids' proclivity for battering with both ends if you are foolish enough to give it the opportunity.

You can also see from here that the droids are equipped with a stun cannon and a stun baton. Nothing here is deadly today but none of it should be taken lightly.

The biggest weakness of the TRD-2 is, of course, it's articulated tracked wheel base. Though these are designed to allow the droids to navigate shallow ledges and steps, they are unsuitable for navigating anything more substantial. Of course, as sparring droids they're really designed for controlled environments.

Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 6:45 pm
by crazybirdman
Raven considers attempting to pull the droids towards him as a distraction, and reaches out into the force to see if that plan has a chance: Force guide me . .
Raven; Dark Academy; Foresee:
, 2 Light Side
OOC: Sweet! I've got 2 strength upgrades, so I can see 2 specific details. Unless I need to use one FP to activate the power at all, then another for a detail.

Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 7:50 pm
by SanguineAngel
Raven, in a moment of stillness you catch a glimpse of your future. It begins as you might expect; a clear vision of you descending into the dark, the blue flashes of stun fire streaking past you from above. Suddenly, nauseous and dizzy, your perspective changes; the clear vision of your descent warping and twisting. You feel cold, exhaustion and sense of elsewhere. In a flash of clarity you see yourself and your fellow students clinging to a rock face as you are battered by wind and rain. Just as quickly the clarity of vision slips away and you experience an overwhelming feeling of choking heat and of terror. It is with that emotion in your chest that you return to the present. Sweat drenches your brow.
Your base power does require a fore point to activate. However, your strength upgrade only requires one additional point, the additional rank simply means you get more bang for your buck.

Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 5:50 am
by Davakosh
(OOC: I'm not sure if there should be any initiative or anything at this point but we havent been asked for it so I am going for it.)

Merton, being used to to the droids and these tests is eager to ge this test over with. He grabs the hilt of his lightsaber ignites it and briefly holds it aloft breifly, hoping the others can see him. He then pads down to the closest droid quickly, pushing himself to cover the distance and be first to strike. (2 strain to move medium distance)

Once up close Merton uses his trusty lightsaber in a series of confident strikes to the machines limbs...
3 Successes, 3 Advantages

(also OOC: I did't roll any difficulty dice, does our glorious GM do this?)

Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 6:20 am
by SanguineAngel
GM; Dark Academy; Merton combat check:
0 Success, 1 Threat


3 Success, 2 Advantage
As Merton quickly closes the distance to the nearest droid, Vidarr Hoss grinds out a monosyllabic "Good..." over the comlink.

The diminutive Polis Massan and the droid exchange a series quick strikes, the electric fizz of clashing blades rings out around the arena. Merton's experience tells and he is able to land a couple of solid strikes.

OOC: you whittle away a good chunk of the droid's WT, dealing 6 dmg.

Generally speaking if you want to know the difficulty of a skill check, ask me here in the lead up to the check or in the OOC before your post. Then you can add the difficulty dice to the roll.

With combat, I'll endeavour to let you know up front if there are any conditional modifiers that add setback or upgrade the combat checks. Therefore, you should be able to add the difficulty as per combat rules. (in this case, engaged with melee weapon is easy check(p))
Edit: Merton manages to put the droid into a defensive mode for long enough to catch his breath [recovering 2 strain].

Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 4:01 pm
by SanguineAngel
The closest TRD-2 Droids to Bardax and Raven respectively both begin rolling towards them, splitting off in almost parallel directions towards their targets. As they begin moving, each deploy a large barrelled gun on articulated arms on their backs and begin firing at Bardax and Raven, who are forced to dive out of the way. In the gravelled arena floor there is no real cover and avoiding enemy fire is exhausting and painful. Grazing shots are not lethal but knock the wind out of them, though a shot to his shoulder disorients Bardax briefly.(
Accounting for soak, Bardax takes 6 strain, whilst Raven takes 7. Bardax takes a setback on his next check).
The fourth droid circles round the hole in the floor, spraying gravel from it's tracked wheels as it makes to join the engagement with Merton. Merton is able to fend off his initial foe, with difficulty. He is distracted when the second droid attacks him from behind. Searing pain from the training sabre lances up his back, before he's able to position himself to defend against both, licking out a riposte of his own (Accounting for soak, Merton takes 4 strain from the attack but deals 1 strain to TRD-2 (4)).
Everyone's comlink crackles to life once more, "Focus! Remember your objective."

Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 9:59 pm
by Azzranache
Breathing heavily into the ground, Bardax lifts his head as the words of their mentor echoes through his mind. With his shoulder slightly stinging from the droids sharp shooting, it didn’t feel too hindering but it reminded him that he cannot drop his guard for a second.

Seeing Merton go all out striked up an air of excitement as the adrenaline starts to kick in. Raven was out of sight but Bardax was sure he was ok. Regaining his thoughts, he thinks that another hit like that could be fatal and it would be foolish to hang around.

Remember your objective.. Bardax repeats to himself.

With that, he launches himself off the ground and darts past the droid heading for the hole before it has time to react (take 2 strain).

Hoping his comrades follow his lead, Bardax slides down into the hole making a grasp for the side to perchase on to, to save from completely falling down.

OOC: GM to advise of difficulty of action.


Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 7:22 am
by crazybirdman
Raven sees Bardak make a run for the pit, and decides that's where he should head also. He rushes across the arena to assist Merton, lashing out with his saber at the TRD-2 Droid that was already hit once by Merton . . .
Raven; Dark Academy; Saber attack:
0 Success, 1 Advantage
. . . and misses, but throws the Droid off balance long enough to give Merton a slight advantage.

OOC: I take 2 strain, and if it is OK, use my advantage to give Davakosh a boost die on his next attack.

Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 8:09 am
by SanguineAngel
Azzranache wrote:
Fri May 11, 2018 9:59 pm
Hoping his comrades follow his lead, Bardax slides down into the hole making a grasp for the side to perchase on to, to save from completely falling down.

OOC: GM to advise of difficulty of action.

Bardax, you slide through the gravel, stone chips and dust flying. Merton and the two droids pass in a blur, then your feet are over the edge. Your stomach lurches as suddenly your body slips into empty space. In a panic, you spin onto your front and scrabble to find a hand hold. Stubbed fingers fail to find purchase and you drop, scraping down the inner circumference of the hole, and quickly impact. Far quicker than expected. Bardax takes 1 wound

You've landed on a narrow ledge, jarring your already painful shoulder. Only a couple of feet wide, your fall is only momentarily arrested as momentum carries you rolling off the ledge again, though you are able to grab ahold of the ledge this time. You're left hanging in space from a the narrow ledge 20 feet from the surface. Morning light streams in at an angle from the opening above but illuminates only one half of the top few feet.

From here, you observe the interior of this newly constructed shaft. In the dim light, you can make out metallic cladding, punctuated by dull red lights. Studding the wall all around are artificial handholds. The shaft extends downwards, judging by the red lights, another 30 meters at or so.

Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 10:03 am
by Davakosh
Soothing and resonant I push my voice into the minds of my friends "I am not liking our chances of open combat on this one, can someone set up a way down the hole? I'll hold them off if I can."

The off Balance droid looks like a good place to start. With a flasy set of strikes Merton attempts to finish it off
2 Successes, 2 Advantages

OOC: I'll use the 2 success to pass on a boost to the next friendly action (that's how it works right?)

Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 11:20 am
by SanguineAngel
Merton, taking advantage of the Droid's lack of balance, you are able to strike the droid true and it is disabled - the power draining from it's single eye and the double bladed lightsaber switching off. You think you hear Hoss' voice in your ear, "Hmph!" Impressed or annoyed, you cannot be sure.

However, there is no time to rest on your laurels; the 2nd droid remains and the two at the outskirts of the arena are already returning.

OOC: You have not yet used a maneuver would you like to use one (or 2) before the droids take their turn? With your two advantages you could indeed pass a boost on to any ally you choose or you could recover one strain and pass on a boost simply to the next ally to act or you can gain a free (no strain) 2nd maneuver.

@Azzranache Bardax is unable to 'hear' Merton, though he doesn't realise it; you're too far down the hole. @crazybirdman Raven can hear him just fine.

Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 10:10 am
by SanguineAngel
Merton may have defeated one droid, but the second quickly resumes the attack, blurring and spinning its double bladed lightsaber in an impressive display that seemingly frustrates every attack. [TRD-2 (4) gains +1 Melee Defence until the end of its next turn.]

Bardax, clinging precariously from the narrow ledge, can do little as barrage of blue laser fire pelts the ledge around him. He is fortunate that the ledge and the steep angle provide some measure of cover but as the droid (TRD-2 (2)moves, that cannot last. A stray shot knocks loose a panel from which a mass of cabling spills out just by Bardax. He frantically tries to catch the cabling with his feet when a bolt of stunning pain rips through Bardax's shoulder. He looses his grip, his muscles slack and drops like a stone into the dark, paralysed. He falls several meters before the cables, tangled around his ankle, snaps taught, wrenching his leg and slamming into the side of the shaft. Fortunately, or unfortunately, Bardax has virtually lost consciousness by this point and cannot feel a thing. [Bardax takes 6 Strain and is incapacitated. You will be able to recover strain at the end of this encounter. You cannot act but you can communicate - groggily, fading in and out of consciousness, if you wish. ]

The third remaining droid (TRD-2 (3)) follows Raven to the hole, shutting off its lightsaber and, astonishingly, attempting to wrestle Raven into the hole itself. Raven is able to just do enough to help Merton before he is bodily lifted and hurled by the droid towards the edge. He lands at the very precipice and feels something gravely amiss [Raven's soak means he takes no wounds but the triumph is a critical hit. @crazybirdman please roll a d100 on the critical injury table. Raven is now in Engaged range of the hole and Short range of Merton and the 3 droids.]

Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 5:19 pm
by crazybirdman
Raven grunts in pain as some of the fight is knocked out of him...
Raven; Dark Academy; Crit:
Numeric Roll: 1D100+=85
Can no longer voluntarily suffer strain
He yells down to Bardax "Things are getting uncomfortable up here, what's going on in the pit? Is there a safe way down?"

Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 9:54 am
by Azzranache
Bardax slowly opens his eyes but his vision is blurred. He squints as he tries to make sense of what just happened when he realises the funny feeling is coming from him hanging upside down.

Unable to move one of arms, he dangles sleepily before hearing a faint call from what he thinks is Raven.

Bardax remembers vaguely seeing sensible holds down the side of the shaft.

Not exactly a Naboo vacation down here either.. he grumbles up.

There seems to be some notches you can safely descend down.. Or you can take the idiot route and dive in like me but I don’t really recommend the latter! Bardax manages to muster a yell back up.

He takes one good squint up at his feet to see the entanglement before passing out again momentarily.

Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 3:46 pm
by crazybirdman
Raven hears Bardax's description and decides that's all the information he needs to make a decision, and goes to descend into the chasm . . .
Raven; Dark Academy; descending:
2 Failures, 2 Advantages


I'll let the GM narrate this failure. For the advantage, I'd like to recover strain, OR pass a boost die on to Metron if he also tries to descend. Whichever makes the most sense narratively.
. . . and is less successful then he would have liked.

Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 9:48 am
by SanguineAngel
Thanks @crazybirdman, I actually flipped a Destiny Point on this check, which upgraded the check. I've rolled a replacement dice for you. I am sorry to say it has added a despair!

Raven; Dark Academy; Climbing replacement dice:
1 Failure, 0 Advantage, 1 Despair,
Raven, you slide over the edge, finding hand and footholds by feel and hastily lowering yourself down the inner surface of the shaft. Above, a wind kicks up and a ghostly howl echoes around you, while droids continue to fire down at you. In your haste you lose your footing and slip. The sudden weight of your own body rips your fingers from their hold and you plummet - your stomach in your mouth. Red lights flash by you in a a blur while the floor below rushes to meet you.

There is a sudden blue glow and before you realise what has happened, your descent has slowed and you have not hit the floor. You find yourself suspended a dozen meters above the floor in an energy net. The blue glowing lattice having arrested your otherwise fatal descent.

You lay there a moment, catching your breath (Recover 2 strain). Above you, the distant opening to pink sky has shrunk to the size of your thumb. In the relative quiet down here you can hear a rhythmic creaking. slightly above you and to one side, you can see a long mess of cabling dangling from somewhere above and there, tangled up within, the semi-concious form of Bardax. He is hanging above a metal catwalk that runs all the way around the circumfrance of the shaft at your level. Fortunately, there is a ladder on the far side running from this point down. You should be able to roll yourself to the catwalk on the netting.

Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 10:07 pm
by Davakosh
Seeing as he is the only one left at the top of the shaft, Merton quickly decides he must join his comraes in their descent. He reaches into his pack and preps the climbing gear, moves to the edge and begins his descent...
1 Success, 1 Threat

Edit OOC: I am assuming I got those dice correct based on clibing gear, and previous dificulty levels...

Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 7:45 am
by SanguineAngel
Merton, you retreat from the engagement with the droid, throwing on your climbing equipment as you hop along to the edge of the pit, harried by the training droid as you move (take 1 stress). With little time for care, you drop down of the edge and quickly find the nearest piece of metalwork on which to fasten your shackle and begin making your way day the wall. The helpfully provided hand holds allow you to make quick work and you raplace the shackle multiple times on the way down. You are able to reach the catwalk near the bottom with a minimum of fuss.

The metal grating rattles as you drop your weight onto and retract the rope and you see Raven, the energy net and the entangled Bardax all present. The catwalk extends all around the interior of the shaft and there is a ladder that leads down to the bottom. From your vantage point, the bottom of the shaft is bare - a plasticrete floor with little to distinguish it. A shaft of white light indicates a small window through a closed door down there.
You are now out of structured time and can act in any order you please.

Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 9:54 am
by SanguineAngel
A slight hum gradually fades into audability as the surveillance drone drifts down the shaft and hovers in the air above, spinning to take in the scene. Your comlinks all spark up back to life, "Well, I hope you're all feeling proud of yourselves for that display." (definitely sarcasm), "At least Merton didn't manage to completely mess it up. Now, how about you cut down Bardax and get on with your mission. The "artifact" is through the door. I still have a couple of surprises in store so be careful."

OOC: Now the encounter is over, please each of you take a Simple (-) Discipline or Cool check to recover strain.

Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 11:16 am
by Azzranache
Bardax; Dark Academy; Strain Recovery:
3 Successes, 0 Advantage


Wow, I needed that! - Recover 3 Strain?
The buzzing of a passing drone descending disturbs Bardax as he stirs from his groggy state.

After a minute or so, he manages to fumble through his climbing gear and attach himself to a fastening on the wall. Righting himself upwards, Bardax hoists up from the wires and manages to untangle himself from the wires. He tuts and rolls his eyes at Vidarr's comments.

Bardax then carefully scrambles down the remaining part of the shaft to join Merton on the catwalk. The wound to his shoulder still stinging, Bardax checks the injury and feels it is nothing too severe at this time. He shakes himself off and turns to his team.

"Heh, nailed it!" Bardax smirks.

Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 2:23 pm
by crazybirdman
Raven works his way over to the ladder, climbs down, and then takes a moment to look around and catch his breath . . .
Raven; Dark Academy; Cool to reduce strain:
5 Successes, 1 Advantage


So cool! 8-) remove 5 strain
Raven smiles and says to Bardax: "It may be too soon to celebrate, the game isn't over yet." and nods toward the door.

Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 4:41 pm
by Azzranache
Bardax glances down at the door and then nods back at Raven.

He also climbs down the ladder from the catwalk to join Raven on the sub level and walks over to the door for a closer inspection.

"After what just happened up there, I can't wait for what's behind here.."
Bardax; Dark Academy; Perception Check - Shaft Door:
2 Successes, 2 Advantages


OOC: Perception check on the door to see if there are any obvious traps set up and have a look through the window.

Re: IC Session 01: One Last Lesson

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 8:09 am
by SanguineAngel
Bardax, you examine the door externally. The door itself appears to be a simple hydrolic, vertical sliding door. There is a small circular window at around about standard head height (Sorry Merton, not for you!). To the right side is as electronic panel with a couple of indicator lights. Currently, the red light indicates the door is locked.

Looking through the window briefly, you see a single corridor. Standard imperial decor - charcaol grey walls, polished floor and above, embedded white strip-lighting. Movement halfway down the corridor catches your eye. There appears to be some sort of alcove or branch at that point. Just visible on the corner there is the edge of a desk.

The corridor is otherwise unremarkable. There is one door visible at the far end of the corridor which looks like it is significantly more secure than the one at which you currently stand.