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Merton Cidolfus

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 10:59 pm
by Davakosh
Name: Merton Cidolfus
Gender: Male
Race: Polis Massan
  • 100 XP
  • 1 Rank in Medicine , No vocal cords, shortrange telepathy
  • Brawn: 1 Agility: 2 Intellect: 3 Cunning: 2 Willpower: 3 Presence: 1
There are not many Polis Massan around, the few that are often have trouble fitting into society, looked down upon. Merton had to become adapt at fitting in with people despite his appearance and methods of comunication. Adopted into the academy by hapenstance of crossing an agent in a marketplace and being sensed as a force user, Merton was offered the chance to learn the skills needed to venture out in search of wonders of the world as well as the training needed to discover the force. Merton initially truggled in the colege but manages to get by with sheer force of will and determination, what he lacks for physically he makes up for with diplomacy, knowledge and sheer force of will.

Discovery: Seeking out and discovering new worlds, information, or the wondrous secrets hidden among the galaxy's countless stars drives this character's actions. More than anything, he wants to find and experience things nobody else has.

Moral Strength:
Discipline: Rigorous mental and physical discipline comes naturally to the character. He does not make choices rashly, and every action is precise and selected. Those who think they can goad the character into making foolish choices are sorely mistaken.

Moral Weakness:

Morality: 50

Career Skills: Cool, Discipline, Knowledge Education, Knowledge (Lore), Leadership, Negotiation

+1 Discipline | +1 Knowledge Education | +1 Knowledge (Lore) | +1 Negotiation

Specialisation: Sage
Astrogation, Charm, Cool, Knowledge (Lore)

+1 Astrogation | +1 Charm

Experience Spend
Base (+100)
Starting Bonus (+65)

Char Gen
Presence 2 (-20)
Presence 3 (-30)
Presence 4 (-40)
Force move (-10)

Starting Bonus

Total XP: 165 | Spent: 100 | Current XP: 65

Current Stats
Brawn: 1 | Agility: 2 | Intellect: 3 | Cunning: 2 | Willpower: 3 | Presence: 4

WT: (8+1)=9 | ST: (11+3)=14

Astrogation (Int) 1
Charm (Pres) 1
Cool (Pres) 1
Discipline (Will) 1
Negotiation (Pres) 1

Knowledge (Education) (Int) 1
Knowledge (Lore) (Int) 1

Polis Massans can communicate with other beings using a simple form of telepathy. At short range, this is akin to a broadcast, and any being will "hear" what the Polis Massan says. They can "whisper" to individuals at engaged range.

No Vocal Chords
A vast majority of Polis Massans are born without vocal chords.

Force Powers:
The Force user can move small objects via the power of the Force.
The user may spend Force Point to move one object of silhouette 0 that is within short range up to his maximum range. The default maximum range is short range.

Credits: 264

Blaster Carbine| Ranged (heavy) | Damage (9) | Cit (3) | Range (medium) | Encumbrance (3) | Hard Points (4) | Price (850) | Rarity (5) | Stun Setting
Training Lightsaber | Lightsaber | Damage (6) | Cit (-) | Range (Engaged) | Encumbrance (1) | Hard Points (5) | Price (400) | Rarity (6) |Special (Stun Damage)

Armoured Clothing | Defence (1) | Soak (2) | Price (1000) | Encumbrance (1) | Hard Points (0) | Rarity (0)

Backpack | Price (50) | Encumbrance (+4) | Rarity (1)
Utility Belt | Price (25) | Encumbrance (+1) | Rarity (0)

Comlink (Handheld) | Price (25) | Encumbrance (0) | Rarity (0)
Physician's Kit | Price (400) | Encumbrance (2) | Rarity (2) [A physician's kit allows a user to perform relatively complex medical procedures in the field. Like emergency medpacs, physician’s kits allow a character to use the Medicine skill without penalty, and in addition grant Boost to all Medicine skill checks. Also, thanks to their stock of stimulants and other unguents, these kits add an automatic Advantage to successful Medicine checks made while using the kit.]
Stimpack (Qty 6) | Price (25) | Encumbrance (0) | Rarity (2)
Scanner Goggles | Price (150) | Encumbrance (0) | Rarity (3) [When worn, scanner goggles allow the wearer to see normally in dark conditions.]
Climbing Gear | Price (50) | Encumbrance (1) | Rarity (2)
Breath Mask | Price (25) | Encumbrance (1) | Rarity (1)
Rations (Qty 10) | Price (5) | Encumbrance (0) | Rarity (0)

Encumbrance Threshold: (6+4+1)=11 | Current Encumbrance: 8


Character Rolls
Starting credits roll: Total: 39

XP Spend:
30 XP for off carrer specialisaztion Makashi Deulist
Added New Career Skills Charm, Coercion, Knowledge (Lore), Knowledge (Outer Rim), Perception, Vigilance Charm, Cool, Coordination, Lightsaber

5 XP for Resist Disarm Talent (Makashi Deulist)
10 XP for Makashi Technique (Makashi Deulist)
5 XP for the researcher Talent (Sage)
5 XP for a skill point in Coordination (From 0 to 1)
10 XP for a skill point in Discipline (Form 1 to 2)